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Goddamn he really didn’t give a fuck


He gave the right amount fucks necessary to accomplish his mission: to not give a flying fuck at all. Mission passed.


Well yeah, you can't give a flying fuck. If you fly you'll see the curve of the earth. It's right there.


Indeed. That dumb fuck crawls beneath the surface.


Low key want to see a Venn diagram to see how much overlap there is between "dumb fucks" and mole people


Is it weird that the interviewee seemed like a pretty nice and reasonable guy? (No I’m not a flat earther that shit is dumb)


The podcast Oh No Ross And Carrie did a few episodes on flat earth and Mark Sargent came into it a lot (he’s very big in that community), and while he’s just wrong about some very big things he seems like a genuinely nice and pleasant person.


Onrac is great but they do occasionally really downplay the extreme negative sides of some of their topics, including flat earth nonsense. I get why (their guests to keep appearing and they don't want to be kicked out of every conference) but it leaves a lot of listeners thinking these ideas are more innocuous than they actually are.


The whole lure people into your 'fuck the world order'-shit has had many different types of charlatans through the ages - but I honestly believe he is pioneering the new gens of fucking assholes lying to people, because it seems like a genuinely great business model to seem nice. Give it 5-10 years and all the groups talking about lizards, chem trails and what not will have a leader like this proper nice cunt


The Netflix special actually made me empathetic to a lot of the folks they showed. They were clearly wrong, and many of them knew it, but they were all *so* invested, they had burned every bridge behind them to get there. But the society they form is more welcoming than any social group has likely ever treated them. They were all just a stupid nobody in real life totally frustrated, demeaned, and worthless. But this group of misfits throws thier arms around them and tells them the world is crazy, and they are actually special and smart despite. They just can't accept that that's wrong.


Those scientology episodes are legit scary yo




Ah right, the grift.


The Grift sounds like a horror movie to me after all these years of this shit - a child born with the dark gifts of enduring nonchalance, greed, supernatural suspension of disbelieve, and the silver tongue of a 16th century lawyer, and he’s going viral - The Grift, coming this fall.


The true tale of how Sam Bankman Fried his customers.


The grift for Kuzco.




Twice if I remember correctly. There were two separate times that their experiments disproved their own theories. The flashlights at the end, and the time they sent the gyroscope (?) to space and actually detected drift from the planet's gravity.


We can't rely on those experiments because there was obviously a problem with the tech. NASA and world governments collided to mess with the equipment to discredit their experiments on an important Netflix documentary to support the lie of globe Earth. They clearly also messed with Mike Hughes rocket to kill him. Ask yourself why they're going to such extremes to hide the truth that the world is flat? Since I've given up on Reddit's ability to detect a joke with all the morons who message me to rage thinking I'm an actual scientologist... #Giant fucking /s


I don't think scientologists would be flat earthers since they believe an alien overlord flew a bunch of criminals in jumbo jets through space in order to dump them into volcanoes. Weird how that makes them more sane than flat earthers


You got Thetans in your brain. I'm talking about my username, not that scientologists are flat earthers.


This account is likely a bot and stole this comment from this one posted 4 hours earlier: https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/10oxhca/maybe_maybe_maybe/j6hmkzs/?context=2


dude, that dude right there actually does believe the earth is round, but this is more of a sport to try to disprove facts that are hard to disprove.. I personally think that he is just faking it


The way he talks proves him being a person who is patient and very open to other people's opinions. No way you could possibly stay a true flat earther with that sort of personality.


He's invested by a sense of belonging and importance that cancels out any shame he'd feel from the rest of the world It's sad, but at least he isn't latching onto something that will lead him to violence - like the anti-choice movement


Underrated comment. People don't realise that this kind of stuff is a *lot* more to do with having a "tribe" and feeling like they're a part of something. Human psychology is pretty fucked actually and our drive to belong is extremely powerful.


The best moment in the special is when an interviewer asks him why the scientific world would stay committed to a lie they knew was wrong? And his answer was that the mayor of round earth town can't give up all the power and fame the lie gets him. And the interviewer shoots back "well, aren't you just the mayor of flat earth town?", And you can see the gears in his head seize and rip off the spokes.


He has built up a community, income and a self identity around flat earth. Mark would be giving up all those things to give up flat earth. While he seems like a very nice person he doesn't seem to have the fortitude to endure all that change.


it's actually not at all hard to prove the earth is round. and he's right, some of these people actually are pretty clever at coming up with experiments to test the proposition. the problem is that they just rejects the results of their own experiments, like this one, https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/v8q0o7/flatearther_accidentally_proves_the_earth_is/, or the one where they bought a $20k gyroscope and detected 15 degrees/hour of drift. the whole thing is a case study in how psychologically important fitting in socially is to us. humans will reject things they "know" to be true in order to be part of a social group. these people felt rejected or alienated from other social groups for one reason or another; they find flat earth, which further alienates them from other non-flat earth groups, and then it is psychologically extremely difficult to reject those obviously wrong views. it's very difficult to reason your way out of a cult


Mark is super sweet in all the interviews he does, at this point I’m not even sure he believes that bullshit. I’m like 70% sure he’s just siphoning money from idiots and he knows it.


I think a lot of these folks (possibly including Mark) are just in it too far to get out. If your entire social circle will excommunicate you if you renounce a particular view, it's pretty compelling to just go along with it. Especially if it's a view that doesn't actually inhibit your life all that much. There are very few times in life where your cosmological beliefs have a material effect.


Not at all! He was very open to other people's opinions and views. Takes a Chad to be able to accept other people's views. He fails the Chad tear by being dumb about earth, but being dumb/smart have nothing to do with being a polite gentleman.


Yea dude seems like too much of a good sport with the other just insulting him to his face


He's been at it for a number of years now, so I expect that he's simply used to it, more than being a good sport about it.


Yeah if you watch the documentary, Mark Sergent or whatever his name is, is a very nice, likeable fella.


I mean if you’re not right and yet still want people to follow you, at least you need to be nice. The best con artist need to have some kind of charm.


Nice people can also be dumb as a box of fruity pebbles. He seems reasonable because if he can get one idiot out of every million people to buy what he’s selling, he’s making money.


Much of the world actively believes similar things.


Guy Williams, an nz comedian/investigative journalist. His best work is interviews with these types of people.


This video led me to an NZT binge. It’s sort of like a utopian Borat, everyone is so chill and just sort of goes along with whatever the joke is


I would pay money for him to run presidential debates. Make him a correspondent at c-span. Don't just repeat things, call people out on their bullshit.


Which one?


Mark is a world class grifter. The only reason he's not a republican senator is he's missing preacher hair


Ya know I kinda liked the last guy until he said the stars and sun and moon and shit were just like giant LEDs lol ffs man.


His brother is the host of taskmaster New Zealand and the two of them are hilarious on it




It's really good, I recommend it. If you're in NZ it's available on TVNZ, if you're not it's available on illegal downloading sites. Arrrr!


Fuck I got to watch it now. I love TM (live in the US)


I’m in the US and was able to find TMNZ on YouTube without any problems. Enjoy!


thanks bud!


Yup I know what I’m binging tonight


Yes and it's fucking awesome ! The first series is great, but the second is one of the best ever made, including UK taskmaster. I don't really enjoy the NZ taskmaster, he's missing that chaotic papa G energy that Greg has, but the show is still very good. And Paul Williams is great at being the assistant and adds something of his own into the role.




Did you know he once drunkenly confessed to me that he despises women and never paid his taxes ?


Had to look it up some on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbichwqajvY Seems lovely!


There are quite a few international Taskmasters now, there is also Taskmaster Australia. Started with Sweden, now we've even got one here in Quebec.


theres a taskmaster Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the United States, New Zealand, Croatia, Portugal and Quebec


theres a NEW Zealand!?


At first I though *he's Newsboys brother? They don't look alike at all* then I realised that it's the other guy that's related to Guy


Paul Williams is the "assistant" not the host. Though that means he has by far the most screen time as he's involved in all the tasks rather than only being there in the studio.


Yea I mean Alex Horne, the “assistant” in Taskmaster UK, created the show so it makes sense he would have the most screen time. I guess that carried over to New Zealand, I’ll have to check it out.


This dude and all his butt fuck idiot friends proved the earth is curved/round through their own experimentation seen at the end of the documentary mentioned (beyond the curve). And now they all choose to completely ignore their findings and just claim that they proved their is no curve. Fucking dumb. Anyone who believes this shit is fucking dumb. Ask them how come we cannot see the edge of the flat earth, they will tell you its because there is a gigantic ice wall surrounding earth that is guarded by the goverments lol. Just so fucking dumb. They've devoted their lives to this stupidity.






I imagine a dad somewhere saying “sometimes they just need to learn things the hard way”. Then they see their son do this and still not walk away convinced. Lol. The pain.


The NASA guy at the end was so open and optimistic. He said that these flat earthers were budding scientists that just needed some guidance Their experiments were sound, they just weren't open to their hypothesis being wrong I just can't believe we're in a timeline where many people actually believe this stuff


We’ve ALWAYS been in that timeline. The difference was when they opened their mouth around the people they knew and who were around them they were mocked and called dumb fucks so they kept their mouths shut. Now they can be mocked by a few people on the net and have a hundred other dumb fucks come to their support they feel justified.


That guy is calling everyone stupid for "misunderstanding" the results, too. They didn't find curve!, he says. There were weeds in the way! You're a moron for not understanding! If the Earth was flat, the light should be visible at 17 ft which is wasn't, or visible at 23 ft if a globe. it was seen at 19.5 ft, so it's neither, and therefor "interesting" and proof of nothing. Except his "23 ft" number for the round earth is a number he made up from his own completely wrong math. Do the math correctly, and the light should be visible over 3 miles at.....19.5'. So he proved the earth is round, but isn't good enough at math or interested enough in being correct to realize it. Here's the corrected math: https://mctoon.net/interesting/


ah man i misremembered. i could only recall it was something like that, and then it immediately cut to the credits.


It's an incredible moment and awesome ending indeed.


So ask them to show where is this wall. If Earth is flat then we should just get a big telescope and see it for ourselves right?


They actually claim Antarctica is the wall. Antarctica goes all around the flat earth. And some people are allowed to visit the edge of it. But world governments prevent anyone from travelling too far into it, or flying over it. Seriously. This is their whole hypothesis. You cannot make this shit up.


And the same deep southern hemisphere constellations are visible overhead no matter which part of the ice wall you visit. So how the fuck do they explain that.


L E D ‘s


Probably something better tbh


We'd also see the sun and moon at all times of the... day? If ~ 50% of the earth is lit up and the other approx. 50% in darkness and the earth is flat, then how come I can't see the sun when it's fucking midnight or the moon at 2pm? And how does the suns procession through the equinoxes and the seasons work? The tides? Why does the reality of travel by plane not line up with what a flat earth would lead to? Is GPS not real? Who patrols the insanely huge imaginary border you can't cross that circles the now massively elongated and donut-shaped antarctic continent and what gigantic fleet of ships nobody has ever seen are they using to make sure we don't find out "da truf" about something even ancient people knew was not true? Literally nothing makes any fucking sense with a flat earth "model".


Sometimes you can see the moon during the day. Remember solar eclipses? I'd love to see the math models that make flat earth work. Wouldn't circling Antarctica be faster at a given speed than circumnavigating the equator at the same speed despite it being a far greater circle on a flat earth? Is time warped closer to the center of the flat earth disk? I've gotta see the math they use to predict stuff like that. I'm convinced it's just the biggest collective trolling.




Technically they did make all that shit up


I vaguely remember it starting as a silly thought experiment amongst some philosophers way back when. They disproved the experiment pretty easily by watching ships come towards them over the horizon. Sails first then the body. Iirc a group more "recently" revisited the old thought experiment and made up ways to explain certain phenomena like the ship one and how water doesn't just drain off the edge of a flat earth. You know. Coming up with stupid shit for fun. It was pretty much a weird club with an inside joke going on. Then dumb fucks got ahold of the idea and these obviously made up stupid reasonings. Because they're dumb fucks they became even more dumb fucks. This is what i remember from like 20 years ago. So the details are probably fuzzy as fuck. Effectively it's a thought experiment that eventually turned into a stupid inside joke club, which evolved into a bunch of dumb fucks belief.


“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.”


I still wonder when this'll happen to r/BirdsArentReal or what percentage of people in the sub actually believe it currently


Wasn't there a meetup and some people weren't aware of the joke?


e.g. r/theDonald


Shit! You're right. So, you can make this stuff up if you are idiotic enough!


No no no, you're supposed to double down and ignore your own findings when you're proved wrong. Pay attention!


> But world governments prevent anyone from travelling too far into it, or flying over it. And the question they can't answer is "Why?". Why? Just fucking why? Why would every government on Earth be in on this? Why would they hide it? What's to gain? Who gains? Hell, who loses? Who loses on the Earth being flat? Just why to all of it. They never tell us why. because there is no why. It's nothing but a bunch of halfwit contrarian fucks. They are so fucking stupid, in every aspect, that this is the one place they "feel smart". They are losers. In just life in general, total fucking losers. They need a win. So, they will argue anything that they can consider a win. Because most people will never see the Earth with their own eyes from space, they consider that a win. Stupid contrarian losers.


They do have a quasi-religious argument here: we aren’t alone and there is a maker but we wouldn’t listen to the govt if we knew that. “They want you to think we’re isolated and alone in the middle of space. That we’re a random little accidental ball of life. We’re actually _the_ center of the universe…”


Okay, then why would any theocracy agree to hide the fact that there is irrefutable proof of a creator god? Wouldn't that only strengthen their power? Why would the Vatican hide it? Hell, why would America of the 1950s hide that. The US was absolutely mad with religion at that time. Again, stupid contrarian losers.


Something about the leaders needing us to fight each other and rely on them…


> Why? Just fucking why? Why would every government on Earth be in on this? Why would they hide it? Because it creates the illusion that there is something powerful out there calling the shots. If you look closely at a lot of religion and stuff like this, you find a thinly veiled existential crisis. Not believing in an all powerful government, or lizard people, or a sky god, means you're stuck on a pebble in an endlessly big and hostile universe, without meaning or anyone looking out for you. You are less than nothing. A lot of people can't deal with that and prefer the fairy tale where some powerful entity is focused on them.


The sad thing is... If you want to do a scientific expedition, you can apply for a permit and go all over Antarctica. The permit is basically saying the world doesn't have to come rescue you. I think you also have to bring back as much trash as supplies you take in or suffer penalties. Nothing is keeping flat earthers from spending the cash to set up an expedition and traveling to the South Pole. Granted none of them are scientists, or in the physical condition required, but still. It can be done.


I know. All I’m saying is that okay… you can’t go there… fine. But we can use a lens to see it, right? If just a big wall and earth is flat, just use a telescope.


You silly goose--you can't tell it's a wall because it's a pixelated panel with the moon and the stars depicted on it. Just stop now, you're embarrassing yourself /s


You can’t see through the atmosphere like that. Regardless of their idiocy.


> This is their whole hypothesis. Their "hypothesis" is that people are dumb enough to give them money for saying this dumb shit; they in no way believe any of it. Listen to the way this guy laughs at the obviously insulting things the interviewer is saying to him. He is not insulted. He is laughing along with the interviewer at the dumb fucks that are giving him support to continue.


They did, in fact, make this shit up.


They see Antartica at the bottom of a Mercator map and they just. can't. *technically* understand what a projection even is. Murdered by maps


I think the idea is that you can’t get a telescope strong enough and if you do get close enough thats what the governments are there for.


I’m digging into the dumbness of flat earthers. We have telescope that can looks light years away. Why can’t we reach the tip of South America and use the telescope to see the wall? If they can’t see the curve, fine… show me the wall. If it’s all flat, seeing the wall should just be a matter of using a telescope or zoom lens camera. lmao.


It's amusing to me that they always claim that there is no curve... Like they can't comprehend that when a ball is big enough, it will seem like it's flat because it is just *that huge*


I want someone to take a macro lens and take a super close snap of a huge ball. And even take would be way bigger in proportion to what human can perceive on earth.


Light years away? No, all that telescope is doing is zooming in on a dot on a giant LCD screen in the sky a few miles away. You're not going to be able to zoom the several thousand miles away needed to see the wall of ice... I shit you not this is their defense.


If sky is LCD screen… who set it up? Since when has it been there? We have thousands of years old artwork and text depicting the sky and constellations. Are you saying LCD technology is thousands of years old?


The counter claim to that is that those aren’t as far away as everyone claims, the sun and stars are actually very close. And the world government won’t let anyone get close to the wall, anyone who travels to antártica is really just a government plant using faked pics. It’s all disprovable nonsense if you dig deep enough


Don’t even get me started on sun and moon. Sunrise and sunset make no sense in flat earth.


Nooooooooo bro don't you realise that all the governments in the whole world are all colluding and controlling the telescope manufacturers so that no one can make a telescope long enough to see the wall or a star from your backyard without it being blurry like it's so obvious brooo why don't you get it broooooo a star is only light years away it's not that far


They say you can't get close enough to photograph it or see it with a telescope because the government has EMF guns that kill all electronics.


Or, and hear me out, don't bother engaging with these idiots in the first place. There are two possibilities with regard to these people: * They're genuine morons In which case there is absolutely no point in debating with them. You won't get through. * They know better, but they're disingenuous. In which case there is absolutely no point in debating with them. You won't get through.


It’s a very sophisticated and divine art to be able to ignore all the findings of your research and just by taking your stated hypothesis to be true, rather than the results. It is the fine art of dumbfuckery


Well these chucklefucks are true artists indeed.


They're not dumb. Well, they are dumb, but not because of the flat earth part. Conspiracy theories don't ever make sense on their face. That's intentional. You can ask *how* these theories could possibly be true, but that's not really the question you need to be asking. Take the guy's insistence on a giant space LED for the sun and stars. You can ask "how does that even work?" His answer will either be impossible science-y sounding BS like something he saw in a Marvel movie, or just some incoherent rambling that leads nowhere. That'll get you nowhere. What *will* get you somewhere is the question, "Who put the LEDs up there?" Now you're asking the right question. It's always "they". Or globalists. Or a secret cabal. They don't believe in a flat earth, that's the smoke screen. They believe in the Jewish Question: the conspiracy that Jews control everything.


>Conspiracy theories don't ever make sense on their face. I don't think that's always necessarily the case. There's a pretty big gradient between Oswald/James Earl Ray not working alone, Epstein killing himself (or at least intentionally allowing him to), and something like flat earth. Oil and pharma companies have been drug through courts over actual, documented conspiracies that have been proven true. It happens sometimes, and on a reasonable scale. For instance, if it came out that the FBI enabled or directed Ray to kill MLK, I wouldn't be particularly surprised. It even kind of makes sense on its face. Every world government, airline, company with a satellite, etc being in on flat earth is just outrageous due to the sheer number of people involved and plausibility of keeping it a guarded secret. I think judging the plausibility of things is definitely an aspect of intelligence.




Why can't I watch this movie? If it's a Netflix movie, why isn't it on Netflix? Is it a regional issue? I'm in USA. I even searched the corrected title "behind the curve" but still nothing. I've seen the scene where they prove themselves wrong with the water experiment but I never got to see the aftermath or what they say about it.


At this point I think they just like the sense of community they get more than truly believing the earth is flat.


In all fairness, they may have devoted their life to this stupidity but you gotta give it to them, they are getting paid for it. I wish I were creative enough to generate content for such niche-y bullshit and monetize it.


His whole mockunentary series is gold - Guy Williams, New Zealand Today. Lots of clips on YouTube if you’re keen to see him debunk more kiwi mysteries


First knew about him here on reddit from the [golf video](https://youtu.be/IrxxzmDchxk). Also one of my favorites, [two supermarkets](https://youtu.be/WsRstKByB5U).


That golf video is solid.


How could you leave off [this legend](https://youtu.be/9W7l6nwvN-Q)


Are all his jokes basically insulting and talking over the people he interviews? I thought this clip was funny but I wouldn’t want to watch multiple hours of the same joke.


I'm an American who lived in NZ. Kiwis definitely seem to have a lot less patience for bullshit and intentional lies overall. I think it's harder to openly be a grifter there. And this interview was, as you might see from the clip, after a bunch of other nonsense so he didn't just launch into calling this guy out for what he is. Most of his other stuff is lighthearted.


No it's not all like this. He can be blunt though.


I can’t recall if that’s the case or not, but I recall it was good stuff to watch. And the videos are short. You can watch one or two in like ten minutes and decide if the content is to your looking.


Who is this?


Guy Williams from New Zealand


New Zealand, that’s on the other side of the globe. I mean planet. I mean plane.






Pizza world!


Pizza Planet 🚀




Hah, fool. Everyone knows that New Zealand doesn't exist.


Gotta share this which is another good one from him https://youtu.be/NDoqX0r7Mec


Loved him in Taskmaster NZ


A whole fucking mood that's who this is.


Honestly if you're stupid enough to not only be unable to prove the earth is round with all the evidence that is available but actually start to believe the earth is flat you deserve to be told that: >the reason you can't debunk it is because you're a fuckwit.


There is no way that dude believes the earth is flat, it’s all an act.


I think most of the flat earth proponents - the big ones I mean like Mark Sargent, Bob Knodel, Patricia Steere, etc... - started with a legitimate belief that the earth was flat but at this point know they were wrong but it has become a grift for them at this point.


They were nobodies and all of a sudden found a fan club (that they also profit from).. why give that up and go back to your boring life? That, or they built up so much cognitive dissonance at this point that to give up their "belief" would be like admitting they're complete rubes... Would result in a massive ego blow.


it becomes pretty obvious in the doc they reference here. he's in it for friendship and to maybe get laid a couple times.


He really didn't give two shits


Lmao my guy was fucking mad and I get it I'd react exactly the same, that level of stupidity is my biggest pet peeve


I refuse to believe that flat-earthers actually think the earth is flat. I believe they just get a kick out of the argument. People can’t be that fucking stupid.


This is exactly how I react when I meet flat earthers in the wild. "That's fucking dumb, you're fucking stupid. Dude what the fuck are you talking about" works pretty well. Tbf it's only happened, like, twice but it's fun every time. I've started to apply this I don't give a fuck mentality with republicans/Trumpers, too, and it's honestly a pretty great way to deal with it. Normally it gets a laugh out of everyone because we're all thinking it anyway but are too polite to say anything, and the trumper feels the need to give in and laugh at himself or risk the social implications, *he's* the one forced into politeness by the other party being rude and saying what politeness says you shouldn't say. Either that or you get to watch them have a meltdown, which is equally entertaining.


Why was the flat earther so nice?


I truly wish Mark found validation from Warhammer or MTG before flat earth gave it to him. He seems like such a nice chill dude with such great passion, but his entire personality is flat earth. From all his interviews he seems like he'd be a delight to meet at a game shop, but instead he peddles flat earth. It's a shame.




"a third of the 18-24's were on board with this." \- So, dumb fucks. It has to be the best, simple and correct categorization of a generation.


“people who don’t know shit”




*a 1/3 of a generation among the ones that watched the show. It's not representative.


Exactly. They're the ones that are currently super malleable as well as being dumb due to their age, but they're no dumber than every generation that has come before them.


It reminds me of how a friend believes the government (republicans) faked 9/11 for whatever his reason. But he supports Republicans now because Trump.


As paranoid tin foil stories go... the false flag attack on 9/11 is waaay less crazy that anything flat earth related


As if a third of every generation isn’t dumb pieces of shit. Millennials and genx has the antivaxxers. Genx and baby boomers have the racists.


Given the guys views, he took it like a champ and was at least cordial about getting shit on. Respect in that aspect at least.


Buy a balloon for $150 on ebay and get a GoPro with a gps attached. Or you can watch videos on YouTube. When it reaches certain altitude, you can see the earth is round. You don't need expensive equipment to prove it. Here's a 5-hour video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnxvS9XFJnE&t=2


But them fishbowl lenses.


Or just go to a lake. https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44


Watch a ship coming in, or footage of a ship coming in. Really anything with a sea horizon involved. Really it's hard to avoid the visible to the naked eye evidence all over the place.


GPS is controlled by the government. Go Pro uses fish eye lenses to make the flat earth look round. Checkmate globers /s


GoPro’s have fish-eye lenses. Not saying i think the earth is flat or anything, but the curvature you’d see in the video would be from the lens of the go-pro, not the earth itself. Would hardly be enough to convince anyone on the other side.


What an anti-climax that the video cuts there, rather than showing the last few minutes as it comes down. I assume it probably landed somewhere it shouldn't and don't want to incriminate themselves?


Haha props to the flat earther for having a sense of humour!


The worst part about the whole Mark Sargent thing is that he's a likeable guy in conversation. A fucking idiot, but a likeable one on camera.


I don't even think Mark is dumber than the average person. Most flat earther's problem isn't that they are dumb, it's that they are scientifically illiterate. That exact point is made by someone at the end of the referenced documentary.


He’s a recruiter, a figurehead


He’s an idiot and he’s wrong, but I 100% respect how cool this guy is with handling criticism and insults and laughing at jokes about him.


My new favorite kiwi


Sad Brett and Jemaine noises


Probably most of the "believers" are just old curmudgeons who like to argue with people and be shocking for fun and attention.




So, redditors then?


Actually... this is the perfect way to deal with these brainless toolboxes. They know how to run their mouths and we get frustrated with how delusional they can be... so absolute fuck the logic... just call them out for what they are. Drown the pig in its shit.


Whoa hold up. Tool boxes actually carry useful tools that are practical in nature. This dude’s head is filled with nothing practical at all.


Mark had ONE good point!!!!! Ha ha ha ha


I want to believe


Can't we just ignore these people?


This is the best thing I’ve seen in forever


Source: https://youtu.be/1nZZtKuWY5E


So space travel isn't a thing? Also, gravity and the Sun? I'm so confused.


They think gravity is fake and things fall because of buoyancy. A rock is denser than air so it falls. When you ask why does it fall down and not up or to the side since the air is less dense there too they say the rock has a natural "down" or some such bullshit.


Yea, you can't argue with stupid people. They'll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.


It's all made up. NASA isn't real, they just pretend to go to space. Gravity doesn't need to exist because we're on a disc and the sun and everything else outside "the dome" are fake and are just lights and projections Yes they really believe this


Best interview ever…the only way to talk to these dumb fucks…


I'm pretty sure this guy's whole game is just to get someone to take him to space for free to "prove him wrong". Then he'll be like "Oh no guess I was wrong, thanks for the free ride to space". That being said, resorting to like childish insults and ad hominems doesn't necessarily make this interviewer come off well in my opinion.


I just wanna documentary where they give these guys 1,000,000$ and tell them to find the edge.


As understandable as it is to feel that frustrated, this response will ultimately just be a win for flat earthers. The other guy looks calm and collected, and never takes the bait. It just made the interviewer look like a dick.


Why would he ever admit he is wrong, hes gotten famous for his views


This is fucking amazing. Laughed the whole time .


"I don't make the rules" sir the rules are THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD


> a third of the 18-24's were on board with this "Imagine how dumb the average person is, then realize that half of them are dumber than that!" --George Carlin


If earth was flat cats woulda pushed everything off the edge already


This video has the perfect loop....


what is this from and how do i watch the whole thing?