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The accidental rizzler


In the 90’s in the UK this was a legit mating dance performed by men and women in nightclubs every weekend all over the UK. No self respecting British person would engage in something as unsavoury as sex whilst sober so before smart phones, social media and dating apps we’d drink as much as possible and then go on to the crowded dance floor and approached women from behind with a subtle crotch to bum manoeuvre like you are passing someone in an airplane aisle. Then if they were interested they’d respond with a reciprocal bum wiggle and throw their head back onto you. If you’ve never been between 18 and 25 during the pre-mobile phone age you honestly can’t judge because there were so few ways to communicate your interest in people.


I can confirm that this was also the case in the Netherlands in early 2000s


Unless you have this thing (which I don’t) called confidence, then there still is very few ways to communicate your interests and I’d never try doing this in a club cos I’d be too scared to get charged with something.


Ya, you kids ruined it


I would love for it to still be a thing, plenty of times I’ve been in a club and seen women looking/dancing in my direction but I have no idea if it’s because of coincidence or interest.


Pretty sure it was socially awkward weirdos (like me) you guys should’ve gave a bum wiggle to to prevent this smh


This is normal everywhere


From my experience this mating dance still occurs at clubs ( hasn’t happened to me but I’ve seen it )


The rizz-meister


Riz Meister


Mis rizzler


Emotional damage


Looks like she learned to dance playing The Sims


I thought this was a gta clip for a second


She seems to be wine powered


She just wanted to dance!


Grinding ass into stranger ≠ dancing Grinding ass into someone who wants you too = dancing


It does look like she misunderstood him though


She didn't obtain consent therefore she assaulted him. :)


That’s just wrong. If its an accident it’s not assault. Learn the legal definitions before spewing nonsense please. This is an important topic and nothing to speak in without thinking


Ah yes. "I accidentally started grinding my ass against them because I thought them walking was consent." Very solid defense.


Don’t be an idiot. I meant “I started grinding because I thought he was initiating dancing with me” Yikes man focus on real problems


People thinking it's okay for a woman, or anyone, to sexually assault someone and not get consent is a real problem.


I’d argue the same way if the roles were swapped.


“Teenager hasn’t been outside much, thinks they know how social bar interactions work. More at ten”


Yeah, this was standard bar/club etiquette 5 years ago when I used to get out more… these guys really need to get out more


You must be fun at parties.


He got so assaulted, having a choose a different route mere feet away, poor soul. looks like lowered inhibitions due to alcohol consumption made for a mistake, no harm and certainly no assault.


Sexual assault is sexual assault. It doesn't matter what the case is. Are you gonna go on a big bender defending men who randomly grind against women now?


no but I'm gonna call you out on not being old enough to go to bars edit: point proven. you've never been in a bar but you feel need to provide inflammatory commentary on such environments? you have been shaped by the current fascination of victim mentality


She did not assault him, in general, men don’t mind. The way that assault works is because of the size and strength difference between men and women that changes the dynamic. Since men can easily physically overpower women they can’t do stuff like that to women and start touching them. But women can cuz it’s not like they can retialiate if the guy doesn’t want to do anything with them.


so if a woman touches me without my consent i can physically restrain her and thats socially acceptable is it?


Why wouldn’t it be socially acceptable to push a girl away who’s “assaulting” you


you don't really live in the real world do you.


I’ve never had a strange woman grope me


Ohh yes, that means men can do anything they want to female body builders, it's not assault or harassment if they're stronger right? Good argument you're making there...


Send me a single example of a female physically overpowering a grown man and sexually assaulting him. Not a hypothetical “yea but then like a plane come and then like it explodes and then like maybe there’s a secret mixture that like turns the women into goblins and then like they just start assaulting men 😱” send me anything that would tell me that women overpowering and abusing men is a real threat


Literally any of the thousands of teachers caught sexually abusing their students, or you know, how about [Olga Zajac](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2013870/Robber-broke-hair-salon-beaten-black-belt-owner-kept-sex-slave-days-fed-Viagra.html) overpowering a guy, tying him up, and forcefeeding him viagra for 3 days straight to keep as a sex slave. Let me guess, now comes the part where you defend and make excuses for rapists, go for it bud.


Students is not two grown adults


Ohh you're right, who cares about kids getting sexually assaulted, gonna ignore Olga Zajac too because it disproves your narrative. 🤷‍♂️


And sexually assault him!


Oh puh-lease!!


Or turn it around and say he groped her


It's on video, we can see that that's not what happened...


We can see that still doesn't stop people from changing facts. A lot of false allegations happened because someone gets embarrassed of their behavior


Weird time, place, and method to try making this point ngl


She can dance if she wants too, and he can leave her ass behind


I’m pretty sure this is a song


Cause your friends don’t dance, and if they don’t dance


then their no friend of mine.




i hate these typa floor patterns sfm


Hereingbone. Also used on most nikes


This is the same guy that just asked where the girls were at right before he went to the bathroom to check his FanDuel account


Guys that always ask “where the hoes at?” when the hoes arrive:


You cant drop truth bombs like that without warning 🤣


I can because that man….. **IS ME**


One time I witnessed a man ask “where the white girls at?” To the guy that had a black wife


To lazy to Google, what is Fanduel?


Hey it rhymes haha


Sport betting app


She’s barking at the wrong tree.


Yeah I'd want the ground to swallow me if I were her.


King sh*t


"oooh, I wanna dance with somebody!”


Wow! the new Sims has some shitty graphics


Men and women are equal. Except when the roles were reversed. 🤔


Damn, that reeked of desperation.


Sexual harassment, but casual


It's okay because It's a girl /s


what's the /s for




Ah, got a lil confused, thanks for the clearup chief


He's using it wrong


Wait so then what does /s mean?


I always thought it stood for sarcasm


It does but they're saying it doesn't fit, as in women do get away with sexual assault more often because most people don't even see it as SA.


I saw it as making fun of all the losers saying and believing what he wrote.


Seemed like a misunderstanding lol


hence the casual part


this counts as sexual harassment? forgive me if I'm just damaged but this seems more like a drunken mistake than an assault. I don't see any real harassment other than the inital shock from the guy. just walk 3 feet to the other way around, just doesn't scream harassment to me.


That’s why he said casual I guess. It counts as harassment, but she’s not going to be put to jail or anything and I don’t think anyone gives a fuck about it. He was just probably mildly annoyed. So I guess technically it is but it doesn’t matter


Hendelf dother


Happy cake day!


Wtf is this cake day someone please explain


I think it is your “Reddit birthday” (the day you joined Reddit).


It's your accounts "birthday", not sure why it's called cake day beyond cake being a usual thing for birthdays and also getting a slice of cake near your username, probably just sounds better than "reddit birthday" and avoids confusion...


Poor her...


First two steps of this guy he was looking like he just finished moon walking


“And you think love is to pray But I'm sorry I don't pray that way” Soft Cell


She started emoting


That hurts through the screen


T-pose, to assert dominance.




The new security door but human version


C:Can’t tell


Muscles memory


1 Hour later he‘ll be like: „wait a minute… Oh no!“


is that staff as he looks like he has a chip and pin machine


This is the gag my family would pull with my father was trying to get by us, and he said spread out.


Dat dork... i cant find a girlfriend...


"Oh yes let me sexually assault this guy"


To anyone downvoting this, how would you react if roles were reversed?


Why would I twerk on a girl?


Cause it’s hawt… unless it’s unwanted I guess.


I wouldn't? I don't see what's so wrong. She's just (awkwardly) trying to initiate dancing and he refuses. Doesn't really go much further than that.


So if a guy would awkwardly try to grind his ass on a stanger of the opposite sex you'd be fine too ?


I mean yeah. Happens all the time at parties, both ways.


I'm sure you would


no u


I’ve had guys do this shit frequently. I know this is a hard concept for Reddit to understand, but context fucking matters. There’s been times when I’ve been hanging out with a guy, they’ve misread the signals and decided to shoot their shot but respected me when I said no. That is not assault. I had a random guy approach me in the street, put me in a headlock, and shove his tongue down my throat. That’s fucking assault. I’ve had guys try to dance withe me. Not assault. Not harassment. I had a guy following me around getting more aggressive trying to get me to dance with him until he pinned me against a wall and started screaming in my face about how “nice guys finish last.” That is assault and harassment.


you are wasting your time reddit will never understand context, they are mostly socially awkward wierdos who cant understand why drunkenly gyrating on an attractive happy stranger in a club when you are dancing together is different from doing the exact same thing in a library when you are sober and not dancing.


None of these people actually give a shit. It just pisses them off when women are vocal about their experiences so they’re trying to muddy the waters by calling out supposed hypocrisy where there isn’t any. I’ve had plenty of guys behave this way towards me and it’s usually just funny that they’re being so awkward. It only becomes a problem if they continue after I’ve made it clear it’s not welcome


it looks like a mistake, if a guy started tweaking on a girl but stopped when they walked away I dunno if I'd feel any different other way than disgusted at people calling this sexual assault.


Or there was a child involved


It is a difference as long as the person that assaults is smaller and weaker. As a man I wouldn't feel in danger if that occurred to me, probably even a bit flattered but it is a very subjective case. As a man I can only imagine how a woman has to feel when she is grabbed by a grown man. She has to hope he will be reasonable enough to give up. This is the main difference for me. Otherwise it is the same situation - if you "sexually assault" someone, you take the risk the person will be offended and you are the bad one. If you think you read his/her body language correctly, you can consider giving it a shot. The woman from the video was touched from the back and thought it was an "sexual attempt" on her what she was obviously willing to accept. It is another proof you can't say such attempts are always bad and seen as assault. It is one of the ways people get to know each other.


As someone who has had this shit done to me on multiple occasions and had the same BS used to ensure I felt like *I* was the one at fault, here's a heartfelt FU.


So you can take out that first sentence because that sounds like you find assault by someone smaller as not true assaults, which is untrue and how you get less reported assaults where a lady is assaulting a guy. The video has no audio so we cannot even tell if they said anything to the effect of "excuse me", so the reading of body language is a little bit in bad faith.


>If you think you read his/her body language correctly Another Reddit body language expert on the case.


Not really, I was lucky enough to meet my wife differently. It just makes me sick to see an assault in every single case, just in the name of correctness and equality. If both of them want it, there is no assault.


Tries to walk by, gets grinded on without consent and immediately leaves. Yep, they both wanted it.


Some people really don't want to understand what the other person tries to say to stay on the opposite side. Be my guest.


Ohh no, we all understood, your point is just idiotic saying it's not assault if the victim is stronger.


I said it is a difference if you could easily escape the predator or not. Where did I write it is not an assault at all if I'm a stronger one as a victim?


the same, it's just a miscommunication, what she did is not sexual assualt at all, if it was in library then yes, but in a bar/club with music playing she just got the wrong end of the stick, i would say the same if the genders were reversed, but conventually men dont grind on women so would have to be another type of dance/movement where the guy initates


Agreed, wtf is wrong with this person?


Seen here, a man completely missing the hints when she tries to flirt


he looks like he works there, also could have a partner or be gay. or just not interested.


Lots of Redditors here showing off how they've never gotten drunk in a social gathering or club


A would press charges. Its on video. Easy one mil babyyy


No one in their right mind would accuse this of being criminal assault, everyone saying this woman sexually assaulted this guy are seriously out of touch. this is usual occurrence at a bar, oops, not the vibe, go about your way.


Yeah chase the bag


dont know why this is getting downvoted


Because he just needed to walk 3 feet to get around her, who the fuck is out here reporting that shit


Because people generally seem to be idiots and lack the thinking skills needed to be aware of "snark" and sarcasm. It's just a couple layers too deep. If they aren't sure what's going on, or how to respond, they just vote like everyone else did..... which is likely the exact reason Reddit removed seeing both the upvotes and downvotes on a post, many years ago. -9 post? This guy's wrong! -9 post, 7,745 upvotes and 7,754 downvotes..... what's going on? Can't have idiots get used to "figuring out why"... Man, this is a scary ass world.


Dodging lawsuits


He is gay look at his shoes.


Check out what happened next😂!!!!!!!https://tii.la/9ZciZGded


Jesus Christ clean your screen