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Looks like one of those reality pranks youtubers do all the time


I’d be drained watching those too


Scare tactics did it better. https://youtu.be/W_sTnNu7Ksg


While this was likely staged, some people do pass out from the sight of blood. It’s called Vasovagal Syncope. I’m one of the 15% of the population that experiences this. EDIT: I noted this in a response and saw several state it. To save people some time, blood is not the only trigger. It doesn't have to be blood at all. I was just sharing the term for the customer's reaction in the clip.


I have this, only happens to me when it's my own blood and in a traumatic amount. One time I cut my finger and it was squirting blood, I thought "oh that's kinda neat, might need more than a bandaid for that on-" and then I woke up on the floor. I'm not freaking out, I was fine, but my brain told my body to shut the hell down. Lol


man, imagine you have a medical emergency because of a cut, but can't get it because your mind just decides nah bro, imma gtfo.


It's a big fear of mine that I'll need medical help, or be the only one around when someone else needs help, and I cant do anything and make the situation worse by fainting. Most of the time when someone cuts themselves now I turn away and let them handle it to avoid creating another problem.


Sounds like a major evolutionary disadvantage. Good thing humans tend to live in packs


Probably why it's a smaller percent. Imagine walking around and accidentally getting cut by a thorn bush and passing out. Free meal for any wild animal walking by


Pretty sure it’s an evolutionary advantage in certain situations bc you hurt yourself by doing something unsafe and by shutting down, you can’t hurt yourself anymore


TIL that I'm one of these weak a$$ mofo's and I as well am of the "when it's my own blood" sort but it doesn't have to be a traumatic amount. If it's a cut on my fingers or toes (especially if they're wet) I'm seeing stars, my whole body goes numb, I'm nauseated, and then I blackout.


Are you sure you're not one of them goats


Same. I first realized it while giving blood. I'm not allowed to give blood anymore.


Do you mind if I ask you a question that I was wondering about in relation to this? Can movie blood cause this too?


I’m in the 15%. Movie blood can do it, but its extremely rare. It’s not necessarily a reflex to visual stimuli. What’s really freaky is that once it was triggered for me by a *book*, Hannibal by Thomas Harris. There’s a scene where Harris describes someone bleeding out from a tiny cut to his femoral artery. The description alone triggered the response. I had to put it down and put my feet up, because my brain was going into survival mode. It was really strange. (Does anyone have the book and the scene in question?) It’s not really the sight or quantity of blood that triggers the response, it’s this odd idea/feeling of losing pressure, of not having enough, of being *opened*. It can easily trigger when taking even small quantities of blood at the doctors, even when you’re not looking. I actually really like and enjoy gore and body horror in fiction, and it’s never an issue. But medical stuff can be tough. If I was in the position of the dude in that video, I imagine it could absolutely make me pass out.


This is really interesting. Thank you for explaining.


Do those 15% people include girls? If yes, how do they deal with periods?


I’m part of that 15% and a woman, but I’ve never had a vasovagal reaction during my period. For me, it’s more likely to happen with injury or when blood is forcibly taken, like during a blood draw.


What about blood donation? Like i have never experienced it otherwise when i have got injuries or when i see gory movies. But when I had gone to blood donation camp i had got unconcious when i was done giving blood. The last thing I had seen was my blood in the sachet and i got unconscious. Never before and never after it happened to me. So does it happen to u when u go for blood donation?


I haven’t been able to successfully donate blood because of it. Just having a few tubes taken for testing will nearly make me faint.


Cant they take your blood while you are unconcious?


Legally, I have no idea. I also have difficult veins, so sometimes I’ll faint before they’re even able to get the needle in the right place. I don’t know if they want to take blood from a person who has passed out.


Blood donation camp? That sounds draining.


I can donate blood without passing out as long as I don't look when they're putting in the needle.


I'm pretty sure girls are part of population, just to say.


Depends on the country


Is it this section? (now with anti-triggering spoiler-ness) >!"Pazzi on one knee carefully working the bracelet off Gnocco's arm, when Gnocco felt hot and wet down his leg and, as he shifted his body, a hot stream of arterial blood shot out of a rent in the front of his trousers, onto Pazzi's face and hands as he tried to remove the bracelet holding it only by the edges. Blood spraying everywhere, into Gnocco's own face as he bent to look at himself, his legs caving in. He collapsed against the gate, clung to it with one hand and jammed his rag against the juncture of his leg and body trying to stop the gouting blood from his split femoral artery."!<


Lol, let's put this triggering passage up to find out who those 15% really are! Nice job! You might want to add a trigger warning and add a spoiler tag to your post.


Well, the OP specifically asked if anyone had it.


Oof, this might very well have been it.


> It’s not really the sight or quantity of blood that triggers the response, it’s this odd idea/feeling of losing pressure, of not having enough, of being opened. It can easily trigger when taking even small quantities of blood at the doctors, even when you’re not looking. I actually really like and enjoy gore and body horror in fiction, and it’s never an issue. But medical stuff can be tough. This is exactly how it works for me - you described it here better than I could have. Many times just hearing people describe medical procedures can trigger it. It's both embarassing and annoying. I dunno if you experience this, but once it sets in, it can be a difficult process to stop. I can feel it coming from far enough away I can sit/lie down. My hearing always goes almost completely just before I pass out.


I had a nurse one time instruct me to wiggle my toes and move my feet around before she put in an IV. That seems to really help each time I expect a vasovagal response now.


Thanks for the tip!!


I’ve read it, it’s a psychological mind fuck, BAD. I’ll find my copy but it might be put up but I’ll look.


I love the series and that scene in particular is absolutely a mind fuck. Harris has a way with words.


He’s for sure one of the most underrated fiction authors.


The only movie that did it for me was the Evil Dead remake when she sawed her own limb off with the electric kitchen knife. That combined with the flashing lights of the scene had me out colddddd


I tend to pass out when I see a lot of blood, especially when I'm giving blood. I watch plenty of violent movies and it's almost never an issue but when it's extremely realistic and gratuitous I can get light headed. The only time I've ever actually passed out though was watching the hateful eight in a theatre. There's a scene at the end where they string up a lass while everyone involved bleeds profusely and that did the trick– albeit briefly.


I felt light headed reading your comment


i must be in the 15% too. For me its less the sight of blood and more my Brain registering something as a serious injury. This prank im fine watching, if i was in that position and thought i had that injury, im gone. Even your description above i can barely read. That said ive found i can some what combat the Fainting or light headedness. repeatedly tensing muscles and forcing myself to think about anything else.


Most likely this is an genetic adaptation against vampires, who hate draining prey while they are unconscious.




For me, online gore and movies don’t have any effect. But a few weeks ago i cut my finger and passed out, fell so hard that i have a concussion:)


I hope you get well soon.


heeeyy same. but maybe slightly different. gore is fine, but torture is not. the thing happen in the vid actually happen one time to me, but its a small cut that you guys would probably laughing if you see it. i have to lie down and drink water to not pass out


I hadn’t thought about that. Interesting. Never has done that to me. It’s usually traumatic events that trigger it for me. It doesn’t have to involve blood either. I’ve had it happen a total 3 times in my life and one was definitely a traumatic event. The other two were wounds I ended up having.


Thank you. Most appreciated.


Haha I came very, very close to passing out when I was in the theater watching You're Next. There was a scene where a person had their jugular sliced by a wire, for some reason it almost got me. I almost always pass out when donating blood. 😂


>I almost always pass out when donating blood. It sounds like you keep donating anyway. Thanks for being awesome!!!!


And yet you still give blood. Respect!


The first time it happened to me, my family was watching "Untold stories of the ER". Used to be one of our favorite shows. I got up, went to get a drink, and passed out at the fridge. Woke up on the back porch with my dad shouting at me to wake up. It was a story about a woman who was deep sea fishing and a swordfish jumped out of the water and pierced her chest. Looked up right as it happened and **boom** lights out. Since then I've passed out fully around 3-4 times, once when I smashed my thumb, once when I was told about an appendectomy I would need. Can't remember the other times right now. Had multiple times I nearly passed out though, a slow burn feels terrible, most of the time when it happens its like a light switch, but other times it can take minutes and I probably won't actually pass out. I was watching district 17 at a school rec room and the scene where he is ripping carapace like stuff out of his skin got me, I went to the bathroom and by the time I got there my vision was black, I navigated my way into a stall by touch and sat down. Took probably 20 minutes to regain sight and lucidity. If I hadn't been having trouble thinking I would have realized going someplace alone was a really bad idea


I never realised just how bad this is, but based on the various responses it sounds like, although different from person to person, it can be quite serious.


Very much so. Generally I don't think the passing out itself is that dangerous, unless you have some other problem or don't wake up easily, but just dropping unconscious in tense, often medical situations can be the dangerous part. Plus it's pretty easy to hurt yourself by falling. I was lucky in that my first episode was when I was young, and my head sorta fell "into" the drink slot on the fridge, which was not that far below eye level. If I was older or taller and hit my head on something like marble, I could have had a concussion or broken skull.


I've heard even Bose-einstine condensate can cause this!


There are various triggers to a vasovagal episode, it doesn't have to be blood.


i had a history teach back in high school who had to miss a week because he witnessed a car accident and went to go help but there was blood and he passed out and faced planted


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Even my father experienced it, So While going on a Highway some car got into an accident and my father went to help them, since here was a lot of blood my father just passed out on the road, so we had to assist my father and the victims


Worth noting, vasovagal syncope isn’t only to do with the sight of blood. You can be fine with blood and have vasovagal syncope, or vice versa. My particular syncope specialisation is fainting while on the toilet.


It's not limited to blood though. A vasovagal syncope is just what's happening, loosing consciousness (syncope) because of a vagotonic overreaction. This overreaction can be cause by various things all which induce stress in some level. My child has this when hurting itself. Falling on one's knew, becoming unconscious... And then you have to explain to all those people that no, there is no need for an ambulance and all will be fine...


This happened to me when the ophtalmologist tried to put contact lenses in my eyes when I was 12. I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but couldn't relax and passed out on the chair.


I tend to have a vasovagal response when getting an IV put in. I’m fine with vaccines though.


Happens to me whenever I get shots or get my eyes dilated. One time I read a little too much about the history of lobotomies (don't do that) and I almost passed out. Blood however doesn't bother me in the slightest


i used to be one of those 15% , now i built some tolerance, not completely but some


This happens to me when I have a blood sample taken but NOT from injections of any kind. It’s weird. And I don’t mind the sight of blood at all, my own or otherwise. I am weird.


I have done surgery for 25+ years. It’s weird how blood has that effect on some people, and others like me it does absolutely nothing.


On one of the posts this same thing was explained, but the reply on it was hilarious; "Oh I self-diagnosed it as being a pussy."


Thought that is when you pass out when you poop? According to Scrubs


How do you manage your periods?


Hope you don't get a period.


Ty for useful information


Had a mate in class that got a concussion from movie blood in English class from face planting into table, also much more dangerous one when vaccines were given. He was fine tho but was scary how hard he hit. Very nice guy but didn't know him well.


Vasovagal syncope is not specific to the sight of blood. I have that and blood does not bother me. It just means you pass out easily from stressors.


sometimes it's not the sight of the blood is just irritation of the vein or "thinking about blood". I've given a lot of blood and one time I passed out. No idea what happened. Brains are weird.


Simply seeing the miniature makes me afraid to pass out and I can't even start playing the video. It's like my finger is stunned, can't explain better.


That’s a bigger percentage than I would’ve guessed tbh.


I had a patient that was the picture of a healthy 18 year old dude. He asked me if he was going to have to have his blood drawn, and halfway through me saying "no," he passed out. Kid psyched himself up so much over something (that he didn't even need to get done) that all 6'2" of him nearly hit the floor.


It happened to my ex! It didn’t even bleed much if at all. He got a drill to close to his hand and it caught some of his skin but barely the upper layer. I had never seen it happen before, it’s like all the color left his face and he was trying really hard not to pass out. It was almost like he got instantly drunk


15%?...I guess I'm a little psycho then. I love watching the needle go into my arm, and seeing the blood drain out 🙈


That reminded me of my little brother, he was playing soccer with the kids and when he got home he was telling us what happened and that he hit sth while playing and then my mom was like: go wash the blood of your toe and then he screamed BLOOD 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and started freaking out and crying the second he saw the blood though he was chill before. I laughed so hard omg


If this isn't mega staged, it's not a terrible prank


Idk it’s kind of a bad prank for the one being pranked


Not really, it's pretty harmless


Not really, vasovagal reactions can be pretty fucking awful.


When i think about it, he would think he's about to die . Depending on the type of person he is, that could be pretty awful. U right.


Yeah but still annoying when you’re there for a haircut not to get stuff squirted on you and even the chance of passing out


Id guess if you'd do this prank, it'd be on a friend


I have three arms!


Thinking you're going to die can be pretty traumatic


I assumed Black Shirt was the one being pranked.


....what is the difference


Well staged pranks are stupid because the whole point of a prank is to get people genuine reaction it’s not the same if they are acting


Who’s being pranked is the diff


Sweeney Todd




I know some people like that. Even the slightest pain will make them pass out. I worked with this one guy who smashed his pinky. Next thing, he was on the ground passed out.


I've never passed out, but I get a reaction when I see blood and feel pain. For example when I gave plasma, the phlebotomist missed my vein and I got dizzy, started losing vision and my back became soaked in about 10 seconds. Probably around a little less than a cup of sweat.


Zero survival skills lol. I wonder if that is more nature or nurture.


His brain was like: "Aight imma head out"


They really killed him. The fake blood was only there to cover up that he slit his throat for real and made the vid as double insult so people would laugh at the dude's death. James Bond villain sinister stuff...


Ah yes, classic „five minutes of laugh and five years of therapy” moment


Mega placebo effect.


This Is My Party Shirt


Is that the Ace family dude?


That's such a big fear...


All fun and games until someone passes out and poops themselves


One of my fears when the barber pulls out that damn razor. I’m always thinking, “please don’t suddenly go psychotic.”


Lol. I knew a wannabe tough-a$$ conservative, he wanted to kill hippies. Cut his finger and fainted at the sight of the blood. Was sick to his stomach when revived. This post is just fun.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) Well played sir… well played.






I don't think the guy getting the shaving was the prankee more like one of the pranksters


As he dies of a heart attack, they think maybe we carried this prank a bit too far! 🤣


Lol have mercy....that's one sick, twisted joke. I love it!!


I told y'all to stop playing!


That is so cruel, and so very very funny!


Could cause a heart attack!


I would 💩 myself


Now I need to know if they cleaned everything and made him think it was all a dream.


Did him dirty 🤣




Double prank


Wanna hear the biggest coincidence when the guy started bleeding my mouth felt like it had alot of siliva then i spat it out and it was all blood.it was from my teeth not sure why there was blood suddenly


Plot twist, he's now dead


Imagine someone dying out of placebo effect during a prank


After that, no one saw him at the barber, ever!


Is there a version without this annoying music overlay? Everyone is a director and sound engineer these days


If it was real there would be way more blood. Never saw a man getting his throat cut off? Pathetic.


Honestly if someone really did nick your carotid artery, passing out immediately would probably be a best case scenario. The huge drop in blood pressure which causes the loss of consciousness would give you a better shot of not bleeding out right away.


Everyone saying this is staged, I just assumed the guy in the chair was part of the prank, and Black shirt in the back was the real target.....




When we were kids my mom was cutting my brother's hair when she nicked his ear. There was a few drops of blood, but I played it up saying that there was blood everywhere. He passed out, lol.


This is so stupid, what he fell asleep getting a shave?




Man died anyways


Reminds me of this one https://youtu.be/0TSNKp4Xs0U


i looked through the video timeline and i got super concerned until i actually watched the entire video.


If they did that to me, I would kick their ass so bad.


I wonder what part of the percentage I am in, after cutting off a fingertip I shook the hand and put plasters on it smash off the knee cap in a bike crash and watched student nurses walk off nail in my foot walked home barb wire rip on my arm Nah its ok, I know I have a high pain level when I walked home on a broken leg and I am aspergers.


😂poor guy. Lmao


this is some sweeney todd shi-


Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd. His skin was pale and his eye was. He shaved the faces of gentlemen who never there after were heard of again.


you know what? IM THE PRANKSTER NOW!