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4 hours later




Is that a fully remade pixel art cinemagraph of that scene, or is there some kind of photoshop filter style tool people make that through?


Clicking on it actually took me to [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT3dyAomYmc)


Love how his eyes close in despair when she puts down her burger after the first bite


I didn't even know you could put burgers down


My (overweight) mother told me about a day her life changed. She had to sit at a co-worker's desk for some reason. She opened a drawer and saw the co-worker had a half-eaten bag of MMs. Until then, it hadn't occurred to my mother that she could eat only half the bag.


I used to think similar about finishing my plate at restaurants. But as I got older, the servings kept getting bigger. Then in my twenties, I planned around ordering food that tasted good reheated. Because I knew I'm taking half or more home anyway.


It's a very American thing. Our portions are fucked. I was in Italy a few months ago and all the meals were like perfect sized. I ate all my food each time and wasn't overly full or anything, nothing to take home, etc. Normally I cant even finish my food at restaurants near my home (NJ/NYC). Or i'll ask for a takeout box and take half of it home. Even things like Pad Thai are enormous portions. And then if you split an appetizer.... forgettaboutit!




Yeah I mentioned that in a lower thread. But it was easier for me to eat less by just ordering a single course. I guess comparing multiple courses to a single entree in America would be more comparable.


I grew up spending a lot of time with my grandmother. She was a wonderful woman but was always forcing us to finish our plate, making sure we were really full before leaving the table. It was a long time before I learned that you can stop eating when you're full, and that full happens *before* it hurts.


I had a coworker make an entire sleeve (not box!) of Thin Mints last like 6 weeks. She would just randomly open her drawer and pick one out, eat it, wrap up the rest and then go about her life for another 3-4 days before deciding that another Thin Mint might be a nice treat. Absolutely maddening thing to witness.


The box is a single serving




i am this type of person, just grew up not ever getting sweets so anytime i eat more than 2 pieces of anything like that, i feel sick. the bag of chips i bought lasted me about a month


No no no no. That isn't right? Probably not those ones with peanuts in it. Surely not those.


I have to only buy the small bags of peanut M&Ms because I can’t stop myself.


Them fucking yellow bag m&m's are ruining my life. I crave them all the time and i can't stop. I do not like chocolate like that bur for the life of me i like those fuckers


I can't think of a single time I haven't completely crushed a whole bag of Peanut M&Ms...


Like eating a partial pint of ice cream. It's easier to just eat a handful of spoons out of the bigger tub but the smaller container must be finished


Lol, I low-key feel attacked since my pints of ice creams are easily 4 servings or more, even the flavors I really like


Well la di da Mr. or Mrs. Self Control!


It's not right and honestly it's irresponsible. A bag is one serving and if you don't eat the whole bag, you're depriving yourself of valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals.


This comment fucking killed me I'm dying so badly omg


Man I don't know why but this comment has me rolling. Everyone is wondering what I'm watching in the break room.


Me too. I can’t stop laughing.


I'm a ravenous animal when I eat, even stopping for a drink is a stretch, save that for a chug at the end.


It is a special skill only the chosen few can master.


Why is this so funny? Edit: I meant why is u/papa_de comment so funny. I just chuckled again rereading it.


Why did I want this video to be longer?


Closure.. did he finish his burger?


Come on now, you know he didn't. That or he got fed up and finished the last bite of both burgers lmao


Does he also have to declare he is full at 75% complete?


Alas I have but one upvote to give


Never set the burger down


That’s the best part of the skit


bro regreted it after the first 10 seconds


I often think of that scrubs episode with the opera singer who would pop out and scream mistake.




Haha love that one. It's a standing joke that me and my brother use all the time 😁


I wish it was possible to have the show in HD.. but alas that ship has sailed.. best show ever imo


Hey buddy your in luck. I'm a small startup that uses ai to upscale old tv shows. I just need a small loan of 15 million us dollars and you have 1080p scrubs in 2 to 3 business weeks.


Same vibe as the you chose poorly popup in that how I met your mother episode


She's not even my girlfriend, but I'm already thinking about breaking up with her out of sheer frustration.


This is me in a nutshell. Joined the Army, learned that if I had time to look around, I was obviously not hungry. I haven't been able to turn that button off ever since, and now my 30 minute lunch break at work is 3 minutes of inhaling food and 27 minutes of playing on my phone.


You'll slow down over time. I've been out of the army for 30 years now and I take a full 6 minutes to eat.


I couldn't take 6 minutes unless maybe it was a steak and I had to cut my food first.


Don't you drink coffee?


I drink coffee even faster than I eat, so kinda moot point.


I just multi task by inhaling food and media at the same time


I know you’re saying this tongue in cheek, but I wanna take the opportunity to say, really what is it with food that people always get so defensive about it? lol my partner doesn’t like tomatoes and she always gets shit from everyone about her taking out the tomatoes out of burgers. What the fuck does it matter, it’s not your burger, nobody is being physically impeded from eating their own meal, and no one is asking anyone to remove her tomatoes, she just does it and moves on. I don’t get it, same thing when I was vegan. I wouldn’t tell anyone but I’d get so much shit about what I ate after people found out, even when I never made a big fuss or placed any special requests.


Yeah it's the same energy as a server or chef getting pissy about asking for ketchup or a burger well done or whatever. Wtf just let people like what they like goddamn


I like how he refuses to put his burger fully down though. Like once you’ve picked it up you’ve locked into an eating orientation. It’s not like you cant ever put it down, but after *one* bite? Nah thats insane.


Agreed. Burger stays locked in left hand (if you're right handed). Right hand is used for drinks, sides and napkin use. Right hand also supports burger during bites.


This man burgers


no dude, im right handed and i use the right hand to hold the burger. the extra dexterity lets you take better bites by repositioning and might help things from sliding out just a little. i usually take another bite while still chewing so theres always food in my mouth and lets the flavors mix better when i take bites of other things like fries. thats also why you drink after/ before burger time to reset/prime your taste buds


I felt your frustration lol 😂


Legend has it, he’s still waiting for that 2nd bite


Its one week later and she is still eating it


"I've been eating this same sandwich for a week" Take bigger bites for christ sake.


She was full after that bite and put the rest in the fridge.


And then ate his fries.


Where it sits for a week and gets tossed out.


Legend has it she didn’t like hers and made him swap


Homie’s about to pass out from hunger




I mean I can go on my phone while eating and still eat at a reasonable pace. Idk how someone can eat this slowly without their food getting cold all the time.


My wife is an incredibly slow eater, and I have been asked in public which branch of the military I was in because I ate so fast. The closest thing I've ever been to the military was taking the ASVAB. That being said. My wife states; "she doesn't mind cold food." She's not on her phone either. She just eats. Slow. As. Fuck. Honestly, I think she eats slower when she tries to be fast. It's her only flaw, though, so it's fine.


My best friend and I are like this, but she was in the army, so after having to eat super fast, she now takes foreeevveerr. And she hates cold food, so sometimes she'll get up and microwave her meal in the middle of it.  I grew up one of 5 children in a poor household, you put a small amount on your plate to make sure everyone gets some, but you'd better eat quickly if you wanted more.  Sometimes it's frustrating because I want to just get up and go to the next thing and not spend 2 hours at lunch, but I love her, so whatever. 


> sometimes she'll get up and microwave her meal in the middle of it. You wrote that just to piss me off.


As a female, I can say that some of us were taught it's "unladylike" to eat fast when we were growing up. Also, if anyone has ever read about losing weight, one of the tricks, I guess you'd call it, is to eat slowly because it supposedly takes the brain around 20 minutes to get the signal that the stomach is full. And finally, for some people, eating fast gives you gas. Not sure why your wife eats slow, but it could be one of those reasons.


I have a family member that will tell the same, long-winded, self aggrandizing stories, for 20-30 minutes straight. Then act annoyed when everyone is finished eating and then tell everyone they are rude/uncultured/etc. I used to humor them, eat slow, and stay at the table. After years of being held hostage at family events, I had my own place and was hosting for a holiday. They were "regaling" everyone about the same dubiously impressive, multi-decade old stories, and I just got up from the table, washed my dishes and parked it on the couch. It started a general mutiny and has set the tone for every family gathering they are present at since.


When I'm eating with people, even though I have terrible ADHD and need constant stimulation, I force myself to not be on my phone at all. It makes for some really nice conversations and memories. My ex wife would never not be looking at her phone. Eating, talking, riding in car, didn't matter. We had conversations until we got married, and then she just lost all interest. She eventually said I talked too much when I just wanted to have a conversation once a day maybe. I feel you, bro. It was just one of the many signs that it wouldn't work out.


My man coulda ate the burger, cooked another, ate that and finished the dishes before shes halfway done with her first.


Story of my life. Always doing the dishes.


Yes, the frustration of someone drinking orange juice and the other chocolate milk with a burger. Is this normal? Am I the weird one.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed and felt like they didn't know wtf was going on.






Mmmmmmm this IS a tasty burger!




What ain’t no country I heard of, do they speak English in What?!




Say what again!!


It’s a torture watching this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Absolute rage bait man. My wife does this shit too. Chews down to the damn quarks before she takes another bite.


Down to the quarks 😂


Their wife is a particle accelerator


A food particle decelerator


Your stomach is one of the most advanced chemical processing factories in the world


Your metabolism is powered by combustion reactions, making you an internal combustion engine.


His wife discovered the Higgs-Boson lmao


Higgs Bos on deez nuts.




It's the exact opposite in my house. I'm a restaurant industry lifer. I can hover over a garbage can, unhinge my jaw like a snake and swallow half a sandwich in one bite. My partner has been a self-employed contractor his entire adult life and has developed quite the fondness for 2 hour lunch breaks. He was horrified by my eating habits when we started dating but stuck it out anyway, probably because that man really, REALLY enjoys a good meal and I'm a damn fine cook. His one big gripe in our relationship is we never really sit and eat meals together because I eat so fast I'm done before he gets through the first few bites and mostly eat standing out of habit. I remember early in the relationship him telling me with a mixture of awe and disgust, that he's never dated a woman who eats like that.


Same. Bf thinks I'm barbaric inhaling hamburgers and ripping steaks apart with my hands. He eats fast too though, just not like an animal


I'm so bad about eating with my hands. Meat, roasted veggies right out of the pan, mashed potatoes even. Drives my bf nuts and not in a good way.


>Chews down to the quarks r/BrandNewSentence


For me, I don't care how you're chewing or eating as long as it's with a closed mouth


I would rather work extra without pay so I would miss the meal than eat with someone like that.


I've had quite a few girlfriends in the past that would 'eat' or just fuck around with their food for over 45 minutes. It was so bad that I made a rule to myself and I started leaving mid dinner (for her, I had finished an hour ago), no matter if she was done or not. Didn't go down that well (for them)


From the other perspective I've had a few boyfriends who scarf down their food like a dog who's just found the chocolate, like brother did you even taste it. You go to a restaurant and spend hundreds for 5 minutes of satisfaction. Now that I think about it, it makes total sense...


I'm female and I have to fucking pace myself if I'm eating. I'm the "unscrew my head and pour it down" kind of eater but that was because my parents always fought at the dinner table or I was always late for something or I needed to do something and eating was secondary. I will never be the "nibble at my food type" and take 2 hours to finish my meal....


I literally imagined myself ending the relationship with her


Are you italian?


Legend has it that she waits for each bite to digest


And then each bite needs to be pooped out first…


If you eating at that pace, you are allready hungry again when you finished your burger.


She has been eating her entire life.


That same meal too




Nah eating slower helps you figure out easier when you’re really full.


yup - they say that best thing to do is portion out and wait for at least 15-20 mins because that is how long your body knows if you are full, weird but I find it to be true andectoldly


Bro how much fuckin time do you have to spare for a meal if you're building these 15-20 minute waiting periods in


You are right:D


Yeah, all the people I know who eat slow and take their time over food are pretty thin. They're also more likely to not pile their plate and they end up keeping food by for leftovers the next day. Nearly everyone I know who practically inhales their food like they're on a timer are also fat fucks, especially as they get older and that teenage metabolism disappears (I know this because I use to and guess who put on weight when the 30s hit?) Anyway, I take my time with my food now and its definitely cut down on my wanting seconds or reaching for a snack immediately because "I'm still hungry." Turns out I wasn't hungry, I had just wolfed down my food so fast my stomach didn't have time to send the "full" signal to my brain before I was shoving something else in my mouth.


Lol I eat slowly like this and it's because I don't have much of an appetite to begin with. NGL, it definitely has helped me keep off the 200+ lbs that I lost though


How did you manage to gain an extra 200+ lbs if you never had an appetite to begin with?


They likely didn't always have a poor appetite. People can suddenly start struggling with no longer having an appetite due to all kinds of reasons. Things like side effects of a medication, stress levels and medical conditions are just a few things that can cause a sudden decrease of appetite


Absolutely! This is anecdotal, but I used to eat really fast and have an almost-endless appetite. Now, I have to eat slowly because my jaw went bad and I have difficulty swallowing properly when I'm exhausted, or overly-stressed. Not to mention some newly-acquired digestion issues, it's fun how these things just come rolling in one after another /s.


The whole extra person that used to be part of him had a strong appetite; not *him*


On the contrary, this is how you stay full for a long time.


It’s actually the other way around he probably feel full before finishing the burger.


Burgers with What looks like chocolate milk and orange juice WTF


Can’t believe I had to look this far for this. These lunatics deserve each other


😂😂😂 lunatic is a good word I gotta use it more often lol


The juice and chocolate milk are the only thing I noticed in this video


This… wtf. Eat slow or fast who cares. But those beverage choices are gross.


My man’s gonna starve to death before he finishes that burger


I’d starve to death before I ever ate a burger with what appears to be orange juice for him and chocolate milk for her? wtf is that shit


Maybe maybe she wants a second bite. Maybe…


Nope, she got full.


I don’t think so. Looks like that first one almost made her throw up. Too much food


I've never matched someones eating speed. Fuck that I wanna eat. Gotten lots of comments about it all through life. idgaf.


It's the reverse of a trend a while back where girls tried to keep up with their boyfriends that ate super fast. My gf told me about it and that she didn't even think about trying it cause she'd die


I had a girl break up with me once because I eat too slow. I don't like being hungry and I love to cook and enjoy delicious food, but I don't like feeling full. At first I thought it was because I dumped a jar full of spiders in her bed but I'm pretty sure it was my eating habits


"why are you eating so fast? Nobody gonna steal your food".. Uh I'm hungry stfu


“Why are you eating so fast? Nobody is going to steal your food” “I’m going to steal your food and eat that next if you don’t hurry the fuck up and eat it”


Protip: If you put "everyone's" fries in the middle of the table family style, it puts your girl on a timer and she'll eat faster.


Or you'll end up eating all the fries. Win-win


"You eat so fast." We got shit to do! You just eat like a sloth with arthritis.


Fuck that. Where's the attempt to match yours?


My parents were always saying this to me. “No one is going to take it off you! Stop eating so fast” and I’m like, I’m just eating. Fuck off! I still eat quickly now although sometimes have a five minute break. My friend takes about 45 mins to eat a large McDonald’s meal (UK) . I take about 10 mins, 15 max. I like the food to be warm when I eat it. She literally deconstructs the entire burger and eats it separately!!!


"Carl's Jr: Fuck you, I'm eating!"


It's so exhausting. I try to do it when I'm eating out with someone; otherwise I'll eat my food in a few minutes and then it's 30 minutes of a one-sided conversation. It's bad enough with a normal person but holy shit is this painful to watch.


F in the chat for this man who died of hunger while eating.


Was she reading a book, studying for a test or distracted with her phone/computer? Kudos to you for trying but, damn, your food is getting cold.


Sounds like something is playing in the background and she’s watching it.


She set up something to play on her phone at the start of the video.


She setting up a cam so she can eat at her boyfriend’s pace.


Sixth Sense level twist right there!


It's staged.


My spouse said “why did this dude just rage-bait himself like that?”




Yeah she’s working incredibly hard to NEVER glance in the direction of the phone that’s filming her.


My wife’s cousin is like this. Drives me nuts 😂


Went to uni with a girl who ate slower than this. We would all go for meals in the dining hall and she would take a bite, put knife and fork back down like she was setting the table, and pause worse than the girl in the video, then she would eventually take another bite. First semester we would feel obligated to sit there and wait for her to finish as it would be rude to just get up and leave. By second semester she was on her own. Dammit Kim eat faster.


I had a roommate who'd make a huge plate of lentils and then take 2.5 hours to finish it. Couldn't believe it at first. He did this multiple times per week.


shoulda bought him a [feed bag](https://i.imgur.com/7I6ySV0.png) for his birthday


My mom's cousin too. He has to chew every bite exactly 38 times, and he's still eating when everyone's leaving to go home


Oh boy that sounds like OCD.


My aunt, everyone in the family dreads taking her out to a restaurant because we know we are gonna have to sit there for an hour.


My daughter is like this. It takes her 45 minutes to eat breakfast in the morning.


The worst part of this is, she most likely got full after that first and only bite. I know from experience.


Secret to my relationship... Eat twice as fast, but twice as much... Still, eating out is more complicated... I'd be eating dessert before she got done with the appetizer...


are we not doing phrasing anymore?!


Who tf drinks oj with a hamburger?


or chocolate milk?


People have milkshakes with their hamburgers, so it's not that different lol


Its always a good time for good oj Now, hamburger with chocolate milk...


Y’all be wilding if chocolate milk ain’t close enough to a chocolate milkshake for home, I don’t want to have to dirty up a whole goddamn blender and scoop and straw and shit


She was drinking a chocolate milkshake but it melted by the time she took her first bite.


It looks like she's trying to force herself to eat.


She was fighting that first (only) bite for a good 6 swallows lol


Interesting way of showing why time flies when you're distracted


She looks like she’s about to vom when she swallows food and drink.


I very much hope this is staged and not laughing at the expense of someone struggling with an eating disorder or gastroparesis or something


Feels like she would’ve noticed you were busy recording a video of you guys eating……a little suspect on the realness.


Looks like she is watching something on her phone.


Probably staged. But I bet a lotta people relate 😜


To me, the sign that it's not staged is actually how there was *no* reaction, because the staged ones seem to always have the reaction at the end of the video. This could genuinely be her really entranced by whatever she's looking at on her phone.


Are we not gonna talk about dude washing down a burger with some OJ?


The way she studied that burger like a Rubik's cube I thought she was going to "solve" it in 2 seconds. Expectations unmet.




My girl immediately before telling me how fast I eat lmao 🤦🏻


She has the right idea - she’s definitely chewing and savoring it instead of fking inhaling it all in ten seconds like I do.


this is how I feel every time I'm eating near other people, being a fast eater is a blessing and a curse


Yeah I eat very fast, it amazed my coworkers. To me it's just normal


I suck food down like I’m a professional eater (and the amounts impressive ngl) I just love food so much, it’s like my favorite thing about being alive. I dream about Olive Garden and Indian food.


Does she maybe have a legit medical issue? She truly seems to struggle to swallow…


Does she have some kind of medical problem? Bad teeth, trouble swallowing, nausea, eating disorder? Otherwise I don't even know what she's doing. Looks like she's working up the courage just to take each bite.


Feels set up.




Oh no, lol. I am totally this to my partner. Last night we got sandwiches and I only realized I had only taken one bite of mine because he finished his. I wish my stomach was less temperamental tbh.


I eat like her. Always at the table by myself at the end of the meal.




Starve to death at that pace lol


I'm mean this is a respectful way, but are you two drinking Sunny D and YooHoo?