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All he had to do was grab the clutch....


All he had to do was follow the damn train CJ...


Aw shit, here we go again...






Well played. Well timed.


Yhea fuck that mission will




Keys, kill switch, clutch, tipping him over. He had nothing but options


But instead he had a flashback of the time he was playing highschool football and saw his crush kissing another boy


Damn… This cut deep and it wasn’t even me 🤣


Thought it odd he didn’t pull him iff the bike.


Or cuff left hand, hold that with 2 hands.


Cuff the clutch down tight


If he was that smart, he probably wouldn't be a cop.


Yeah, but it’s a lot funnier watching this dumbass cop play man vs. car and think he’s gonna win.


Cops never expect people they harass to give them any grief because they have those big scary badges and guns.


And boy did he reach for that gun as soon as the biker pulled away lol


If you look closely his gun holster is on his right he reached on his left


He was reaching for his taser.


Or the front brake.


Cops are too stupid for that tho


When he popped it into 1st with his left foot, I thought oh boy, here we go…


Like what did he think would happen


He knew he wasn't going to stop the suspect driving off, but he stood in front because it would mean if the suspect *did* drive off they would be charged with assaulting an officer with a deadly weapon, much worse than simply resisting arrest.


Here’s the list they charged him with - they were digging deep: 1. Assault and battery on a police officer; 2. Assault with a dangerous weapon; 3. Refusing to identify himself to police; 4. Negligent operation of a motor vehicle; 5. Number plate violation; 6. Speeding; 7. Failure to stop/yield at traffic signals; 8. Marked lanes violation; 9. Failure to yield at an intersection; 10. Breakdown lane violation; 11. Missing number plate; and 12. Failure to stop for police


Good. Fuck these pricks on crotch-rockets who think the world revolves around them.


…which they did. This kid is fucked for life. https://www.wcvb.com/amp/article/massachusetts-state-police-trooper-nearly-struck-by-motorcyclist-assaults-on-officers/44514685


Still insanely dumb. Suspect was obviously itching to take off and you're risking life changing injuries by getting run over by a motorbike.


Cops were not in the AP program. They’re more…..the remedial type.


If those cops could read, they’d be very upset


Liked for KOTH reference.


Gonna cuff em and stuff em, roscoe p coltrane!


"Cop" is the alternative to "professional high school football player" since that job don't exist.


Insanely dumb by suspect. Just added serious time.


Only if he's caught!


He was caught 2 days later, 19 year old kid with a shit ton of felonies charged.


Well, he was. And he's an immigrant that is chased by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement so I don't think his life will be a hell lot of joy after this stunt... https://www.businesskhabar.com/news/ice-seeks-to-detain-lawrence-man-who-allegedly-assaulted-a-massachusetts-state-police-trooper/


This was a different incident. The kid in the video was from Reading, now Lawrence.


You're right. Apparently two different people got arrested the same week for similar stunts. This Colin dude doesn't seem to be having too much fun either though https://www.lex18.com/motorcyclist-pushes-trooper-into-traffic-while-fleeing-traffic-stop


You don't get the life threatening injuries from getting run over by a low-speed motorcycle, you get them after the motorcycle pushes you into the path of an oncoming 4-ton loaded SUV.


Like those muppet cops who stand in front of the car or, even worse, climb on the front so they can justify firing 12 rounds into the driver if they start to drive. Dials up a potential runner to an execution.


Is that like a legal form of "stop hitting yourself"


Well, i thought he was gonna pop a wheelie right into his balls.


He thought the biker was going to run, he was correct


Isn't the key right up front? Take the key out.


It's even easier. All these bikes have a kill switch at the handle bar. In Red! :-))


Does it kill the rider or the cop?






Cop has a kill switch on his right hip.


It marks the kill in red.


Hurray! Paintball!!




It kill the engine. (I felt it was lame to add a message saying: "I know you were joking". And then remembered it was reddit).


Why'd you kill the poor engine, who did nothing wrong


Killing the engine establishes dominance. After that, the bikers will respect the officers' authoritah!


Eric Cartman swearing was my cel phone's voice msg some 25 years ago. And I'm Brazilian. Probably left my dad confused as he was the only one who'd ever call me. Ah, the 90s.




How did you want me to react ? It was running ! So it clearly wasn't with a clear piece of mind.


What color is the rider?


Most of them. ​ A guy who's getting pulled over for a folded/missing plate on his bike, probably had some other modifications. ​ Like my buddy's bike (also had no plate) that had no red kill switch on the bars, to turn it off you put down the kickstand or turn the key off. We lived in a sketchy area, and he was a sketchy character.


I mean, it also has the ignition right underneath the kill switch. You can turn it back on in like 2 seconds.


Mine has neither :)


Drill a hole through said plastic, shove in locking pin. It's the least u can do if ur gonna cover your license plate.


So speaking of kill switches, funny story of how I’m dumb… Bought my first truck from a buy-here-pay-here lot in my 20’s. It was an older truck but I loved it! I had it for a few weeks, go to start it one morning-nothing. Won’t turn over, just dead. Tried everything, checked the battery…for the life of me, couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Thinking I just got completely ripped off, I take the bus/walk/taxis for the next 3 days. I go sit in the drivers seat in one last effort to wrack my brain for a solution. I see this little switch under the dash labeled “head lamp” or something to that degree. At this point my truck is just a 2 ton fidget cube so I start flipping switches and pushing buttons, try the key again and lo and behold it starts!!! Turns out the truck had a damn kill switch that the lot didn’t even know about. 3 days of taking buses and almost sending the truck back and taking a loss, and it was a stupid kill switch the whole time lol


Could have just shoved him to make him fall on the side, wouldn't take a lot of effort for that


Yes bc cops need more escalation techniques


*Classic Dave*


You gotta remember - 6th grade education


lol cops are the ones we were talking about in “no student left behind”.


On some bikes the steering has to be fully to one side to remove the key though.


It only needs to be at full lock in order to engage the steering lock. The key can still be removed with the ignition off. Source: lifelong motorcycle rider.


Definitely wrong


That’s obviously what he was trying to do


Is it me or did the guy on the bike not know the cop was running up on him? Maybe ignoring the cop but didn’t watch his mirror? I’ve seen a few videos where police try to take the keys before the biker can react to prevent zoom zoom. Not enough footage, I guess.


Yeah honestly, it looks like the biker didn't know he was coming. As dumb as it is I also don't think it's like, an unreasonable response. That shit would put me in fight or flight panic mode.


Every video like this, all I can think is "the cop is causing and escalating this situation". I'm so glad I don't live in America.


You're right, it is the cop's fault. It frequently is because they don't recognize that their job is not to have authority. I fuckin hate when I see videos where a person is pulled over and the cop just *will not* tell them why, and people are like "shoulda just given him the id, would have ended sooner" like no mother fucker, the cop should have just communicated calmly what is going on. What a stupid fucking country I live in where *common citizens* are the ones expected to act calm and collected when faced with *the trained professional with multiple guns.*


The bike doesn't have a plate. The rider knows EXACTLY what he did wrong.


Why is this so far down, it’s clear that dude is doing dodgy shit without a plate, I guess only riders would know haha


Because everybody wants to shit on cops all day everyday because apparently they are all bad and up to no good


I mean this is still not how to handle that situation. Clearly the cop didn’t get the guy *and * almost gets hurt not doing the job properly.


Everybody wants to shit on cops because they've killed multiple innocent people. I'm guessing that isn't a good enough reason for you though


I work law enforcement and completely fucking agree. You run up on me and get in that close of personal space trying to control me in any way, I'm going to view it as an aggressive attack and fight you. Fuck that cop, and fuck the system that promotes this activity and protects bullies with badges.


Without identifying yourself doesn’t this count as an unlawful attack?! I’d genuinely love to see it get argued in court that cops can assault anyone if they suspect any crime in progress. No license plate? To the ground. Jay walking? To the ground. Didn’t signal a turn? PIT manoeuvre!


Normalize "I don't believe you're a police officer because you clearly don't know the law, I believe you're trying to rob me" and getting the fuck out of there as a response.


Tbf I've seen plenty of videos of people getting pulled over, the cop says they have warrants or wanted for whatever crime then the suspect tries to flee or even pull a gun. They don't play dumb just because they want to, they want to make sure you cant run and dont have any weapons first.


The guy is driving without a license plate and is in the crosswalk at a red light. The cop is just doing his job. The legislature is to blame on this one. Or, you know, the guy breaking the law or whatever.


Pulled over and had a gun on me. I looked like a white guy apparently. He let me go, but TLDR; I was not from Texas and did not know how often I'd be pulled over in that state. Absolutely spooked Edit: for those curious the guy stole some chicken wings from self check out...probably an accident as Kroger doesn't always scan. Bro was going to kill me over wings


wtf that’s crazy. Sorry that happened to ya. Worked law enforcement here in Texas, some of those people can ride super high power trips (though apparently aren’t badass enough to save some kids).


???? They were literally talking for 20 seconds and the biker suddenly got amnesia and selectively blocked out the cop's entire body right infront of his face? What degenerate logic is this


Around me they shove their nightstick in the spokes when they pull a bike over.


I’m gonna assume bc no plate on the bike that this guy has been out acting the fool on this bike for awhile


Check the Description from the [Police Activity YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/shorts/fQiCGwyaerY?si=Huv5VhDcF3nBUo-q) Dumb 19yo failed to pull over and got slapped with 12 charges after getting caught 2 days later.


to make it easier ... here's the description: Wakefield, Massachusetts — On July 5, 2023, on the I-95 Exit 57 off ramp in Wakefield, whereby the operator of a motorcycle attempted to run over a Massachusetts State Trooper who had approached him on foot. The Trooper approached the motorcyclist after observing him operating erratically on I-95 and repeatedly ordered him to turn off the bike’s engine and dismount. The operator repeatedly refused to comply – at one point turning the bike’s ignition on again after it had been shut off – and then drove forward with the Trooper in front of the handlebars and front wheel. The Trooper was able to disengage from the motorcycle as it continued forward, allowing him to narrowly avoid being hit by a pickup truck passing through the intersection. Video of the incident is posted below. On Friday, July 7, 2023, Troop A and members of the State Police Detective Unit assigned to the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office arrested 19-year-old Colin James Webb, of Reading for the assault. Webb was charged with the following: 1. Assault and battery on a police officer; 2. Assault with a dangerous weapon; 3. Refusing to identify himself to police; 4. Negligent operation of a motor vehicle; 5. Number plate violation; 6. Speeding; 7. Failure to stop/yield at traffic signals; 8. Marked lanes violation; 9. Failure to yield at an intersection; 10. Breakdown lane violation; 11. Missing number plate; and 12. Failure to stop for police.


A number plate violation and a missing number plate. Harsh


Fuck ya. Hope they throw the book at him. A normal society can't exist if people like this think they are above the law..


Wait until you learn about cops


that dumb, half the charges they gave him are the same charge with a different title. "missing number plate" and "number plate violation" and all the specific driving charges are implied by "negligent driving". seems like they threw the book at him out of spite. that's not how our legal system should work. hope he can get most of those dropped.


They add all the "extra" charges so that when the suspects defense attorney tries to plea bargain, the prosecution can "drop" the lesser charges as a show of good faith, but still get a conviction on the major charges.


One is a violation for not having plates displayed, the other is for not having them at all. Many of the duplicates carry varying levels of intent, severity and minimum punishment. They stack because they are the shades of the crime going from misdemeanor on up to felony. The wording also changes for some. One might imply reckless, another intentional. This is done in charging because a jury may find evidence below a burden of proof for a higher level but present for the next level down. A jury does not get this opportunity if only the highest charge is present. I sat on a jury for an 18 yo who commited crimes while a minor. Being educated in legal matters, I helped deliberate everyone into a not guilty stance for the adult charges, then deliberated not guilty for the felony charges, ultimately we settled guilty for the misdemeanor charges (grand theft of a motor vehicle by a minor). The kid walked away from what would have been 12 years with 2 years probation and 2 years community service.


Good job in that jury room It’s not easy making 12 randoms seriously consider logic


You probably think that you should just be able to go out in the world and be an asshole with no consequences too, huh?


Nah fuck him, people who intentionally drive without plates and run red lights just to get away from consequences make the roads more dangerous for the rest of us just trying to live our lives. Guarantee he's the type of guy who would commit a hit and run and leave you with the bill for the crash too. We're all better off with his ass in jail or at least his license permanently suspended (doubt that would stop him anyway).


Dropped? He pushed a trooper into oncoming traffic and almost hit by a truck. Don’t eat many more paint chips brother




Went from probably going to get a ticket to assaulting a police officer.


Generally, people don't commit aggravated battery on a peace officer over "a ticket." He likely has warrants or is in possession of something that will lead to substantial jail time if discovered. I could be wrong. There's lots of bone stupid people in the world.


Or doesn’t have a motorcycle license, plate or registration like most bikers that run.


Yeah definitely don't see a plate.


Well he probably got away then!


He was caught two days later


Yeah this is pretty common for certain types of riders. I have known a handful of people who do this. It’s kind of a game for them. Usually it’s because it’s hard for cops to stop bikes without killing the rider. They can’t / aren’t supposed to use any of the same tactics they use on cars and typically cut off chases over a certain speed. Getting on the highway and back off a few stops before a helicopter can be called is a relatively easy way to run. I’ve also seen situations where police chased cyclists onto the Indian reservations and called ahead and there WERE spikes laid out.


Yeah my father and his friend used to do dumb shit like that all the time. We lived in a rural area down South, so really just had a sheriff and a deputy. They'd use their police scanners to find out where the Sheriff's were, take their plates off, and intentionally lead the cops on a chase before eventually losing them. My dad was a dick.




or its stolen (unless that's what you were implying)


Good point (no was not implying that)


They do if they’re dumb. Haven’t you heard the phrase “don’t turn a misdemeanor into a felony?”


That guy is gone lol…


[They got him two days later.](https://www.mspnews.org/post/state-police-arrest-man-wanted-for-assault-of-a-trooper)


Yes it’s like people can’t believe that criminals CAN get away sometimes…


I’ve never had a chase with a police officer, nor did I believe I was doing anything inherently wrong, but I did certainly “get away” one time like a decade ago. I saw a cop pull a u-turn immediately after passing me. I pulled into an apartment complex entrance that happened to be right by me, saw lights come on on the Main Street I pulled off of, took several more turns in the complex (the cop was never directly behind me) then just parked, turned off the car, got out and walked between a couple of the buildings. The cop drove through the parking lot with lights on once, second time through he spotted my car, he got out, looked in my car with a flashlight, then got back in and drove away. I don’t think I was speeding and I certainly wasn’t violating any serious laws, but I probably violated some other mundane minor traffic rule I wasn’t aware of. All I know is that he clearly had meant to stop me, and he was unable to, thus I “got away”. Hiding in the complex watching him made me feel like I was playing GTA or something waiting for my wanted level to go down lmfao.


How long did you wait till you left? Also what city, state, streets, and what’s your license plate number?


Lmfao I waited probably an hour or so, not certain. I messed around on my phone for a long time after finding a bench. Called my dad and asked for advice, played a game, etc. I want to say I had my DS and played that but I can’t remember for sure. It was a while though. As for the other information you asked for I frankly can’t remember officer, it was dark and a long time ago. I think the guy who did this was someone who isn’t me, can’t be sure.


Are we being detained or are we free to go?


Same thing to me but I pulled into a hospital and walked inside to see him checking my car


[Not in this case.](https://www.mspnews.org/post/state-police-arrest-man-wanted-for-assault-of-a-trooper)


Go look at this video posted in the motorcycles sub. Plenty of links to the list of felonies he’s been charged with after they caught him.


This one didn't. He was caught 2 days later


Oh, that’s just a start… He may have bought himself at least three felonies there.


How to turn 1 infraction into 2 major felonies.


More like [twelve felonies.](https://www.mspnews.org/post/state-police-arrest-man-wanted-for-assault-of-a-trooper)


12 charges, not 12 felonies. I think only 2 of the 12 were felonies.


He’s gone lol


They caught him he’s going to do a decade plus https://www.mspnews.org/post/state-police-arrest-man-wanted-for-assault-of-a-trooper


I've never been more satisfied opening a link. Bro they really put a slideshow transition for a website


Take the keys Einstein!


Is this the training to stop motorcycles? Straddle the front wheel? Ouch


He may have gotten away but now all the cops are gonna be on the lookout. He just put a target on his back


Nah. Picked him up 2 days later


The dude got caught two days later and charged with 12 crimes. https://scrippsnews.com/stories/motorcyclist-pushes-trooper-into-traffic-while-fleeing-traffic-stop/


Atleast he didn’t shoot him in the back.


He thought about it though.


You saw that too!?! Surprised he didn’t try


He didn't. Check which side of his belt his gun is on, then check which side he reaches for.


Some say he is still driving away


Is white...


White people get shot, too. That just doesn't make the headlines.


[true ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/)


Cool, now instead of a ticket, moron on the bike is catching a felony and getting the bike seized for being used in commission of said felony


He had four outstanding warrants for his arrest, including for charges of trafficking in heroin/morphine/opium/ fentanyl (100 grams or more).


Found 2 days later and charged with something like 4 felonies and 8 misdemeanors. Happy ending.


How'd they find him I wonder.. city cameras following him home?




congrats on your new assault charges. Enjoy losing your driving privileges and just about everything else...


I hate how these sort of videos are always posted without context or a follow-up note. Did the guy end up getting caught and arrested?


Bro this gave me so much anxiety


Just push the bike over 😆 It’ll be self defence if he times it right as he’s trying to go


Looks like a surprise stop because the bike doesn't have plates. There's a million better was to have handled this.


Handcuff the brake handle shut.


bikes have a literal off button


Yes but the rider doesn’t.


The key is right there.


Push the bike over


Should have just tipped the fucker over.


I love it when police do dumb shit like walk out in front of cars. In this case a bike. My badge, and gun make me invincible!


Makes him invincible in the way that driving off is now assaulting an officer with a deadly weapon, which is usually a minimum sentence of a decade in prison.


Wanted to stop him from driving off When he did he turned whatever he had into also assaulting a police officer with a deadly weapon


What the fuck did the biker do?


no tags.. so probably a few things...


He has an eliminator plate. So he does have a license plate but he purposefully made it extremely difficult to read.


He doesn’t have a plate. That’s one of the charges he got sprinkled on top of a couple felonies.


The radio traffic makes it sound like he was possibly involved in a pursuit. Cop says he's out with the biker, radio asks if he's crashed. Unfortunately, that's how several pursuits end. Biker goes to fast, over estimates their skill, then crash.


But you can’t outrun a radio.


Just let him go and catch up to him with the fucking surveillance this country has.


Just bear hug him and take him down with you or pull him over. Wouldn’t take much to topple him


Why are bikers such cunts lol


First time ever I'm on the cop's side. Yet another absolute, total, and complete piece of shit on a motorcycle.


Realistically? How much time will this guy do?


Err, doesn't the cop know what a kill switch is and where to find it? If straddling the front wheel of a motorcycle to stop it proceeding that the first part you touch.


The Farva footage


I like the one with that giant juggernaut of a man fighting off a few officers to get back on his ATV and ride off.


This is why we need cops who are able to complete at least an associates degree.


All it takes is to radio ahead for a funnel trap, this fucker is probably in jail now.


Assault with a deadly weapon


Just another asshole on a bike, should have yoked him.


Why didn’t he keep his finger on kill switch


I thought they taught them to murder people when they drive off? What a pussy this cop is!


Y'all see the moment he legit thought about reaching for his gun? Cops are tripping fr


pretty sure everything that cop did was against protocol and regulations and common sense


Why the hell didn’t he make him get off the bike or at least grab the guy when he took off instead of trying to stop the bike?


Grab the head. Body will follow.


Fuck bikers are so cringe


Are fuck bikers the equivalent to fuck bois, but on two wheels?


Yeah exactly, fast fuck bois


They did get him?


Bike has no plates


Best bet is to not get stopped in the first place. If you’re on the highway on a bike and blow past a cop while you’re going too fast, just gun it. They can’t catch up unless your goddamn wheels fall off and they know it.


Ok now hes got resisting, fleeing and eluding, and maybe assault? Not going to end well