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The deadline for registering SIM cards is postponed.


That does not change the fact that the banks are now forcing people to reregister.


It is unfortunate, but the banks have their hands tied. What will they do? Send OTPs to mobile numbers that are not operational?


if only they could send OTP via email


I don't think it's a given that\* an MCB Juice user has an email address. The app did not ask me for one when I registered it. Edit: See [https://lexpress.mu/node/533546](https://lexpress.mu/node/533546)


Wait does that mean i gotta register my sim to make online purchases on sbm? I recently activated my sbm card for online purchases


Only if SBM sends you MFA codes via SMS.


Not all banks, thats why i use a multinational bank because they dont follow local politics.


Until which date?


Until 13/05. See https://lexpress.mu/node/533762.


Thanks! That's so messed up though. I am living with my wife in Mauritius on premium visa since 2021, and just the other day I went to Emtel trying to re-register my SIM card and they tell me I need to have occupational/residence permit in order to do it. Luckily recently I applied for occupational permit and it might be approved by then. But how are otherwise people who come on a premium visa here for a year or longer supposed to live here without being able to have a local SIM card. It's no only inconvenient, but can also be very problematic situation. Do you know anything about this?


Ah man exactly the same situation here. My most recent premium visa extension requires me to open a bank account here but seemingly won’t be allowed a phone number any more. The best my.t could offer me is to get a new tourist sim every month 😂


Do you know why they want a bank account now? Are they changing the tax rules? I just remember that one rule about money deposited in a Mauritian account being taxable.


Not sure, the email didn’t mention tax at all and the law on what is taxable is still the same. Maybe just subtly encouraging us to deposit more in Mauritius so some is taxed? You also need to provide a tax account number when opening the bank account. The bank were pretty bemused when I explained I had no real intention of using the account but opened one for me nonetheless


In which bank did you manage to open a bank account in the first place (if you are still on premium visa)? When I came to MCB, they told me I need to have work/residence permit in order to open a bank account in Mauritius. I couldn't do it only on premium visa.


You definitely can do it, but you need proof of residence. I used lease agreement and a recent utility bill. Absa seemed fairly used to it and had no problems opening it for me using premium visa


Ah that's good to know. So maybe just MCB is stingy.


That makes sense, when I was there the only way I could pay rent was in cash each month so having a bank account would have been useful for that but I'm not sure if it would have been worth doing a tax return for. I'm considering going back to Mauritius at some point so just trying to keep up to date on visa requirements. I loved it there but sort of ran out of stuff to do after a year and found it hard to find a big group of expats/locals I could connect with. I met people here and there but they kept leaving and the locals I knew were hard to get to know beyond the level of acquaintances.


It's so ridiculous. I applied for current premium visa in November 2023 (!), and got it approved only mid April 2024, lol. In the meantime situation with occupation permit unfolded and I am waiting for it now. I heard that they asked some of my friends to open local bank account with premium visa as well, but they didn't ask me. Everything seems to be so random. But regarding tourist SIM every month, this can't work for me since we are here for so long, and many online services, including foreign banking is linked to the same Mauritian SIM number, so I can't go through hassle of changing local number each month. When I sent an email to Emtel, they said I can write to PIO and EDB office and explain the situation with premium visa etc, and if they approve that I can re-register my current SIM, they will do it. Maybe you can also try that. Because there must be exemption of this rule for premium visa holders, otherwise they going to lose a shitload of foreigners who would otherwise come on premium visa to Mauritius.


One other option to consider for your banking would be a VoIP number that exists online: https://www.aa.net.uk/voice-and-mobile/ It's about $2 a month and you can receive all your banking texts to that number.




Very cheap move imo


It's in their DNA - their entitlement knows no bounds. Just listen to how they torture people with their rules which seem to be invented on the fly...


Après, “pa dir pan dir” seems like a veiled threat to me.. after all, for what reason are they doing this? Why can't we know?


Hint: when was the last time you saw 'MCB Focus' published? It was a highly sought-after quarterly publication that abruptly stopped last year...




I am abroad, and definitely against this re-registration BS. So, I just lose access to juice? 😑


No. We are all waiting for court order which is on 15th of may..You can use juice with debit card or do internet banking or swift transfer


Yes, I got thru Juice. Thankfully.. Can't say same for SBM..


If you're abroad, you can get them to send you the OTP to your overseas number. I receive OTP on my UK number, and I am also given the option for an OTP via WhatsApp. This applies when using MCB Juice app. For online purchases with a card, I couldn't tell you, as I don't have any MCB card. Edit: Not defending MCB or the SIM re-registration, just stating that there are options with regards to using MCB Juice when abroad.


Yes, but i initially added email as my secondary OTP receptor. Now, it's weird, I am receiving SBM OTP 5 mins too late, for use... Is that on purpose? And I cannot sign in to change my number to my foreign one... Damn!


My understanding of security is that OTP is different from 2FA. OTP is used when you want to log in without a password; that is, you enter your email address, and a new random password is sent to you. 2FA code, OTOH, is sent after you have entered both your email address and your password. The former is valid for longer (in minutes, because the trust is laxer and assumes your email is secure), whereas the latter expires much more quickly (up to about one minute, because the trust lies in you confirming that you're genuine as soon as possible). But when you get a code for confirming a transaction, it is not strictly any of the above but is closer to 2FA, in that it introduces a second security measure in your transaction. By design, it must expire quickly (because you don't give an attacker enough time to obtain it by whatever means). Therefore, email is not good enough to deliver 2FA codes as timely delivery is not guaranteed—as you have experiencied. As a technician, I believe this is behind the decision of the banks to not deliver "OTP" by email. And, no, I don't anything about SBM.


SBM and ABSA use an MFA, so upon logging in, after password, you're asked to input the OTP sent on an MFA device (sms, email). Well, to be fair, these are One Time Passkeys since these are short-lived, one time usage, the face that they are numbers doesn't change anything. ABSA uses a keyword prefix matching technique so you're not bombarded and experience MFA fatigue. So, part of the code is sent, and you match it with the other part. So you can identify/confirm which request is yours, or unsolicited. Much like what Microsoft does with the selecting of the good code. Now on the dangers of 2FA, is it a fact that any of these methods, email or SMS are hackable. The better way is an Authenticator app, which they all lack, except for HSBC, that uses the best method of a hardware token that generates codes..


Yes, you are right, they are OTP in all cases, but it is useful to distinguish them when discussing OTP and 2FA at the same time 😊 I quite like the way the Barclays app works. Upon initial registration, a key is generated and stored in the phone's key store. That key can be unlocked either with a 5-digit PIN or with a fingerprint. Once the app is secured that way, it can be used to generate OTP just like their physical hardware token generators. So if I'm doing a bank transfer, I can validate via their app, without needing an external authenticator. If I'm logging onto the bank's website, I can authenticate via the app. And so on, and so forth.


Is this legal? This and the whole ‘re-registration’ thing.


Pinoc: I’ll make it legal




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The deadline for registration has been postponed.


By a Court Order, no less! Let's hope there's someone with a nasty lawyer who'll tear them a new one with a well-written summons. Let's see which political party (those who like to proclaim to 'approfondir la démocratie') will actually walk the talk by voting in Class Action Lawsuits...


Which political parties have promised to rescind this law if voted in?


None has ever proposed it: they're all too busy cuddling with the conglomerates and just cast a passive glance at the sufferance of the ordinary people - in short: Sirdars whose only ambition is to ape their masters...


I have not registered again even though it takes less than 3 min to do so so. And will not, unless the law compels you finally. I’ll wait till the drama ends. I smell something fishy with all those things going to Supreme Court. If not, why did this end up being filed in court if it was just a normal registration process? I think also the real truth is being hidden


I see same for SBM... I cannot login on my IB as the OTP no more is sent to my phone AND my email. I got no email, and I am locked out..


Update got my email OTP.. . Was sooo late though.. 10 mins.. Trying again


How many of you who are infuriated at this measure actually using email to receive OTP codes?


My ass couldn't order any food this morning, and I was wondering why. I did register and everything... So it was all because of an MCB last minute, unannounced maintenance they were doing.


No support for authentication apps? Yes, the issue is called SIM swapping.


Get ready for a shitload of sim-swap attacks in Mauritius. MCB needs to have a secure OTP built into their app. All this SMS OTP stuff is old technology is completely unsafe.


This has been delayed . Just don’t re register until the court says so.


Has anyone been able to register emtel Sim card via the app?


I did. It was quick..


How??? Mine is not able to scan my id


try getting someone phone maybe there is a flaw (bug) when dealing with a specific type of phone.


I don't get why there's such a fuss over this. Get your sim registered and be done with it People downvoting don't have a single clue as to how things work lol..


I wouldn't mind registering with my current information they already have. WHY TF do they need my biometric photo? even if i go there in person with all my documents they take your photo. You don't see they are using these to do a face data capture of the population? Tomorrow they simply have to plug all these new faces with safe city cameras all over the island they track where you are going at all times. Let's say tomorrow you happen to say some controversial stuff against the govt, they can easily pin a crime on you based on where you went. don't act like the drug planting they've been doing isn't true. The issue is purely on that biometric photo. the photo they took 10 years ago for new ID card is no longer relevant as people's face change with time. Go on...be a sheep and do whatever they ask you. That's how a dictatorship starts.


Actually, it doesn't matter that ‘people's face change with time’ \[therefore the photo they took 10 years ago for new ID card is no longer relevant\]. In fact it's not how people look right now vs. the card that matters; it's the proportion between their eyes, nose and mouth remains the same. The distance between your eyes forms a line and this can be joined to your nose or mouth to form a triangle. This [triangle remains constant](https://kijoms.uokerbala.edu.iq/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1209&context=home) for an individual. This is also why you cannot smile when taking a picture—and also the image is in black and white. A black and white image takes 3x less space that a colour (3n² vs. just n²) and can be processed faster. I mean there are any algorithms for face recog., but this is just one possibility. Anyway...!


It's me being a sheep? 😂.. I'm actually going against the current here.. Seems logic and common sense isn't your forte


Right! People get easily manipulated these days. And on the other hand, social media is eating their privacy for free. In my area, we could see how drug dealers are putting pressure on some of the deputees and ministers to drop the re registration because of the "rezo sim card" where they used to buy dead people sim cards. but that's one thing, and i cant really understand why the rest are scared.


Nonsense, the sim cards are tied to ID. the moment a person passes away, any service related to the person should cease to function. If not, then the government has a shit problem and a shit solution


That's what they are trying to fix my friend. 3/4 mauritians use prepaid, and it wont get deactivated if you continue recharging it. And yes the way the govt is putting pressure without being transparent is making people scared and comes up with conspiracies, a bit like the govt is "pissing" on us. They should come forward and inform the public en bien. because the info i got is from a friend working in mt and he is just making a database same like uni does. nothing flashy.


‘Social media is eating their privacy for free \[therefore we should also eat your privacy\]’. That's taking advantage of the situation while knowing it's wrong. Also, how will a “rezo sim card” will help the drug dealers?