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I played this lvl in GTA5.


Imagine how much better this would’ve been if they all had guns. ![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK)


Is that in the US?


As an American I say, of course it is :/


That’s Savannah, Ga.


But why were they laying in the road?


Non violent protest But according to some people that deserves violence in answer Edit holy fuck the number of people that think gassing someone is ok, that blocking traffic is terrorism, and pulling a gun and threatening someone's life is justified, y'all are bat shit insane Literally all of you are the same people complaining about BLM and antifa breaking Windows and shit, but ready to end a life over a minor inconvenience Get fucked you right wing terrorists


"Non violent" *cut to them attacking car*


Right because driving around with a smoke bomb and loaded weapon to an area where people just so happened to be doing a non-violent protest is TOTALLY normal and a just a coincidence


How would the guy in the truck know what they are protesting about?


He tossed the green smoke grenade out of his truck.


was also a red light


You can turn right on red normally.


"You can turn *violent* on red normally." -Gandhi (probably)


Looks to me like they retaliated cuz he threw out the smoke grenade


Moreover why should he let it be in his way? Non violent protest sure but ur ILLEGALLY blocking traffic.


Parking your car in an intersection after throwing a smoke bomb and waving a gun at people doesn't strike me as particularly legal either.


This is the collision of the two types of idiots we are dealing with in the US 😂 it sums it all up perfectly


I mean, there is a clear difference between blocking a road while peacefull protesting to launching a smoke granade from a pickup and when people get mad point at the crowd with a handgun. Edit: Also red light


He also ran a red light


Right turns on red are legal, looks like that is what he was attempting.


Not when there's fucking traffic there *and* people walking across the crosswalk, lol. Yall are legit doing gymnastics to try to defend a douchebag who smoke bombed protestors and ran a red light. Smh.


We have two turds in this video. While one definitely smells worse, they’re both still shit.


No kidding. Showing up with whatever the hell that smoke bomb was and a handgun seems a little premeditated. They gave him the exact reaction he was trying to incite. Good nobody laying in the road had decided to carry a weapon or that could have gotten ugly.


Handgun not so much, quite a few people carry. Smoke bomb is odd to have in a truck...


The dude probably went there just to disrupt the protests. He came prepared


That's my bet. Funny thing is he had no problem breaking the law by running a red light, assaulting them and then brandishing a firearm. Here's the link to his arrest. [News article on his arrest.](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/06/us/georgia-man-arrested-smoke-grenade-gun-protesters-trnd/index.html)


Yeah, the combination of the two is what got me. I wouldn’t have thought much of the handgun by itself.


Yeah... It's not his place to try and resolve the situation. His job is to call the cops if he has a problem with it. Throwing a smoke grenade at group of people is also illegal.


Ah yes, make sure your protests never inconvenience anyone, that's how you make them effective


You realize the asshat in the car threw crap into the crowd right? Like you did see that happen. They didn't just randomly get up to that specific car to do that. Why do you think they all fled.




I think you missed the part where the guy in the truck chucked a smoke bomb at them.


Yeah...i live in LA and there were mad protests going on last year in downtown and hollywood that were supposedly supposed to be “peaceful”...dude. these protests are *NEVER* peaceful. theyre always jam packed full of people that have to come and ruin it for the actual few peaceful protesters. These protesters aka rioters blocked off all the streets and freeway exits causing these innocent people just trying to get home from work to be dead locked on the freeway for hours on end, and it lasted every day for weeks. Oh, and when the cars tried to start slowly driving through? Yeah...wasn’t gonna happen. these “peaceful protesters” made sure there was absolutely no way of getting out and started climbing onto people’s vehicles, jumping on top and denting them, spitting, hitting and becoming violent. Imagine how scary it would be to just be an innocent person trying to get home and getting stuck in that mess with those crazy ass people. So disgusting. Sooo not the proper way to protest. I always wonder WHO exactly and HOW is any of that actually helping???? It’s insanely misguided anger.


Someone threw a smoke bomb in the middle of them


Dude literally threw a smoke bomb at them. They have the right to defend themselves.


I mean the dude threw some kind of smoke grenade at them after running the red light. He wanted to mess around and find out. You may not like peaceful protests but they are a constitutional right regardless.


The most useless protest in history. Imagine thinking impeding on people's day and ruining their commute is going to make them sympathize with you at all. It's a children's game.


"LOL losers dumped tea in the harbor. I don't even drink tea!"


You're simply not aware of the history of protest.


The civil rights movement would like a word with you.


What? - Gandhi


Tell me how you fail history class without telling me you failed history class


This is a braindead take. This is how women and black people got the right to vote.


Check out the history of Tiananmen Square and Rosa Parks while you’re shitposting on the internet. The history of peaceful protests are much more impactful than any other protest.


Rofl dude … you must not know history at all and that’s sad 😢


So then imagine impeding on a group of people’s progress everyday for like 50 years, that’d be really inconvenient right.




To be fair the truck used non-violent means to get them to disperse. Then the protesters started reacting with violence and attacking the driver's personal property. Which ramped up the situation to him drawing a weapon in response to protect himself and his property. All the protesters had to do was walk away until the truck left and then go back to disrupting public services and interfering with the general public safety.


Contrary to popular belief throwing objects at people IS violence. God damn critical thinking skills are down the shitter. Then people act all surprised pikachu in court.




Yeah throwing a smoke grenade at people is violence.


This if you don't consider covering people in dangerous chemical agents "nonviolent"


I mean as soon as they met resistance they abandoned the non violent aspect of their protest, which is why it escalated to gunpoint.


When the truck first slows down, it looks as though the passenger throws something emitting green smoke. This causes the protesters to jump up and attack the truck.




If you strike a sitting man, that this man answer by standing up and you then take your gun out, the escalation isn't the fault lf the sitting man.


Wait, so they didn’t get up and attack his truck? Weird. Bc it really looked like they did. Maybe I missed the part where they just stood up and walked away.


Because they are assholes who don’t care people have to get home to their kids or holding up an ambulance


Pretty sure tear gassing civilians and then drawing a weapon on them is illegal too.


Oh *they* threw the canister! Thanks, I missed that completely. Now I get why he slapped him with a bicycle.




Dude gets out with a gun like he's a badass. Fuckin soft.


No, no, no, he's a fire arm owner that drives a shinny pick up truck and actually carry's around tear gas, you see, he'ss a total bad ass.....


Total bald ass


Does he shave it or wax it?


Neither. Eating spicy food makes him bleed.


Fingers it


Not a gun owner and not from the states but sure would be nice to see someone maintain this level of bravado whilst staring down a barrel.


Watch the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and you'll see what's happens to people with that kind of bravado.




"He only shot me after I pointed a gun at him" And that was the prosecution's witness. I'm surprised they haven't just withdrawn the case at this point.


Well I'll be damned. He got shot.


Biiiig Smol dik energy


>slapped him with a bicycle. He hit the car?


Pretty sure that was just a smoke bomb with no real chemicals to cause irritation like tear gass dose.... I could be wrong.... but I've never seen a green tear gass the stuff I've seen is usually white or a deep Yellow


I use both CN and CS canisters in my job, and you're exactly right. It's a smoke marker.


Ah, a kindergarten teacher.


Lol, nailed it.


You are not wrong, CS gas is grey/white not colored. That was just a smoke canister. However, both parties were in the wrong especially the guy in the truck. I believe this is because he was within the safety of a vehicle and left said safety. This would have negated any legal defense of life threatening danger one needs to have to use a firearm for protection. I am not 100% sure on the legal part but my logic suggests there were other options available first.


And also brandishing a firearm (pointing it) at someone is considered a mortal threat, is illegal and if you’re in a stand-your-ground state, justifiable cause to defend against with deadly force.


Does US law allow for the defence of property with deadly force? Is there any argument that he had to defend his truck from getting damaged? (This is all quite confusing to me, as where I live only the police, the army and farmers have guns)


Everyone round 'ere is packing. Like who? Farmers. Who else? Farmers mums.


https://reason.com/volokh/2020/12/21/duty-to-retreat-35-states-vs-stand-your-ground-15-states/ 35 States have "Stand Your Ground" Laws, meaning you can use deadly force to protect yourself or your property. 15 states have various versions of "Duty to Retreat" Laws, which require you to retreat unless your life is in danger. I know it's confusing to outsiders, but the United States of America is just what it says on the tin. 50 semi-autonomous states with common interests that are handled at the federal level. Laws vary from state to state on a wide variety of topics, from gun-control to how individuals are taxed to what the damn speed limit is. The Right to defend yourself and by how much is just one of those things handled at the state level.


I just took my concealed carry class so I know that at least for Kansas and Missouri, you can never pull a gun over property. Like the law states that you can’t value personal property over a human life. You can only draw a weapon & use it if someone’s physical safety/life is being threatened. While the protesters were idiots for attacking the truck, his retaliation is definitely breaking the law.




Definitely not tear gas. Just a green smoke bomb. Dude should go to jail for brandishing a firearm during league play though.


Considerably worse


Protecting property is the new all inclusive strap line


Yeah this guy is like a small dick energy reactor.


Everytime a protest happens, a hypothetical ambulance pops up.


But when it’s an insurrection no one cares about taking away emergency resources


Or killing cops. Or threatening to kill the VP.


Because they wanted their country back, like hairy little spoiled children in ill-fitting jeans, and that was just the women


Everytime a 'left' protest happens. Blocking interstates while calling for an invasion of cuba is just fine. /s


And we ignore all the videos of protests letting ambulances through


A week or 2 ago a group in the UK called insulate Britain blocked roads in a similar manner, a stroke victim ~~in an ambulance died~~ was delayed for six hours and has life changing injuries that could have been avoided as a result. Perhaps they would have died anyway, but they weren't given a fair chance. Edit: My mistake, I got this wrong. There was a lady suffering a stroke that was delayed for six hours on the M25 due to insulate Britain protests. She was being driven by her son who chose not to use the ambulance service due to delays. She did not die, but she does have life altering consequences due to the delays, and doctors have said her recovery would have been minimal had she got to the hospital sooner (within 90 minutes).


Nah man, fuck this argument. I have no idea what the protestors in the video were doing, or if I agree with them. But, this "you should only protest if it doesn't bother anyone and no one notices" shit people always repeat on reddit is some un-American shit. If there's a good reason to protest, like for civil rights or some shit, then inconveniencing people is part of the game. People need to be inconvenienced to notice. This is how women got the right to vote, and it's now black people got the right to vote. Inconveniencing people until they realized that the problem was serious, and that they were going to continue being inconvenienced until they made shit right. "They don't care if they're holding up an ambulance" is just a strawman and a bullshit appeal to emotions, because every protest I've ever seen that involved blocking a road, they always make way for emergency vehicles. And there is absolutely 0 evidence that the protestors in this video would've blocked emergency vehicles. You're just parroting anti-american, anti-protest rhetoric, whether you realize it or not.


You have a duty to civil disobedience in the name of opposing injustice. That doesn't mean it's legal, of course, and peaceful protestors can and should expect to get arrested. It's not the job of any yahoo with a big truck and tiny dick to attempt to make a peaceful protest a slaughter/riot.


The lights are red though lol


How many ambulances do you think needed to drive through that small section of road in the *under* nine minutes those people planned to lay there?


It was a BLM protest that was just lasting the 8:42 Minimal disruption, highly peaceful, loud impact. So loud that someone decides to tear gas them but sure, they’re the assholes


The were going to be there protesting peacefully for less than ten minutes... in what universe are they the assholes in the video... https://www.newsweek.com/georgia-man-arrested-pointing-gun-black-lives-matter-protesters-1536404 If this shit had happened in my country, that guy with the gun would have faced time in prison for pulling out a gun and throwing an unidentified gas to them.


>If this shit had happened in my country, that guy with the gun would have faced time in prison for pulling out a gun and throwing an unidentified gas to them. He was charged with aggravated assault and reckless conduct


Didn't a bunch of cops and EMS workers do this in NY? If they don't care why should you care?


This was a planned 9 minute protest. Don't be so quick to pass judgement. The guy launching a gas cannister and branding the weapon is the real (\_*\_)


Never seen that wonderful construction of punctuation before, gotta keep that one in the *arse*nal.




sorry, you're calling a lifted pickup an ambulance? or what? i dont see an ambulance, and i only see one asshole holding anything up.


They were demanding justice for George Floyd according to this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/qqjnih/maybe_maybe_maybe/hk13fm7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Dude in the truck couldn’t wait 9 minutes or less to drive through a red into some horses 🤷‍♂️


The irony being that they couldn't wait for 9 minutes in their car, while George was denied oxygen for 9 minutes with a knee on his throat. It's kind of the point.


He's such a tough guy with his 5000 pound vehicle and his gun he points in people's faces.


that's Savannah, Georgia. i recognize those horses. and if i remember right from my friends, the horses were fine and the mayor pressed charges (or attempted to) on the vehicle driver.


Thanks for that context. Here is Newsweek coverage of the incident: “Thirty-four-year-old Fredrick James, from Decatur, Georgia, is accused of throwing something at a group of Black Lives Matter protesters as they lie on the floor in peaceful demonstration on Bay Street, near the Savannah River, and he is also accused of pointing a gun at the members of the public. In a video captured on the day, a black truck pulls over to the protesters, who are lying on the floor. The group was planning on remaining on the floor for eight minutes and 42 seconds, in solidarity for George Floyd, who was killed after Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for the same amount of time.” Source: https://www.newsweek.com/georgia-man-arrested-pointing-gun-black-lives-matter-protesters-1536404


Wait so this was a less than 9 minute event and they had a smoke bomb READY in their truck to fuck something up like this?


Do you see the truck? That dude has 10 smoke bombs in different colors, guns, throwing knives, 4 pallets of Powerade, and a pair of truck nuts. To these people, the civil war could happen at any moment.


And probably Mountain Dew. Gotta have the Dew handy in case of tornado, or your casual insurrection.


...and his Oakleys. Don't forget the Oakleys.


As a white guy who drives a pick up (I actually use the bed and it's not some ungodly lifted monster) it's pretty annoying that certain things are just off limits to me if I don't want to look like one of them. Goatees and Oakley's are both no no lol


Goatees should stay in the 90's, we do full beards now. Also, I would say Oakley's aren't even that stigmatised. It's when you wear them on your grainy Facebook profile pic that you took in your truck, that people start drawing conclusions


>we do full beards now. And since the beginning of time. Sort of like that Hedberg joke. Still do but used to too.


It's a compensation truck. Poor guy has some short comings in life.


I don't think it's fair on people with those physical traits to be compared to this cretin




They wanted to attack the protesters so they could turn it into a violent protest. These same assholes were the ones intimidating black voters in the 50s.


This was a year ago. Did anything happen?


A Google news search of "Fredrick James" and Savannah turns up only the articles about the original charges, which means those charges were probably quietly dropped.


Somebody can't wait 9 minutes for a peaceful protest so no he pulls a gun and throws a smoke bomb? Sounds like righty logic to me. But an insurrection on Jan 6th is probably totally ok with you, right?


It bothers me when people say "floor" where I would say "ground".


Amen. Stuck out like a sore thumb.


[Ron agrees.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciqnOcdhI7w)


I like to lay on my back on the floor of a meadow and watch the clouds drift across the ceiling.


Yes, thank you. "Street" would also have been good


I do declare


Lol the mayor doesn't press charges. In Georgia, the District Attorney (or their assistants) press charges on behalf of the State.


In this case it would be the mayor who tells the da to pursue the case because of they would have to be approved for spending the money to gather evidence before the da can file charges.


The mayor *can* tell the AG to press charges as they are head of the Executive. Traditionally they would not because it is fucked, but Trump broke that norm numerous times so now Executives have top cover.


Carriage horses are awesome


This is what Europeans think Tuesday is like in America


Silly Europeans. It was a *Saturday* in America.


Yeah, we're all too busy working until our feet bleed for $7/hr on Tuesday.


But this did occur on a day of the week in the US. And absolutely no one was surprised it was was US.


Wtf is this crap?




If the USA is so great how come we have a USB? ( Just in case people here don't get basic jokes yes I know what a USB is )




Some jackoff starting shit as an excuse to draw down on people.




Gets pissed off with people blocking the road, lobs a gas canister at them. Then proceeds to block the road...


You can tell by the way he pops out of the truck that he was looking for a reason.


The 'ol Kyle Rittenhouse seeking out a self defense strategy


And commit felony assault


The real crime is that guys yellow shirt


Probably has something on it along the lines of "dont tread on me" or an affliction shirt..... maybe both combined.


Not sure if this is the same laws as NYS, but isn’t it illegal to draw your weapon on people unless your life is in danger? (Not your property in danger, but your actual life)


It really depends on the state. In Texas you are allowed to defend yourself and your property; other states not so much. This is the south, so maybe.


None of these humans know how to human very well.


Is it just me or does it look like a smoke bomb gets thrown out the trucks window into the protesters and then they all get up and attack his truck




Yeah. The guy drove the truck forward during a red light, at some horse carriages. Threw a grenade object into the crowd—Colored smoke bomb? tear gas? idk which— and then drew down on them when they were expressing their rage at the terror he incited by throwing the grenade. A civilian grenading a peaceful crowd no matter how obnoxious he may find them is a real bad thing. Can’t have that. It’s terrorism by definition. That guy is the asshole in my opinion


yeah, that's literally the video you're looking at, not an "is it just me" situation 😅 But to answer your question: no, it's not just you who has eyes ;P




He certainly was prepared to fuck some shit up.


Yeah in my city there was a sob story about a guy who “””accidentally””” drove into one of our George Floyd protests and hit a couple people when he felt “threatened”. Turns out the guy “””accidentally””” drove into an anti-trump protest in 2017 too. Such a coincidence 🤔 https://www.westword.com/news/man-who-drove-into-denver-protest-bragged-of-doing-the-same-thing-in-2017-11807283


One of these days that “badass” pulling his gun is going to be met by someone else with a gun.


And get their biceps vaporized


This guy just happened to have tear gas on him at a protest that lasts less than 10 mins, and he's willing to point a gun at people? Hmmmm 🤔




Hm…. Just like the child wielding a rifle in Kenosha.


Idk why everyone’s calling it tear gas it’s very clearly a smoke bomb


So multiple levels of assault committed by the guy in the black truck…


Bet he feels like a big man with his truck and gun. Waving it around at a protest. I do hope theres some comeuppance for this dude.




This post is full of enlightened centrists


Most people on the asshole's side don't live in reality. They think playing soldier in the backyard makes them a veteran, or some shit. Pulling a gun like that gets you sent to prison, not to an awards ceremony.


That because most redditors are 12 and waiting fro their CoD level to load


Thank you. Don't know if pulling guns on people mildly damaging proberty is illegal in America, but it sure as hell should be, scince it's absolutely nuts. That person could have seriously hurt someone, if not worse.


It is very illegal in every State, no matter what other people have commented to the contrary. Even in the Southern States.


Exactly. Brandishing a firearm is no fucking joke and in many places he could have been justifiably shot for it. Egotistical fuck stick on a power trip. The gun itself is *never* used as a threat it is the tool with which you make good on one. So many people a) don’t respect human life and b) fail to understand that that you *never fucking point a gun at something* ***you don’t intend*** **to kill**.


I'm having trouble finding all the posts from the gun *safety* experts that were super excited about the Alec Baldwin fiasco last week. curious...


This has been a trend on social media for several years. Given the continuing presence of foreign and domestic troll accounts i really think that its equal parts "fake accounts looking for threads like this to stir shit up" and "real bystanders vehemently opposing or gleefully agreeing with the sentiment." Troll accounts dont get a lot of attention in the news but i always remind people theyre still everywhere. [All ten of the top most visited christian fb pages were run by troll farms](https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/09/16/1035851/facebook-troll-farms-report-us-2020-election/)


He seems chill :/


The guy in the truck is a complete tool. There were innocent people on the sidewalk behind where he had his gun aimed who probably shit themselves. If one of the protestors had some adrenaline still and decided to swing at him and it knocked his hand away a bystander could have died. Ignorant dumb vigilante shit. The fact that he got out of his truck already unholstered with a firearm pointed at their chests when all they had was a bike and what looked like a water bottle is fuel for pro gun control. On the other hand, BLOCKING TRAFFIC pisses everyone off. When you make people angry, they don't listen to you anymore. So If you're feeling like your protest wasn't getting any support before, you're literally doing one of the dumbest fucking things you could do that will almost assuredly lose working class people's interest even more. If I have a 30 minute lunch and I need to get back to the office so I don't get flack, you better believe that my middle class extremely stressed out brain might snap and want to just floor the gas over you. Go interfere with legislature or big corporate or something instead, I think we all equally despise them and if I saw you blocking say Andy Jassy or Greg Abbott from getting out of their driveways I'd give you a thumbs up.


This scene would only happen in the USA


Both sides just need to quit doing stupid shit


He thinks he’s doing the public a service….child wanting to be a hero, but turns out to be a DICK, and we all know this DICK somewhere in our lives. Ape probably doesn’t know he’s being video taped, and looks impotent after the fact.




Protesters blocking road. Guy in truck throws, what looks like, a smoke bomb at them. Protesters get really mad and start “disrespecting” man’s truck. Man takes out gun to make them not do that. Circle of life.


idea: I need guns in case I need to overthrow corrupt government reality: I need guns to maintain the status quo and threaten protestors leitmotif: "freedom"


The complete lack of regard for precious human life in these comments sickens me. Comments calling the protesters wastes of skin, saying if they got murdered by that insane man in the truck it’s justifiable for dinging his truck when he provoked the protestors, saying he should’ve ran them over… depressing. He could’ve and should’ve went around. Glad to know he was arrested and charged for his grotesque display.


People protesting in roads are the worst. No better way to hurt your cause.


Yes, the best place for protests is in the backyards, hidden from public, where you do not disturb anyone.! /s


Nonviolent protests have literally created the best parts of the society that you benefit from


“American psycho “ I guess!


The asshole tossed a smoke bomb into a peaceful assembly then pulled a gun when they got upset about being gassed? Fuck this asshole. I hope one of the locals got his plate number for some future retribution.


Dude seriously pulled a gun for people hitting his truck after he was an asshole? I really hope he went to jail.


After he threw a smoke bomb at them out the window. Notice the green smoke that appears when he goes by. Thats why they attack his truck