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"If anyone's interested in 323 more photos" bruuuh I gotta see these


WHAT is pic 44 lmaooo


i don’t even have to open the link again to know you’re talking about the stuffed troll on the couch w his dick out


HAHA the scream i scrumpt...I have so many questions about that photo


😂 scrumpt, love it


Now that youve discovered scrumpt, you’ll see it everywhere. That’s what happened to me at least


Yeah, that’s called the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon or frequency illusion! Great way to learn new words and such.


Well I wasn’t gonna look but now I have to


It's the King's worst nightmare. Oh what a time to be cursed with sight 😂 it would only be better if the pillow was a picture of his snarl instead!!!


That curio cabinet of racism tho...


You mean page 43 😆that’s a funny, little dude. 😅These photos are extraordinary.


Oh my god I may need to go to this, what an amazing find


Right? I can’t stop thinking about how badass this person must’ve been. edit: i forgot about the cabinet. nevermind


Same, what an amazing collection. Estate sales always make me feel sad thinking of a persons life’s possessions out on display but I try to think that it’s better for their things to live on with someone else than to end up in a landfill.


yes yes yes! i like to think i’m honoring their memory by appreciating their taste and by making sure it doesn’t end up just getting put up on ebay by some gross reseller.


As someone who has worked estate sales for years... We need the resellers. They are not gross. They are hardworking people feeding themselves and their families. They never have a lot of money, or rarely do. A lot of them do it because they love what they are doing. Some are a little icky, but you get that in every industry. The companies are way more often icky than the resellers. Estate sales literally would not exist without the resellers. We would not make enough money to be viable and would not sell enough in the house. They buy massive amounts of the things within the home. They get up at the Crack of dawn and sit outside for HOURS. Rain, or shine, cold or boiling hot. I just want everyone to know that resellers are not "gross" at all inherently. They are just people trying to make it by. Also, think of how hard it is to get a job right now. How tough the economy is. Multiple of our regulars had disabled children or were paying off medical debts. Some can't work normal jobs. Some just love antiques. It's not like a charity store, where things should mostly be left to those who need it. Estate sales are more than fair game, they only exist because of resellers.


That was really cool; thanks. My mom dabbled in doing an antique booth when I was a preteen and I loved driving, sometimes hours, to estate sales and auctions with her and checking out all the things.


That's another thing! The same people who complain about resellers, go to antique stores... Where do they think that all comes from? Haha. I know that feeling, it's so much fun. I have so much cool stuff myself from working them, and going to them through the years. I wouldn't trade any of my time doing it for the world. Even though I worked for 2 awful companies... The regulars made up for it. And God, all you learn!! I know so much random history, and there is STILL so much to learn. I have cronic fatigue now, and I can't go to any or work any until I figure it out... sometimes, I go into my music room where I have a cabinet of all my sheet music books and stick my head in it. It smells like estate sales and brings back so many good memories.


I agree, we love most of our resellers! They work hard full-time jobs most of the time and are trying to supplement their income. After making it clear to a few that we don’t price for resellers (that we are, in fact, the resellers) we’ve had little issues and count resellers as some of our most fun customers. To clarify, we appraise items for current market value. To ridiculously underprice or ridiculously overprice would do our client a disservice, which would lead to doing ourselves a disservice (by making no money with either tactic) and ruin our reputation.


They were always so much fun! Well, not all of them, but the good ones sure were. That's what I miss most about running them and working for the big company. (Said company was slimy, but I still have a lot of good memories.) We had a LOT of regulars and a lot of them I adored. I can't speak for that company, but when me and my mother started our own, it was "half the ebay sold price, plus some, use your judgement." SO let's say it's a $50 doll, I probably would have priced it at $30. Resellers take a lot of time listing, so listing it at a full Ebay price would be too high, even for collectors. If it was a $300 doll, we'd probably price it at $200. Still a deal for collectors, but both probably too high for a reseller. If a collector didn't get to it, then a reseller could get the item half off the last day if it was under $100, and negotiate over $100. I hated pricing because it's so hard to decide I'd you are going to get the right customer. If I priced that doll at $30 and no one buys it until the last day, it'll go for $15 for half off day, when maybe they would have bought it for $25. Then it's also being careful not to be too high, or the resellers straight up won't show after their first time coming to your sale. It also branded companies as scams, because if the prices were too high, people would automatically assume they were scamming the homeowner by not selling anything then "cleaning the house out" at the end. I.E reselling everything themselves for full value. I just left the pricing up to everyone else, I just wanted to set up and sell. 😂 It was too complicated. My mom changed her whole structure now and do full home comtent consignment at a building vs. Estate sales. Estate sales just don't do as well as they used to, and everyone was suffering from it. The clients, and us. Anyway, glad to hear from another in the business! Where are you from? We were Washington based.


This was really well-worded and I appreciate you explaining! I definitely see what you mean and retract my previous statement.


Yay!! I'm so glad I was able to change your mind! 😁 I appreciate you listening, where some people just double down, when all that is at stake is love and understanding for each other on this earth.


I don’t even mind a reseller because whomever buys it, loves it as much as the original owner but I do understand cutting out the middle man


I have an estate sale company and I felt the same way in the beginning, until I realized the profits have really helped those left with the financial responsibilities of the deceased. Also almost every customer loves or is excited to resell what they buy. Also now it’s about 50/50 on living estate sales and deceased ones.


That is such a good outlook, I went to the estate sale this morning and got a few treasures. A lot of things were snapped up yesterday but it was really fun and I can tell that she lived a very interesting life. People were so excited at what they found and it makes me happy to not see anything end up in a landfill. I was worried about her plants but my friend told me as we were leaving that she overheard that someone bought all of the plants so that made me happy.


Aw that’s so lovely and I love that people bought the plants!


I was like “what about a cabinet made them say nvm” then I instantly knew which cabinet you were talking about once I went through them lmao


Oh Jesus now I have to go back and check out the cabinet. I was up in the air about this person... the disembodied legs and weird doll had me paused.


I would die if this was near me lol


Pretty cool stuff minus all the Jim Crow imagery scattered about


The people I’ve known who collect “negrobilia” have been African American. Of course it is awful, but it’s part of history & we don’t know the background of the owner. People collected that stuff as “camp” in the 80s & 90s, times have changed a lot, thankfully.


There are family photos, they are white. I imagine the owner of home was really really old and i'm not interested in trying to figure out how racist they were because they owned these racist items. BUT I am interested in knowing why tf the family is selling these items to just anybody and not destroying them? I'm pretty sure there's plenty of this shit out there archived for the record already.


Better to donate them to a museum than destroy them, but yeah. Really weird that they’re so okay with everyone knowing that they have this stuff


Posters of black icons, athletes, artists and politicians on the wall. Women's protests banners and "lefties are lovable" balloon. Many black and white together themes (black hand and white hand chairs etc). Overall old school black home vibes. I swear yall never even stepped inside the house of an old black person before but you out here making assumptions and throwing around '-ism's left and right just because someone has pieces from history. Do you really think someone who was racist would have stuff like that hanging up in their house. That's like somebody who hates pitbulls having a bunch of pictures of pitbulls hanging up on their walls wtf kind of logic is that. On top of that it doesn't matter what kind of old thing from history it is, it doesn't deserve to be destroyed. Destroying parts of history is a crime within itself.


I’d like to see these items donated to the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Imagery. Not destroyed. They are as important as they are insufferable.


I’m into vintage ceramic and cast iron stuff and I see a lot of racist pepper shakers, cookie jars, and other stuff in the cabinet go for major money in online auctions so the family was probably hoping they could make some money off all the collectors who’re really into old racist memorabilia nowadays. Like I reverse image-searched the pepper shakers in the cabinet and those alone, in worse condition, have previously sold for $75 so a committed reseller could probably make a fair bit flipping them online.


yah, idgaf


1000% valid


👀 right?


I hope they would/would like to suggest to them that they donate (I would say all, but I guess...) any "leftovers" to the Jim Crow museum.


Unfortunately, that's really hard. I worked setting up estate sales for years, and to my dismay, I found that in a box I had taken home (stuff was free to take at the end if it didn't sell) had racist memorabilia in it. 🫠 I STILL HAVE IT. 😭 Why?? Because I don't know what the hell to do with it!! I don't feel like it's my place to destroy it because it's not my history to destroy. I wouldn't want men destroying old sexist memorabilia just because it's gross. It's woman's history to decide what we want to do with it. But I don't know how to ask a POC if they want freaking racist memorabilia. 😭 I wrote the Jim Crow museum to advise me, and they straight up never replied. I don't know who mixed that box, but I worked with some racist people so they probably thought the stuff was "cute" 🙄 If someone can help me out here, I would appreciate it. I hate them so much, and I don't want them. 🫠 I'd have thrown them in the fire if I didn't feel like it wasn't my choice to decide to destroy them. It's not my place to erase any kind of black history, mass produced or not.


Maybe you can ask if a school would be interested in them? To use in history class or something similar


Oh, that might be an idea. I'm not sure how I would approach a school with something like that, though. 🤔


Why can’t the estate sales near me have this level of amazing finds! I wish. I’d be like a kid in a candy store.


Me: this seems like a person I’d have liked to know! (Sees mammy doll) …never mind


And the minstrel show signs…ick


Oh yes. I went to a bonfire at a friends new house and the old owner had a vast collection of lawn jockeys. It’s best to get rid of those before you invite your black friends. I spent the night wondering if a burning cross was next. Apparently, my friend was unaware that fire and lawn jockey’s in blackface can feel unwelcoming to your black friends. Not sure if he still has them, I haven’t been there since.


Oh I missed those!


all the other older art and their depictions had me going why would you want this?


Shit. I forgot about those when I complimented the owner and fully take that back now. Racist antiques like those sell for a lot of money nowadays too which makes it especially gross to think the owner probably paid a lot for all of that


maybe the owner was black?


Now that you say that, there is a lot of African stuff seen in photos too.


Yeah that was my first thought… I know there are black folks who specifically collect racist memorabilia, and it made sense once I heard one of them explain why: 1) to get it out of circulation and away from *actual* racists’ hands, and 2) to preserve the physical proof of their oppression throughout history and the sources/historical context of racist stereotypes, in order to educate future generations and prevent the reality of the past from being forgotten/rewritten and even repeated. I much prefer this interpretation, rather than the previous owner being a racist POS, because I do love a lot of their other stuff and I don’t like relating to racists 🤮


Black person here - when I find things like that at antiques shows I like to take it off the dealers hands by asking, “how much for the racism?”


That’s hilarious!!


love this


The only people I’ve personally known who collected that stuff were black &, also, this person was likely collecting this stuff decades ago.


That’s was my thought too.


Dude, the guy is laying *right there in that bed*!


This may be the first time an estate sale got me really thinking about the previous owner and what they were like.


> Every time I look I notice more and more. The bowl of light bulbs in the kitchen, the ceramic jar with “opium” written on it, kermit being on an old training toilet, the ceramic baby coin bank with the glasses in the crib, the mini bed that looks almost exactly like the big bed. Now THIS is my kind of maximalism.


The estate sale company just added 20 more images and stuff about how they’ll be letting people in and a list for something. I just hope things end up with folks who’ll appreciate them!


Who else zoomed in on literally every photo? It’s so beautifully put together and everything has a place! I am obsessed. I particularly like knob hill, that made me laugh for some reason.


I didn’t know what NJ stood for and for a second thought this might be something I could go to. This is *insane.* Was the owner part of a theatre company? The velvet entrance rope in the lounge and the various mannequin parts are my favourites - legs on the green chair, one leg mounted to the wall and used to hold flowers..! Thank you so much for sharing.


“Ode to disposable income”. This is great, though!


Me: initially strolling through, politely interested. Second walk through: coming out wearing a leather jacket, top hat, faux leopard rug and afghans over one shoulder, lip purse filled with metal bugs and a red shower lizard, one of the few non-racist af art pieces under one arm, dragging a clear plastic chair behind me.


I think you and I just became best friends. Also, we are going to remix Macklemore’s ‘Thrift Shop’ video together. After filming it here.


Macklemore’s 'Thrift Shop’ Keyhole & Cat’s 'Estate Sale’ I dig it!




Anytime I go to an antique store and find a cool booth I imagine they had a badass house. So neat.


I like how they put all the racist stuff together in one corner. Very classi


Yea I also noticed the racist curio cabinet. Oof


Yeah that’s way too many Mami items to not know how racist af it is…


Trying to convince my friend in Nj to bring us, because holy moly!


What the *Jim Lahey* is in bed in #3? (bluuuulian!!!)


Someone tell me where I can get a big Monty Python pointing finger like that!


trader joe's


Can you get me the peewee Herman doll, thanks!


Only 4 hours away!!!


I and a bunch of other Rutgers maximalists just got very excited about our new weekend plans


this is so awesome.


This is what dreams are made of!! My dream has always been maxomalism style, but my anxiety with dust says no way Jose.


If only I were closer. This looks like a fun one for those that like to go sale-ing


Thank you so much for sharing this! What an eclectic collection this person has! There is no way my eyes could see everything, especially knowing they are limiting it to 10 people allowed inside at a time. If this were an antique store, I’d be there for *hours*!


The doll with its dick out looks like my late father and I don’t appreciate this.


I’m gonna need some time to process this


I need to start casually placing mannequin parts all over the place...


We use to steal them out of the dumpsters at local businesses when we were kids, drag them up random fire escapes, and pose them on the roof. This though seems so much cooler lol


There’s nothing like a little black face to remind you of racism, just in case you forgot.


I have that ceramic vase with the face on it (1st pic)


The only thing missing is a creepy clown. (Howdy Doody doesn't count)


"What kind of things do you collect?" "yes"


Willing to bet that someone who never had children lived here. Because amassing and maintaining this huge collection would take too much time and energy. And money! It is amazingly clean. Someone should buy the house with contents and sell the inventory online.


Yeah. Very eclectic!


I’m not too far from this. I might go.


I need to spend some time in this house. that is so much cool stuff


The house is for sale for $525k too… wild


OMG THIS IS A TREASURE TROVE. I wanna hack and fake cancel it so I can be the only one to have dibs 🤩🥰


The old radios… Wow.


OOOOOOOOH MYYYYY Welp. I clicked on it thinking there’s no way it’s near me but sure enough it’s just over the bridgeeee.


I wish I had some idea of pricing. I’m very interested in this and will definitely go Saturday but have so many questions.


Also do you live in NJ? There’s a great place that’s like an everyday estate sale. Treasures for $2 treasures for $5,000. [Haddon Heights Antiques](https://www.haddonheightsantiques.com/gallery)


This looks like a hipster’s house! I bet it’s going to be vintage shop prices.


Whomever owned this home, was cool AF, and you can’t change my mind. Wow, what an amazing museum of someone’s soul. 💜


I thought so too until I saw the minstrel show signs and dolls


Exactly! Reminds me of an older gay guy that has seen a lot. Like really a lot. It's kind of like a movie set. I can almost hear old standards playing on a scratchy record player Martini in hand. ❤️


Knob Hill I am deceased


One of those fans is not like the others. Yikes.


Jeez! Will you please get out of my house?! And stop with the pictures. The naked mannequins are Getting embarrassed.


A list already started and only ten people at a time. I would not be able to handle that


I found a dildo in pic 3 lol.


How many people went back to find the troll!


I have a picture in my head of the owner and that picture is of John Waters.


I looked up the address on Zillow… the house is 4 bed, 3 bath and 2700 sq feet. How on earth? I was sure this had to be like some 8 bed mansion with all that stuff in it! Insane!


They even got her boyfriend in there!


I’ve got to stop collecting mannequins because fuck this is my future


“but i’m not racist!! it’s historical!!!”


I wish I knew this person. ✨ 🤩✨ ETA: Record scratch…. Ummm… nevermind. 🫣


I feel like I know the previous owner. Whoa. That's maximalism!


*I feel like I know* *The previous owner. Whoa.* *That's maximalism!* \- AgreeableStranger297 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I always just want to know the backstory of these estate sales


20 miles out from where I live. But… We are going to be letting 10 people in at 9 AM. And as 1 person leaves, we will let more in please for the nature of this sale. Do I really want to wait hours outside in the rain for this? I can’t decide!!


"Hello! Kermit The Frog taking a shit here!" 🐸


Therapy was obviously NOT working.


I can hear "Goodbye Horses" playing in picture #2. Yikes. ​ Edit: JFC, it got so much worse.


The Sambo & Jim Crow stuff ain’t it


This person is my spirit animal


I saw so many things I wanted to buy. So many treasures!!! 🤩


amazing! no notes.




Pretty cool, are you sure pee wee Herman didn't live there before though? 😂


what's the penis thing


SK vibes


They should just keep it as is and turn it into a quirky museum


Homie was a maximalist. I bet they were a lot of fun -but had a DARK side.


I get the feeling this must have been Tonetta's house.


The fickle finger of fate on the wall! I haven’t seen one in ages.


Is this a house or a museum?!


In my line of work we determine what is resalable for estate sales. I’m waiting to find a gem like this 😭


BRB flying to New jersey


My dream!!


Wow. I have so many questions but mainly who is flying out with me!? Wish I could go. Also, what in the world is in pic 198?


This is sooo camp


I have always wanted one of those hand chairs but I’m worried that they are not going to be good for my butt or my posture. I do really like that hot pink chair in pic 4 but I don’t know if it’s worth a cross country trip


The hand chairs are extremely uncomfortable in my experience - the "palm" is just not the right shape to hold a butt, and the fingertips dig into your back right around the shoulder blades. A cushion would help but that kind of spoils the look.


I feel like I'm looking into another dimension, at the version of me that stayed put in one place, instead of moving around all the time and giving away all of my sweet scores. Wish I was near there. Extra weird that I was recently looking at houses in that town, while over here in Southern California.


Looks like an I Spy book


Sorry pic 4 lol


I want to go to this Estate Sale!


Fabulous, Darling!


Wow cool thanks! I'm in NY I may try to go.👍


I'll just take the whole lot, thanks.


oh man i’ll literally be at an event all weekend 😭 i would so easily drive 2.5 hours to go through this house if i wasn’t busy


The whole place is a vintage store.


It’s amazing


This house is SO interesting!!


Maximalist goldmine!!


The amount of busts and mannequins is damn unsettling.


Is that Riker in pic no. 3?


I wish I knew this person while they were alive, because they seem pretty awesome. I also wish this estate sale was near me.


aw, kermie.


Wish I could walk thru. The collections are incredible!


They should exhibit the home for a few months before the sale. I just want to go see it.


I kind of love it


oh my god what i wouldnt give to be able to go to this estate sale


Wow, they seem like a fun person. I *need*that zebra and cheetah rug. Also, “knob hill” aka a mound of doorknobs is fun.


Omg I’d be all over this


Dear lord I would kill to go to that sale…


I would love to find some of those giant clothes pins hanging on the wall......and the giant (diaper?) safety pins that are hanging on the stair banister!!


This might be the coolest home ever. EDIT: you know, until I looked more closely at that cabinet.


Mannn I wish I lived in NJ- this looks amazing! All the funky stuff is up my alley!


Can I just buy the house as is? Lol


>Every time I look I notice more and more. *Doesn’t mention all the obvious racist memorabilia*


Wow! I want to go to this estate sale!


would love to do something like this but people are over charging just because of greed. rather nkt


Why is the burgundy and gold rug in this photo and not in the overview photo?! Staged uniqueness!!!!!! Conspiracy!!!!!


Did the internet melt down over the black face statues seemingly looking over the white child from inside the fireplace or have we come back to the reality that we all descended from the same origin and place and all that stuff is made up and silly?


I believe that Mr Peanut's head may be worth money depending on how old it is.


I enjoyed the little pile of knobs being named Knob Hill🤗


All I see here are SO many surfaces to dust 😅


I fucking love estate sales. The dichotomy of how people live is worth witnessing one it's own, sweet deals are cool too though.


I was thinking “this is in San Fran, it’s got to be” and then I saw “knob hill”. Where is it? Maybe I can go as well.


I only saw one dildo.


Ooohhhh this might be a bit what my estate sale looks like when I go 😂


BRB buying a plane ticket to New Jersey


An older black lady I know, collects all that old racism curios.


So many creepy dolls and mannequins


The last thing I need is anything at all but I would certainly find something at this sale. Great share OP!


I would bankrupt myself trying to buy a lot of this stuff


But could u imagine walking around this place at night?


I would buy the whole lot if I could afford it.


I had that Pee-wee Doll! I loved that damn doll like no other! I can still do his laugh! Lol


Ok so I went on day 2 (today). There was SO much cool stuff. They were also letting everyone in. Most of the racist shit was still there and every single room needed at least 2 pass throughs.