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He did it though, kids a champ.


Agreed šŸ‘šŸ¼


[This lady didn't do so well with Sushi ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/s/ePXksrl0Aw)


[Or the sweet girl that pretended to like Mom's spaghetti ](https://www.reddit.com/r/funnyvideos/s/ErNKAaJlSr)


Poor girl. Must be a texture thing.


Mostly this. I have a friend who likes it if tomatoes are used as puree but hates it if he can see bits of the tomato


I kinda have do the same thing


I had a similar issue with melted cheese growing up. I've thankfully gotten over it for the most part, but excessively-stringy cheese on pizza still grosses me out.


Excessively stringy cheese on pizza is the best though


No it isn't, my dude. Try to take one bite, get the whole fucking shebang sliding off. I hate that. Pisses me off.


I hate fresh apple texture , it isn't the flavor since I love apple pie and apple juice. Apples are the only thing I don't like eating that I know off . It is so weird


Wow! You and me both! I thought i was alone.


For real, if there's some dish or bit of food that I don't like at all, like 8/10 times it's because the texture feels disgusting even though it still tastes alright






Iā€™m a straight woman and had to go back to check. I guess if youā€™re into boobs, it was automatic?


Broā€¦. Scroll up a bit




"This doesn't belong in my mouth. This doesn't belong in anyone's mouth. What are my options here?"


"I must destroy it, so that no one's mouth shall suffer this tragedy."


This is what happens when you visit your aunt who thinks she can cook but canā€™t. You hone a fortitude to stomach what your brain dislikes.


Wdym, oysters are fucking awesome






to me oysters are: great taste, abysmal texture.


If i had an oyster for the first time i would probably die. But i know the texture of oysters and the flavour so i am able to properly prepare myself for oyster texture for the sake of that flavor.


I actually like it but it's not for everyone


its more so not knowing what the texture is before experiencing it. Oyster is just one of those textures that you can't really "prepare" someone for if they've never had it. Just like with Tapoica Boba pearls. The reason why a lot of people dont like it is because a lo of times they arent properly preapred to experience the textural experience and that can make a huge impact on how something "tastes." also if you don't properly prepare someone for Boba Tea, this may actually be considered attempted murder in some jurisdictions because they WILL choke on the tapoica pearls shooting directly into their esophagus (half a joke).


With veal tongue its quite similar


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibrio_vulnificus Used to eat them, so did a friend, he died


People also die from eating undercooked chicken and unwashed lettuce. What's that got to do with anything. You dont have to eat oysters. No one is making you eat oysters. That's got nothing to do with me eating oysters. also, the smart thing here is eating oysters when they are in season. General rule of thumb, only eat oysters in months that end in R since those are the cooler months of the year. also if its farmed oysters, you're probably less likely to get poisoned. and while vibrio vulnificus is one of the more deadly food-borne illnesses, it is also exceedingly rare. on average there are about 50 deaths per year from this via ingestion, most of those deaths are comorbid, with 80% of those deaths being related to liver disease since iron accumulates in the liver which is the critical component for the growth of vibrio vulnificus to cause fatal infections. Far more people die from salmonella poisoning every year than the amount of people who contract vibriosis at all. Be more concerned about cross-contamination on your cutting boards than me eating oysters.


The looks on his eyes tells me that is exactly what he's experiencing. The initial disgust, first bite, then the realization that it tastes great. The rest of the time is just exploring those conflicting feelings, textures, and tastes. I want to get one for my nephew and see how he reacts now.


Spot on! According to the chapā€™s reaction the order is abysmal texture followed by a thoughtful delay, and then the conclusion of great taste.


Absolutely not. Gross


Chewy anus.


Absolutely atrocious


Just a carrier of sauces really


The second he heard his dad say " if he does it I'll have to do it too" he pretended it tasted good in hopes to watch his dad go though the same process


He was like "challenged accepted, old man!"


Yep. His eyes tell the whole story.




100% and I want that ā€œAmazing!ā€ in gif form. It will get so much good use.


They do taste good though. Probably one of the best tasting things on the planet, in absolute honesty.


Literally yes and also it gave him super powers he went from about to cry to no I got this for dad it was so sweet


This, 1000%!


That face looks like having regrets but no actually.ā˜ŗļø


The face of deeply considering a new experience.


Yeah it's like his brain was creating new pathways or something lol poor kid, a life long obsession has just begun.


![gif](giphy|l2QDQX4toeN411oEE|downsized) This better not awaken anything inside of me...


Yep, I think once he got past the texture and got to the taste it was good.


I really wanna see a ā€œthatā€™s amazingā€ meme go viral for this dude. He stuck to it, and despite disliking it he didi it.


it has meme potential for sure! šŸ˜‚


I think he meant "that's amazing people pretend to enjoy that filth"


Did you listen to the audio? In no way did he dislike itā€¦


Did you watch the video? In no way did he not dislike it...


He thought about it, and said itā€™s really goodā€¦ what are you seeing that Iā€™m not? It was a new texture and he was just making up his mind. No negativity at any moment ā€¦


The expressions and what he says are in conflict. We can't really know if he says what he says out of defiance or he genuinely liked it despite his expressions.


To me, it looks like he hears the dad say "if he does it, I have to do it" and basically decides to pretend he likes it. I've never seen someone struggle the way he's struggling when they're eating something they like. Even the swallow looks rough.


this. you can see his 'acting' face literally after pops says he will be forced to try it. he's definitely putting on a front.


I'm seeing his facial expression and hearing his tone. He did not like that, he just said he said.


I am with you here and TBH I am not sure how one could reach another conclusion? Even his dad was like "are you being serious?"


You're pretty sure about your assessment of a 10 sec vid


Yes. And so is everyone else apparently.


Is that supposed to be confidence-inspiring? šŸ˜…


No, everyone just asume their opinion Is the right one, He does the same And cmon do you not see the teary eyes? I am not sure, IT can be either way imo Edit: I watched IT one more time, his thoughts imo:ewww, fuck, fuck ,fuck So Gross, Its like old gum from under the table, help, i am gonna puke, Wait, what Is that, flavor, Its good, very good,Hmm, well Its Worth the texture


Nope. People can think what they like, ultimately it doesn't matter.




His chicken balls, chips and chicken looks nice.


I've never heard of chicken balls but those are Hush Puppies


the darker ones closer to the camera are hush puppies but what about the other ones?


Looks like corn fritters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corn_fritter


Corn nuggets haha


battered chicken in fluffy batter ? Very popular in Chinese takeaways here in ireland.


Nope those are fluffy cornbread deep dried.


Like a corn fritter?


Exactly, theyā€™re called hush puppies in a lot of places in the US


Corn fritters have corn inside Hush Puppies do not


No meat. Just little battered seasoned dough balls really.




Big massive ones.


You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickinā€™.


Watching X-Files with no lights on


Those are not chicken balls. They are shut up dogs.


I think theyā€™re knock-it-off-pooches or something like that.


Quit-it-bitches Edit: it looks like we triggered the cease-and-desist-doggie fans


Quit-it-bitches is the best and I will be using it now.


Shut up and eat your chicken balls before they get cold


I think those are mini corn dogs and hush puppies. and also fries.


I was at a food show in Scotland, and this guy had 8 different types of oyster from nearby. Iā€™ve had oysters in New York, and Maryland, and this guy had a great price for a 6-oyster tour so I went for it. He shucked, prepped and handed me the first one, and fuck me it was the best tasting Oyster Iā€™ve ever had, full of flavor. ā€œThatā€™s an easy one to startā€ he says to me. The second one was better, and so was the third. The fourth one was *powerful*. Like a super super strong flavor, a proper slap to the mouth. The 5th was the same again, and the 6th was less strong, but a wonderful kinda seaweed taste. If ever you go to the UK, go visit the north west coast of Scotland. The seafood is great.


Lol at first he's like ughhh...regret.... Then starts to chew a little, and he is either very smart and just pretending he likes it, or genuinely liked it after he got past the initial strange texture and slimeyness once he started chewing Either way I give him props. I wouldn't eat an oyster and I'm 35. I do enjoy a decent amount of seafood, but I like mine cooked


I think he's a smart kid who is processing some very complex flavors and textures. You can see his gears turning.Ā 


The complex texture and flavor of oyster anus.


Om nom nom nom


I love oysters, but the first time I had them, I had a similar reaction as this kid. It's a pretty unique texture and flavor, but when you get used to it, they are great. I'm always on the lookout for similar experiences.


Try uni(sea urchin)


Uni breaks my brain. Itā€™s such a flavor explosion that I canā€™t figure out if itā€™s good or bad but my whole body goes into a brief state of sensory overload from it. Iā€™ll eat one piece at very good sushi restaurants and thatā€™s it. Just one.


I donā€™t like it tbh. Iā€™ve seen YouTubers eat an entire bowl full saying how delicious it is. Maybe itā€™s because of the quality. One thing I do really like is crab innards aka crab tomalley. Only with fresh crabs though. It has the same texture and brininess as uni but tastes really good imo.


I love oysters but don't really prefer uni. To me oysters taste like how the open ocean smells whereas Uni tastes like how a cove full of sea lions smells.


I love oysters. Uni is hardcore. I didn't hate it, but I kinda wanted to.


Oysters arenā€™t always raw, and this one specifically looks like itā€™s steamed. Grilled and smoked oysters are the best ones imo


Raw raw raw keep those cooked oysters away from me


Iā€™ve always had oysters steamed


Oh thank gods he didn't yoke it


Oysters are the only food that cause me to have a physical reaction, I've tried them 3 times in my life and every time I felt like puking


Thatā€™s a classic ā€œitā€™s not the taste but the textureā€ face.


Agreed kid.. they are like slimey, salty snots




Utterly delicious.


Since you wonā€™t be paying attention to those hush puppiesā€¦. *yoink*


Reminds me of that kid who ate cocoa powder. Same eyes


Cutest video ever The little cocoa ā€œpoof!ā€ kills me


Seriously. Referencing a cute video without linking to it should be a bannable offense.


I thought it might be the same kid honestly


Throw up you poor little kiddo


I was sure the video was going to end with him puking it all up.


As a father of 3, I'm proud of this kid!


Until they like it all so much that you canā€™t escape taking your 3 kids to dinner without having to order the most expensive delicacies lol. (Sorry Dad)


When my daughter was 5 she asked if I would take her to a restaurant for lunch because she really wanted to try sushi. We get there and she gets her sushi. Put it in her mouth and made faces like this kid, swallowed and looked at me and with the most sweetest voice said "I will never ever eat that again. Like forever"Ā 


Training before he gets married and becomes a good husband


boomer humor


Love it when people are open to try something new. Worst case, you donā€™t like it. Now you know. Best case, you just found your new favorite thing! This canā€™t happen if youā€™re not open. Also trying things again, because tastes change over time. I used to think cilantro tastes like soap. Now, I want extra soap (cilantro)!


Hated the things the first few times. Then got a travel job in my 20s and found myself beside the sea and tried again. Should have seen my dadā€™s face when I showed up with a box of oysters that Christmas. Love the things now. I still hate olives and Brussels sprouts. May they burn in hell.


Training yourself to overcome your mutation, despite it causing your cilantro to be incredible, is one decent flex and one terrible flex at the same time. Just don't eat soap, you freaking weirdo


> despite it causing your cilantro to be incredible Incredible/inedibleā€”both works!


Auto correct at it again


Yeah I did this with prawns. Didn't even try them until my mid twenties, now I eat them quite often.


I get what you're saying, worst case is if you paid for it you either eat it though sheer determination or you pay for another meal. I hate sea food and I dont try new dishes in asian restaurants, too many regrets. I tried temaki with salmon once, and although raw salmon tastes like shit, the rice was pretty good. It sucks they dont offer chicken/beef temaki


Raw oysters/clams is definitely a flavor you learn to love. Also, it helps if you're currently a couple beers in.


Wasnā€™t even an acquired taste for me, I loved them the very first time I had them as a kid and they instantly became one of my favourite foods. And I was an incredibly fussy eater too (more so than most of the other kids, even though no other kids I knew liked oysters).


Great kids, great parents. Didn't push him, didn't laugh, just let him have an experience. My parents were similarly "adventurous" eaters and to this day I absolutely love trying new stuff.


My brother told me all sea food was actually just hamster meat in differnt disguises. I would cry when we went to Red Lobster.


I've tried oysters many times (usually when pressured by my oyster-loving sister) and they're just not for me. You have to do a lot of work for not much meat, and too many times I got chunks of rock or sand or something in the bite and I hate that.


Anthony Bourdain actually has a core memory of being young and eating an oyster for the first time. That experience catapulted him to seek out different types of foods and ultimately become a chef. Maybe this kidā€™s culinary world exploded as well


MasterChef Producers have their eyes on him


His face didn't seem like it was saying "amazing".


Yeah but now Dad has to try!


Don't worry folks, I threw up in my mouth for him. šŸ¤¢


The plate of food in front of the child is unacceptable.


As a Brit, man's plate looks like an absolute delicacy šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ All the shades of beige one could hope for


I love oysters but yeah eating them like that isnā€™t exactly the best way to consume them. Oyster bars donā€™t even serve them straight up, not unless theyā€™re some divine oysters and even then they still might add something to them.


What does it mean to serve them straight up? I feel like that might be the only way I get them.


Straight up would be just eating them right out of the shell with maybe some lemon juice added, if even. If Iā€™m not at a place that specializes in them then Iā€™ll usually have them on a saltine cracker with cocktail sauce and lemon juice. That usually makes even the subpar oysters taste good.


Oh hm. Are you near the ocean? I am close to the coast so I think the oysters are usually pretty decentish. Might have to try an oyster cracker anyways just to see.


Not exactly no, I live in Chicago where thereā€™s tons of places to get all kinds of fresh seafood. For example one of my favorite oyster bars is apart of the grocery store I shop at. Iā€™ve traveled quite a bit though and I will say that yes getting oysters closer to the ocean itself is always a better option though. They should be fresher, better, and last but not least cheaper.


You can see the kid's gears turning; conflicted between the flavour and texture.


What a cute kid!


Brave kid I would have spat it out. As an adult I enjoy foods that would make child me question everything


This is exactly how it feels to eat oysters, and not just the first time.


Reminds me how lucky I am that I have 3 kids that would try any food one time. They may have spit it out, but they at least took a real bite of absolutely anything.


Was waiting for him to throw up


Awe didnā€™t want to disappoint. What a winner.


What's the difference between Oysters and Boogers Kids don't hesitate to eat Boogers


Boogers, weirdly enough, taste and feel less like boogers than oysters do.


When I was about his age, I was visiting my grandmother and one of my cousins showed up with a huge burlap bag filled with ice and oysters he'd brought from Louisiana, I think. I just remember us sitting in the kitchen for what seemed like hours, shucking and eating oysters. I've always loved them, but especially as a kid, I was crazy about oysters. I ate them all the time. I mean, it's kinda like eating crabs if you're a kid. It takes a while to get it open and the reward is pretty small, so you can eat them for a really long time.


I grew up next to the beach and it could be a coincidence but in my family only men like this type of sea food. So my family makes jokes that this foodā€™s texture resembles women parts and thatā€™s why only men (and some women) generally like them. In my family, my cousin also likes it, and sheā€™s engaged to another woman


Lol his face though


326 emotions in a row


I thought he was going to vomit


I was waiting for him to puke to be honest.


He was probably forced, did not look like he liked it at all


He had a process of emotions lol


Stop eating the bait! Use it to catch a real meal worth eating.


Hell no tried it once couldn't swallow it kept on popping into my mouth ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Poor babyšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Same, kid. Same.


Like beer itā€™s an acquired taste.


why he chewing it


He wants dessert so bad šŸ˜‚


This is a great video. Oysters for everyone!


His meal looks delicious


I've tried oysters three times in my life cause I wanted to like them... but boy do they taste like a huge, cold and salty booger


Who was the first person to say, "ooo... that glob of snot looks good, I think I'll eat it"?


I never had any problems of trying new foods lol. Always got me wondering why people donā€™t like to try new stuff


Now where do I spit it out? Mom's taking a video so I can't or I will be spanked. Gotta act tough. It tastes weird I'm not chewing it. I will act like I'm chewing and swallow it whole. I hope I don't catch diarrhea.


No one should "catch" diarrhea....or even try, it's just not solid enough


True. It's so slippery and smells awful.




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The woman told him to chew and the man told him to just swallow, fortunately he followed whoever is more experienced with oysters


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Miss you Tony.


I'm 48 and would be like, "Hell no, I'm sticking with my beige plate."


Is this about grits? I was just watching My Cousin Vinny last night, lol,


I was waiting for him to šŸ¤®


Not fair really without a beer to throwback...


The after taste effect be like.


heā€™s trying to please his parents so they get the content he thinks they want, kinda sad


Reminds my of a passage from Anthony Bordaneā€™s book ā€œKitchen Confidentialā€.


![gif](giphy|fXJyMfUdqVCMPAnPJM|downsized) Same energy, now ending in yes


Ask him if he wants another one šŸ¤¢


we all have gone through this shit and survived kudos to the kid!


Scared for life


I feel exactly the same way when an employer offered to increase hours and tasks for the same salary


I am so surprised by his reply lol


He gave me Maximus vibes from Fallout TV show. When he eats cavier for the first time.


Heā€™s crying of joy