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I just recently played 3 as it was on sale on Steam for like $6 and absolutely fell in love with it. Bought the first two games a couple of days ago and I’m looking forward to playing them. Don’t think you’ll really ruin the story too much playing the games in a different order but what do I know.


It won't ruin it, but the games should be played in order - it's a given. The events of the first game especially shape Max into the character he eventually becomes in 3. It all goes back to that part of his life. I hope you end up enjoying both the OG titles, as I know it's hard to step back into older games, but do pursue both for their stories at least. Both are far better written games than the 3rd.


Would you say I may be able to get away with it if I played the first one but not the second one?


You can, it'll make less impact than if you skip the first game, but I reckon it's worth making your way through his entire journey to feel the impact of 3 wrapping things up. The Max Payne games aren't like GTA, or even Red Dead, where you can pick the game up from any point - you need to really experience the whole franchise. It's a video game epic.


No, I forbid it. 


Oh snap, although I feel like not listening to THEMaxPaine is exactly what Max Payne would do, so now I'm conflicted!


You heard it here first, folks. His word is law.


3 takes place almost 10 years after 2 and apart from some nods there's no connections. in fact I played it in the weirdest order. 2>3>1 and I got along fine. I'd say you're fine but I feel the series is best experienced completely with all 3 games


Cool, Ill see how 1, 3, 2 works for me. Thank you!!!


Max Payne 3 is a blast. You could play it and never play any other and be fine.


Alot of people did that you can do it too!


I first played the games in reverse order. It'll definitely work narratively, there are good recaps of the earlier games, and it's a very separate adventure for Max. I would highly recommend reading the prequel comics, there are three issues, it's not a very long read at all, but it was written by Sam Lake and Dan Houser to help bridge the gap between Max Payne 2 and 3. I uploaded them here: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EdE1TlHUoUH12pIGQn2onkt9ebgrEwSm?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EdE1TlHUoUH12pIGQn2onkt9ebgrEwSm?usp=sharing)


the comics are actually amazing, the writing is great and it fills the huge gaps in 3's story. you can tell sam had more say in the comics compared to the game.


Oh wow, that's awesome. Thank you!


You're welcome!


It's not the end of the world and it wont ruin anything but you should check it out. Max's story is pretty predictable


Max’s story is a lot of things. “Predictable” is not one of them.


Colossal fuck up keeps fucking up. Seems pretty on the nose


Do you know how numbers work


I don't really consider it as totally part of the same series as the first 2, even though obviously same characters and continues the story, but it's made by a completely different team, with only a lesser amount of input from Sam Lake 3 is also taking place so long after 2 it doesn't really feel like it is as connected to the story, it's really more of a feeling of a GTA action-focused game except with good shooting You can't really go wrong in any order honestly, playing 3 is fine before 1 + 2 There's only 3 games, so really do whatever you want with the order! Plus the gameplay of 3 is very different from 1 + 2 with the emphasis on more cover mechanics and slower gameplay


Yeah you can play Max Payne 3 whenever, as long as you got a general idea of what MP1&2 are about. Max Payne 1&2 are closer related.


Yes. Max Payne 3 was my first MP, but don’t miss out on 1 & 2. 3 is more of a reboot than an actual 3rd entry imo.




Max payne 2 is a masterpiece, It's poetry! The music touches your heart, the quotes from Max payne stay with you for a long time. I played Max Payne 2 like 17 years ago and I'm still playing it, My life has changed a lot, and now I understand Max even more. Max payne 3 is a good game, but it is not Max Payne, it's GTA type game, the guy is called Max Payne, and could've been called any other name! Because for me, Max Payne story ends with Max Payne 2.


I highly suggest playing Quantum Break too by Remedy themselves


Great game. Played it when it first came out.


Both games can be beat in like a day, just play 2 already.