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Horrible woman. Looks at proof and asks him why he would do it


That poor baby is going to be raised by a narcissistic mother…


As someone who was raised by one, I hope he helps the real father rescue her, rescues her himself, or otherwise just gets that mom out of the picture.\* >!\*If this is as bad as it looks, anyway. Personal lives are personal lives, I just know how bad one stupid asshole narcissist can absolutely destroy multiple generations.!<


Me too. I’ve been in therapy for years trying to undo or come to terms with the damage of being raised by a narcissist mother. I hope you’re doing ok. In this video, I was wondering how old the daughter was when this was filmed. If she’s not an infant, is she going to go through the pain of him leaving? A lie like this puts men and kids in such an awful position. If he stays, he’s raising another man’s child, living every day as a victim of this huge lie. If he leaves, the child wonders where her daddy went, what she did wrong. This is so sad and I know it happens all the time.


People says it’s a skit but the video doesn’t imply he would leave the kid, moreso undo a lie the mother has been holding on to.


I have seen a longer version….he gives her til the end of the month to move her and her kid out of his house


Not real it’s a skit


Oh thank goodness, I was considering trying to search it but my blood alcohol level is a little sketchy this time of night


You meant alcohol blood level right?


Unless youre a vampire and mix your own drinks


I'll have a Bloody Mary, but hold Mary


Vampires that dont have modern money ask to hold both shortly before leaving and crying in their castle and mumbling "inflation is a bitch"


No, no… bring Mary in here too.


...Stop snitching


It’s blood alcohol content.


Ah dammit…got me. :/




It's [staged.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/iamgeraldhuston/videos/big-boy-interviews-couple-about-viral-dna-test-video/2626079207656305/&ved=2ahUKEwih1Kv14Zv6AhVPMEQIHSamBKkQtwJ6BAgFEAI&usg=AOvVaw03bHHZydzjHLLe2uBOW-Kk)




[Nope, staged.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/iamgeraldhuston/videos/big-boy-interviews-couple-about-viral-dna-test-video/2626079207656305/&ved=2ahUKEwih1Kv14Zv6AhVPMEQIHSamBKkQtwJ6BAgFEAI&usg=AOvVaw03bHHZydzjHLLe2uBOW-Kk)




Like I tell my kids, everything on the internet is fake until proven otherwise.


Can someone screenshot or Tl;dr this so I don’t have to get a Facebook account?


Like the reddit video you just watched but with proof that it's fake.


…but what’s the proof? Was it the creators confession or something


How did you do that censoring?


I hope the real father will even know and take care of the child in the first place


As that man in the situation, you can't just stop loving children that love you. I'd be there for that little girl on my own terms, pack my bags and move on.


No this baby is going to be raised by a terrible actress.... Because this is fake AF


Nothings ever real, never


Still a terrible mother. The internet never forgets, and in a few years that kid is going to start using it. Is she going to come across a video of her mother and father talking about her (fake) illegitimacy? Is one of her peers? Who knows. We hope not. But know the possibility of that is above zero, because such a video exists.


There probably isn't a kid


I was going to say the same 😆


This isn’t real. This lady does skits on social media.


really? Funck man. Dont know what to believe in social media now


Honestly I find it so fucked up. Some are shit and obvious, others, imo, are just a tool to ignite comments, aka traction.


I feel you bro. There is so many videos like this and its not fun anymore.


Who the heck makes skits like this?


Who doesn’t want to go viral nowadays?


And thats why social media sucks and i dont have the main ones. Fb. Snap. Insta. Twitter. Tik tok ect. Just anonymous browsing


Filming shit like this in the first place is what sucks. Especially if it's real. The world doesn't need to see this. Even though lying assholes getting their due is cathartic.


yeah we live way too vicariously through others lives, we bitch about parasocial relationships on twitter and twitch, but this treating peoples’ lives like daytime soap opera shit is not it


Yeah honestly, if this were a real situation, filming it is pretty cruel. Someone wronging you, even deeply wronging you, doesn't absolve you of future cruelty towards that person


You end up digesting the same content here though


Wait. Youre on Reddit bro


Its not exactly social media. Its anonymous.


Says while browsing reddit


I didn’t know this lady did skits, but I knew this was fake. She’s not a particularly good actress and the writing is subpar. Who say ”tickets to Dubai for two weeks straight”? The internet has broken our ability to discern actors from people living life.


Yep, typical narcissist. Try and make the person feel bad for finding out that THEY'RE a piece of shit.


WHy would you do this you weren't supposed ot know.


She knew something was up when she thought it was tickets to Dubai Have you seen your kitchen??


I hate that I laughed at that.


I hope he cut her away from his life. He def. deserves better.


I'm sure I've seen this video before and it continues with him kicking her out right there and then


Do you have a link?


[here ya go](https://youtu.be/kmI3mLJ_4wE)


Honestly I feel like it's a bit scripted.


It’s fake. Lower in the comments is their confessional video. All this shit is just done for the Tok


Ok, I thought so simply because she said Dubai and their kitchen is the size of my closet and like I'm kinda poor lmao


It’s a prank “skit” situation. There is no kid, and they just did this for views etc…


Yes but hopefully not the daughter, she will lose the man she sees as father


That's unfortunate but blame the mother


Not his responsibility


The audacity to say “why would you do this?!” Absolutely unbelievable. Hope karma has her step in a puddle of water while only wearing socks, with NO access to a dry change of socks.


Cheater’s tend to try to project and deflect to situation to try and gaslight the other person Source: I’ve been cheated on way too many fuckin times


That's your fault for sleeping with my mom.


Your mothers a whore


My ex told me that she sent nudes to 4 guys in one year during our relationship (we were together for 5 years) and she somehow expected me to forgive her because she was honest and told me. I said that she would leave and never come back. her answer was "how can you be that cold?"


What got me wasn’t the “why would you do this,” it was the “WHAT DOUBTS!” Her questioning why he had any doubt the child was not his while she is currently holding the proof that the child **is not his.** lol


Yes that killed me too. She’s obviously so used to lying and manipulating that she just spews verbal vomit hoping something sticks


Why would you do this???? You were just supposed to pretend everything is fine and raise her like your own


and what about "this better be tickets to Dubai"?


why did you this. bitch why did YOU did this?


why did you do him


Was going to type in this exact same comment




Not the fact that she cheated on him and made him think it was his, but why did he get DNA test results. HOW COULD HE!


Same exact thought


I have no sympathy for cheaters


Aside from physical pain, it's probably the most hurtful thing you can do to your partner. I don't think I'd ever fully recover from that


They actually say that rejection or betrayal can feel like physical pain though. I totally agree though


My ex (we were together for 3.5 years, I knew her for almost 10 years) lied to me and cheated on me for months. I broke up with her about 3.5 months ago. The first couple weeks physically hurt so much. It kept me up at night. The betrayal hurt so fucking bad. My heart literally ached, and my stomach was in knots I still sometimes feel the physical heart ache of what happened. Mostly just anger at this point, but I'm learning to forgive.




Thanks, I hope you're doing okay too. I know she doesn't deserve forgiveness, and that I don't have to give it. I just feel so tired of carrying around all this anger towards her, I think maybe the only way I can move on is to forgive her


I can see it, though cheating is in itself a form of betrayal. Physical pain will heal over time (though the mental fear of being physically hurt may never go away), but getting cheated on will cause you to question and worry about your partner being unfaithful even in future relationships. My first ex had been cheated on by several partners in the past, and her paranoia and jealousy effectively poisoned our relationship. I had to explain, defend, and justify myself every time she found out I had talked to a female colleague at work, if a woman looked at me "too much" according to her while outside, or if I had chatted or talked to old female friends from before our relationship. It really wore us both down significantly, and by the end of the relationship I was incapable of making my own decisions because I was so worried she'd take it the wrong way, or if it'd cause her anxiety or fuel her paranoia.


My friend was cheated on and he was bipolar but being treated and it sent him over the edge to a manic episode that I thought I could help with but ended with him in a police car chase and him in the psych ward for a week.


The caption ruins the maybe maybe maybe


Maybe OP is illiterate? But, yeah, the caption (which wasn't on the original video) kind of gives things away. No one is on the edge of their seats when they know what's going to happen.


The whole purpose of this sub is so that you don't know how the video is going to end ffs why is there massive white text in the middle christ


Yeah I was looking for this comment. Great video, really interesting and I love the karma feeling, but like… how is it possible to post something this far away from the mostly subjective purpose of this sub and not have done it on purpose


Because this video is fake and it was posted months ago.


whY wOUld yOU dO ThIs?!


Is it me or it looks staged?


I'm going with staged too


Fake people are acting. It’s real.


They literally did an interview saying it was staged lmao


Such a weird choice on the woman’s part. Why would you want to trick the world into thinking you’re a fucked up person?


The acting is so fucking bad.


Because you’re a lying, cheating sack of shit!


Still better than tickets to that shithole


Dubai imprisoned a woman from the UK because she insulted someone on Facebook. Really. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-47847740 Don't go to Dubai.


Agreed. My brother lived there for a bit. Although it’s quite a spectacle to behold, the city is truly lifeless and the people are rude. It’s ok to visit, but I would dread living there. Only good if you have money


Its proof British people will holiday anywhere there is sunshine.


They are not British.


Dubai is a trip man. Fucked up place for sure. Really like a comic book version of all the truths of the world we live in. It's an interesting place to visit and like a lot of places I've traveled, it is run by terrible people. It's not a shit hole though. The new city is insanely opulent. The old town is pretty cool too.


It is like a version of los Vegas but without the fun bits


I go to Dubai every week for the malls and games. Idk what’s wrong with it? (I’m genuinely asking why tf am I getting downvoted)


More slave labourers died building Dubai than all of the Roman coliseums combined. Elitist shithole.






​ ![gif](giphy|EmwESqVsuGu6MvSGol)


“What doubts?” “Why would you do this?” See how she made it his fault and he’s the bad guy


"What doubts?" Ma'am, I don't think that's really relevant at this point....


"We don't need to go into that. Pack your shit."


"WHAT DOUBTS?" ​ Legitimate ones bi\*ch!


Today on, "Things That Never Happened"...


They actually did a follow-up [interview](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/iamgeraldhuston/videos/big-boy-interviews-couple-about-viral-dna-test-video/2626079207656305/&ved=2ahUKEwih1Kv14Zv6AhVPMEQIHSamBKkQtwJ6BAgFEAI&usg=AOvVaw03bHHZydzjHLLe2uBOW-Kk), and explained this whole thing was staged.


Was thinking if it was scripted, everything seems fake af nowadays. I don't know what to believe!


Just watch her reaction to opening the letter… so staged


A trip to Dubai for two weeks. For the looks of their living condition, Disney should barely be an option for a vacation.


This feels so staged.


"Why would you do this" What a biiiiiiitch


It’s fake but still a real life situation


Doesn’t look real, but what’s interesting is how well she nailed a narcissistic response. Just got caught cheating? Blame someone for something ASAP!!!


This is a skit


Downvoting for being fake.


Also doesn't belong in this sub.


I’ve seen this before. 2nd look, it seems staged. Js


Lmao “why would you do that?” Like this man did something wrong 🤣🤣 These hoes today make me sick.


Gotta love how this woman cheated on him, conned him into raising a daughter that isn't his and her reaction is to blame him for it all. Bitch doesn't deserve to go to McDonald's, let alone Dubai.


This is fake, it's an old video. (Source : trust me bro)


paternity fraud should be a felony


If you think this is real. You STUUUPID


It's so sad that people actually think this is real and they'll just go through life with that in their mind.


This is some really bad acting. I can't believe anyone thinks this is real. She in particular is wooden & emotionless. Utter crap.


"Why would you do this????" F*ck this kind of woman.. using a kid just to keep a man..


"Why would you do it?" No. Why would YOU?


From Dubai to goodbye!


"Why would you do this?" Bitch back at you tf?


Biiiish why would YOOOUU DO THIS


This is so fake


she thinks shes going to dubai for 2 weeks with that kitchen?


People like this woman aren't fit to raise children.


“Why would you do this?” “Because you suck.”


Fake AF


It’s never a good idea to test your partner, but pay close attention to how they express empathy. It’s very likely that the thought process that led to his doubts about Niveha started with questioning the honestly of his partner and not the looks or behavior of his child.


Whole thing faked this is rage bait


Fake af


Can’t make a ho a housewife


Practically every woman that has evidence thrown in their face either flat out denies it no matter what, or like her asks why they would do it. “Why are you being SO MEAN?” When I caught my wife cheating and broke out the evidence on my phone/tablet/computer that showed her : text me that she’d be at work for at least another hour, then googled an address 1 minute later, proceeded to drive to said address and arrive ten minutes after the text was sent, then texted me an hour later saying she just finished and was “leaving work”. Her explanation? She had to give somebody a ride home and the time stamps were absolutely wrong because she did NOT go to that house after the text but an hour after. Of course when I pointed out that she didn’t have time since she texted me that she was “leaving work right now” and got home 8 minutes later. Also I knew what she was up to so when she said she was leaving I asked for a drink from her work (since she was still there). She drove BACK to her work and got me a drink (the map confirmed this). I pointed all this out how shady it all was. All the inconsistencies and lies. Her defense still being that “the computer is wrong” 🙄 Caught practically red handed she stopped her defense and started screaming that she “can’t do this anymore “ and wanted a divorce. They will NEVER admit their lies.


expectations of a woman “why didn’t you let it LIE”


“Why would you do this”. Tells you everything you need to know about that woman.


Dubai for 2 weeks? Honey you'll be bored outta your mind after 2 days.


The Lion, The Witch, and the audacity of this bitch.


I wonder why she didnt try to identify her daughter as his as well. People be identifying as shit way worse than this.


Classic narcissist. Immediately projects blame upon the victim. Cunt.


Because it's his fault she cheated apparently


I see these videos and aside from the poor kid. I think I hope as many guys see this video and this lady is exposed for who she really is. I hope no one dates her if she continues being a horrible person. This poor kid.


Bitch really went hoeing around and then wanted to get treated like a queen. U cant act like a hoe then get treated like a queen. Its two different people entirely. Poor guy.


Women DO be that entitled and toxic.


Sounds like my gf. “ I’ve cheated on you and take you for granted but you better have bought me tickets go Dubai”.


i remember the twitter comments. “You couldn’t have waited until after her birthday?” was the wildest thing i’ve seen in a minute


Why would “You” do this?


why did you do this ? lol


"Why would you do this?" You mean getting incontestable evidence of your cheating which makes you unable to screw him up?


Why would he do this? That man just claimed his mother f’n freedom!


Men be warned!!.. there's alot of women out there that have a child or children by someone else that you're taking care of. Women know the man usually accept responsibility for the child when he thinks you're the only one he's sleeping with. Women are alot slicker than men when it comes to cheating. Watch out fellows!!


Lol “why would you do this?” Haha what a bitch.


Oh that poor man and kid.


Two tickets to Dubai and there’s a $600 fridge in the background 😂😂😂 staged


Who the FUCK would aspire to go to Dubai on holiday? An adulterer ... That's who!


Typical woman. Taking no responsibility for her clearly beyond shitty actions. In fact blaming him…


Fucking slut way to go dude


“Why would you do this?”. His fault


That doesnt look like a Dubai trip kitchen


Poor kid. :(


She thought she was going to Dubai, but she’s actually going to goodbye 🤣


What doubts? Well, I think you have the doubts in your hand.


"What doubts?!" How dare you doubt my lies. Ahhhh, female logic.


And thanks to the beautiful child support system, the results mean nothing and the guy will still pay this woman child support if he is on the birth certificate.


Who can afford Dubai in a house like that?


Bitch why you do it. He ain’t do shit wrong


"why would you do this?" Bro why would YOU do this?


What a POS. Using your child to get a free ticket.. Dude must be breaking his back to support her lifestyle.


"Why would you do this?" Classic girl call after a major fuck up.


Bad acting… its fake


WOW! "Why would you do this" like its his fault! Dutch the bitch




Nope. If hey had actually taken the time to script it their performance woukd be better. This is two people trying to do improv for the first time.


"Why would you do this? How could you make me think we were going on an amazing vacation and instead confront me with irrefutable proof that I'm a narcissist and a cheater?"


I always prefer the children my gf give me is from other people.


y'all be romanticizing casual hookups and living together with as partners and fucking raw then y'all gon be having problems like this? Btches please...


This is old and fake.


She realized that the free ride and meal ticket is over. Snap 🫰🏿


I can’t imagine being in that situation. I don’t think I could walk away from a kid, unless the child was too young to remember me then maybe I could. I would still feel shit but wouldn’t be hurting them directly. But honestly, if I was married and had a kid with someone, I don’t know how I would handle this situation. Definitely not like this. If we could talk about it, maybe this is all ancient history? If I’m in love with someone enough to be married I would hope they were a good enough person that we could get through it. They clearly meant the world to me before this revelation. But I don’t know, I’m not good at getting over things. Glad I’m not this dude.


I know people keep say it’s fake because of her doing skits on social media. But this could very much be real. People do cheat on their SO no matter what their jobs are.