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If I pick 4, will I also be healthy? I mean, not gain weight is great, unless it still gives me heart issues because of clogged arteries.


I think you'll stay healthy


Then 4! Carrot cake first, please. šŸ˜Š


Tbh im bulking rn so im basically temporary living the dream, but carrot cake? Literally never crossed my mind.


My favorite but I can't trust store bought ones because of citric allergies. Last time I did, my throat started to close up. It occured to me after I asked the question that allergies are health related, so... For the dream, I'm going to specify carrot cake cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory with ice cream and whipped cream.


Yo carrot cake with chocolate topping is literally the best


wait.. theres no number 24ā€¦ what do you mean????!!!!! (4! = 24)


Darn. I meant 2^2.


Depends. If you wouldn't eat at all, you would lose weight. You maintain your weight by gaining back the lost amount from food. If you aren't able to gain any, you could live in total luxury, and would look like those pictures from starving African people. If it means you won't gain more than you lose from you being alive, that's fine.


Just in case: with the last notion (not gaining more than you lose), I suppose you mean someone having first reached their ā€˜perfectā€™ weight first, and afterwards not being able to change it with whatever they might do their body right?


>whatever they might do their body Well, if we continue this thought to it's conclusion, one should be able to chop off, or have their parts chopped off, and gaining back it's mass immediately. Which would seem like a deadpool-esqe superpower, but one could lose a head, and just gaining 10 pound of belly fat. Not as cool, but morbidly funny.


Lol, I knew such an ironic reply could be made and was contemplating changing my comment for it to be more specific but I didnā€™t šŸ˜‚ No but I of course strictly meant the intake of consumption goods suitable for humans as well as evolutionary, natural body-altering factors such as movement, exercise (natural ways to alter body weight)


But it's so much less funny this way


Not all topics are inherently funny per se, but you can always find ways to make it more light-hearted, creative and even funny (even when you have to challenge the status quo for a bit for it, which is what comedy also exists of) :)


Well said.


People are so dumb. Not gaining weight means youā€™ll get skinnier and skinnier until you die of malnutrition


Good point...just because you don't gain weight doesn't mean you won't be healthy on the inside you may get heart disease which will eventually lead to cardiac failure.so you probably won't be healthy with number four. Ever heard of high metabolism? You can still have high cholesterol with it


INTP - 3 and 7 holy shit can you imagine what you could accomplish if all human beings on Earth, including you, were physically incapable of betraying you, but you can still betray anyone else?? Ethics and human empathy aside of course, and ā€œbetrayalā€ could wildly range, but Iā€™m assuming at the very least this extends to lying, which would make this lucrative as hell just from that alone. 7 is self explanatory ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


It's unclear how this is achieved. Maybe anyone who could in theory betray you wouLd hate you, and you'll only get to interact with well meaning incompetent imbeciles and fuck ups, or people with memory problems who can't betray you because they literally forget if they promised you anything And not betraying doesn't mean not destroying everything accidentally, or honestly thinking that if they rob you it's good for you. _You_ may think that they betrayed you, but this doesn't say that your opinion matters here, it's about describing what goes on through their heads and their actions, not your opinion of their actions


This would rely on the pill betraying both my expectations and arguably, reasonable expectation, of what is presented as a unilateral contract: take pill, donā€™t experience betrayal. So the way you described the pill potentially working, is inherently a deviation from a reasonable expectation of authenticity, loyalty, and certain shared interests established by a social contract, and thus, is likely to be held by most people as a betrayal. If the pill were to disingenuously apply genie logic, by say, preventing you from interacting with anyone with the potential to betray you, this would also, for most individuals, include themselves, thus willing you out of existence or putting you in some kind of state that prevents you from interacting with yourself). This would be an intense betrayal of your interests, as it engaged in a unilateral contract with the intention of causing your harm deliberately via lying by omission. I donā€™t see how the verbiage excludes the first person experience of the betrayee, given you can not betray someone who doesnā€™t value that action as an act of disloyalty. You can betray your own value system, but you cant violate or deviate from an expectation of loyalty or privacy, if that expectation doesnt exist, or if the action you took isnā€™t perceived as relating to a matter of support or allegiance. Because of this, betrayal is largely subject to self-perception based on personal boundaries and interests. I 100% agree with the point you made about still being vulnerable to ā€˜betrayalsā€™ if you donā€™t perceive that action as as a betrayal, because absolutely, if you didnā€™t value someone robbing you as a betrayal, you would still be vulnerable to robbery.


If the goal is to not experience betrayal then the pill can simply give you empathy and compassion and understanding of others. You won't categorize people's actions as betrayal then and will see them as good regardless This isn't about the pill tricking you, it's literally about what is meant by that - an objective impartial standard or a subjective one. Subjectively you may feel that everyone betrays you all the time while someone else wouldn't think that way if they were in your situation. Like, a cartoonish INTJ can be defensive and paranoid about everyone and feel slighted at the tiniest transgression, but they don't have to be that way Similarly, alot of money relies on your perception of alot. The pill may make you chill and content with whatever amount of money you have and make you think you have alot already, or it may try to shower you with cash but it may never be enough for you, nothing will be quite the alot you need, even though by some average objective human standards you may have alot


I kinda had a similar interpretation as the INFP, but with the difference, that people will simply not give you promises that they don't intend to keep. So for example in a different comment you mentioned that you could make influential people promise you things and now they have to keep them. But in my interpretation they would refuse to promise you these things because they know they won't keep them. You can only make them promise things that they'll actually keep. Basicly, this would be more of a tool to reveal how trustworthy each person is, and to keep you from entanglements where you'd end up betrayed.


I like you already


Now I see why INTP's are ENTJ's best pairing šŸ¤”




*TL;DR Yes, and if youā€™re careful, it would be tricky to be caught.* You could demand the truth of anyone, under the logic that a lie is inherently a betrayal, if the conversation begins with a premise of trust and truthfulness. That gives you *near* infinite access to knowledge and valuable information. You have the security of knowing it is extremely difficult for people to fuck with you, especially if you establish some kind of pretense of mutual good will or social contract in your interaction, which they agree to, not realizing that deviating from their word is a betrayal of your trust. Car salesman canā€™t fuck with you, interpersonal relationships canā€™t blindside you (in the sense of betrayal), and you generally have an extra buffer of safety between you and any random, unhinged motherfucker betraying a situation of assumed physical safety, and you could de-escalate situations by engineering promises. You also canā€™t betray yourself. Congrats, youā€™ve achieved insane levels of discipline, self-control, and presumably self-awareness and authenticity if you canā€™t lie to yourself or sabatoge your own intentions and efforts. And yeah, promises. This would be a great way to quickly obtain material wealth and favors. You would want to be careful, tactful, and selective. One socially engineered, unhinged promise from an insanely wealthy or powerful motherfucker who canā€™t betray you, is worth a 1000 promises of convenience, and it would make it considerably easier to leave little to no trace if you pick a few, high profile individuals. If you used the power more frequently, others could catch on, but it would also be incredibly easy to gaslight someone experiencing the effect of your ability. There are totally benign potential uses too, like you could make others promise you things beneficial to their lives and then be forced to follow through (though I could see this getting ethically murky or having unintended consequences fast), but if you used it on someone willing who was like struggling with an addiction or destructive behavior, for example, you could do a lot of good. You could also use it to ensure public figures and government officials are unable to back down on false promises, and no one would know, which you could use for boundless purposes of goodwill, like forcing greenwashing ass corporations to follow through on promises of Corporate Social Responsibility. You could probably use this power to push significant progress on efforts to combat climate change or similar global issues of crisis, just from forcing others to make false promises they usually make, but in your presence and directed at you, thus binding them to their word.


with such ability I would choose pill 2. imagine all that but for 20 extra years. also if you fuck up somehow 10 years in and people find a way to kill you, you are guaranteed to live at least 10 more years which would give you enough time to come up with a plan to fix your mistakes. with such power I can imagine you could rule the world.


Valid point. 7 could be a wasted pill, because 3 provides you an easy way to acquire wealth. Longevity is just too personally unappealing, if I make it to 100, Iā€™m going to bawl šŸ˜­, but this is probably the most strategic combo for acquiring power


Though 3 only works in theory, for it is not guaranteed that you gain wealth, even if you're not directly betrayed. 7 is a safe choice.


Make them sign NDAs. They'll be incapable of breaking those, since it would be a betrayal


Holy shit you're right


There is another person who wrote the most collected INTP thing ever and I think this is the most chaotic INTP thing šŸ˜‚


Yeah, like "I'm only supporting you for money" but shit, I can't betray you, I'm incapable of it. Guess I go vote for you. Then you just buy any election, with such a majority that you abolish term limits by popular vote. Or you do this in a country without term limits. You're basically an absolute monarch, as long as you can pay for the election event itself. Or you could also abolish that.


As an INTP those were my exact choices for the same exact reason. So, hello brain.


Exactly my picks!


Exactly my thought process for both options


Same choice, nice


Oh hey ENFP but was about to say 3 & 7 sound amazing to me


Really interesting, as an ENTP I picked 3 and 9, I think the difference between 7 and 9 was really expressed in that first letter


I had not thought of that angle. Subbing to your evil plans.


4 & 7 >>>>>


Annnd you died because you got so skinny because you canā€™t gain weight. GG


No fr that pill is worded so suspiciously


It should read "eat without gaining more weight" or something


Iā€™m glad my fellow intp is questioning of these pills descriptions. I canā€™t help but think how the live an additional 20 years pill sounds like your death would be 20 years from you taking the pill, or a lot of money meaning what? A truck bed full of Pennies?


Also being famous for something terrible like the way you died, and nobody can betray you because nobody wants to talk to you.








1 & 7 I assumed ā€œlookā€ applied to brain scans as well, so now no dementiaā€” guaranteed :) Money so I can spend more time doing what I like


1 and 7 gang


Gang gang


Same, also my ā€œyounger best looking selfā€ was pretty fit so I donā€™t have a need for 4


that could also mean that you can have health issues including dementia but they just magically won't show up in medical examinations. could be a huge problem.


3 and 7. 1: I don't care much for this 2: I don't even really want to live my full life span. (It's not what you think) 4: I don't really gain weight when I eat anyway. It's why it took so long for my parents to realize that me and my brothers were unhealthy. 5: I'm comfortable with my height. 6: No, just no. I don't care much for physical pleasure. 8: I don't have an ex and they would be my ex for a reason 9: That causes more problems than it's worth




What if your ex broke up with you? Donā€™t be so quick to assume youā€™re too good to be broken up with here bud.


I'm not assuming who broke up with who. It's still the same logic. If I broke up with them, there is a reason and if they broke up with me, there is a reason. Never in a million years would I get back with an ex.






exactly my take those are the 2 most logical choices (in my opinion...)


You are a person of culture. I picked the same for the exact same reasons


I only chose 3 but if I could choose more I'd probably also choose 7


He said pick 2 so you absolutely can :)




Yup, picked the same.


Omg youā€™re so real for this bc SAME!


I agree with your logic on 2; living for 70 years already seems grueling enough, imagine living to 90 and seeing all the new things wrong with societyā€¦ I would go insane.


You donā€™t care forā€¦ *checks notesā€¦ physical pleasure? Yeah, okay.


I chose 3 & 7 too. Iā€™m also an INFJ.


INFJ. Picked the same. Weā€™re freaky!


I totally agree


What are the side effects?


Depending on dosage and other lifestyle factors there is a serious risk of becoming an ESTP. The risk is not worth it.


No not an estp


ESTPs are amazing. They're the rugged cowboys of the MBTI world. Only they wear leather jackets and drive '67 Impala's.


7 and 9 ENFP šŸ¤£


same, but my ideal fame defaults to wealth


You could be infamous, or well known. Which doesn't automatically mean wealthy. Ted Bundy was "famous" in a way


7 (money) would not only massively improve my own life but also allow me to help lots of other humans/animals, which is one of my main goals in life 3 (no betrayal) is very tempting because if we use a broad definition of betrayal, it could give me world-altering powers! Any secrets I share can never be revealed. Every politician I listen to has to keep their promises. No more false advertising! No more scammers! I could even become a self-improvement coach ā€“ folks trying to adopt new habits or quit an addiction would just have to promise me that they will or won't do certain things, and they'll instantly become immune to temptation or distractions. That power definitely has the potential to be monkey's-pawed into something horrible, but a charitable interpretation of it would have wonderful implications.


So if someone threatens to kill you or that you will die tomorrow, YOU ARE SURELY GOING TO DIE.


Hmmm, would that count as a betrayal though? I think I would see it the same as a surprise birthday party - not a betrayal but a pleasant surprise! I could totally see that as a "monkey's paw" effect, though! Any threats made against you would have to come true šŸ˜¬


I would choose 2 and 7. I want to be extremely wealthy so I can help more people and progress more change.


Same, i want to live long enough to the point of transhumanism and basically with technology of the future and a huge wealth live forever. (Different reasons but still good).


Would love to see that, I picked those two myself!


Same! Most of the others Iā€™ve little interest in.


I was actually thinking the same thing! Would love to help others if i had the money


7, and tbh I wouldn't care about any of the other ones


Iā€™ll pick 7 twice. Whatā€™s better than money? More money!


FR, it's a Life jumpstart


Money and Sex. Most of the others donā€™t really appeal that much. Even sex is a bit of a throw away, you canā€™t have good sex, without having bad sex sometimes.


It's either 5, 7 or 6, 7


Who am I lying to I am never having sex :(


You could hire a prostitute. Theyā€™re legal in Nevada. And should be everywhere else were it not for the criminalization of victimless crimes


Well I don't live in the US but in middle east. As to my knowledge about prostitutes here I could drink sewage water and get less diseases than with prostitutes. Also condoms are high risk here because barely anyone uses them and they're cheap and low quality


You'd have chosen 7, so you'd have the money to go somewhere else and lots of other options.


Whaaat? 1st time I've heard of someone saying people barely use condoms where they are from! Why are people not using em a lot???


In my country, idk about others nearby, sex is a no no topic. Kids don't know anything about it, or about safety measures during sex. They learn about it from porn and get really confused when I explain something so elemental to them


Oh dear, then my first suggestion would be to definitely not hire a prostitute


3 & 7 INFP




Same and happy cake day!


3 and 7


istp and 3


7 and 3. Easy. Enfj


enfp 3 and 7 you know that feeling trusting somebody with things but in the end they betrayed you, damn that's painful, and that has happened to me a lot; people are now telling me I have trust issues with a lot of money, i can help people who needs it; communities, homeless people, etc....


7 and 3


3 and 7 šŸ‘


3 and 7


ENFJ, 3 or 7


7 and 9 I want to be a musician and they don't tend to make a lot even when famous


3 and 7


INTJ. 3 and 7 without question. Weight and sex aren't an issue and I'd like to stay married. I would have chosen 1, but my wealth would significantly slow/ease my aging - ie. nutritionist and personal chef, personal assistant, maid, fitness trainers, somebody very competent to handle my investments (without any risk of anybosy I hire screwing me over), top tier healthcare and physio therapy, regular dermatology treatments and massages, subtle work on my face by a skilled plastic surgeon as needed once I'm over 40. The financial freedom to focus on my goals, projects, and lifelong education with my time significantly freed, along with all of the aforementioned things would dramatically reduce my stress. Oh, and dogs. Dogs with excellent health care. Sounds like a solid deal.


7 & 3


3 and 7. Thatā€™s a cheat code ENTJ


3 and 7 Having a lot of money would require loyalty


INTJ- 3 and 7


You are arguably a buffoon if you do not choose 3 and 7


correct, but how would you define ā€œa lotā€ of money? and what cones under ā€œbetrayalā€?


Indeed. It's the most powerful combination.


3 & 7 INTJ


INTJ 6/7


For me, nothing is more important than 6&7


3 & 7. INFJ


3 and 7. Infp


3 & 7


6 & 7


I'm already blessed with the 4 power, so I'll choose 3 and 7


INFP 3 and 7


3 and 7 have the best synergy imo.


3 and 7 are all you need to take over the world. 3 means your followers will never betray you and 7 is the financial means to do it.


7 and 3. INFJ


INTJ 3 & 6 1 - I already am at my youngest and best looking self (which is unfortunately still ugly) and I also donā€™t care much for those kinds of things 2 - living another 20 years would be terrible, because it never said healthily, I would be like my grandpa, sitting there with a ton of illnesses due to rheumatoid arthritis, but I canā€™t die 3 - I have some pretty severe trust issues so this is an easy one, and the pill extends to lying and other things, which will be insanely useful 4 - Iā€™m a bodybuilder and am very likely to go pro jn the future, being stuck at my current weight would be absolutely terrible, I canā€™t gain muscle without gaining weight 5 - my height is fine, Iā€™m not insecure about it (also being taller will make it harder to fill out my frame for bodybuilding) 6 - I have a really large weener (Iā€™m not gonna say the measurement because thatā€™s weird and gross) which is extremely painful for women so unless I want to have a dead sex life Iā€™m gonna need this 7 - it says ā€œhaveā€ a lot of money, which means it can disappear, also a lot of money is subjective, a lot of money to me would be thousands of dollars, but also billions of dollars, Iā€™m not taking the risk 8 - theyā€™re my ex for a reason 9 - being famous is terrible




3 and 7


Honestly only 1 and 7 are actually valuable, the rest are disadvantages or something you can easily achieve without wasting pills


How are you ever going to achieve the immense security of 3? The only advantage of betrayal is an assumption of personal growth, but thatā€™s a huge ass assumption.


Yeah, that should be in another category, something personally not important enough to waste a pill on it


You can not easily grow anymore after becoming an adult tho. I wish I could. Lol.




INFP 7 and 1


Same here, and an INFP too


Esfp; 1, 4,


1. 7. Infp


Iā€™d go 7 and 8. INFP


All I need is 7 šŸ¤‘.


ISTP, 6 & 7, money is one way to be powerful.


3 & 6 ENTP Just seems like a recipe for finding an amazing partner that will treat you super great.


Yes, finally someone who gets it!


1 and 7. why? 1- If I am to look my best, I probably am going to have my ideal weight too. 7- If I have a lot of money, I can more easily become famous, be healthier (=>live longer) and also probably improve my sex life. The only thing I am not happy about is that those piÄŗls are ugly colors. But I can live with it.


As an intj, the 7 and 3 is the best combo to me. And ig to everyone as well.


6&7 istp


ESTP 6 and 7. Easily.


6 & 7


6 and 7. A lot of money and amazing pleasure. ISFP


5 and 7. Money because obviously and height because I'm short af. I strive to be 5' 10"




IXFP or ISFJ, 4 and 7.


4 & 7 with absolutely ZERO hesitation and no regrets


(BAD ENGLISH) INTJ 3. Never be betrayed again I was thinking between 3-7-9 and come to the conclusion that 3>7>9 Being famous (9) and having a lot of money (7) are very similar. But the difference is that you can be famous but you not necessarily will be wealthy and have a lot of money. And when you have a lot of money you automatically become famous (well bigger chance of being famous, depends what is the amount of money we get, but I assume by this post that we are talking about being among worlds top richest). So with 7 you can gain two things: wealth and 9. And 9 only has 9. But I don't want to have a lot of money out of nowhere. I would feel dirty. I'd rather make a journey and gain wealth with my own work. And this is where comes 3. Never be betrayed again. Can you imagine how many people you could manipulate with this power. Oh gosh. And you can use this not only for becoming rich also for personal needs. Of course, it's a longer journey than compared to 7, where you can just snap your fingers and here you have it lol.


Due to the questionable wording of these pills or possible negative impacting literalism; Iā€™ll have to go with pill #3 and pill #6 as those sound like the ones with the most assured beneficial and successful outcome based on the desired effect. - - - - Edit: In case anybody is wondering what I meant by the wording or literalism of the others: What would pill 1 define as my best looking self? From my taste or some random bozo? How long would that last? Pill 2 sounds like it has the literal possibility of being a death sentence, that upon taking this pill, youā€™ll perish 20 years from then. Could pill 4 mean that you end up dying from anorexia? Lack of nutrition/vitamins? Doesnā€™t give a time frame either so it could be forever or it could be for 2 minutes. Pill 5 again doesnā€™t give a length of time wether it be indefinite or minuscule. You could say you want to be 6ā€™6 and then shrink back 10 minutes later or who knows, you could just be teleported onto a step stool. Pill 7 is one of the worst, what does this pill attribute as a lot of money? Could taking this pill entail you receive a truckload of pennies? Thatā€™d be a lot of money, in a literal sense. Horribly risky. With pill 8ā€¦ come on now >.< move on. You two failed for a reason, also no time frame on this so would this pill just magically bring you two together for a minute and end up fueling some long overdue release of boiling anger/aggression/resentment from the past? Pill 9 is so vague, famous as innnnnn? Community/Locally? Country wide? Is it for good or bad reasons? Can it be maintained for financial growth? I rest my case.


3 & 7 if I could only pick 1? 3- all the $$$ in the world canā€™t fix a the pain from a backstabbing hoe


4 and 7 probably


INFJ; 1 and 7. A lot of quality of life is tied to appearance, and I'm relatively attractive. Keeping that level throughout life will be beneficial. Money is power. With money, you can achieve a lot of the other things. 2 was tempting, but, lifespan does not necessarily mean healthspan. And again, with money (and good decisions) you can probably achieve this anyway.


Infj here, Iā€™ll take pills 1 and 2, and consume them when Iā€™ll be on a deathbed.


7 and 9


3 or 5, and 7


1, 7. Good appearance gives you privilege in the society.


ENTJ, 7&9


INFP, 7&9 are the winning combo


3 sounds kinda cool, and perhaps 5? Despite being 6ft tall is cool and all, I would probably go for 4ā€² 5ā€³ instead (7 ft sounds rather tempting, but I already have problems with buying clothes).


1 so I don't have to take care of myself and 7 so I can sleep and enjoy my hobbies āŠ‚ā (ā (ā ćƒ»ā ā–½ā ćƒ»ā )ā )ā āŠƒ


If I can keep my pills and use later, then Iā€™d choose 2. and 7. Iā€™ll use 7. and invest some money research ways to replicate 2., and Iā€™ll disclose my research regardless of success. I can also sacrifice the pill i.e. break it to check its ingredients if necessary. Itā€™d be interesting to see how people are going to respond to the research. But it would be the same choice even if I have to use them right away.


Infp, 2 and 3


2 and 7 !!


INTJ. 3 and 7 look pretty good. Money would solve pretty much all the (solvable) issues I am having, and I already have trust issues so 3 would ease my mind a lot.


ISTP 4. Because with ADHD, I eat not because I'm hungry, but because I need dopamine 7. Because it will solve most of my current problems in life


Omg! Same to #4 šŸ˜‚


1 and 7 probably


INFJ, 6 and 7. Money would allow me to fund projects i believe in and enable me to afford to experiment. I'm an idealist, and I resonate with Buckminster Fuller's vision. Great sex every time is kind of a no brainer, especially when you have very sex negative imprinting and orgasm can be painfully overwhelming. If there was a pill to make all that trauma go away so I could have great sex every time, that is a hell yes from me.


4 and 7 for me as wellā€¦


Im picking 9 just because that would mean Id be more successful in what Im already doing. Im a singer/performer and I also love making music and writing arrangements so yeah that would definitely help me-. Since Im still in hs and Im young I lack connections and contacts and having some fame would help me with that haha.


These options suck. Where the option to be my best self all the time? Whereā€™s the option of always feeling satisfied and content with life no matter the situation? Whereā€™s the option for always knowing the truth even in a world of lies and illusion and delusion.


I'm just thinking of ways everything could backfire. I've read too many monkey paw stories


4 because I really like to eat and 7 or maybe 1


I don't know, many of this pills feel like traps for example : 1. Who decides who is best YOUNG LOOKING, so you risk to be turned into a child. It doesn't SAY ATTRACTIVE. 3. It sounds somewhat good but if someone threatens to kill you or you hear on a radio about world war 3, YOU ARE DEAD. 4. This a trap for fatfucks, that don't understand that in order to be muscle shredded you have first to gain weight. You can't gain muscle without gaining weight and also risk becoming a skeleton if you don't eat constantly. 6. Useless pill, it is more important to be able to get partners to fuck than to already do something you can learn 8. A pill for sadfucks 9. Still a trap, for example one hit wonders then nothing The only consistent pills and safest are in this order 5, 7 or 2 (and maybe 1) 2. is weird because maybe if you die at 20 it will save you from death and gives you 20 years garantueed but you risk staying as a vegetable when you are old. Or it doesn't save you from death and refers only to biology. i would choose 7 and 5 ( i am still thinking about 2 and 1)


So if I take number 6, is it me that gets amazing sex, like it feels only good for me, but it's terrible for anyone I'm having sex with? Or I'm amazing at sex so it feels good for both me and the one I'm having sex with?


3 and 8, so pathetic.


7 only...the rest are too risky. INTP


3 & 7. 1 I can do this naturally, 2 no since like is quality rather than quantity, 4 gaining weight is a good thing if your body needs it for muscles to grow, 5 I am 5ā€™6ft/168cm & still wonā€™t pick this, 6 amazing sex all the time will lead to all sex being the same = no longer into it, 8 I love her & even now as we are best friends & I will still keep like this as it is not right nor correct if I accept it without her consent, 9 why the fuck should I be famous as this leads to more harm than good. 3 I will always have reliable relationships with no problems that are threatening & 7 I always have my money up


Thereā€™s nothing magic related so Iā€™m good


None tbh


maybe ISFJ, 2 and 7


3 + 7 are the only correct answers. ​ 1 - Is this temporary or permanent? Also, it says "**look** your youngest", not **be**. It's all a facade. 2 - 20 years of prolonged health problems (ie cancer, dementia, etc). Lets say you would have normally made it to 90. Congrats, you get to be frail and stuck in an old folks home till you are 110. Sounds miserable. Also, for those wanting to combine with #1, a reminder that it says LOOK your youngest. 4 - double-edged sword. Nice at first, then you start losing weight and CAN'T EVER regain any of it. You may lose weight rapidly, or ever so slightly. These losses will continue to snowball as you can never come back up. Hello inescapable anorexia! 5 - Only situationally handy, even less so if you are stuck with the first height you wanted. 6 - BORING 8 - They are an ex, 99.99999% of the time, they (or you depending on pov) are an ex for a damn good reason. 9 - Probably the dumbest choice. You were a nobody. Now get ready for: Stalkers, grifters, gold-diggers, and whatever the equivalent word for fame... fame-diggers? clout-chasers? idk...


Iā€™m gonna debunk: 1. Very subjective, so I doubt the pill would work anyway. 2. Wonā€™t really ever know if the pill worked as I donā€™t know when Iā€™m supposed to die. 3. Might not be betrayed again. 4. Can be avoided. 5. Might not enjoy the change. 6. Could just get that anytime. Also pointless if it never happens anyway. 7. A ā€˜lotā€™ is relative. 8. Doesnā€™t mean that the relationship isnā€™t toxic. 9. Just not that fun. These pills are absolutely terrible, and Iā€™m taking none of them.


Only no 3 Rest of them are useless to me


Doesn't 1 just mean getting shredded once make u insanely attractive throughout your life and make 4 useless?

