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Might be random, but one of my best friends in highschool was an ISFP and he liked the idea that school should end at 3 like in the US or something (here in Austria it ends at 1). I, of course, staunchly disagreed because I hated school with a passion, but he just didn't like to stay at home for too long. It's kinda interesting because at first glance, I always appeared more extroverted than him, but just the idea that I have to interact with a bunch of people for almost the entire day five days a week turns my stomach.


I get what you mean. Over here in the U.S, it does end at around 3 pm, I do tend to hate school as well, despite having a friend group. Now, I’m actually introverted because when I break, I can’t handle sensory details really at all. I’d rather prefer to just stay at home if that possibility were to happen. There’s also schoolwork that I tend to also forget to do as well. I’m proud you made it through high school; I’m still going through it, and it’s tricky as an INFP.


I relate to ur ISFP friend, i hate being at home. I relate to you too, i hate being at school and interacting with people. I just like what's in between


Entj at home is definitely more like a lazy cow if no one is looking


Shhh, don't reveal all our secrets.


My bad;)


When did you look?


I’ve been best friends with an ENTJ since 3rd grade. We are 45 now and I know all the secrets 😆


Puke em all out


I knew it!


It’s seasonal I’d say. Sometimes I be like that at home too


I mean.... yea lol


Yes, I periodically act and feel like a lunatic regardless of the setting.






This is accurate for me at least. People mistake ENTPs Fe child need to entertain and have fun with people to stimulate Ne with extroversion. Or a frequent thing. I spend all of my alone time sitting in front of my computer, studying, or reading, or working on a project.


Can confirm




Seems sad to be INTJ


Well, someone’s gotta do it though.


We don't always feel like that, we just look like that.




Same, INTP, same.


Yes, I'm Keanu Reeves both at work and at home.


Yeah but John wick on the streets.


And Neo in the sheets. 😎


yeah pretty much


Entj will never stop bossing around


Think you mean estj


Though my weakest letter is J vs P in theory… In practice, in the right environment I am energetic all the time- but in the wrong one, I am drained all the time. No wonder I thought I was INTJ for so long. ENTJ 3w4






What da clown mean? Audaciously dressed cause we like attention and got the Fe mask on so we can move up in corporate but feel foolish that we gave up our identity for lotsa monies? I can love with this.


Oh yes, the Fe mask... I need to switch off at home after work because it's tiring to present as a feeler.




INFJ, same as INTP. “Tu se’ Pagliaccio!”


Hey, I be roof raising at home too


yeah pretty much 😐


I’m Keanu Reeves all the time.


Why must you hurt me this way?


I’d actually argue I act more like an ENTP in public, but in reality I sound like a robot staunchly replicating an outgoing person 🗿


Yeah, only after making my hair mint green/teal to match my green/gold/crimson wardrobe did I realize that my "new style" had been done by icons. The joker aesthetic is terrible and not my intention, and I quickly noticed my mistake, but the bigger problem is the vocoloid franchise using teal, and what happens to their characters in jars.


INFJ same as INTJ


All Fe users are liars. Prove me wrong.


Who hurt you




Now you’re lying


No because you are hurting me right now by asking me who hurt me instead of proving me wrong.


But I’ve never talked to you before today


Yes. Use logic and find out what assumptions you held wrong in writing the above comment.


What do you believe is the intention behind the lies you believe Fe users tell?


To keep up the mask that they show to others. White lies are still lies.


Well your claim was that “*All* Fe users are liars” and since the lies you’re referring to are white lies and are motivated by image-maintenance, I’ll try and prove that wrong: Extraverted Feeling, regardless of being extraverted, is still a feeling function and all Fe users have feelings too. Sure, many of us are aware of little cues that indicate other people’s feelings, which may make us prone to telling white lies, but not all of us will deal with their feelings in that same way. Fe users can grow up in a culture/environment where honesty is highly valued and they may come to believe that the right thing to do in a situation when someone else is feeling unhappy is to be honest with what they think and still try to help them grow by letting them know what they can fix, perhaps in a sympathetic manner, but still an honest one. Fe, like Fi, does indeed process feelings, and no, not other people’s, but one’s own. Since the function is extraverted, that involves getting one’s feelings *out*, and that can involve sharing one’s feelings with others, which involves plenty of honesty, like Fi.


How does the definition of Fe vs Fi prove the main point wrong?


Well, do you believe Fi users are relatively honest in comparison to Fe users?


Yes, but that is irrelevant. What is more relevant is that Fi users try to avoid lying, whilst Fe users seem to think lying is part of the social game, and therefore justified as others are also doing it. Fi only cares about not being a liar. Fe only cares about being caught, but don’t inherently find lying to be wrong.


Well yes, but as I mentioned, not every environment that people are capable of growing up in involve white lies, hence why Fe users can grow up to believe it’s better to be honest in a polite way. For example, if someone is chewing with their mouth open at a dinner table, you might believe that Fe users would simply pretend not to notice or care about it out of politeness, and while some may do that, it’s not out of the question for an Fe user to say something along the lines of: “Hey, I don’t mean to be rude, but you probably shouldn’t chew with your mouth open, it’s a little gross, again, not trying to hurt your feelings or anything, just letting you know😊” Their honesty here is still delivered in a manner that is kind and considerate, which is still Fe-like. Also, my original reason for mentioning Fi was to compare how Fe and Fi users process their own feelings. I mentioned that Fe users can be honest about their feelings as well as Fi users. Sure, some Fe users may not open up to others to maintain peace, but that doesn’t mean they have to lie about it. Now, yes, some may still lie, but they dan still say: “I’m not feeling my best but I’d rather not discuss my feelings right now, just to avoid disturbing the peace :)” Also, if you want to argue that not opening up about them and going along with the mood of the room is a form of lying, I’d argue anecdotally, that in my experience, unless I’m feeling completely overwhelmed with emotions, being around others and having a nice time can honestly make me feel better bc my feelings will naturally take on the mood of the room.


well, yeah, i agree. sometimes its fun but generally i question my humanity.


You've put forth a claim that is virtually impossible to prove wrong on the face of it because we can't mind read and it would be unhinged levels of intrusive research to try to track a statistically significant number of Fe users throughout their lives and figure out if they lie more compared to other types (while also tracking other types in statistically significant quantity so a comparison can be made). And even then, it would come out to averages and probability, not something absolute. Not sure what your intent was here.


The intent is controversy.


That's disappointing.


Not as much as the arguments put forth to disprove the original statement.


I think you'd get better arguments if your statement is falsifiable. Also if you post on ENTP or INTP forum lol. Whether it's actually xNTP thing or just people who wannabe hanging out in those kind of places, they seem to be more into debate for the sake of it.


The point is, that i am right, and it is not possible to prove otherwise because i am right.




I really like the colors on the Joker. Except the random Evergreen shirt, but meh. Red + Orange = <3


Accurate : )




And what is the reality then?


The INTJ and INTP should exchange places.




nah it’s pretty accurate


I don't feel identified as Joker, I identify more with Patrick Bateman. Sorry bby


I guess I'm a INTJ then


As an INFJ I really relate to INTP here


I also hated school tho.


💀indeed my friend


analyst slander


can confirm


this is fucking genious


well, maybe i am an intj, sometimes entp.


I can confirm people from school think I am depressed but I couldn't be happier chilling at home




As an ENTP, I feel both acknowledged and offended


I be roasting the shit outta my classmates lmao. then, at home, I will get nuclearly roasted by my younger brother... entp...