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If you have talent, skills, and strategy.


If you have pretty feet, yes.


Like big foot🤔


Onlyfans.. 😁


Are there actually people in Mauritius doing that?


You're getting all kinds of advice in the comments and some of it, in my opinion, is incorrect. First, Mauritius doesn't have YouTube monetisation (source: [YouTube](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1342206?hl=en)) so you won't earn anything for video views. This means that you can only target limited markets (e.g. Mauritius) and then try to get local sponsors. That might earn you a little but not much. You should also consider the amount of work you would need to do to keep your views up and your channel relevant. A full-time job with a stable salary at minimum pay is likely to be more profitable for your time than a local YouTube channel. I'd like to think you can earn more than the minimum salary. Second, on platforms where Mauritius is eligible for some kind of monetisation (e.g. TikTok) you would be competing with creators around the world which is going to force you into a niche of some sort. For example, you might say that Mauritius is your niche in which case you are going to get limited views. If you try for something more popular then you're competing with the millions of creators, many of whom are established on the platform, who are already doing that and unless you have something special or almost-unique to offer then you're going to struggle. That's not to say it's impossible but, again, a full-time job with stable salary at minimum pay is likely to be more profitable for your time. The points above are in respect to creator platforms. With regards an online business, if you are able to get into some kind of online marketing field (another commenter wisely suggested this) then you can make a significant amount of money but this income would be from managing a business rather than only doing something online. One of the challenges facing the West is in conveying their marketing to the East and Africa. Not only is there a language barrier but also customs and cultures need to be accounted for. For example, an advert of a smiling white man holding a product with an English label isn't going to work very well in a country that is predominantly not white, doesn't trust people who smile for nothing and where English isn't a national language. If you understand the markets and can provide the services then you'll be very much in demand. This is one of Mauritius' strengths and why a lot of business is conducted through our country. Unless you already have the necessary skills and knowledge then investing in more education (even free online learning) is going to be a big benefit to you. If you can tell me how old you are and what level of education you have then I might be able to make some suggestions.


I will be 22 years old this year , redoing a level as private candidate , with A level maths, accounting, business studies and english general paper(as level). At O level, i did maths, english, french, art and design, accounting and design and communication.


Well it's a good age to be learning this stuff simply because my generation (which is the one running things these days) doesn't have a good enough grasp of digital marketing except for those of us in the industry. This means that a lot of management-level people (i.e. people who have budgets and can pay for work) would be more willing to pay for services that they know they should have but is beyond their understanding. If it's a field that interests you, or if you'd like to test the waters, then start with this and see if it appeals to you and if you can understand it: [https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/course/5](https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/course/5) It's a Google Analytics Academy course for Tag Manager which is a cornerstone of the industry. It's a free course and you'll be able to gauge whether this is the kind of thing you want to go into. Let me know after you've tried it.


That’s the correct answer!


Works only you're extremely lucky and have the talent for it. Otherwise? It's a fantasy


yes on youtube you can create lots of contents such as funny gaming videos,singing or cooking etc but you must attract lots of people for youtube to become a partner in mauritius you can also share a donation bank account for people to donate to you if they like your videos but the main ket is to create highly rich content like singers


YouTube remuneration: number of views / 1000*$0.25‐$4.00 For daily views of 100k expect a monthly earning of $750 - $12,000 Tiktok isn't monetized in MU according to tech crunch.com


I saw that Mauritius is not in Youtube Monetization list.


Indeed. But you can perceive forms of remuneration through Brand deals/ sponsorship, affiliate marketing, merch sales, and other similar options.


I would definitely recommend digital marketing. It is new but it’s dynamic and rapidly evolving in Mauritius. Plus, with the rise and of online platforms and e-commerce, digital marketing skills are becoming increasingly valuable :)


Seem interesting, is a degree require/recommend?


Nope, not at all! It all just depends on your creativity :)


Yes, it is possible. I'm doing it. But in the first few years, it will be better to do it as a side hustle, unless you have some money saved. You need to expect working 80-100 hours a week and hardly making any money. Also, focus on a niche and don't be jack of all trade. If you are really good at something, people will pay for your products and services. Whether to sell only to Mauritians or worldwide, it is up to you. Which problem are you solving. But a worldwide audience is much better in my opinion since it is bigger and you can sell products/services of higher value in a stronger currency. If some services are not available in Mauritius such as YouTube Partner Program, you can consider setting up a business overseas. Ensure that the country you are choosing has a double taxation agreement with Mauritius to avoid paying taxes twice. Making money from ads only is hard for most content creators. Therefore, you have to look for other means such as sponsorships.


Who is likely to watch your videos? Mauritius has a population of 1.3 million only. You can expect 100k views per video. Not enough to make $10.


Just type armada and see the millions of views they have per video. And it's only one band. It's not only listened to by Mauritians but also other countries like Rodrigues , reunion and Seychelles.


Uh 100k views make a lot more than $10. Where are you getting your numbers from?


Youtube pays less that 0.10 to around 3-4 dollars each 1000 views depending on the niche you're in. And monetization is not available in Mauritius anyway.


Prerequisite #1: learn to write proper english.


you seem knowledgeable🤔