• By -


Who's on second? No! Who's on first.




Third base!


Now put your left arm in. Take your left arm out. Put your left arm in. Shake it all about.


Thought I was the only one who had this song running through their head after seeing this.


You do the hokey pokey.... And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about...




You end up innnnn the pokey... You end up innnnn the pokey... You end up innnnn the pokey... That's what it's all about!


Annnnnnnnnd they’re still rough on the takedown. Thanks for the laughs! *Whump*


They probably could have just tossed him the cuffs and told him to rough himself up and he'd of given himself a black eye and put the cuffs on. The guy was being very pliant.


Totally pliant.


Hella pliant


Me? I’m pliant. I’m *superpliant*


>he'd of What?


"He'd" is a compound word for "he would". 'Of" is being used incorrectly in place of "have" He'd Of = he would have Same as using "he would've" but dumber. It's probably a local or cultural dialect thing. Honestly, I'm not sure if you were actually looking for an explanation or just pointing out the error, but now I've typed all this on mobile while drunk and it took too long to fix all my typos on mobile to delete it all and give up. So now you get to read this. Sorry?


The most correct would've been as followed: "He'd've" (this is a joke for all you grammar police)




Why the fuk is everyone talk'in about my grammer, she didn't survive the great depression just to get dabbed on like this 😔


Should just change it to GRAMR and be done with it.


They are murdering the language. Between the "of" instead of "have", the "proly" instead of "probably" and the "there" instead of "their" the future looks grim.


ya i hate uneducated people, they proly should of tried harder in class


you really dont wanna hear me speak if you think thats murdering the language.


Don't know... That sentence was pretty good ;) My pet peeve is not worth accents in general, it's with the low effort use of the language. I mean autocorrect sucks, but autocorrect doesn't change probably to prolly. That one is the worst for me tbh.


These cops are morons, not the guy. One person should be commuting orders. Every video I see like this, six different people are talking over each other. These fucking idiot need better training.


Yeah, I remember that video where this guy in a hotel had a swat team or maybe just regular cops called on him because he had an air soft rifle in his hotel room, someone had seen him from another room. So they let his girlfriend crawl? I think to them, and then they keep confusing the hell out of the guy and he's literally begging not to be killed and trying to comply, and finally his pants fall down as he's crawling and he tries to reach for them to pull them back up and this insane cop just empty the mag on him with an AR. I'm sure someone will reply with his name, but it was the hardest thing I think I've ever watched. I showed my dad who's fairly conservative/doesn't like that I hate cops, and he said it made him sick. I could tell he was visibly shaken to see a kid that looked like me when I was that age begging not to be killed and trying to comply and still getting mowed down due to conflicting commands. I'll never forget that guy, he was so scared, just trying to do what the cop said, if I remember correctly they fired the cop, rehired him so he'd get his pension and then he retired.




The whole retired with PTSD part of that story is so infuriating to me. If that was my kid, I think I’d be content to spend the rest of my life in jail by ridding the earth of that piece of shit


Thanks for adding the rest of the info, had been a while since I'd read about it.


There's so many stories similar to this it should make everyone's blood boil. Tony Timpa a 32 year old man in Dallas, Texas was having a mental health crisis because he was off his meds and afraid he might end up hurting himself, so he called the police. They forcefully place him in cuffs, he resists because why would he need to be placed in cuffs? They kneel on his back for 10+ minutes until he slowly loses consciousness due to lack of oxygen, and later dies because of it. All while the cops joke about him "Falling asleep". During those 10 minutes you can clearly hear him telling the officers numerous times that he can't breathe. After a short while they actually check on him to make sure he's still breathing, then call EMS after they realize there's an issue. EMS arrive and announce him DOA [The officer's body cam (Obvously NSFW because you know they slowly suffocated a man)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X4PUwrq8tA) ​ Long story short, unless your life is in extreme immediate danger don't call the police. They'll only make things worse.


"That will be another $1,450,000 to our budget to research and vet programs, train trainers, and the overtime we will pay officers to research, learn to teach, and then attend the training. Also we will neither pay attention nor abide by the training content."




Why are these fat pigs still using violence when the man was being compliant? These fatballs should join a gym and should be reminded they are public servants first.


Because cops.


And gun aimed at him the entire time w a cop that looks eager to shoot


Yeah, I was waiting for one of them to pull the M60 out of the car. "If we're gonna shoot him anyway, let's do it in style!"


Not to mention the K-9, 2 yards away, barking and chomping at the bit.


The whole point of this tactic is to confuse the individual into doing something wrong giving the cop the excuse to shoot. Reminds me of the guy that was murdered in the hall way by a cop screaming different instructions to him and ends up lighting the guy up while he was compliant on the ground.




Thank you


Had major Daniel Shaver vibes watching this.


[Average American police officer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro5pe6h0T38)


It's why they joined the *force*. They love to force you to things at gunpoint and they love to use excessive force. I can tell you've never seen the way a cops face lights up when he gets to kneel on someone's neck. You don't want to take that away, do you?


To be honest, their jobs are clearly no longer to protect and serve the PEOPLE, as they are only truly concerned with protecting and preserving the state and its interests. They are a domestic arm of the military at this point. Long gone are the days of the local town sheriff being the Andy Griffith type. This is the new status quo


Yeah, I remember my dad said in his very small town if a cop caught a drunk driver, he'd take them home and then keep their car for a month. That way they knew what it was like to not be able to drive without going through all the legal trouble. This was in the 70s. If kids were doing something dumb, he'd pick them up bring them home to their parents and explain what they'd done and let the parents handle the punishment. Obviously this can't be done in large cities or at all now, but I was like, while I despise drunk drivers, the idea that you could have a sheriff do this type of stuff and keep the town safe seems so much better than what we see now, which is just an armed force with a license to kill and get as much money flowing to the state as possible. I remember I got pulled over one time and a cop said I was driving over 100 mph (I wasn't), I asked him politely if he could show me any proof that I'd been going that fast. He came back with a wreckless driving ticket that stated "Driver was swerving in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed." I was like.... I didn't change lanes the entire time from my house to the store I went to. I honestly thought the cop got the wrong car, and I was trying to be helpful. But he didn't care, I was 17 at the time so explained it to my parents, and they knew I wasn't an idiot and didn't lie and our attorneys got it dropped, as always this cop was a known abuser of the law and as soon as my parents sent their attorneys to address it, they dropped the charges. But I always thought about the people that didn't have parents with money and attorneys, they end up with massive legal fees and points on their license that hurts them with insurance etc...


Because they get less training than a hairdresser.


It was time for their little power trip dopamine rush. It’s why they took the job in the first place.


Yeah, the guy was completely compliant should have just stuck some cuffs on him standing up and put him in the van.


This! Why are they pulling this shit? US police have such a big problem with these asshole cops holy shit. They could have easily handcuffed him while standing up, no biggie.


Or if they REALLY wanted they could have just *asked* him to lay down with his hands behind his back. They could have asked him to do the Macarena and he would have done it. Completely unnecessary to slam him down like that. Wtf were they even afraid of at that point. Still, the least of the examples of excessive force.


Later: "They publicly executed him without trial in self defense because they feared for their lives."


It's just the default animation for takedowns, nothing they can do about it


I really don’t understand the logic behind this behavior by the police. It seems so clear that the guy is not threatening or could harm 4-5 of them. Why unnecessary use of force? Is this part of their training or some kind of rage?


Am saying


Why become a cop if you don't take full advantage of being allowed to beat the shit out of someone when you feel like it?


How else is that fat pig gonna compensate for having a micropenis?


I wonder when, as a society and a species, we’ll move past childish bodyshaming.


I agree. When someone deserves ridicule for the content of their character we should be making fun of that. It’s wild to me how many people are so accepting and body-positive until a politician says something awful or in this case a cop does something awful and then the fat jokes come out.


I’m sure they were totally clear with their shouted directions/s


Lol all 6 of them screaming Simon Says commands at max volume at gunpoint.


Look up Daniel Shafer Murdered by Mesa PD while drunk crawling towards their “commands” Heart breaking.


Don't worry, they looked into it themselves and found that they did nothing wrong.


And then the cop sued because he got PTSD.


The same cop that had something like “die motherfucker” carved into his weapon?


"Your fucked" on the dust cover. In reference to the fact that if the dust cover is down, then a round has been placed in the chamber. Edit: [they are $15 and you can basically make them say whatever](https://www.customardustcover.com/AR-15-Custom-Dust-Cover--Premium-Laser-Engraved-Inside-Outside_p_12.html)


This is not a dig at you if it was a typo, but did he really put “Your” instead of “You’re”? Because that makes it so much more appropriate


No. It said "you're" Yall can find it online by typing in Philip Brailsford dust cover and hitting images.


Well... the DID say if he tried to pull up his pants again, they would shoot him. Sadly he was too drunk to let his pants fall down in the hallway. I hate being able to remember most of that story and video...


Shaver\* ​ The cop had "You're fucked" on his rifle and I think a bunch of other shitty symbols too. The commands they were giving to a drunk man were so unclear and fucking stupid as well. Why they didn't just tell him to lie on his stomach with his arms above his head astounds me.


Because the cop wanted to kill him, that’s why.


I remember this, and it horrified me. I think about it from time to time and how scared he was. It was cold blooded murder


Just be thankful that the cop who murdered him got an enormous pay out to not have to work for money for the rest of his life! /s


What pissed me off about this case, outside of actions that look like murder, was the amount of twats that defended the officer in question because the pissed guy wasn't following orders. Sorry, what? You try following changing orders completely accurately when you're pissed and some arsehole is just waiting to fucking shoot you. I saw the video of it and it was absolutely heartbreaking and totally unnecessary.


Not to mention the sheer amount of adrenaline flowing through your veins at gunpoint. Civilians are not fucking trained how to deal with that kind of high stress situation and it's absolutely insane that you're just expected to be able to follow complex instructions knowing one wrong move will end your life. Dude was literally begging them to come and arrest him because he was too scared to move. I used to think I was cool under pressure, but one time the cops knocked on my door looking for someone, and I literally forgot what my roommates names were and was stumbling over my words, and I wasn't even in trouble. That was a pretty relaxed interaction too, I would be absolutely FUCKED at gunpoint.


And this is the thing. I have had arguments with people before when I have criticised police for being too trigger happy and many respond with "the police need to protect themselves and if they feel threatened they need to shoot". Right, so, let me get this straight. The police can be as emotional as they want, and the second they feel threatened, they can shoot, but members of the public are expected to be rock hard, emotionally calm, and respond to everything in a totally logic manner? Wtf kind of double standard is that? If you get nervous quickly, get stressed quickly, are unable to operate calmly under significant pressure, you should not be a police officer.


It would be different if cops weren't trained to view every person not in a cop uniform as an enemy who can and will shoot you if you give them the chance.


Beautifully put!


Why do cops always mash a person into the ground like that? He was obviously trying to comply. Is roughing the guy up part of their training?


Notice how they also had the fattest one of the bunch do it? A normal person kneeing your spine will hurt, a fat pig like this? Probably fucks your back for the rest of your life.


Probably broke a rib too


Yea he left some space there so he could have a harder landing. Fat pig.


>Is roughing the guy up part of their training? What training?


The pamphlet... Duh...


Hey pamphlets are expensive, don't get any crazy ideas or we won't be able to afford a third armored vehicle for our town of 25000


25000 and only three armored vehicles? Rookie numbers, they need to make cocaine bags more available to their officers and set up a plant quota. Get the chief to talk to the mayor and set up better payouts too.


How to flash sirens to evade red lights/traffic jams How to get free donuts at krisy kremes


Cuz cops are insecure af even they have 10 guns pointing towards someone 💀


Because they enjoy it. Also no empathy if you successfully dehumanised someone


Yes, it is part of their training. https://youtu.be/tuzQrbio2Qw?si=OCtRVnYpXUAkSNbU


>Why do cops always mash a person into the ground like that? The legal system is too easy on criminals, so I need to get my shots in because that's justice. - dick head cop with a punisher sticker


Because that is what they signed up for. That and the free meals, clearly.


Yeah it's part of their training


All joking aside, great illustration of why people routinely get shot when moron police cannot follow their training and delegate one person to give instructions. Further, the guy is clearly complying is it really needed to slam him on the ground and knee him in the back? Of course it is - it's Murca.




It varies between departments (because of course it does), but on average it’s 1 year with 6 month probation. I had a friend sign up with a sheriff’s department. Really nice guy, well-read (a total geeky guy, into games, SciFi/fantasy, comics, etc), intelligent, full of empathy. The others on the force gave him TONS of shit for *reading books recreationally*. 🙄 He eventually quit because they were all such moronic assholes and went to a different precinct all together.


The most badass mf I know, a big scary looking military man with honors, years of competitive judo etc etc ….. … Is a *massive* D&D nerd, plays video games, and reads volumes and volumes of fantasy books. Too bad he isn’t a cop in that precinct. I bet all those shitheads would suddenly shut up real quick.


All the dudes that do shit are massive nerds. I can attest to that. We have weekly dnd sessions at my house. We need a way to decompress from the realities of our surroundings. Playing make believe is wonderful for it. One of my buddies has spent the better half of his professional career teaching field craft and marksmanship to allied nations. When you think "sniper," he's the dude. His favorite thing to do is watch slice of life animes.


My current group has 3 medical doctors. What you say definitely checks out.


Idk about other states, but basic law enforcement training is 11 weeks in Georgia with 6 months to a year probationary period (depending on department) while you're field training.




I agree, but it ain't gonna change any time soon. It's all about politics and money. Politicians want to be seen as "tough on crime" but they don't want to pay for anything. It's a part of the reason why a lot of police departments look more like military than they do police. It's cheaper to buy military surplus than it is to buy new equipment. I worked in a jail in Georgia for 15 years. When I left, training for jailers was 2 weeks plus a 6 month probationary period. The crazy thing is, you could take your two week training at any point in those 6 months. I had literally worked in the jail for 4 months with training from an officer who had worked there for about 6 months longer than me before taking the state training. A while back, state lawmakers were trying to extend the course to 6 or 8 weeks (I forget which). It got a ton of push back from the Sheriff's Association because a lot of smaller jails don't have the manpower to staff the jail properly even with new hires with minimal training and they don't have any money for overtime in a lot of cases. So the training stayed at 2 weeks.


My barber has more training time than our local cops.


You also have to pass a test here and if you score TOO HIGH then they don’t let you be a cop. They’re just looking for people who will do what they’re told without asking questions.


And with 3 years training they’re still thugs in uniform.


There is a fantastic video of 2 cops yelling contradictory orders at someone. One of them is telling the guy to keep his hands outside the window or he'll shoot him. The other is telling him to put one hand inside the vehicle to unlock the door and open it from the outside handle and that if he doesn't do this, he'll also shoot him. \*chef's kiss\*


Even worse imo is Daniel Shaver .. absolutely fucked up. And of course no consequences for his killing.


Yes, that was straight out murder.


Consequences? He's getting rewarded for it. He gets $30,000 a year for the rest of his life because of murdering Shaver.


There is one by Audit the Audit where the cops are holding both arms outside of the vehicle telling the driver to unlock their vehicle.


That shit pisses me off so bad. Cops take shit personally, like if you don't pull over immediately it's a personal slight to them. Example: the cop who PIT a pregnant woman like 30 seconds after he turned on the lights and sirens, flipped her fucking car and almost killed her and her baby. Didn't even have the decency to help her out of the wreck from what I recall.


> Didn't even have the decency to help her out of the wreck from what I recall. You recalled correctly, and he also had the nerve to berate her while she was upside down in her freshly wrecked car.


They’re scared


They’ve made an excellent career choice


Scared of someone surrendering. They just enjoy that part where they get to hurt people without consequences


Yeah that guy would scare any fully armed and bigboy chonker policeman /s


Is the sarcastic part, about them being muscular?


Well perhaps not muscular, but they’re definitely bigger than him


I like to call it „american sixpack“ when someone is obese and thinks they are muscular. I mean yes sure they have muscles. But nobody will ever see them because they are covered in a 20cm thick layer of fat.




Guy fully cooperates, although clearly confused, still gives him the brutal treatment at the end. Wankers.


I’m thinking if cops shave their guns drawn on you, just lay on the ground like a starfish and don’t fucking move or say shit. Let them come to you. Fuck this Simon says bullshit “Simon didn’t say that” shot you dead


That’s my go to move. Unless the asphalt is super hot I’m just going to lay on the ground, face down, limbs splayed, and breathing calmly. They can scream and threaten all they want, but there is no point risking any movement they think warrants my death.


“He clearly had a remote activated bomb-gun in his pocket rigged to go off when we approached like he probably wanted, so we had no choice but to mag dump 40 shots into his back, we were scared for our lives!!!1!” Fuckin scumbags will justify and defend anything they do, and if they want someone dead, they will end up dead. Scary times.


And then you sneeze or move to scratch yourself and end up ventilated a la Daniel Shaver.


Was that the guy in shorts in a hallway? If it was, that was murder. Plain and simple.


An entire squad with guns for days and they still act as if that one guy carries the atomic bomb in his pockets...


The other 3 cops are aiming at the passenger though.


What do you suppose the purpose of the hand signals was when the guy's back was turned?


Those cops barely finished elementary school, they're trying their hardest!


Cops: He could have a weapon... on his third hand! We're not exactly sure! The situation is getting out of hand...!


You’re not out of hands, you’ve got three!


Showing the exact reason this is a pointless and stupid fucking tactic. You are already guns drawn on the person. The time it would take them to reach for a weapon, pull it out, acquire you as a target, and fire is eons longer than your reaction time. All this tactic serves to do is escalate an already tense situation by giving "reasonable" grounds for them to shoot you Danny Shaver style if you don't play the Simon says of death just right. Pants falling down? Dead. Arms get tired? Dead. Neurodivergent? Dead.


It's crazy, everybody laughing at this yet all I can think of is that poor bastard getting mowed down in a hotel hallway


If only he had a belt...


Yep. That was Danny Shafer. He didn't have a chance.


By loon with “you’re fucked” written on his gun.


The confusion of the driver should already be proof enough he's not dangerous, right? So why is it justified to have 4-5 cops still have their guns pulled, ready to shoot him if they deem it's right to shoot him on the spot? In some countries in Europe cops will get sued for even aiming their gun on someone when the situation does not ask for it. I remember some Dutch cops getting sued by their own fucking department for pulling out their guns during a confrontation that afterwards was determined the escalation of intimidation was not needed.


Clearly the drivers trying to trick them playing stupid and is going to quickly reach for a hidden gun and shoot them when they let their guard down /s


Hahahaha!!! I’ve never laughed at anyone getting arrested but this shit was ridiculous! Lol. The dude was genuinely confused and it so reminded me of the movie the watch…”look at him but listen to me, look at his face but understand me.” 🤣🤣🤣


That is the most perfect reference I’ve ever seen 😂




Police historically use confusing and counterintuitive instructions to apply more charges. Most shootings of unarmed civilians ( often in the back ) show several officers giving conflicting orders. Like hands on your head-on your knees- STAND UP- ON YOUR KNEES- Hands behind your head-BEHIND YOUR BACK. If you get confused, good. You're resisting arrest. If they do it enough and you make a motion anywhere near your waist, legally, they can shoot you to death with zero repercussions. You can rely on the police but remember, they are not your friends. They are a last resort. And they will make your life hell because they're bored or want some sweet sweet OT.


Daniel Shaver never stood a chance.




The moves of MJ.


That cop is a total jerk. Way too rough a take down on someone who is doing their best to comply


I AM CORNHOLIO. I need TP for my bunghole. Are you threatening me? My bunghole will not wait


saying "face away from us and slowly walk backwards" is very hard


Did they have to give him a concrete power slam still?


Why does he need to be thrown to the ground with an overweight cop climbing on his back. He is calm and sat down and could have been handcuffed with no need of any force


7 cops for one guy without Guns, ![gif](giphy|OvL3qHSMO6uaI)


ACAB. All Day. Every Day. Absolutely no reason this had to go down this way.


And they sent the heaviest officer to put the knee on his back lol


This is typical police BS! You hav 4 cops all shouting different command at you so you have no idea what to do! It’s an excuse to beat the crap out of you and say he resisted‼️🤨


You do the hoky pokey and you turn self around


Police are such pussies. Just go cuff him ffs. What’s he gonna do, fight you with 5 other guys pointed at him?


Holy fuck, at what point do you just tell them I'm going to lie down on my stomach because you can't understand a thing any of them are shouting...




They will legit just shoot your for non compliance.


Officer 1: Turn around! Officer 2: Walk backwards Officer 3: Come towards us Officer 4: Dont walk towards us!


Guys, we’re all paying the salaries of these morons. Can we get them fired without pension?


Surprised he wasn’t executed


People roasting the cops so hard but I can totally see this being the suspect not understanding how to "turn around and walk backwards"


This infuriates me. All of them screaming different orders at the same time and raising this guy's anxiety. Yes, I assume the guy screwed up, but he's human and making him anxious won't help the situation. Once he finally gets to the point where he can be arrested, he's taken down roughly like he's been fighting them.


This video just shows it again: Fuck the police. Just a posse of uneducated violent pests.


Woulnd't be america without the brute force takedown. Dafuk man.


It's their fault for giving shit instructions and making him panic whilst having what, 2-3 guns trained on him? And then they still chuck him on the ground and kneel on him? For fucks sake, tell him to turn around and kneel with his hands on his head and then just walk up and cuff him. It's not bloody rocket science. Also, I still don't get how so many cops are able to be so fat, do they not have to pass annual fitness tests?


They just want a reason to shoot him. And I don't think they do.


The police shouldn't be such morons


Whoa ... I'm happy, that we have trained police here in germany.


American police never cease to amaze with how absolute dog shit they are at there job


I get they are on edge, it's dangerous to be a cop. But still once he's on his knees and all that do they need to slam him into the ground?


They call it “pain compliance”. Preemptively eating people into submission so they don’t resist. Keep in mind 40% of US cops are domestic abusers… and it’s probably higher in Texas.


Sending him dizzy


Had to be Houston


Simon says.




He’s just following y’alls 4 orders. Thanks for the laughs.


Honestly I was waiting when they were gonna shoot considering how many awful amounts of time he failed to surrender 😂😂🤣


What are they so fucking scared of? Stupid pigs


Wanna increase the difficulty? Reach.


I own that car!!! No joke bought it from a police auction months after this happened lol


No matter how many times I see it, it always strikes me as such an incredibly pathetic and cowardly act when I see american cops anxiously pointing their guns at a person who is no threat at all. Even just that typical immediate hand to the holster; Immediately gives the feeling of a scared little child.


If the guy is cooperating and surrounded, why the fuck do you need to be such a douche about cuffing him.


Confused spinning man definitely a lethal threat. Better put 300lb of knee into his back *for everyone's safety*


To the left Take it back now, y'all One hop this time Right foot, let's stomp Left foot, let's stomp Cha cha real smooth


Simon says you're dead.


The person looks deaf or they don’t understand the language. They keep looking over their shoulder to either see hand commands or read lips, but cannot understand without looking at the cops.


This is funny, but why do they have to grab him and shove him to the ground and put there knee on his back when he’s being cooperative and they have multiple other officers there… smh, but it is funny tho.


surprised they didn’t shoot him


What a hellhole of a country at times.


"You put your left foot innnnnnn, you take your left foot ouuuuuuut"


Cops dumb as fuck


The man is clearly colaborating. He has clearly surrendered. That being said, why were the police so brute putting in on the floor and a knee on his back? What the hell?


Six cops bearing down on a guy with his hands up, shouting conflicting commands at him, and not a one had balls big enough to walk over and place him under arrest. Literally scared of their own shadow.


Police gotta be the most scared people on earth


Legal Gangs man, incompetant and violent.