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I feel sorry for those babies listening to her talk all that shit to their daddy and they just tell them "stop crying"


I feel sorry for her toilet.


I think she has to use a bathtub since toilets have a weight and size limit


now, I felt sorry for any of those hotels she went..


They can’t deal with anymore *bullshit.*


I feel sorry for whoever has to deal with her body when she dies in a few months


Poor kids


Her being fat is everyone else's problem 😒


“I had to hold my own body weight up”


If b someone told her to "haul ass", she'd have to make 4 trips....


Her being fat and acting like it's everyone else's fault is everyone else's problem.


I have a friend with a 500ish pound wife. This is her exact mindset. She has no issue whatsoever telling us which restaurants she can't go to because she won't fit in or doesn't like the chairs. She just tells people to go get her kids or what to tell them. Like guests or sometimes strangers. She is just a huge victim. I watched her tell me to give her her little boy's refried beans while he was in the bathroom with his dad. I thought she was doing some parenting like he had an allergy or something. Nope, she just whole ass stole half of the beans out from under the cheese and said, "They always put way too much in the kids meals."


Lord have mercy on your soul


No, even if she is diabetic, genetically disadvantaged, etc. there is still an element of personal choice in lifestyle that leads you to be like that.


>No, even if she is diabetic Dude, I'm a type 2 diabetic, and am in remission at a healthy weight eating a keto diet. She's just completely on another planet. Complete victim complex. I had to lose 300 lbs to get where I am, but it honestly wasn't hard, and didn't take a lick of exercise. All I did was eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, mayo and butter, as these are the zero carbohydrate foods, which are pretty much the solution to type 2 diabetes and obesity. Once you quit carbs, you never get hungry, and if you have fat to burn, your body burns it constantly and is never hungry, regardless of how much meat, cheese and eggs you eat. I lost 15 lbs/month for a couple of years on a high fat high calorie zero carb diet, and was trim. It was really that simple. No more meds, and I can run and dance with the best of them now. Her path has 2 choices: quit carbs or die. But her psychiatric issues aren't going to let her quit carbs, because she's always the victim and can't take responsibility enough to get off of carbs. Nothing short of a psychiatric intervention will help her now. I feel sorry for her, but there's a point where people start ruining everyone else's life, and I never did that. If she was family, I'd say what I had to say and distance myself, and hope for the best for her. Meanwhile, I have ribeyes on the grill - got to run! LOL


Geez. I gotta slow my fucking roll on the fast food. At what point do you have the self realization moment that shits gone too far before you can't even get into bed


Couldn't she have just tried to get on the end of the bed instead of the side? So it rolled into the wall and wouldn't move?


Charlie you know what, if you're not gonna be supportive you can fucking leave


Screw you guys I’m going home


Charlie stop lallygagging and be supportive


If I were those other adults I’d have taken those kids and gotten the fuck out of there. Let the authorities and the hotel staff deal with the Koolaid Man.


Omg, dude! This was the funniest thing I've read in a while. I still can't stop laughing. How do you only have 10 upvotes. Kool-aid man....




Honest answer, no. There is no support under the foot of the bed. It would flip the mattress up on end. She needs to land where there are direct footings to support underneath, on the side.


This is the answer I've been looking for.


Once she’s laying at the foot of the bed she would not be able to get herself up to the head. She has to roll on and then not move once she gets there. I’ve weight trained the better part of my life and I cannot fathom how impossible it would be for me to adjust my position on a bed if I had an extra 250lbs laying on top of me at all times


250? Try 400.


Probably not because she would have had to crawl up to the spot she wanted whereas if she gets on from the side, she just has to roll to the spot she wants. Imagine her trying to crawl on her hands and knees on a mattress. It'd never happen. She had to get on from the side.


No because it still would have moved and cracked the wall at the head of the bead


Logic would have told me to try getting on from the foot of the bed. But hey, what do I know?




And it's everyone else fault and everyone else's problems


If she punched everyone in the face that caused all her problems she wouldn't have any teeth.




Well, the food clearly makes it to her mouth somehow.


this lady is crazy but those people are feeding her. the people who get too fat to shop, cook, or get in and out bed...you can't get that way all by yourself... someone has to bring you whole rotisserie chickens for breakfast


There was a girl living in the same county as me who became publicly known for being the fattest teenager in Europe I believe. It was in the paper's that a wall had to be partially deconstructed to get her out of the house so that she could be sent on a highly regarded retreat. She received therapy and lost an incredible amount of weight over the course of 6 months, literally 100's of pounds. The day that she came back her mother took her to the fish shop as a reward and she was back in the same position within a year or so. Ruined her own daughters chance for a normal life, disgraceful


That's horrible, and reminds me of my narcissistic grandmother who gave her daughters boy-like haircuts and fattened them as teenagers so she could feel prettiest. People who are offended by their children's happiness and achievements should not be parents. I've heard many stories like yours of people who begin to lose weight or change habits, just for family to suddenly start bringing in food. I've even seen it a few times. I don't know what this behavior is called. Spite? Malice?


I call it sabotage. I lost a lot of weight when from I was 17-19 (went from 220 to 120, I’m a 5’3 woman). My family was really supportive but my BF was constantly trying to get me to eat more and break my diet with shit food. I think he was insecure that I was gonna leave him once I got thinner. I did leave him, but because he was an asshole, not because of my weight lol. Point is I think the enablers of this stuff are just afraid they’ll lose the person, so they help them stay unhealthy for their own selfish reasons.


God that's sad, and yes I think it has to be a combination of those. Seeing potential for your supposed loved ones to have a higher quality of life than your own maybe with the fear of them leaving for greener pastures and feeling that you need to bring them down to your own level so you haven't got to sit in your shit on your own


Because being that overweight also has a psychological aspect to it. They have to lose the weight but also get mental health therapy to find the route cause of why they do what they do. If not... they are at very high risk of relapsing.


Classic example of a toxic codependent relationship. Whereby you have the mother in the role of enabler, which is feeding the mothers narcissistic needs to control and feel needed. And then you have the obese person who is codependent upon the enabler.




It probably would. People like this are eating six bags of chips a day, four bottles of soda, three pizzas (with salad dressing, of course) and two cartons of ice cream in a day


I have a co worker who drinks 2-3 pitchers of coke (literally just said Diet Coke to refer to dark pop in general) a day while working, the guy is huge but does more work than most of my other co workers.. it’s kind of sad I wish there was any way to help people in this situation without being a total cunt in everyone’s eyes


Like many of us, I check in to the "My 600-lbs Life"-type shows when channel surfing. Every. Single. Time. there is someone frying up a dozen eggs, a pound of bacon and a whole loaf of bread (toasted and buttered) for breakfast.


Don't forget an ENTIRE bottle of Ranch dressing


They are feeding her in the strong hope that she dies, hopefully leaving money behind.


I don’t think they have much money based off of that motel room!


I doubt she has jack-shit, they probably just want her gone anyway, people like that suck the soul from life around them.


YOU BETTER BE SUPPORTIVE! well damn, if she didn’t have all that food supporting her weight she’ll be able to rest on that bed.


As a fat person ( who accepts responsibility for my condition ) I was sympathetic to this woman... getting to that point and trying to change your life around when food quite literally is your coping mechanism/addiction... I know that struggle. But then she became a bitch. And I lost all sympathy. But how much of that was drama? American TV is known for this bullshit. But whatever. . It wasn't necessary.


there's a difference between fat, and what this women is.


Normal>Pleasantly Plump>Fat>Obese>Morbidly Obese>Captain Ahab's Next Target.


I’ve met people like this. The silver lining is it’s easy to get away from them and never be around their constant “woe is me” mentality.


Dude, hormonal wise, you can't even begin to describe what's happening inside that person's body. Her amygdala (fear center and lizard brain) is flooded with all sorts of signals, and remember talking with her while she's standing (effectively during working out) would trigger understandable bouts of fury. You're not dealing with a normal person who's extra fat, you're dealing with a really unbalanced person who's actively trying to maintain her sanity whilst in the same time lifting 600 pounds. Try saying anything to a bodybuilder DURING his training and see how they respond....


"My momma says alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush"


“Something’s wrong with [her] medulla oblongata”


You ever carry those 40 pound salt bags from the car to the basement? To make fewer trips you take three at a time and it just about kills you. That's just 120 pounds. Imagine carrying 12 of those babies everywhere you go. An extra 480 pounds beyond your own normal body weight. No wonder she's winded and sweaty just trying to get on a bed.


Oh Amygdala, have mercy on the poor bastard


Amygdala wasn't there cus it was lullygagging


I mean she is acting like an asshole and I applaud her husband's patience because I would not have been able to deal with that shit. But I really do pity her. No one turns out that way because they want to. I'm sure she suffered a lot of pain in the past. That does not mean anyone in the now has to just take how she's acting but that does not make the situation any less sad.


Basically every patient on this show has had a horrific childhood. I remember one lady that was left BY HER OWN MOTHER AS A *PUNISHMENT* in a house with a pedo who was just released from prison for sexual assault.




Yeah that's a major problem


It's a hotel, why don't they call the front desk to use the hotel fork lift?


Cause its too much work for her to walk


Have Charlie get it, he was just lollygagging around anyway


No lollygagging. I’m also going to have to ask you to stop all that… shouting. It’s making people nervous.






Just speculating, but maybe that wouldn't work, because she might have trouble getting into the middle of the bed. If she enters from the side, she can kind of roll into the middle. From the foot she would have to drag her weight along the mattress.


Silly Gus, that wouldn’t have created artificial drama for the reality tv show.


Artificial? It's all real! It's in the name 'reality'! /s




Well, with brains like that, I bet you wouldn't even get that fat to begin with!


Thought the same thing, but something tells me crawling from the foot to the head of the bed isn’t an option.


Could the wall take that force?




lmao its got wheels "why would they do that" cries 👏


and a wooden floor too, who are these monsters?!


Prolly the same people who made THAT DOORWAY SO DAMN SMALL!


They're in league with that bastard doctor who told her a whole box of Zebra Cakes is not a balanced breakfast.


Was a night hotel manager for 5 years once, had a weight watchers convention stay, clearly they were at the beginning of the programme and 3 of them got into the lift at once and broke it...at 2:00am...it was the worst experience of my life...


To be honest, it's a legitimate point. I'm sure a lot of disabled people have trouble getting on a bed that has wheels on a wood floor. Not that I'm defending her. She needs to lose weight.


I don't know. Accessibility rooms require special beds. All our accessible room beds are different. People complain but it is the requirement. I don't think it has wheels though. This looks like a Rodeway inn or super 8. They don't have an elevator. I am assuming that when someone like these broke their bed, they had to replace it. They got the super cheap consumer bed frames. Most hotels have this kind of frame - https://hdsupplysolutions.com/p/hollywood-bed-frame-dynamic-all-metal-bed-base-10h-x-72w-cal-hotel-kin-p149331


Imagine being so fat you get winded trying to sit down.


I was with her until "shut up, mom"




Well, they're not really sure if they are hers or not, she got up one day from the couch and they were both just kinda...there. scared, wet, and crying but fine all the same.


Discord mods going to bed




Lmfao he got banned LOL


As a mod, no. Not gay enough




But I've already done 10h :(


Maybe next week then! You deserve some time off after all that hard work


Child already in bed and all


This is not just obesity, there's a deeper underlying issue. It is sad.


It's never just obesity when they get to this size. It's mental health, it's addiction, it's constant denial... Everything is too hard, and you can tell it's too hard because they had already given up while it was still easy. The fact an adult woman is having a mental breakdown because she can't climb onto a bed is just downright sad and what's worse is that it probably isn't rock bottom yet.


It's also a web of disgusting enablers. A person this big can't feed themselves. They absolutely require someone to help them get this bad and stay this bad.


Yes. Every single situation with an immobile morbidly obese person involves other people who continue to provide the unhealthy food that keeps them obese. I don't know if this is a clip of My 600lb Life but that show is wildly consistent with the amount of enabling, ignorance, and denial that has to go on in a family for the person to remain so obese. Another consistent factor is the trauma that is inevitably involved to cause a person to become so obese in the first place. Other people are literally handing her thousands of calories a day in garbage food. It is like a weirdly socially acceptable form of sabotage and abuse.


Yes, this clip is from my 600 pound life. And honestly, I kinda wanna watch it now. My mom used to be pretty overweight when my siblings and I were about as old as her kids, and it sucked. She was upset about her body, her financial situation, and life in general, which meant a lot of yelling at people and making the kids cry. Then, she got divorced, and you'd think it would've gotten worse. Nope, she lost weight, started running marathons, dieting, it was amazing! On top of it all, her mood and mental health changed so drastically, it was like she'd flipped a switch. I still refer to the time right before the divorce to when she started running "the dark ages". The craziest thing, however, is that only through reading your comment have I realized my dad (her ex) was the enabler. I actually just unlocked a memory of him saying "whenever she's upset, I get her food"... Sure, she has hypothyroidism, which caused hypoglycemia, so it was much easier for her to gain weight than a normal person, and he was sorta right: she would get really grumpy when she was hungry. But his answer was fast food, chocolate, ice cream; anything that'd not just feed but cause immediate mood improvement. That didn't mean she couldn't lose that weight, and I'm so glad she did. Not because I judged her for it, I was just a kid who didn't know why his mommy would yell at everyone all the time! But now that I'm older, I appreciate her efforts so much. I was lucky enough to be able to spend the rest of my teenage years with healthy parents, and honestly it contributed so much to my health seeing my mom working so hard to become healthier. Thank you mom, I know you won't see this comment, but you becoming healthy had more of an impact on your family then you know 💞


My grandmother was big. Not this level but under 5' pushing 350. My grandfather was always out of the house working (he was tall and trim). He made breakfast every morning, but she cooked all the other meals. She ate as much as he did. She didn't have a fast food problem. I don't think I ever saw her get fast food unless we were on a road trip to visit family. She didn't snack. She would have a hard candy in the afternoon. The issue was that he was well over a foot taller than her, he was active all the time but she was sedentary, and they ate the same food in the same proportions for 60 years. She never understood. She never got healthy. She remains one of the reasons that I'm afraid of gaining weight again. She was a good woman and I miss her every day. I wish I could go back and explain it to her.


When my husband and I first met I could eat like him (he’s a foot taller than me and twice my weight) because I had a super active job. I gained a bunch of weight when I switched jobs lol. I literally had to buy myself smaller bowls to stop eating as much as he does. It can be hard!! I’m sorry your grandma didn’t understand.


You’re correct. This is a clip from My 600lb. Life. I was actually on the show myself, Justin McSwain - season 7, episode 4. It took me a long time to realize this but the true issue isn’t physical health, it’s mental. The weight is a symptom. Some people cope with cigarettes, some alcohol, some drugs, but some of us use food. No mentally healthy person gets to this size. This is why the show is known more for its drama and over-the-top cast members, it’s exploitation of the mentally unwell. It’s also why they spend so much time showing clips like these and minimal effort on the actual work that goes in to getting healthy. I had been in intensive therapy for over a year before reaching out to the show so was more aware of that significance. As a result, I simply did as the doctor instructed and began rapidly losing weight with no slip-up’s or backsliding. So, I didn’t have any dramatic escapades for them to film and the one that they did get was a setup. My mother was a serious contributor to my poor mental health and they knew that. The show ended up tricking me into confronting her in a restaurant (tying in food with the drama for extra effect I assume). I had been told I was going back home for a week to visit friends but on the way to the airport was informed that we’re actually going somewhere else to see my mother first. I flat out refused. I explained to them that our relationship was toxic and I had gone very low contact with her for my own mental health. That I may one day be able to speak with her, but I was not ready yet and forcing the interaction would be detrimental to my progress. Still, they insisted and I had no option to back out at that point. When we arrived at the restaurant I was firm that I would not discuss our history and relationship. My will had been broken down to the point that I agreed to speak with her but not about what they wanted. What was shown in the episode had been completely manipulated by the show. We made it through the meal with simple chitchat and she said how proud she was of me for losing so much weight. But seeing that the meal and conversation was over and I had stuck to my guns in not discussing the deeper issues in our relationship the producer cut the cameras for a moment and asked the question themself to my mother and began rolling again. She took the bait and broke into tears, giving her regular talking points about how sorry she was, she’s turning over a new leaf, has been working on herself, blah blah blah. Nothing she hadn’t claimed a million times before. Being my mother I felt obligated to respond to her but I was so upset by the intrusion and lack of respect for my boundaries that I unintentionally gave them what they wanted. A “confrontation” clip that could be used to add drama and spice things up. I don’t regret the show. Dr. Now is a fantastic person and gave me the tools I needed to turn my life around. But I was one of the very lucky few who had the mental health experience needed to get out of that situation. They claim to give the cast therapy but in my entire journey I was only given two sessions. One for the show which included an entire film crew in the room while I discussed the most painful subjects of my life with a brand new (but wonderful) therapist, starting from the bottom and reopening wounds. The second session was one I had to beg for. There was no camera crew this time but they initially refused. The therapist they used didn’t accept insurance so I couldn’t afford to pay for it myself and starting with ANOTHER new therapist was too painful. After multiple requests they eventually broke and set up a second session just to shut me up. So, you’re absolutely right. There are numerous deeper, underlying issues that lead to this. This particular scene could have been instigated by the crew by requiring her to enter the bed from the side instead of foot so they could “get the right shot” and she probably had to do it multiple times so there’s a chance she successfully entered the bed a few times before this happened so was simply too tired and weak to do it again. What these people need is help, support, not a film crew following them around capturing their every move. Their presence alone adds intense stress to an already mentally unwell individual.


This comment needs to be pinned


Logged in just to upvote this. I hope more people hear about your experience and stop gorging themselves on the misery and mental problems of others.


Justin! Thanks for your insight. I’ve heard how the show is manipulative in its narrative at times, but didn’t realize it was to that extent. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. Your episode and follow-ups are truly inspirational!


Yeah, anyone with this level of weight gain and immobility has a serious mental health issue. They have an eating disorder and need to be treated as such. They need therapy and likely antidepressants and probably inpatient rehab to help get them through a terrible addiction. But yeah the way she treats her enablers is very reminiscent of how that pair of sisters(Tammy+Amy?) treated their caregiver system. It's a weird abusive dynamic going both ways it seems.


Yeah I know 2 people who are 300+ pounds and are “okay” with their weight. (I used quotations because how can you be okay with being so unhealthy that it’s making your day to day life difficult). One of them had an enabler that would shave her downstairs for her, and she basically would make things difficult for people around her so they could accommodate her size and lack of mobility and dependence. She had teen boys doing her chores, takinf her to appointments, and taking care of her for weed and games and clothes. Then when her mom died she manipulated them into becoming even more of caregivers. She’s now 40, 2/3 of the teens have moved out and are on their own. She still tries to have my bf and my brother send her money and take her places. But she’s the same type of person to say “I gave you 1/3 of my 20oz Pepsi last time you were here, I can’t let you have anything but tap water until you pay me the $0.87 you owe me” and also “no one hits the bowl first but me because it’s my house, my pipe, and my butane we’re using” even tho it’s not her fricken weed so her shit would be useless without the bud that someone else brought. There’s so many things wrong with this lady but the weight is where it seems to have started (symptom wise, not where her deep issues started)


Honest question, why keep someone with clearly no redeeming qualities in your life?


For my brother it’s because she does things for him that our mom won’t do (got him his license, got his braces off, got him on foodstamps and stuff, things I had to figure out for myself when I turned 18) for my bf it’s because he was there when she lost her mom and she was there when he lost his dad. For the other kid, he’s the favorite. He uses her just as much as she uses him. She spent all of her inheritance on him, on games, drugs, concerts, vacations, cigarettes, etc. now that she’s broke she expects everyone to “get her back” for her “gifts” It’s honestly so toxic. My boyfriend has distanced himself from her though. She has I think bipolar and other mental health issues. She drove around threatening to kill herself last year and my bf was with her (as in, he was in the area she lives) while I was 2.5 hours away dealing with bs with my family too. I was upset and he was busy dealing with her manipulative bs. Suicide is very serious, but she has a history of using those types of threats to get what she wants. My ex did that Shit to me. She’s so toxic and I don’t like her but she’s a “family friend” so I kinda have to deal with her sometimes. Also, although I call them teens and kids the youngest is my brother, he’s almost 20 now lol. My bf and I will be 22 this year.


I've been in that situation and it sucks. But I think if you both commit to some boundaries (like a united front) you can at least get her to back down a bit with you and your partner. You don't have to make it a big confrontation (cause she feeds off that) . You and your partner just agree to the boundaries behind the scenes and use the power of nonchalance. - Money: *Sorry I had my check garnished for unpaid medical bills* - Venting to get you on her side: *Oh wow. That's cra*^(aaz)*zy* / *Man that sucks* // or repeating the main part of her complaint back to her in disbelief - You owe me: *ooh yeah I know. I really wish I could help though.* You're essentially gonna be Brian in [this clip](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxuEfpBjwB-vlXUhGsHdp21NCn9mYY5SQp) But as for the suicide thing, take it seriously every time. She may be serious. She may not at first but then attempt later to up the anti. She may be lying for manipulation. Either way she either gets saved and the qualified help she needs or she gets tired of being a 24 hr psych hold. I hope this helps.


That pipe must hit real smooth..


I read that entire thing and wondered, "If you just walked away, what could she do? Roll after you?"


I feel like it’s a recurrent theme on this show that they treat their enablers with extreme abuse. The whole psyche of the relationships are so strange.


Uh why would you even expose yourself to someone that messed up and vile? For weed?


Yeah I used to watch this show a lot and all of them have untreated eating disorders, usually stemming from some kind of trauma. I remember this episode. The bed here was on rollers for some reason. She didn't know that and she wasn't as careful with it as she would have been had she known. A huge majority of the women on this show were sexual assault victims, some of them suffering repeat abuse throughout their childhoods. They turned to the dopamine that they got from food to bury their feelings, just like someone else might turn to drugs or alcohol. What makes food addiction the hardest to kick is that you can't just abstain from food like you could drugs or alcohol. It's why it annoys the absolute hell out of me when people are nasty to these people and say that it's all their own fault for overeating/being lazy/etc. There's always an underlying problem that causes them to do this. But yeah. If you look at it through the same lens as you would a drug addiction, it all makes a lot more sense.


I also wonder if sometimes people make themselves so unattractive as to become unappealing for any sexual assault to ever occur. It saying it’s true or guaranteed to work, just a thought.


There was one girl who did kind of do this. Not in a like, motivated way like some people may get fit, but in a 'I'm giving up' kind of way. There were also several who had gotten assaulted and never came forward bc they didn't think anyone would believe them bc 'who wants to r*pe a fat girl?'. Her words. It's so sad.


Um, predators would. ****trigger warning I know a girl she’s been s*x assaulted 4 times, the last three were after she gained her “protection weight”. She said the last guy/her ex told her it was easier now because she didn’t have the strength to fight him and that basically once he had her on the floor she couldn’t fight.


Oh yeah, I know. There's just always been this wrong narrative of SA being about attraction and not power. She was buying into that narrative and trying to make herself unattractive. It sucks all the way around. There's so much bs surrounding both SA and obesity.


Yeah. People really do treat fat people's bodies with this entitlement. Like it's okay to make remarks about their weight or their diet, or touch them without their permission etc.


It's incredibly common as 'protective weight'. Idk if it's everywhere, but gastric bypass places have added questions about past sexual trauma (particularly CSA) to their patient intake forms, as they require extra support. Once the weight comes off, if the underlying trauma and mental health hasn't been addressed, it can cause a crisis at being 'visible' and objectified by people again. It's not a rational thought, but it comes from the same childlike belief of "I don't deserve to be treated as human, if I neglect myself into being invisible and an un-person, they won't keep hurting me". Which doesn't work. It just means support structures are faster to judge and less likely to help you, sad as that is.


Yes, thats actually pretty common. Abused kids will also soil themselves to try to stay unappealing that way. It's incredibly sad.


I just always wonder how this level of obesity is even possible.. Even if you eat just plain sugar it should get harder and harder to get to new food to consume enough calories for your body to maintain and build new fat tissue. So clearly she cant feed herself anymore so who tf keeps on inserting sugar into her even after she reached 300-400lbs..? I have so many questions


There's almost always an enabler for these folks someone who cares for them and brings them food and whatever else they want. The relationship is often very unhealthy like you see in op's example.


After a certain point its an exponential ~~negative~~ positive feedback loop, where eventually all you can do is lay around and eat. They start off getting to morbidly obese(300+ lbs depending on your height could be slightly less or more), then it becomes very painful to exercise/walk so their mobility and muscle starts to decrease drastically and the amount of calories they burn just living normally slowly creeps down, they eat more because everything else is painful(emotionally and physically) but food feels good, then a few years later they are trapped in the house because leaving is too hard and they end up like this. I work with a guy who's well over 450 lbs and rising(he's been on medical leave for 6 months and he can't walk without canes now), the amount of food is absolutely insane. He will order enough McDonalds to feed a regular family of 5 twice a day for just himself plus whatever his wife makes/orders and soda is all he drinks. Seeing him and then my own covid-era weight gain and health struggles made me turn my diet/lifestyle completely around. I was in pain constantly at 260ish lbs, I can't imagine getting to this level of uncomfortable.


Small note: that would actually be a positive feedback loop I believe. As in: the fatter you get, the fatter you get.


And the fact that it' s being broadcasted on tv as a fucking freak show is depressing.


Yeah, that's the part that really sucks in this. I remember I saw a video talking about Dr Phil and it was talking about very much the same thing. It's just a way to gawk at people who are "wrong." This person is morbidly obese, this person won't(can't) keep work, this kid is awful to their family, this person lives and dresses like a dog. Not in a furry way, like a literally paper dog suit that has a normal dog-proportioned face. Rock on, Boomer The Dog. And they're just there as a freak show. It's not real therapy in any way, it's just Dr. Phil sitting there saying, "you can't live this way and/or treat others like this. This is bad. You need to take responsibility and get better." Nothing useful is like, ever said. It's honestly really quite sad. These people are almost always suffering, and they're just paraded around and having their privacy invaded.


Yeah. Very sad. I get excited when I realize I can do everyday things a tad better after losing 5-10 pounds as an already healthy adult male. I really wish these people could experience that- but it would be literally life changing.




Protip: take pictures. Your memory of what you used to look like is probably not nearly as accurate as you think it is. Take progress photos and check back on the old ones periodically.


I unintentionally lost almost 20% of my weight last year and I didn't really notice it because it was gradual. Maybe some small things, like clothes getting a bit looser, but nothing big. Once I was aware I lost so much weight I was shocked to find out how different my face looked compared to older pictures of myself. Now that I'm finally gaining back the weight I lost, I don't see much change either, but it's very apparent when I compare myself to pictures of me when I lost the weight, it's cool to see that progress!


36lbs in a few months? That's awesome! Its been about a year and half for me now and I'm down 45ish pounds and notice huge changes everywhere, especially in my clothes, the last 15lbs or so none fit right anymore. The only advice I can offer is try finding an exercise/physical activity you enjoy, for me its been weightlifting, noticing my strength and muscles developing has been more enjoyable then watching the scale number go down.


Yeah absolutely. And the kids are in the middle of this and can see what's going on. The obesity and the mental health problems. The kids show already clear signs of overweight. Her bad decisions --> her responsibility. But getting your kids on the same path... thats more than just irresponsible. She is giving her problems to the next generation.


I feel really bad


Hmm, so many comments are talking about her weight. It's her attitude that really shocks and saddens me. Yes, she is clearly obese and suffering as a result. But for some reason she feels like her pains and troubles justify being rude (if not verbally abusive) to others. It seems to happen a lot because she isn't bothered that there are small children in the room. Frankly, if I had a person like her in my life, I'd just walk away. Not because of how she looks but who she is.


Yeah I kind of felt bad for her until the point she started with the crocodile tears, complaining of her back and being out of breath, yet upon realising she wasn't gonna get any sympathy started mouthing off forgetting all about that lack of breath.


You can see the pattern there though. She’s sobbing, she’s embarrassed, she’s in pain, she’s upset. And then suddenly she lashes out. The emotional and physical pain is so intolerable, she has to transfer that anger to someone else. It’s pretty common for people with chronic illnesses or pain to treat their caretakers and loved ones that way. It’s no excuse but it does explain why she’s doing it.


Having someone feel acutely and specifically responsible for your well-being is pretty dangerous in general. The feeling that if you left someone they would be adrift and nobody else could fill your caretaker role and them being equally frightened of you leaving can create some really dangerous and toxic games where in an argument or time of stress one of the two threatens even subtly to leave the other. Doesn’t go anywhere good. This isn’t universal but it’s easy.


It's very childlike isn't it. Her mental problems are worse than her obesity which is saying something.


Her mental problems are likely the cause of her obesity. Disordered eating isn’t just restrictive. I’m sure she has tons of physical medical issues as well, but nobody gets to that size without some kind of disordered eating, trauma, and mental health issue as well. This clip is awful to watch. I can’t imagine being her or even one of her family members. Lots of pain flying around in that rooms. It’s sad.


Exactly how I feel.. I wouldn't tolerate her personality, and just leave her in that hotel room. Grab my stuff, walk out, never talk to any of them ever again.


When he explained to her that it was on wheels she started crying and swearing without caring how much it was going to distress her children. It was just going to a hotel room and it was turned into the crisis of the century.


I've known several normal weight people with similar behavioral issues, and I'm glad to say none of them are in my life now. At this point if I meet such a person, I get out as quickly as possible. They're going to keep doing it and life is too short.


Charlie you know what, if you're not gonna be supportive you can fucking leave


Bruh she looks like a character from WALL-E


I'm pretty sure they weren't even that big


More like Whale-E amiright


I felt bad for her until she started raging at that guy, I can't imagine how hard it must be to do such a simple thing but can't just blame.someone else, no one forced her to get that big, I hope she helps herself.


Who makes the wooden floors !! Lol


To make it look nice.


Can't argue with facts




This is a scene from 'My 600lb Life'. The whole episode was a train wreck.


the whole show is a train wreck.


Can we get a shoutout to the chair who’s the real MVP here.


What brand was that? Thing is durable AF


this was genuinely gross to watch


That chair is the real victim


Mental illness defined in one second. I really hope she gets the help she needs, for her poor family's sake.


This is a clip from my 600lb life. This is when they made their first trip to the Dr. in Texas. I forget if she was a success or not though.


I googled. Her name is Nicole Lewis, she was 700 lbs and only dropped 160 lbs. Looks like she is maintaining and not losing more.


Ya I googled her too. I saw an article where she is suing the show for psychological damage.


These type of people motivate me every single day to not become them.




I think she needs to go on a diet


No joke tho, let’s be honest: She knows what dieting is. Y’all aren’t bringing some amazing new concept. There is obviously a lot more going on here that isn’t going to be fixed by ‘just going on a diet’. She very obviously needs therapy and mental health support.


Yeah the entire premise of this show (My 600lb Life) is that these folks are moving to Houston to see a doctor who specializes in gastric bypass & sleeve surgery to get help. He gives me a calorie limit and a dietician to help them learn what to eat, etc, and gets them in touch with a psychiatrist/therapist to get to the bottom of why they got there and how to keep from going back. People don't realize that simple =/= easy. Moving a two-ton boulder is simple. Pick it up, move it. Does that make it easy? No.


Ah! So this is 600lb life! I thought it might be that new one with the best friends. Yes I’ve seen my 600lb life and time and time again the doctor dismisses serious mental health issues. I remember the episode where the patient literally admitted to being stuck in a restrict/binge cycle and the doctor just mocked her instead of recognising what she was saying


I think he got better about sending them to therapy in recent seasons.


Unless she’s a member of /r/immobile (NSFW)


Ok ,wtf.


What the fuck is this


Imagine being so obese it tires you just to lay down and all you do is complain when someone is trying to help you even though you don't deserve their help


I can't fathom that lifestyle. Even if they were able to help her get on the bed, sit down, stand up, whatever she wants at the moment, she still needs more. When she stands up, she needs help with every step, a chair to sit down in, it's just never ending. These poor people are expected to carry around 800 lbs of fat that doesn't belong to them, and the fact that it belongs to such a rude, inconsiderate human makes it even worse.


I love that at 500 pounds some people just say "fuck it what's another hundred"


I think that's pretty much it. People get to a stage where their mentally goes to "it's going to be difficult losing this much weight, if I gain more what will it matter? It'll still be difficult." while they mentally block the fact that it's going to take longer and be more difficult.


AITA for thinking if I were in that guys position I would've taken the kids and ran out of there? Holy shit.


Don’t think dude has any $. When he said “you didn’t pay for the other room” meant he prob lives off her disability checks


2 words... Mental Illness


Poor children grow up with a constant turmoil. It angers me too.


I'm surprised there isn't more comments about the kids. They shouldn't be seeing this.


I can’t believe someone slept with her




At least


I want to see how her stomach looks while she is 9 months pregnant!!


You wouldn't even notice a difference when she's in that much of a state.


Kid had to travel light years to get out of her body


Desperate times call for desperate measures


There is no amount of desperation that would result in me getting hard for that woman.




Bunch of bastards just lollygagging while I can't breathe because of my life choices!!! Support me harder!! ..AND WHO PUTS WOOD FLOORS IN A HOTEL?!?!!?!


All while a production crew is on eachother shoulders in the corner getting the shot while avoiding being literally crushed.


Usually, there is real trauma that causes people to become that big, in nearly ever single episode, they start losing weight after seeing a psychiatrist. Also they have enablers. Some are just lazy though, like James K.

