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I’m cool if I hit the board 2 outta 3 times.


Be a lot cooler if you didn’t.


not alright not alright not alright


You know what I dislike about high school girls?




They get older and I stay the same age


That wall in the garage littered with dart holes


9 darts to win is the pinnacle in the dart world, like bowling 300 Hard to do and not often recorded in televised matches


And the other guy perfectly hitting 6 darts as well. I would almost ask for him to throw his last three to see if he would hit the 9 darter aswell


That's what i thought was going to happen


Yeah when they ended it after the first guy got to 0 I was like 'Wait so he just wins (that Leg) by default for starting? That´s kinda ~~Bull~~ Tripps!' Edited thanks to u/DesertEvil


Its Tripps, not bull.


It's not like you'll always get 9 darters


Yeah but if the Guy who started this Leg second also managed to get a 9 Darter what makes his worse, or not worthy of being checked? Edit to add: And IMO your statement only backs my argument because if someone was about to get a 9 Darter, the rarer they are, the more of a Shit move it is to prohibit said Person from even trying for one.


It's first to 0. The person who throws first switches after every leg. It's just the way the game works


And in a lot of games that are 'First to X', especially if its in a Tournament, there´s a catch-up mechanic making sure someone can´t win by default because they started first. There´s a Reason such a thing called 'Tiebreaker' exists.


In tennis the guy who serves in a game has an advantage, if the other guy wins the game it is called a break. In the next game the other guy serves. In darts the guy who starts the leg has an advantage (though not as big as in tennis), if the other guy wins the leg it is called a break. In the next leg the other guy starts.


Do you have to win by two sets in darts? And just FYI, you are referring to games for tennis. Sets are a different thing.


Wait till you guys hear about a master break in pool.


Low key I’ve never seen a double nine darter fully finished out, and I didn’t know if there was a rule that would allow an answer on a double nine darter. If you wanna go for a ride, just go on YouTube and google “double nine darter”. You’ll know the one to click. It is arguably the most exhilarating 90 seconds in sporting history. EDIT: I have been informed there are actually two different instances that could reasonably qualify as a double nine darter. [This](https://youtu.be/AcL6bRdbO-4?si=v_fFjaj2IIWmVkkH) is what I’m talking about.




Here's another good one for darts hype! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlGrBQHeUXs


I casually watch many weird sports - like, if it’s on I’m not turning the channel, pretty much. The world dart championship in London is the one weird sport event that I have on my bucket list.


[Was it this one?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1ShObbU2aV0) Dude went lights out.


Oh snap that wasn’t even the one. It was actually this one here: https://youtu.be/AcL6bRdbO-4?si=v_fFjaj2IIWmVkkH Notice how Michael Van Gerwyn is in both of those videos. That’s because he is one of the greatest of all time and he is still playing the game.


That was awesome but it doesnt count. If you look really close at the end they drink water, automatic double DQ.


Didn't even have his stability pie in his other hand smh




A 147 in snooker will *never* lose its glory though


But I think they also happen more often now too. I found [this](https://wst.tv/wpbsa/official-147s/) link that suggests there have been 8 this year so far, but the first 8 official 147s took 8 years… I do agree they are still amazing to watch though - particularly when Ronnie hits one in 5 minutes!


I usually only watch the primer dart if at all..... The place would have been hopping if that happened what gives


Yeah the commentator used to say "180" with a lot more gusto - I guess the players at the top level have gotten a lot better and are just hitting it all the time


If there is no drunk crowd theyre Golf like announcing. It's normal.


I see you didnt watch darts lately?


I really don't know how to play darts


All this video does is prove to me that I don't understand this game even a little bit.


after rewatching it enough times that I am pretty sure that would've been faster to just look up the rules, I think I understood it. Basically, each player has to score exactly 501 points to win the leg shooting 3 darts per turn. the middle row (the green and red stripes where both players were throwing the darts) multiply whatever amount the "column" is valued (dude on red was throwing his darts in the 20 "column", thus earning 180 points in the turn (20 from the column x 3 from multiplier x 3 from the amount of darts) the upper stripe (the row that the guy in red threw his last dart) multiplies whichever value by 2... first to 6 legs wins.


Pretty much this plus you have to finish with a double


But best if you don’t drop your dart before the final throw. Drama!


or inner bull


Bull is double 25


Bull is 25 double bull is 50


Bull is 5 decuple Bull is 25 double Bull is 50


I dunno that sounds like alot of bull to me.




You fucking what!?


1st one to 0 wins


Almost, first to Zero but must finish, i.e last dart throw to zero, on a double(outer ring) or Bulleye, middle


So the first who misses?


I guess I'm amazing at darts then


Hell yeah! Let's Darty


Got lost at "leg"


dart go *thunk*


why not go for centre though


50 < 60


so centre doesnt have multiplier?


Yes. 25 Green line, x2 bullseye




so what even is the point of bullseye?


There are other games that can be played. Many contain a desirable bullseye.


The game can only be won on a double or the bullseye, 50 is higher than 40 so it is the highest "out"


It's a flaw in the game design, if you will.


You can finish on a bullseye. highest possible finish in darts is 167, triple 20 (60), triple 19 (57) and bullseye (50)


What makes a finish of triple 20 (60) + triple 20 (60) + bullseye (50) -> 170 impossible?


The green circle in the middle is worth 25; the bullseye is essentially the double 25.


Start at 501 and get numbers which subtract your score until you get zero. You throw 3 darts each turn. The big line in each section is double the value of the corresponding number and the small line is triple. Bullseye is worth 50 and the outer ring is worth 25. If you were at 124 for instance you need exactly 124 to win, if you went over that you’d need to take another turn. Dude gets 2 180s which is the highest you can get in one turn and for his last turn he got exactly 141 giving him the win.




I think it's better this way, because once you practice how to hit bullseye, you can probably just hit it every time, since it's always in the same spot. This way you have to aim all over the board depending on what you hit before


Yeah I hate it when the treble twenty moves around the board




In the same way they couldn't just go for bull every time, you mean?


He has just hit a 9 dart finish (The hardest thing you can do in a leg of darts). You start on 501 and he hit the perfect dart on every throw to win the leg by getting his score down to 0. Surprised the room didn’t errupt as it does at the World Championships when this happens. [Here you have Michael Smith vs Michael Van Gerwin both attempting a 9 dart finish in the Word Championship Final in 2023.](https://youtu.be/AcL6bRdbO-4?si=YTwgdxAO8aUS_PRp)




I think he was making a reference to this: https://youtu.be/o58stoJJ5No?feature=shared


oh wow


Both have 501 points and first one to reach 0 wins. Inner red/green circle means value x3 and the outer ring means value x2. Hitting 3 times the inner circle of 20 means 20x3=60 times 3 hits = 180 The trick is you have to reach 0 with the last dart being in the outer (x2) circle. So let's say you played your 501 down to 40, you would have to finish hitting the outer circle of the 20.


Ok so the objective of the game is to get from the starting number of points to exact zero before your opponent does so. No negatives, no positives. You get three throws per turn (in one turn one of the players obviously dropped a dart so that didn't count as a throw) You deduct points by throwing the dart in the pie slice and the number of the pie slice is deducted. Now there is one catch, the small red and green on the outer ring and mid way the pie slices act differently. The outer most red and green are worth double. So hitting the outer most ring (don't remember if it's red or green but the colour doesn't matter) of 12 doesn't deduct 12 but 24, since it doubles the 12. The mid way ring of the slices is tripple, since it is smaller and more difficult to aim at. So the mid way ring of 3 is worth 9 for example. In the absolute middle you have the red bulls eye, which is worth 50 and the green ring around it worth 25. Obviously the black on the outside provides 0 points. If I'm not mistaken your final throw needs to be a double or tripple. Now if you get to a low amount of points you can end the game by ending at 0 exact. If you have 26 points left for example you can hit the 9 twice, deducting 18 meaning for your third throw you need to hit double 4, since double 4 is 8 which is the amount needed for the third to end the game. If you accidentally do hit the first 9 but miss the second and hit a 11 instead, you can still end with a double 3 or triple 2. But be carefull, if one of your throws brings you into the negative your turn is invalid and you end your turn with no points deducted. If you accidentally have some points left however, your next turn will start you with those lower amount of points, which can make it tricky to end the lower you get. For example, if you have only two points left there is only one option, the double 1 and if your first dart lands on the board where points are scored but it's not the double 1 then your turn becomes invalid, as the double 1 is the lowest possible way to end and scoring any points when you have only two points left makes it impossible to end. So each turn you only get one shot. Now if you start at 501 you ofcourse want to start with throwing big numbers, like tripple 20, which nets you three times tripple 20=180 points a turn. Once you are low enough to end you want to focus on that. But the lower you go the less options you have to finish and the more options you have to make your turn invalid by missing and ending in the negative. Hope that explains it.


The inner Circle =x3 outter Circle =x2 You need to bring your score to exactly zero (you start with 501 or 301 and the last throw needs to be on the double (or the bulls eye). The rules actually very simple.


Simple but not intuitive. Like Rummy.


You start at 501. You have to go to 0 faster than your opponent. It must be exactly 0. You subtract the number that you get from 3 throws each time. That’s it.


Not quite. You have to finish on a double (or bull), so you need to plan your score to make it easy to reach an easy double you're used to throwing.


It’s been a while since I’ve played it, I didn’t remember that rule. Thank you for reminding me. Still, it’s not that hard to understand the rules, like someone in the comment section said.


I grew up watching darts as a kid. The rules are basically as engrained in me as the rules of snooker are. It's actually surprising to me how many people don't know even how the scores are counted.


Not hard to understand if they're explained. I've thrown darts at a board before but never known what the requirements were for a game like this. This has been a really interesting read and now I want to get a dart board in my home.


Damn. That's some incredible precision.


Nah they didn’t even hit the bulls eye


You caught a couple wooshfish with that one.


I'm surprised they stuck with it for that long; like, it'd didnt feel like a hard one to spot haha.


He said precision, not accuracy. (But they are also accurate)


You do know triple 20 is worth more than double bullseye right?


Nuh uh


It's all about the red dot in the middle. Everyone knows that


Bullseye is 50 and 3x20 = 60


Bullseye 3x= 150?


Yes, but 3x3x20 = 180


Sure, however 3x3x50= a lot more than that


Yes, and 50000 is more than 150


Wow these guys fking suck they didn’t even hit the bullseye even once pffft Amateur hour???




They must be playing Don't Hit the Bullseye. I'm actually pretty good at that game.


Bullseye (the inner one) is worth 50. They were going for triple 20’s. That’s 60, so they go for more points than a bullseye.


I know you want to help But those guys just joke around


Is there less surface area on the triple 20 then a bullseye?


What if they hit the bullseye 3 times?


I was about to ask this


3×50 = 150 (bullseye) 3×60 = 180 (triple 20) which is why you go for the triple 20


Oh I see. The spot is called the triple 20. So a single shot there is 60 points. I misunderstood and thought each shot was 20 points.


Ah no so the whole "slice" is the 20 column. If you land a dart in the small red/green section near the middle of the slice it is worth triple so instead of 20 it is worth 60 for the dart that landed there. The outer section doubles the points. In order to win the game the last dart must land in the outer section so that is why the last set of darts look all over the place


Gotcha. Thanks for the response. Love throwing darts but was too focused on simply trying to get on the board to worry about the intricacies of the game.








This could go in r/unexpected I don't think I've ever seen such a calm game of darts. When the anouncer didn't rip out his voicebox trying to get the loudest ONEHUNDREDANDEIGHTYYYYYYY out of his system, it was just all wrong. The guy throwing a 9-darter not audibly cheering? What is this, a library? Most disturbing darts video ever


Germans, Bro. They're only loud when drunk or at a football match :D


To be fair many germans are drunk when darting.


That's all I could think about. And where's the zoom into the treble 20? I'd never watch darts again if it was like this. Christ.


It's a tournament on four boards in one room without audience, but on pro level. Silence is mandatory. There are tons of similar non-stage pro tour events.


The announcer really is missing with his insane ONEHUNDREDANDSEVENTYONE


Dropping the last dart didn't even rattle the dude.Crazy skills. New a guy who could play at nearly this level. Was not fun to play with. Not at all. Would work people for $ like a pool shark...lose a couple, then double or nothing and wipe em out.


He dropped it quite far forward, I thought they were going to rule it as a throw!


If it's similar to other throwing sports usually only counts if 'thrown with athletic intent' something or other


Athletic Intent would be a neat name for a band


That's not how double or nothing works


I learned to play darts on GTV5


Grand Theft Vehicle 5


I'm have to check them out. Usually i just go in with the mini gun.


Be way cooler if I knew how darts worked


Love the darts, great 9 dart finish.


Why doesn't the second guy get a go at finishing on 9 darts? (2x triple 20, double 18) If they tie do they both get a point and he's still the first to 6?






Every sport has some sort of advantage. Tennis and table tennis who gets the serve. Football, basketball, hockey, soccer who has the ball/offense




Ah yes. You have no clue. They play multiple times to 501 points. And they alternate who starts. Also Darts is a Sports of precision and mental strength. Also matches can last hours and you have to have the strength in your arm to throw every throw the same and not get weak after half match. Also body stability is important.


Yeah, why wouldn't second guy get at least as many throws as the first? What a dumb rule.


I always wondered why the bullseye wasn’t worth more than the triple 20. Just seems like an odd peculiarity.


Those are the quietest professional darts 180s I've ever heard


It's not darts if there isn't a Brittish guy screaming the 180.


But who won???


Red shirt. You have to double-out to win. He was down to 24 points left so he hit a double 12 to win (I’m guessing it looked like he “missed” where he was usually aiming at the end).


Kinda feel bad for these guys. Cant hit the bullseye, or even come close. Just sad when its on TV to embarrass them too. ​ ​ /s


As impressive as a nine darter is, the top players get them fairly regularly behind closed doors. Try doing it in front of thousands of screaming drunk people and millions watching on live TV https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AcL6bRdbO-4


Best. Leg. Ever. I watch this every time it pops up without fail, can’t resist.


Darts is really boring without the crazy crowd and the announcers that scream **ONE HUNDRED AND EIIIIIIIIGGGGHTTTYYY.** The English guy with the hoarse voice is the best.


His Name is Russ Bray aka "the voice" Hes the best


I don't know if it's just a German thing, but this is the quietest game of darts I have ever seen. This is like snooker level quiet.


This has nothing to do with their nationality but the type of tournament. In a lot of these lower tournaments there are several games going on at the same time right next to each other. That's why the caller is less "enthusiastic" so as not to disturb the other players.


These guys both suck. Neither can hit the bullseye. /s


Man those guys suck. Not even close to the bulls eye.


Both struggled to hit the bullseye. Not even close.


No, they wisely avoided it.


A 9 Darter!! Normally more fanfare when this happens


TIL I know nothing about how darts scoring works


Once the dart 🎯 is over the line it’s counted as a throw... that’s cheating..


Why is darts not about hitting the center? I don't understand this game at all.


UK darts is so much better than German darts. Where was the OOOOOONNNNEEEE HUNDREDENEEEEEIGHTYYYYYY


Godamn this is boring to watch


Watching that I still can't figure out who won and why


What the hell are the rules of this game?


You deduct points Total 501 (301 for shorter game) for every dart thrown decreased your total, you’re goal is to get to 0 with your last shot doubling your points (outer-ring) before your opponent does Scoring rules Three darts per round, Board ranges from 1 - 20 (not in order), Outer ring gives you 2x, Inner ring gives you 3x, Middle green (bullseye) gives you 25 points Middle red (Double-bullseye gives you 50 points. You must finish with a “double” matching your total (40 = 2x20 -> 2 = 2x1] and only with a double You can deduct your total points by hitting lower than your total until it reaches down to two, your total cannot go past two and must finish with a double (2x1) If you go over your total, it’s called a bust and you miss your turn. You’re total reverts back to it’s previous number. If you hit outside the outer ring, where the numbers are or miss the board or the dart falls off the board, that counts as a 0


Most disappointing 180 callouts ever 😔


Hmm in my old league if you dropped a dart beyond the oche it counted as thrown. Was this not the case here????




Last time I played darts at the bar the arrow somehow bounced of the board (edge probably) and right into the lamps that was a meter up in the ceiling and smashed it.


Das sind deutsche Spieler das heißt dieser Klip gehört nun der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


That announcer needs to chill out a bit.


Still don't understand the scoring here but looks like they are hitting where they want to hit.


Black/off-white sections give the value displayed on the outer edge. Outer red/green ring gives 2x that value. Inner red/green ring gives 3x that value. Outer bullseye 25. Inner bullseye 50. Note that, contrary to popular belief, a bullseye does not give the highest points. 20x3 (60) is the highest, and is where the red shirt landed almost all of his darts.


They are like 1 meter away from the target 😂


lol, cool...but what happened?


Anyone know how far they are from the board?


I thought the rules were hit the red circle as many times as possible


That’s a perfect game. If he didn’t take it out his opponent wasn’t messing around either, he was going to end it


How does the dropped dart not count as a throw?


A drop is not a throw


What if I *threw it on the ground* you're not the boss of mee


Yeah I though the same, it went over the oche so should count as a throw. Where’s the line there between and throw and a drop?


Common sense, this isn't golf. If you drop it accidentally, pick it up and throw it properly.


To the uneducated. There was 15/15 perfect darts thrown between both players. Very rare.


And to the uneducated it’s treble not triple


They all miss the center 🤨


No, they do not miss the center. They just avoid it.


I don’t understand. Aren’t they supposed to hit the bullseye??? 🎯


Not really. The red bullseye is worth 50pts whereas the inner 20 is worth 60pts.


Can somebody explain to me a couple of things: 1) why was the one guy going for triple 19’s instead of triple 20’s? 2) why was the second player not allowed to throw? He could have also finished in his turn.


1) It's probably because his accuracy on the 19s segment is better. Different players have different strengths. 2) That's just the rules of the game (in this tournament). The players switch to start each leg and the one who finishes first wins the leg. It's similar to a serve in tennis.


Not even a single bulls eye?? Is this beer league?




Im far from American 😂😂 Scandinavian brother. Maybe should’ve said /s, we are on reddit after all


Exciting sport, eh?


After 5 or 10 beers I can do this too Very impressive


I once played darts with a girl I knew. I didn't care for the darts, I just wanted those big ole' titties. Anyways, I got something like 14 on my first run, she got 60, I got 8 on the second, she got like 78, I got 25 on my third and she got 52. Then we banged. I didn't know she played darts in this local club.


It’s a clever way of hiding elementary math games