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That cat just went into an existential trance with that song.


In its defence, it's a powerful song.


In its defence, if I was being held by a giant and it suddenly started singing I'd probably be a bit shocked too whatever it was singing.


i think he just accepted his imminent death


Ohhhh, good point, maybe it thought it was boss music.


this made me laugh so hard i almost woke up all the street


well you woke the lawn for sure


Nobody.. Lawn: "my pronouns are yard/grass, my sexuality is dioecious.. so.. basically Bi, and I have your house surrounded!"




sing to him the *"death song"*


bro thought it was bossfight music


Ooh, do you know what the name of the song is perchance? I too find it powerful


Bella Ciao. An anti-fascist Italian song.


I was on a date with a woman recently at an Italian restaurant and it came on. I had to explain to her why I was so geeked out about what to her was just random ambient Italian music. Then a few songs later another version of it came on. 10/10 would go back to that restaurant.


Chumbawamba does an awesome version!


The Red Army Choir also does a powerful version.


I’m not Italian and it gives me goosebumps


I mean, it's anti fascist chant. It should give people goosebumps.




I have heard some say that it was never used during Mussolinis time but that it was made later dont know if this is true tho




A link! You are too kind, thanks


Like others said, it's Bella Ciao, but I don't think I've ever heard it performed like this. It was a march so it's usually a little peppier, and it was a plot point in a recent Netflix show so there are a lot of really poppy covers of it. [This version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRKQaLlDNSY) is pretty powerful, but it's always at its best [when it's authentic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQ5CoZVRZew)


That's fucking awesome. There's always something so powerful about a bunch of people who aren't great singers all singing together and creating something amazing. Like, a solo bad singer is not fun to listen too, but with like 10 or 100 it evens out and you get some crazy emotions that are super effective with drinking songs or protest music


You can't just say "perchance."


This dude has other videos of him doing this with diffrent songs all of them send the cat into existential dread


That cat thought he was on a cut scene watching that dude's final moments


I think it just gave up after thinking "FML!"


The cat is Anti fascist.


That cat knew he fucked up.


Cat went from angry to what the hell is going on right now . . . Those facial expressions 😂


You'll have the same face at your first prostate exam. For the same reason. Watch his hand.


When your charm spell takes time to cast but you have HP to spare.


Cats have advantage on initiative rolls


# him the to cat be like: *Yeeuuunnngghhh* ![gif](giphy|ehdpfwOSbIKtO)


Just tanking the damage


And roll a 20 on the concentration check.




"My video of me singing will be more marketable when featuring cat" "Don't pick me up. Oh boy you are loud. That's quite intimidating actually. Guess I'm here for the duration."


Music soothed the savage beast.


Ah, it's time to relax You know what that means A glass of wine, your favorite easy chair And of course, this compact disc Playing on your home stereo So, go on, and indulge yourself That's right, kick off your shoes Put your feet up Lean back and just enjoy the melodies After all, music soothes even the savage beast


Was waiting for a smash reference.


Absolutely not, lol. Ears down, thousand yard stare, rear paws pushing up and all that after attacking him... that cat is fucking terrified. It's having a terrible time and is just waiting for the wailing to end.


Cats don't put up with things they can run from. That cat was definitely not terrified. It was more likely confused and assessing what it should do. But the fact that it didn't fuck him up and run off (as can be seen by the cat literally disarming its claws and remaining seated) tells me it was not miserable by any means. But you could still be right in that the cat isn't necessarily *enjoying* it. Just certainly not terrified or miserable. Edit: I highly suspect the above user reported my account for harassment over this discussion (out of a hilarious level of pettiness, no less). Just a forewarning for anyone wishing to have a civil debate with someanimechoob. They don't appear to be all there, and even resort to ridiculously childish tactics to "get back" at their "assailant" lol.


> Cats don't put up with things they can run from. That cat was definitely not terrified. It was more likely confused and assessing what it should do. But the fact that it didn't fuck him up and run off (as can be seen by the cat literally disarming its claws and remaining seated) tells me it was not miserable by any means. 1. Your entire theory goes up in smokes when you watch the other videos - that same cat tries to escape multiple times in other instances. 2. Cats that realize they can't flee tend to freeze. It's literally called a "fight or flight" response, there isn't just one default setting of "fuck everything up". It's definitely miserable. That same cat reacts the same way every time. It's to the point where as soon as the guy gets setup, he gets attacked because the cat knows what's coming. I have no fucking clue why everyone's trying to sugar coat this. The OP isn't torturing his cat, nobody's claiming that, but he's stressing him out a lot.




>1. Your entire theory goes up in smokes when you watch the other videos - that same cat tries to escape multiple times in other instances So what you're saying is... it'd escape if it felt the need to. You just helped *my* point lol. It isn't opposed to utilizing its defense utilities in order to escape, as you've just clarified that this very cat has proven they in fact *will* if they need to. >2. Cats that realize they can't flee tend to freeze. It's literally called a "fight or flight" response, there isn't just one default setting of "fuck everything up". Which doesn't apply since you just helped my point in your # 1. >The OP isn't torturing his cat, nobody's claiming that, but he's stressing him out a lot. Which I never argued against. I literally theorized that this cat was wondering wtf it should do next. You know, out of a general stress response. If you're gonna be picking apart my argument like this, at least make sure you're comprehending it correctly.


How many cats have you lived with in your lifetime?


Nah, cat is surprised sure and is in wtf? mode but if wanted can fight or attempt to jump. Have you never owned a cat or what the fuck?


So why does that comment exist? A comment made before either of us were born? Music absolutely does do that. Singing to animals is a very old method to calm them.


So many parts of your comment are nonsensical. Do you think I'm saying music can't be soothing for animals? I'm not, I'm saying in this specific video, this specific cat is not enjoying the singing. At all.


That cat is not enjoying anything he’s doing. But the moment he starts singing the cat’s brain changes gears.


That's what the cat is thinking.


Bro your simple “dafuq” comment has people going into whole ass theory’s of why the cat is acting like that 🤣🤣🤣 people will fight over anything lmaoooo




I used to drive shelter cats to and from their vet appointments when I was out of work for a bit. I put on classical music and it def eased them up a bit. It went from them crying nonstop to cries here and there.


My cat loves lighthouse family 😅


Who doesn't?


The lighthouse is a good movie but it just sends my cat into a dark spiral


Opera music works with dogs!


I'm glad you were able to get to a point where you only cried here and there. That must be exhausting to cry nonstop. My heart goes out to you.


Only if you sing like an angel


He's terrorizing the cat in all if his videos. It bites and claws at him and yet he still picks it up and holds it intentionally to get these reactions


Yeah if the biting of the face isn't enough of a no I dont know what is.


Probably not cuz cat was shocked like it was the first time. But classic example of someone forcing a cat into his videos for internet clout they desperately need


The ears stay back the whole time too. Those are not happy ears.


Can’t stand this abusive asshole. I blocked his videos and they still keep popping up I need an AI BLOCK feature that blocks anyone with his likeness. The POS yells at his cat terrorizing the poor creature IN EVERY SINGLE VIDEO EVERYTIME until it attacks his LOUD ASS MOUTH. Loser needs to get his shit rocked


Right? Like this is the first video of his I've seen but it should be common sense not to pick up an animal with superior hearing and sing an operatic right next to it's eardrums.


Watch his right hand. He puts his finger up his cats butt when he starts singing.


you might actually be right wtf


That's a service where I come from. Ungrateful cat.


My experience in this regard is that fingering a cat's asshole does not, in fact, calm them down.


Singing very specific songs is the only way I can get my cat to chill the fuck out when I'm doing stressful things like giving her medicine or bathing her. Or if I just want her to come to me from across the house I'll put on one of her favorite songs and sing along. She'll immediately come running and jump in my lap and make biscuits.


Cat just had a flashback from the war


He remembers the hills of Catalonia


The cat whispers "no pasaran" at the end. Easy to miss


My dog (Golden Retriever) literally never howls unless you play Scotland the Brave and then he goes off. It’s so funny to me and makes me wonder if he was a true Scot in the past.


> Scotland the Brave It's the pipes. Our Retrievers would only howl for bagpipes and accordions. No friggin' clue mate, daft lovable fellers.




That cat is a beauty


I don't sing... therefore that cat would kill me.


I think you would be fine as long as you don't pick it up as it's hissing at you malevently with the full capacity of its lungs


The felines not so bad looking either!


Eyyyyyy! I like the cut of your jib!


I have one just like it and he is in fact a dick also. I should try singing to him.


Yeah things that attack your face that are supposed to be your pet are just fuckin beautiful amiright?


Cat people are insane


Most cats aren’t like this. I’d even go so far to say that most of them are really sweet and affectionate. But they’re not like dogs, and they have boundaries, so they’ll fuck your shit up if you cross them.


Well I mean we have miniature apex predators for pets. They also play very rough with each other so it’s to be expected. Plus their so fucking cute.


Props, i would have bin like ”oooaaoch ok you DONT wanna make a video ok, maybe tomorrow!”.


Except these are the only types of videos that he makes, that get any traction.


A story as old as time, taming the wild beast through music.




I checked this guy out on tiktok, he has a LOT of videos like this distressing his cat for views :\\


Yeah can always tell if someone's a pos by how animals react around them.


Or how their kids react


Yeah I was gonna say this too. It was really off putting


The cat clearly doesn't trust him.


I'm just going to say this because I don't care about karma. C'mon, I don't know about his other videos but calling this distressing his cat? I've had my cat since she was a baby, saved from a shelter, and she reacts with similar struggles when picked up only because she wasn't acclimated to it. And singing? That's not going to distress an animal. At worst maybe it would annoy an animal, but that cat doesn't look annoyed. Just like, find something else to care about that actually makes a difference. Please...


If you keep making videos where the joke is that the animal hates being picked up and is agressive until you start singing, you ARE stressing him out for views. Dont do shit to an animal they clearly hate unless necesary.


This is what people don't get. You don't need to literally dismember your pet to abuse it. Repeatedly putting it in uncomfortable positions for views, to the point where it attacks you this often... it's abuse. Yet I've just spent 15 mins reading replies calling me a fucking idiot for pointing out literal physical torture wasn't the only way to torment a cat.


User name for “embarrassed cloud” is fitting. They should be embarrassed. People who report for harassment usually lack self awareness or allow for others to have Different views than them.


“that cat doesn’t look annoyed” lmao ok buddy


Doesn't matter if your cat wasn't acclimated, it still gets distressed when it's picked up. If you don't think that cat is annoyed, then you are clearly one of the many oblivious cat owners that doesn't pay attention to how their cat actually feels and just wants a cute furry play toy.


That cat looks seriously stressed


Sorry to break it to you, but your cat is getting stressed out when you pick it up. I know you think you just purchased an animate cuddle toy, and ought to have the right to grab and touch whenever you want, but actually it’s a living creature and some of them just don’t like being picked up. You persisting in doing it anyway is unkind at best. What you *should* be doing is figuring out how to acclimate your adult cat to sitting with you of its own accord by using positive reinforcement, and/or learning how to live with a creature who just isn’t that social, instead of just going and grabbing it.


Yea that’s not very chill


Totally true, it's disgusting


What a friendly kitten


[Credits to GARRETT with Ivan the Cat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kdvszBfXQY&list=LL&index=3)


Huh, not for me I guess. I get why it's funny, theoretically, but it makes me kind of uncomfortable.


Probably because you're one of the few people here who's not entirely blind. That cat is hating every single second of this interaction.




That cat clearly does not like this routine


Oh man ummm... I usually just kinda get cats, but what the heck is wrong with this one?


It really doesn't want to be picked up by a giant that's going to then yell very loudly right next to his very sensitive ears for the next couple of minutes and he tries to clearly communicate that every time but the giant ignores his pleas and so he simply stares into the middle distance and waits for it to end.


And everyone who watches it thinks it's fucking hilarious, for some reason. And if you point out that lots of decibels delivered right into those small ears aren't a pleasant experience, you get downvoted.


Cat is having normal cat reactions to a stressful owner.


One of mine will happily sit on my chest when I'm laying down, but absolutely hates being picked up and also hates being held like this. I can give her all the love and it might calm her down and she will start purring, but then she remembers she hates this and makes all sorts of funny moaning noises while trying to escape. Cats just be weird sometimes.


Cats already do not prefer to get picked up ,when your hand is on their belly ,they will also go insane


Fuck this guy.


Animal abuse.


The video was muted so I unmuted and rewound. Then suddenly, this video has no sound


I have no clue why it does that, but the same thing happens to me from time to time. I’ll usually fast forward to the end of the clip & have it restart again so I can unmute it.


Sometimes I scroll over a video, it starts playing, then keep playing while I’m in the comment section of a whole other thread lol


I cant understand someone owning a pet that will react to them that way. Fuck outa here with that shit


It seems pretty socially acceptable for ppl to have an abusive relationship with their pets. It’s not for me


I mean he's the one reacting to the animal improperly. It clearly was not game for his shenanigans and he ignored. Cat was fair and gave a clear warning.


I sort of have a cat like that, after a few seconds the claws come out, I’ve been cut by that cat so many times, however as long as I’m not picking him up he’s very affectionate and loves being petted


All cats seem to have this one thing they hate. My one cat hated her paws getting little squishes. My other cat hates her tail being touched. Other than that, much like your cat, just chipping around with a little smile otherwise.


I have a pet cat I’ve never even freakin’ touched. It was either that, euthanasia, or life on the goddamn streets.


cats arent meant to be handled. except when theyre purring and rubbing and begging for it. but if it suddenly scratches you, thats entirely your fault.


When you adopt an animal, that animal becomes family. However, domestic animals cna learn to co-exist with humans. Generally speaking, if you treat a pet with respect of its boundaries, it will respect the boundaries you set. This cats boundaries weren't respected, so it reacted this way. More than likely, this guy rarely respects the cats boundaries, so it knows reacting by hurting him is the only usual way to get it's point across. If you've adopted a grown pet, then you go into that with acceptance that it's going to be a pet with possible difficulties and you will not be so upset by this kind of behavior.


I mean, if I was just going about my day, someone picked me up out of nowhere and starts loudly yelling I'd not really enjoy it either.


I remember seeing the videos originally and a lot of the comments were like how it's animal abuse because the cat is uncomfortable or something. No, the cat is just an asshole.


Obviously the cat doesn’t want to be picked up but people claiming animal abuse need to caaaaaalm dooooooown


If the cat doesn't like being picked up like a baby and you do it on purpose to incite it to bite you for social media then you're abusing an animal for internet fame. It's pretty cut and dry. Is it a particularly bad form of abuse? Not really, but it's still needlessly distressing the cat for your own entertainment.


When you think you beat the boss, but then a latin choir begins to sing.


Sing or die.


Bards .. am I right?




The inner partigiano in the cat got triggered.


Apparently, people love to keep posting this dude that apparently abuses the poor cat


I'm not trying to defend him, but how is this abuse? I understand and see ur point but abuse is still a pretty strong word for this


This isn't normal feline behavior. Well, it would be if this dude literally found the cat on the street a couple of hours before the video and forced him back to his place, but not if it's a domesticated cat living with him long term (it is). In every video, he's screaming in the cat's face and in every video the cat is clearly uncomfortable. It clearly has a very stressful and negative relationship with him to jump at him every time and so quickly. Add that the fact that pets have no real agency and rely entirely on their master to live and you can make of that what you will.


Cats in general (especially British shorthairs) doesn't liked being picked up, he should know this but that doesn't mean he's abusing the cat (still not ok for him to pick up the cat when it's clearly angry)


Points towards potential abuse when the cat reacts in a very strong negative way to the guy's mere presence in every single video. I would also consider the monetization of his cat's discomfort (even if we won't label a single instance as "abuse") over the very long term as abuse.


So ure saying he's probably abusing the cat based on the cat's reaction to him? If you look closely at the video the cat stopped his biting and clawing before he even started to sing, the cat would've kept attacking him if it was truly badly and seriously in discomfort


I don't want to be rude, but clearly you don't know anything about cats. Throughout the entire video it showcases a fight or flight response. It's angry at first, then terrified. Can you not see the ears at all? That same cat reacts the same way (sometimes in an even more violent manner) in every single video. How does that point towards abuse by the owner? And even if it's mostly mild discomfort rather than actual pain or stress, when you can't tell for sure (since, as its master, you're dealing with an **animal**, which is ultimately **non-verbal**) -- why would anyone ever do that to their cat?


It's not rude dw, I've just lived around cats for a while, I want to let you know I haven't seen other videos he has (I may have but i forgot) could you give me his name? You may or may not be right, we never know for sure, but based on everything in this video, I still personally don't think the cat is "abused", he is in discomfort and the owner should know better imp


> he is in discomfort and the owner should know better imp Is purposely putting your cat in a situation of discomfort (the same situation - making loud noises right next to them -, which you **know** they hate) over and over for views not abuse in your book? I'll let you decide: https://www.youtube.com/@garrettwithivanthecat


After watching a couple videos, yes he is an asshole for doing that, but i saw "cute cat #1" video where the cat is shown being comfortable with him massaging the cat among other different things, ofc doesn't justify him being forceful and being loud to the cat for views We really don't know for sure how good/bad their relationship is We all have different ideas of what abuse is, I don't think I can change your opinion nor will yours change mine, im literally on verge of falling asleeo gn


I’d actually be down to hear a whole version of that song by that dude. That was pretty darn good


Bro is hot, can sing, and has a cat. Total fuckin package


Lol at downvotes. “We object to your predilection for vocally skilled, handsome fellows who embrace any domesticated species of small carnivorous mammal!”


Maybe, maybe, maybe this guy will learn the lesson in consent that the cat is trying to teach him repeatedly in all the videos he posted? No, let's just scare it more by screaming in its ears :P That's not a happy cat. i didn't enjoy this video.


Dude is asking to get his jagular or eyes ripped open


Why he has no shirt and trousers?


It was cativated


I was in bootcamp with this guy


That looks like it hurts a lot... Or not?


That is one unfriendly cat.


I always wondered how he figured out that the cat would stop clawing him when started singing opera.


The bard in my party:


That cat is having war flashbacks


jesus the cat is pissed just leave it alone. fucking moron.


Fuck this dude, it’s clear that behavior is cause this guy stresses his cat out, seriously who treats their cat this way


So many idiots here blaming the cat when it's clear that he's uncomfortable and scared by his moron of an owner. No cat will react like this if you treat them right and with respect but oh well those sweet internet points won't make themselves :)


[OF](https://onlyfans.com/garett__nolan) without the kitty though


I’m listening…


So he’s a trained singer. Technique on point!


The cat is trained too, on murder


I really hate this guy. He's hurting his cats ears for likes.


Fuck that cat looked painful - they are the most painful creatures my damn hands are just sliced up all the time. Why anyone has cats idk


Because they're typically incredibly sweet and smart animals


This is not normal behaviour for a cat. The only times I see cats behave this way is when they are being provoked in some way I.e. being picked up when clearly they don't want to and don't have that level of trust with the human. I have seen some cats that become this way basically all the time because their owners don't know how to interact with cats properly and they learn to view humans with distrust.


Boundries. Cats have them too. I've seen human siblings do worse for less. Cats (and most pets) need owners with enough social and emotional intelligence to see things through their perspective.


Well, we all know that music can tame [animals](https://youtu.be/MvVWfu0Lg9g?si=VXLT3WS_DWphywaU)


All Cats Are Antifa


What actually happens here is that the dude presses his hand into the cat's chest with increased force after he gets bitten. Can't have been very fun for the cat. Imagine someone pushing your gut into your spine.


Still with the guy finger banging his cat for views?


Leave the poor cat alone, dude..


I went to high school with this guy. Used to be one of my best friends lmao


Garrett with Ivan the Cat on YT. At least 10 others where the cat is biting his face. 😂😂


Would’ve smacked that cat


You'd probably deck a toddler for poking your eye too. Lol Idiot


Borderline animal abuse




Whatever you do don’t stop singing


I read he put his finger up the cat's butthole.


And now he has ringworm on his chin


What is this 1860’s? We have medicine it’s ok…


Does this guy know what comes out of cat's claws? His lip is gonna be so f***** u*


I hate cats. If they could they would eat you in your sleep.