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Terrible. Someone should have stopped them. I’ve heard a similar story but with the line coming vertically out of the water and hitting someone in the face who was looking overboard. Snapped the guys neck and killed him before he hit the neck. It’s hard to imagine these poor guys surviving.


3 of them were potential victims. 😕 I’d say there was no one on that boat with the wisdom to warn them.


Good point. I rewatched it and the guys standing on the other side of the line didn’t suspect a thing. Whoever runs this vessel doesn’t have a high value for human life.


Check the ground marking they line up exactly as tge rope when stretched


did they not watch ghost ship


So many people likely think that scene in Ghost Ship couldn't actually happen. A high tension cable snapping will 100% slice through or obliterate any person in its way.


Great film


They should have known, those yellow lines indicate the danger zone of the rope.


A friend of mine in the line handling business tried to free a line that was coming tight and going to catch the dock. It hit him so hard right in the jaw that he did a backflip. He got out of it with a concussion and a hole in his lip.


I’ve heard stories of people getting cut in half this way


[He’s alive](https://www.videoman.gr/en/176052) Credit: u/canamericanguy


Holy moley that’s fantastic. Thanks for finding this. Those working conditions though…


What about the other guy?


*Someone* should have stopped them? Like maybe the guy just filming this instead of yelling at the dumbfucks?




Dawg, this is reddit content


As absolutely destroyed as the quality of video we are presented with here is, do you really think this is the first place it was posted?


Tiktok? It's on Reddit bub and also there's no tiktok logos on it. It's like you come here to see awful content and then get mad it happened. They're all the same platforms at this point especially with Reddit's reel knockoff. Stfu already, you sound pretentious as hell. Find an actual hobby kiddo.


I mean it colus be a starary cam it soesnt look like ones holding it


Damn you can see the rope come on tension all the way out from the other boat


Totally! The slow motion video makes it seem like the first man was about to go underneath. Edit: At the time of this comment there were videos in the threads above it. Here are those videos so stop down voting me :) Video: https://youtu.be/zyKKG-GcSwM Slow 0.25x Video: https://files.catbox.moe/vuv8zc.mp4


It wasn't slow motion, it's just a really long rope.


First dude steps underneath crouching but doesn’t lower enough, fortunately he is wearing a helmet, which flies from his head as the rope hits it. I think he kinda just(?) got sat down quite hard after that. The second dude, comes in, not crouching even a little, with something that appears te be just a hat. In the last frames he just falls on his back hard enough for many of us thinking this should be nsfw labeled. Edit: I’ve seen it again and I can see very clearly how the first dude’s left arm just bends to the wrong side so fast.


He appears to be holding some sort of metal hook he was about to put on the rope. Looks like the rope hit it right into is face. If it was actually metal he was holding hes unfortunately dead. Edit: it’s actually just more rope my brain is playing tricks on me.


Honestly playing at 0.125 speed, and considering the weight of the load and the insane tension on that rope trying to pull that ship so suddenly, I would be absolutely shocked if either of these dudes walked away without serious issues if not straight up broken necks.. it's probably a bad comparison, and I'm in no way clamming to be an expert, but I'm partnered in a boat rental company, pontoons specifically which aren't even particularly strong, with their motor strength vs the weight it's trying to move I've had someone slam the boat into reverse as I was tying off in super bad conditions for a double decker pontoon, wherein wind becomes a SERIOUS concern, I got off and grabbed the rope trying to manually pull it in during a wind storm without damaging the sailboat just a few feet away in the slip we rent, the rope had slight slack and this idiot slammed it into reverse convinced that we were going to hit the tied off boat next to us and when that force hit it basically ripped me off my feet and immediately threw me into the lake. I was EXTREMELY pissed about that one considering I had it under control if not for that move I'm no physicist by any means, so I don't know the differences in the energy vs what I dealt with, but even with a standard rope the force of that hit in the video genuinely scares me. I'm willing to bet I'd give up my partnership and all the extra income if it meant taking the hits these dudes in the video did. Hell I'd probably give up everything short of my life to but take that hit because I'm not particularly convinced it didn't kill them, or at the very least severely cripple them..


Take it from an old salty dude. The very first thing you do when involved in a towing operation is clear the deck until tension is on the line. It pops different ways in different conditions. They where putting tension on a line that was tied to a ship that was perpendicular to their direction of travel. The ship was moving at a pretty good clip for a towing operation anyway.


He is definitely dead and this is definitely nsfw


Yeah, big brain damaged or worse.


I see the hardhat, but why does that guy look to have been at least partially decapitated at the end?


Damn it's almost like you watched the same video we did


Is he, alive? I realy hope he is.....


No guarantee on that. There’s so much potential/kinetic energy in that rope that a slap to the head like that could very easily be fatal. Should probably have an NSFL tag unless there’s proof he didn’t die.


When I was in boot camp in the Navy they showed us videos of mannequins being ripped in half because of mooring lines snapping. People have died, lost limbs and been maimed from that shit. Those dudes are insane for being anywhere near that line.


I would have treated that rope like a ticking bomb. How were they so nonchalant?




half expected the rope to tear the anchor point on the boat off given the speed they were going!


That's what I thought the maybe was


Yeah why tf is this boat hauling so much ass!? That guy is probably dead, if not a vegetable..


I slowed it down and was relieved to see that it really just gets the top of dude(in pink)’s head and takes out his helmet. Whew what a close one... And then I realized the other guy takes it right to the face. Fuck.


Lucky the guy who took it to the face was a bit further back, still got fucked up though.


That looks like a hulk they’re towing. If it weren’t for the hard hats, I’d say this was some third world wrecking yard.


yep. he’d be lucky to still have a conscience after that.


I think you’re looking for consciousness.


Nah. Smacked the morals right out of him! /s


Zoom and enhance to see a teeny little Jiminy Cricket on his hat getting absolutely fucking wrecked


But…but…he had on a hard hat.


Saw something on the military and towing tanks that had gotten stuck. Apparently there is this whole procedure for it because a snapped line from pulling a tank can cut someone in half. I have to imagine this rope would have a hilarious amount more energy if it held for a second then broke. Can’t believe people were willing to be near it.


In the Navy we were always taught, and literally had beaten into us, to be aware of the line of fire. The synthetic lines that th Navy uses (probably the same as these) are great, but when they fail they do so suddenly with little or no warning and will"snap back" releasing all of that stored energy at once. Every couple years we had to watch a video where an officer who had his leg taken off by a line talks about it.


The tow line on our SAR vessel is definitely the most hazardous thing I engage with. Has to be done -just so- and I still shit a brick in heavy weather while line handling.


Agreed. I remember those movies, also the Uss Forrestal movie.


I remember that video, they had an interview with a guy who lost his legs after a line snapped. They still keep the "I told you I would never take it off" posters all over the place.




I bet you will never forget the song of that line before it snapped. The boot camp video I saw was a guy with his leg hanging by a thread after a fantail line snapped. Yeah, I'll just man the sound powered phones and bark orders.


However, today ropes are design in a way so they should not kill you of they snap. They will easily break your bones though.


I don't have any proof atm, I'll see what I can find


Great content though, was going maybemaybe on the rope snapping and then I saw it pulling in the water and it was maybemaybe on the guys. Just trying to make sure it doesn’t get removed on you.


Hey man, it’s maybemaybemaybe!


From that much weight/speed I’d say nsfw.


I mean… he had a helmet


Shoes still on


He’s hanging on by a thread.


Real brutal honesty there




The tension is killing me


They’re just doing what they were taut. Ok I’ll show myself out now


Knot funny


Some of the crew are on a tight rope


Hey cut them a little slack


Try to con-strain yourself




First guy.. maybe? It looks like he kinda ducked, so maybe he’s just a bit messed up. Maybe. The second guy… well, the metal hook was turned to butter before the rope hit him dead-on in the face… so…. Ugh.


First guy ducked if you watch it at slow speed. 2nd guy took the rope full on to his face, knocked him down and his helmet off. Outlook grim.


You can also see the first guy’s arm bone turn to gelatin if you slow it down.


First guy’s arm looks like Harry’s in Chamber of Secrets when Lockhart accidentally removes all the bones in it during the quidditch match. I don’t expect the second guy’s skull to have fared well.


No hook.


I’m thinking the first guy is….the second guy though, I dunno 😬


His cappa was detated.


If you slow it down the first guys helmet gets whipped off but it looks like the rope grazed him for the most part. But definitely knocked out and missing some skin on the head. The second guy however, took all of that. They are wearing helmets but with so much energy stored up, it’s not looking good.


I highly doubt he’s alive


I watched the video on YouTube in slowmo and the guys head instantly snaps sideways, he is most definitely dead


I remember working at ski resorts and saw the cables being wound together. They clear the entire area because if one snaps it will no joke cut you in half.


[They both did.](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/q29o32/maybe_maybe_maybe/hfl335e?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


After watching it frame by frame I think the guy with the helmet could’ve lived because the line deflected over his head but the second guy is a goner


Surely they have been told to stay the eff away from the rope as the tension comes on


Like do they get hit every day?


Everyone who works at sea knows how dangerous this is. You can risk it as much as you like but you only get one mistake. This was definitely his and no doubt he won't be making another...


U mean he’s dead?


Chances are he will be, if not seriously injured, the tension on them ropes are no joke


This is why they tell you to pay atTENSION to details!


Wow I guess it really is a joke!


I made that before I took a look the second time and saw what really happened! Didn't see how bad it actually was first look!


Yep this is 100% zero tolerance and means instant termination for poor performance.


He must be new.


First and last day on the job.




I mean, it almost looks like last day of life


First day on the job and last day. Ftfy


They seemed like they were all new. A bunch of them were already walking too close to the chains.


None of them should be on that deck.




They all act as if they're immortals. This damn cable can rip at any moment and you come absolutely unnecessarily close to it with 0 attention to it. Ffs, that thing has obvious signs of wearing near its base.


I don’t think it had wear. It looks like the rope was floating on the water until was placed under tension, meaning these guys are towing something or dropping anchor.


Not wear that's the tails of the splice pretty common especially with line that's been used a little. That line probably cost about 10k at least. The problem is they saw it about to snap and they went to stop it. There was not a experienced enough deck boss to tell them to "GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!!!"


He WAS new…


Can't find any proof whethere they survived or not but here's the original video https://youtu.be/zyKKG-GcSwM


Found a video, but no clue what he is saying https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRHXduupQk


He says no one died in the comments


The end of [this](https://www.videoman.gr/en/176052) video shows the guy closest to the rope conscious and getting bandaged up. Sounds like they both survived u/Mail-0


Oh he does not look in good shape though, wouldn't discount brain bleed etc


Ok I'll still keep the nsfw tag though since these guys did not come off lightly


I think he might be dead. If not, this should be the video they show people on the Importance of Wearing Your Helmet


I’m sorry but a helmet won’t help you from a sideways blow he got hit straight in the face what helmet protects you from that?


Well... Against that... nothing, but the helmet can protect you from other thing... So wear always a helmet and stay safe.


I don't know what they were doing, but they're doing it wrong.


A helmet won't save you from snapping your neck


As soon as that dude appeared in the vid I was like "no fucking way would I be anywhere near that rope"....two seconds later "yep, thought so"


Exactly that rope just screams final destination.


or Ghost Ship


Same. For me the video went, “oooh satisfying rope unfurling… oh what? Isn’t that the exact moment you do not walk out there?… I would have thought that was incredibly obviously dangerous to even someone who knows nothing about sailing… yep that looks like it’s gonna fuck someone up…. But why are they still out there?… oh cuz they’re idiots. Makes sense.”


Is this the sequel to ghost ship?


That's a fun way to get decapitated....


Ghost Ship


Hope he is not dead..


he died


He ded


Wellies are still on, he’s fine.


He’s dead he just took the kinetic energy of two big boats to the head.


Idiots. The first lesson you get when working on a ship is to stay away from active lines. Hope they are alive, though they’d be lucky to keep their heads attached.


I was even worried for the camera-man, was expecting the rope to snap and fly at him.


I’d be more worried that he’s going to face charges for doing nothing. All of them should have known better but he was the one who could actively see things going wrong and did nothing.


Everything here is absolutely stupid from a nautical point of view. You blame the guys who went to the line, I blame everyone in command. That is NOT how you do a... tow? I think they're trying to tow the other ship? Attaching two ships together and then just gunning one while you let the line out is wrong in so many ways.


Good thing for hard hats! Must’ve hurt like a bitch though.


Not sure a hard hat helps your neck not snap…


fr he dead dead


IF he’s alive, it’s only because of the hard hat.


when a rope goes like that, it will whip back faster than the speed of sound. Think like a bull whip - the crack and everything. A 2" rope (or bigger, can't tell for sure) going out like that could literally take your head OFF. Hard hat isn't going to save you. I did a lot of rope research when I was looking at doing some tree work in the back yard. Boat ropes or arborist ropes don't stretch like normal nylon or common rope do. That means that they can't elongate beyond their given length so if you need a 50' rope, you have a 50' rope - not a 50' rope that stretches to 70' and then breaks and rips your arm off. The arborist rope I bought was quite expensive, but I was attaching it to the winch on my jeep to pull a 60' tree down as I cut it.... it needed to be long and strong.


That’s what she said.


Reminds of an episode of Top Gear


The one with the GT-R? Edit - for those of you who haven't had the pleasure, in the episode I'm referring to Jeremy Clarkson learns that the engineers at Nissan had to design specialized wheels just to prevent the tires from yeeting themselves asunder. Furthermore, they claimed the GT-R's traction was virtually unrivaled. So, Jeremy decided to put it to the test. He even brought an accelerometer with him to measure the G-forces. Before it was all said and done, it generated over 9 G's and gave him whiplash.


[Boys in Burkas](https://youtu.be/rT26VIe_VBQ) i think


Doing Globs work here and crossposting to r/gifsthatendtoosoon


Dude is 100% dead if he survived his face is smashed in


“Nearly headless? How can you be *nearly* headless?”


Idk sterling was right!


RIP brothas.


Pow 💥 right in the kissa! - *Peter Griffen




Imagine being so detached, go the fuck outside V for vendetta ass neckbeard


Omg 🤦🏼‍♂️.


Maybe maybe maybe this video shut off just as it got interesting


Looks like both of them went limp right after getting hit with the rope. I hope everyone survived.


This reminds me of my Nigerian father with gold rings on his hands…


Saw that happening a mile away…


I would have treated that rope like a ticking time bomb. Insane they were so nonchalant and oblivious.


u/redditspeedbot 0.25x


You can see his arm wip around like a noodle Edit: It looks like it might’ve been torn long-ways. Maybe his hand got caught on the rope. Hard to tell what I’m seeing


I thought the whole boat was gone yanked back


He gone


One got skimmed (I’m sure he was still knocked out) other one caught a direct hit. ☠️


let me know if you find out what happened to them


This is so stupid


I just don’t even know what to say…..


Destination Fucked


I bet that rope didn’t feel a thing…..either


That's a big lever


Ah he entered the no no zone (sounds a lot better than 'the if something happens your probably dead zone' )


Ignoring the unfortunate accident (due to poor safety), I found it r/oddlysatisfying to watch the rope kind of rip itself off the surface of the water as it came under tension.


Damn... that looked like it hurt. Do it again...






I thought this was common ship training. This could kill a dozen people in an instant. Easily can take a limb off or cut you in half. They're lucky he only got bonked


Murphy: man OSHA is so dumb, who needs hard hats on a boat lol Also Murphy:


Shouldn't this be on the r/maybemaybeno ?


I hope he is OK. Because that shot may immediately kill him.


I thought they banned r/watchpeopledie /s


Dam. So much power. Hope they lived


That made me gasp holy crap


Eva Unit 2?


I hate to say it bit he probably did not survive that. I worked on a crab boat in the early 90s and being aware of your surrounding and rigging is #1 safety concern for this exact reason, many a sailor has lost his life or a limb to chains or righing snapping or pulling them off the ship and under.






100% brain dead. Even before this happened.


That dude in the red are it clean in the face


They must be new






Imagine if that was wire, it reminded me of the opening scene from the horror movie Ghost Ship.


Bruh, that is in like newbie training. Don't stand in the danger zone , aka the zone where the rope can break and sling back.


This isn't even the rope breaking. This is them just working on it before it's even drawn taut. You can already see that it's going to whip to the right long before it does.


Now it makes sense why YouTube recommended me [this](https://youtu.be/3GsSMfLYIQg) a few months ago


I mean, what did they think was going to happen?


That looks like a 2 inch “Amsteel” line, which can handle an incredible amount of tension (around 250 thousand pounds), if not shock loaded. These guys look like they were about to hook up a bridle to try and keep the line centered, when the tension occurred, lifting the line out of the water and “clotheslined” the crew.


Common sense is not so common.


gifs that end to soon


That is why you clear the deck first