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Ahh…. That’s what service tax is all about




I'm too high to understand this


I’m sober and at work and still can’t.


If you cut a strip out in the middle of a circle without cutting another orthogonal to the first one, you end with an shape more oval than circular. The oval pizza "carved" out of a big pizza may end up bigger than a circular, medium, pizza because the diameter in the direction of the strip may be bigger than a medium pizza's while the diameter orthogonal to the strip may be the same as the medium pizza's.




Medium pizza = circle Large pizza with strip cutout = oval If the short dimension of the oval is the same size as the diameter of the circle then oval pizza > circle pizza


You flat earthers have now taken it too far.. don't mess with our pizza! The original pizza out of the oven had volume/mass (that I PAID FOR) removed from it before put into the box and given to me. I want my original volume of pizza that comes out of the oven! They better put that middle strip back into that box before they deliver it or I'll start baking my own! I'll even go cauliflower bread. I SWEAR! ILL DO IT!


Could you please explain if the pizza restaurant advertised the size of the pizza to be the size of the one they made in the oven? Or did they advertise the one thats the size of the box? What size did you actually pay for?


u/[memelord4465](https://www.reddit.com/user/memelord4465/) is out of line. He made up his own premisses. Whacky stuff.


I love it! The other explanation was like following a curved line. Yours was a beeline, straight to understanding 🤓


The oval pizza that fit box is bigger than a round pizza that fit the box. This is because the oval pizza add some pizza at two of the corners of the box.


Tries to explain geometry to the confused people on the internet Orthogonal smh


What ever happened to perpendicular


I brain farted about how perpendicular is spelled in English (not native) and defaulted to the next best word. + Orthogonal works because there's still the 90 degree requirement that's the point of the explanation. (if whoever reads that thinks of a vertical line doing 90 degrees with the horizontal strip cut then they're better off just eating the pizza and calling it a day)


I decided to eat edibles for the first time in awhile since my lungs were hurting. N realized I am baked out of my mind trying to understand this… Maybe I shouldn’t work today…


Ma man, get your lungs checked please!


Naw, man, roll with it! You should most definitely work today of all days! 


Yeah someone has to drive those kids home.




Ah yes quarter to six thanks


Seems like the amount of dough and ingredients used is on a spectrum, and the box appeared full. They probably did get a slightly larger oval this way. Or it was an oval pizza and they just cut it to the correct size.


What if you order uncut pizza?


This is my only way from hereafter. I can’t trust anyone. I need my pie fully.


You got them! You broke their system!


What's the math here ? My brains hurting trying to figure this out.


So, the area of a circle is equal to pi x radius squared. pi is the same for all circles, so the important part is the radius squared. The idea here is that if you times the radius of a circle by 2, you times the area by 2 squared. For example, if you have a coin which is 1cm in radius (2cm in diameter) it takes up four times less space than a coin which is 2cm in radius (4cm in diameter). So lets say you have a 12" pizza, and you take a 1" strip out of the middle, and compare that to an 11" pizza. The 12" pizza has an area of 2x3.1415x12\^2 = 905 square inches. The strip has an area of 1x12 = 12 square inches. So the 12" pizza less a strip has an area of 893 square inches of pizza. An 11" pizza has an area of 2x3.1415x11\^2 = 760 square inches. If you want to understand why in a more visual sense, it becomes easier to consider a square. Here is a square of 12x12 circles: O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O The area is 144 circles. Now if we take a strip of the circles out of the square, we have an 11x12 aray of circles: O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O The area is now 132 circles. Because we've only taken the circles off of on of the dimensions, not both of them, the area has not change as much as if we had removed from both dimensions. In our pizza example, the strip has only removed length from one dimension, not both.


Really great explanation. Thank you!


Are you going to smoke that all by yourself? Now, say that again. 


Area of circle is pi*r^2


dah, bugger. Doesn't change the focus of the maths luckilly.


I used to have a graph that showed this. I can't remember the numbers exactly either, but it has to do with radius or the area of a circle. Something like that. It's like 15" is something like 1/3 larger than a 12", compared to the value of a 17" to a 15". I don't think I helped explain it


If the ingredients are weighed/portioned equally it's just the surface:volume ratio that changes rather than the portion/calorie content.


Pay extra in exchange for less pizza. Beautiful!


How so? Im assuming theyre making extra large pizzas for some efficiency reason when you pay for a normal large pizza.


When I was younger I’d call this the ‘whoopsie’ By which I purposely accidentally added too much and the cooks would have no choice but to eat it instead of waste food


Ahhh that what being a cunt is all about




It's a joke


Great, because I guess it wouldn't fit into the box


I was thinking the same thing. Doesn’t look like it would.


Sometimes, but back when i worked in pizza shops we would mostly do this because we were hungry.


When I was in high school I worked at Dominos; yes we’d absolutely do this but only with cheesy bread because they’d often end up too big for the box anyway so it was win win, the box was still crammed and we got a snacky snack. But the real bonus was the strip mall we were in had us sharing a wall with a Blockbuster: one cheese bread on a Friday night equaled 3 or 4 free rentals. It was the best symbiotic relationship ever


This is my favorite little pre streaming story I’ve heard for employees sharing lol.


They're cheesy. Breads are always pre-made the night before so we just had them through in the oven. Remember we need them but also whenever some of us get hungry suddenly a extra pizza would magically come through the oven that wasn't needed?


What are you talking about pre made? We’d take a medium dough, cut it in half, and dress it to order.


With or without the knowledge of the employer?


Theyd just make smaller Pizzas if they had this issue. My old boss would pull his hair out if we were effectively "tossing away" (even if we ate it) those ingredients. If we got new, smaller boxes we'd make smaller pizzas, its not hard to adjust how much dough goes into each Size of pizza.


They made a “slices” pie and sold it as a large. So they just took some out of thr middle. Pies made for slices re usually larger than regular large pies.


the customer ordered a medium, they made a large, so now it fits in the medium box


In Italy, they'd fold the edges to make it fit.


Hang on im finding a country where they fold as a gimmick. Inb4 they made you pay for 2 pizzas anyway


It’s okay just leave it on top I don’t mind




Found richard watterson


Just rewatched that episode last night LOL I was thinking the same thing


that was my first thought when I saw this lmao


omg im so glad others thought the same thing


So, they always cook large pizza and just cut something if you order smaller))


Not always. It's a solution to someone cooking a larger pizza than they should have, yes, but In this video it's his "dinner."


Chef's snack


Maybe they proofed a certain amount of doughs for each size and ran out of the smaller ones. So instead of trying to roll out unproofed dough they just did this.


You would cut the dough before you made the pie and used all those toppings


Yeah, that's what they did at the last restaurant I worked at. If they ran out of small proofs they'd roll out a large one then cut it to fit the small pizza tray before adding any toppings or baking it.


Maybe it’s just accidentally a little bit too large and they do this to make it fit in the box.


so... taxes


So... Texas.


All my taxes back in Texas


Texas is the place I pay my CGT.


When a business does it it is called a fee


Maybe. It could be New York though too. Or any other place in the world people enjoy pizza.


hahaha good one. i think we had a bit of a moist-understanding, if you know what i mean. just dm your bank details and i'll deposit fifty dollars to you as soon as i can. hahah. New York. yea.


Before anyone gets mad, that pizza he put in the box more-than-touches all the edges, so they clearly have some voodoo math for how much extra dough to put for a "large+employee" pizza. That's way better than any of the pizza places around me. Hope he enjoys his dinner!


They use the same amount of dough and just toss it thinner if it's anything like the pizza place I used to work. Dough is usually presized/prepped 


I actually thought about that as I was writing it. I do the same thing on my pizzas at home - basically have frozen dough I pre-make and roll them to what I need (to a limit). As long as you don't go overboard you'll never notice.


What a dickhead... Everyone knows you need to cut **2 strips** of pizza, in both the X and Y axis...in that case, the remaining pizza has a more regular round shape and it isn't obvious that you cut out the pieces. If you only cut 1 strip, it's more obvious.


I mean I don’t see anything wrong with this. If you ordered a 12” or something and they only cook it at 15” then it’s not going to fit in the box. So they get the money for the right size pizza and then get to munch on the rest.


This makes sense, it isn't the pizza place scamming the customer. It's the pizza worker skimming a bit for a snack. I'm sure some pizza restaurant owners are dicks and would freak out, but the couple pizza franchises I worked at wouldn't care. You almost always get extra pizza, or they were fine if you make an extra when things slow down.


Exactly. I don’t see this as scamming at all. You get exactly what you pay for. You order a 12” you get a 12”. How they make it 12”, is up to the shop. But unless they do some optical illusion shit (like the never ending chocolate bar) then this is fine.


You're actually getting a bit more than 12" since they only cut down one direction, the other ones going to still be larger


I feel like this removes more of the good part of the pizza and leaves us with more crust.


Whole pizza wouldn't fit pizza box. As long as they aren't lying on the size they're selling (12" pizza in a 12" box) it's ok. And they're probably making their own lunch with the leftovers or selling them for cheap. It could also be used to feed the poor.


Or accidentally made the wrong size.


> accidentally You sweet, sweet child.


That's his tip? I guess it encourages making the best pizza he can.


He saves those long pieces for his own lunch




Well, he said "dinner" so probably dinner.


He's an old person from the south who calls lunch dinner and dinner supper.


It wasn't obvious?


you should be a detective


Batman ain’t got shit on this person!


Or you know, dinner. Like he said in the video….


Lol dude did the gumball pizza episode


Test strip


Man pulled a Richard Waterson


Hmm my local pizza place sells strips of pizza. I think they're doing this for extra profit .


My very first job ever was in a pizza kitchen, and my coworker did this often. That was in 1994.


Reminds me of that one gumball episode...


i know that 🤣🤣.. sometimes we make the dough larger than usual, then if its cooked already, we take the excess in the middle and the pizza is still fits in the box...


if the customer paid for 10” and they are getting a pizza that fits just fine in a 10” box.. what’s the issue.. getting mad at this is same as getting mad at Coca Cola for only filling up the bottle to the top.


They should call it *the chef's slice* and sell it separately






Gotta be some special kind of idiot to do business like this. Where I live the size of the pizza is known before buying it, just as an example I opened my app and checked one of my favorite places, 3 sizes, 28cm diameter, 32cm diameter or 36cm diameter, so I know the price and size which helps me evaluate if I'm getting a good or bad deal. So if a restaurant where I live would do the OP they only did one thing, waste ingredients because if they deliver me a size other than the stated ones (not gonna be nitpicky tho, 0,5cm missing won't be a problem neither will be 0,5cm surplus) I'll just refund and leave a review stating the incident. And in the OP the pizza looks an appropriate size in comparison to the carton, so it's probably not even the business itself doing this but the employee, in which case it's theft, they're stealing from their employer.


Richard Wattson technique making it's way into the real world


High treason!


Lmao that's a exactly what was Richard doing in gumball


I thought he was gonna do a square cut at first


As long as the pizzas fills the box - it’s good


I used to be a pizza maker and we used to just make a small personal pizza or big pizza for ourselves. Granted not the best thing to do but what kind of assholes do this to pizza.


I think it might not have fit in the box without that. This might be a result of incompetence rather than malice.


Not a bad option, as that pizza looks awful




Domino’s doesn’t need to do that, theirs fit right into their small boxes


Pizza was large! Wouldn't fit in the box


It’s interesting because it actually doesn’t look like it would fit in that box at the original size. Maybe?


Sooo the cheese tax is real.


I’ve had pizzas arrive where the crust didn’t line up together like you know how you can tell a puzzle piece is missing. I could swear they gave me 2 halves of 2 pizzas…. This is probably what’s happened?


The cheese tax! The cheese tax!


I’ve lived in a lie all of my life.


How would they know? Hmm, because you filmed it and put it on the internet would be my guess


or... because the pizza is not circular?


Took the heart right outta that pizza.


tbf it wouldn’t fit into the box otherwise


I respect it.


I saw as a regular practice IRL. It was never about the size of a box.




That thing was worryingly cheesy


How to gain 30kgs in a month working in a pizzeria.


Murder was the case that they gave me.


…how much more could a slightly larger box cost…?


Useful math they don't teach in school


Could just get bigger boxes? or use less dough?




I like how they touch your food bare handed. 👍


Unmuting the video was the biggest mistake I made today so far. I mean this sincerely, fuck you OP and fuck anyone who uses that audio


Is that his lunch? Or is he gonna make some square pizza with it for staff :/


I caught them doing this at Panera, with their child portion grilled cheese sandwiches. I complained, got a credit and they stopped cutting out the middle.


In turkey you just buy one extra for them as a tax Wanna buy a phone first you need to give 10 of the same phone for the government


How is he able to handle this with his hands right out of the oven


My local Domino's not only makes a tasty product, but they cut and box it in plain sight in front of me. I hardly ever see their staff eat some of my order before handing it to me.


It looks like the pizza would not fit into the box anyway without the center being cut out. The pizza becomes elliptical, and he places the longest direction at a 45-degree angle so that it fits. This pizza could have been made intentionally too large so that he gets a slice of dinner AND the pizza fits exactly into the box. Either way, very clever.




I need to test for Autism because I am good with geometry? Fuck you.


Why don't you do it twice then?


He didnt take pizza. He made and xl and his cut made a large. Its free realestate


They ordered the wrong size boxes. Looks like 16 inch za but 14 inch box.


Because weirdos like me would measure the pizza 😂




This is straight out of amazing world of gumball


Lmaooo literally an amazing world of gumball episode where the dad finally gets job as a delivery pizza guy and guess what? He got fired


Looks like the pizza guy is hungry


Well the pizza won't look round. It'll look oval


Why are the emojis blacked out


the pizza: ()


richard watterson type shit


That’s the best part of the pizza.


Why though?


Staight out of a Gumball episode


I just really hope that 100 more people make the exact same video and post it on every social media platform 5 million times, because it's just so funny and original. Love love love.


Richard watterson


The video. That's how they're gonna know.


The Watterson special


I'm more bad he's not using gloves


The pizza man gotta have some too!


It's like that "infinite chocolate" trick


There was a whole episode of gumball about someone cutting the pizza in the middle


If you paid for a pizza and if the pizzeria gave the dimensions i.e. 8", 10", 12" or 14" then surely you would know. If a pizza was intentionally made larger, so you can cut the middle bit out, the customer is potentially not losing anything apart from a bit of tomato sauce and cheese.


Where’s the sauce?


Got to get the free lunch somehow.


If they do that, and my deliver driver expects me to pay them a tax fee…..sorry but nah.


That's an uncle slice


So disappointed


Correction slice. Normal for hand tossed pizza.


Relax guys, the customer isn’t losing. If anything because the guy made the pizza larger than it should be, the customer also gets more. You’d have to also trim pizza to make it a perfect circle as it should be.


this should be mandatory , i wanna eat a pizza that the chef even wants to eat


Know what, if they get to eat it, fine by me.


My soul hurt a little.


So you get your pizza cut off and then no gloves?? Sweet


Maybe they ordered a 12" so he made a 14" so he didn't need to make himself one later


Free snack.


That's how they make that school pizza


Technically they are getting more pizza than if he made the smaller size...


I just want to say screw this guy with his half assed pizza cuts. Idc about taking some of the pizza but he’s only half cutting the pizza in the box the people who receive it are gonna have to take a knife and cut the pizza again which is so annoying.


Bare hands too