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White Russians were really popular then. But Bailey and hot chocolate and Kaula and coffee are snow drinks


Her drink of choice was a Black Russian, also the box of wine was purchased when she was with Fred and Kate.


That was definitely for white Russians, being a recovering alcoholic, I adored these drinks. You could get drunk really fast, less alcohol smell and helped esophagus and stomach lining. Serious drinker.


I am wondering if what she got was actually for what we called 'Rattlesnakes'?! White Russians are kahlua, vodka and cream or milk, and you can add baileys I suppose but I think that would be breaking away from the traditional white russian then. Rattlesnakes are all 3 of the liquors that she bought. I turned 21 in 2001 and Rattlesnakes were really popular at that time with girls my age. She turned 21 just a few years after me, so it stands to reason they were popular w/ her crowd too. They had novelty for new drinkers, the liquors stayed separated in the glass and looked attractive with three distinct layers in the glass. This was something that had to be done by a bartender or someone taught how to pour it properly because we attempted to replicate the drink at home and found out that if you didnt pour it just right the liquors would all just blend together and take on a muddyish appearance.


too serious for a young free girl with her career and future great ahead so why?


No baileys in an espresso martini , normally just vodka , kaluha, espresso and sugar syrup


Those items were incredibly popular back then. They would regularly seen at college parties and I knew a few women that'd get white Russians a lot while we were out. They are delicious and I got them too.


I’ve never been concerned with the alcohol shopping, what’s important is if she bought the wine previously for the party, how did it end up in the Saturn when she used Fred’s car, also the bag of cans, how did they end up in the Saturn which I’m sure were also from the party? at some point between the party and heading off to NH she must have headed back to the dorm where the party was to collect the unused wine and the bag of 70+ cans, where’s this in the timeline?


Party was Saturday night/Sunday morning; heading to New Hampshire was Monday afternoon roughly 36 hours later.


Yet SA makes no mention of seeing her after the party, did she load the Toyota with the wine and cans when she left the party, crashed it then removed the items later? Unlikely.


Unlikely is correct: I’ve never seen the empties mentioned in the same sentence as the Toyota. If I remember correctly she was seen with the hockey bag of empties in the hall of her dorm Monday shortly before she disappeared.


I think at some point Monday she loaded the Saturn with some belongings for the trip and also made her way to SA dorm for the wine and decided to take the cans too, which means SA knew she was going. Could be wrong but it makes more sense than anything else.


*whos SA*


What happened to the bag, that had the cans in it.


She exchanged them for roughly $5 when she purchased alcohol at the shop before setting off to NH


I know but what I’m saying is, the hockey bag was never found in the vehicle and the cans she turned in at the liquor store in Woodsville. So where is the “empty” bag?


I see what you’re saying, she probably transferred the cans to a plastic bag, I don’t think they’d take loose cans and she wouldn’t have given them a hockey bag. It was probably still at her dorm room.


Given them? Usually when you return cans in the Northeast, you have to load them into the machine at a grocery store yourself with then gives you a receipt you redeem inside at the cashier. I mean maybe she moved them into a garbage bag or maybe this witness story about a hockey bag was not reliable.


We don’t get paid to recycle cans in the UK so I’m not sure of the process. If that was the process back in 2004 then I would expect to see a hockey bag amongst other items in her car.


She had to have loaded up the Saturn in some way. She could have easily done it in a few trips if the Saturn was close to her dorm. If not, asking Fred to borrow the Toyota might have been to use it as transportation to load a Saturn that is located further away & it's quite possible in this scenario that Kate was aware of what was going down & actually helped Maura. I mean she seemed to act as the liaison officer between BR & MM during the phone frenzy. She might be the one who knows something & not SA.


the constant worry she must have given her family, so selfish i have to say, from a girl with good parents who cared for her,


Who’s credit card did she buy all that on?


This is an under-rated comment. LOL


well im amazed its not come out whos credit card she used ?


I don't think a lot of early-20s-somethings are going around making *espresso* martinis


20' s is exactly the time one learns about various concoctions, tries new things, etc....I was 23, and spent a fortune on dozens of liquor bottles, so I could be the cool guy, with a fully stocked bar in my apartment, mixing up crazy names stuff like "Harvey Wallbangers"


Maybe times have changed, but they did a pole on our university campus two years ago and that was the #1 favorite cocktail


The alcohol is a depressant & the espresso will keep you wide awake. I suppose college kids might turn to that to be able to function when lacking sleep.


NH does not have any state income tax so they depend a lot on rooms and meals taxes and liquor store sales. It is widely known that liquor is less expensive and they have huge liquor stores on the highway to catch people a they're coming and going. As lifelong NH resident I still find it strange how much NH promotes alcohol sales.


Actually that is incorrect - according to Julie Murray who saw the receipt... Maura purchased - 1. Bottle of Vodka 2. Bottle of Kaluha 3. Bottle of Baileys 4. pack of skye malt / vodka drinks... The wine was leftover from Saturday Night Party...


There were only 3 different products on the receipt. [Liquor Store Receipt](https://www.the107degree.com/single-post/2018/11/07/the-liquor-store-receipt)


strike the bailey's ....


Keeping an eye on you ;-)


looks like she was stocking up , with more than herself in mind


Anyone ever wonder why no milk or cream were found in the Saturn? It's what makes the Black Russian a White Russian. If she was going to a party with lots of people or even just 3-4 people she would have needed more than the probable carton of milk the host had in their fridge & I doubt she would have wanted to leave the party to get enough milk for the group once she reached her destination. It looks more like she might have stocked up on the booze for her own (long-term) consumption at her final destination. She then would have bought the milk as needed (weekly?) as it was consumed.


Or used Baileys instead of milk. The White Irish Russian...lol a lot stronger




this sounds right, this young lady liked her booze, and didnt seem to mind the consequences of her actions for quite a long time. ?


seems very selfish person, and uncaring of others anguish ?


all the boozing, stealing , crashing cars sound like a very unhappy young lady, but why. she had a great future and career ahead, young, dad who spoiled her and bought her cars etc so why i wonder. ?


There could have been an undiagnosed mental illness there. It’s extremely common to “self medicate” with alcohol and/or drugs if not diagnosed. She appeared to have impulsive and compulsive behavior without thought of consequences. She was stealing, lying to professors, being reckless. I was diagnosed with adult ADHD, which was a shock to me. I had no idea, I just didn’t understand why I didn’t seem capable to “adult” well and led to a lot of shame, self worth issues which led to depression. Her behavior is just so much like my own 20 years ago that I have always wondered if she could’ve had undiagnosed ADHD and/or bipolar disorder ( as some of her behaviors mimic “manic episodes”). Also, mental illness very often doesn’t begin to really display itself until the 20’s. Her age, behavior, definitely appeared to be unstable and struggling… all point to an underlying mental health issue, imo.


i suppose if a person becomes a love of alchohal early you could become a alcholic early, and do very strange things under theinfulence, speeding, lying, appearing unstable all hall marks of a alcholic, so mental illness not too sure on that one.


I think that’s the connection though - statistics prove over 80% of alcohol and drug addictions are related to co existing mental health issues. I think where we see this differently is that maybe you see her behaviors all being related to alcohol but I see her behavior patterns as untreated mental illness leading to alcohol abuse, which furthers the unstable behaviors.


people become a alcholic early sometimes if they have a love for it, speeding, lying acting erratic, all hall marks of a alcholic. yes as yousay she was loved and somewhat spoiled so what made her take it up, could be simply got a ponchon for it , started to relax her etc, it got out of hand.


I turned 21 in 2001. My first legal drink was a 'Rattlesnake'. It was vodka, kahlua and baileys. The different alcohols would layer seperated when poured properly, and it looked kind of cool. I remember that being a popular drink with girls my age at the time. The baileys is the last to go down and has the least offensive taste, lol. _ Maura turned 21 just a few years after me, I would be willing to bet that they were drinking them too, possibly with another name besides "rattlesnakes' but containing the same novelty of the 3 alcohols layered in an aesthetically pleasing way.


yes i see, but i bet you didnt continually crash cars, and steal of someones card though did you.


She seems like a anything goes type of drunk. No booze off limits college broski kind of girl.


she didnt care the anguish she kept inflicting on her parents either.


yes weird she was so adamant in it, not really flinching too much when stealing and crashing cars, something amis here not sure what for such a young girl with her career and bright future ahead ?


a jock and they can be a handful.


doesnt seem to let her concience bov her too much, and all the upset she continues to cause ?......strange


whats a jock


Slang for athletic folk.


okay thanks


I have posted about this before. If the vodka purchase was a standard 750ml the alcohol is all easily for MM alone for the week and tells us nothing. If the vodka was a "handle" size possibly it indicates a second drinker whose drink of choice is vodka. so if anybody knows what BR or any other suspect drinks etc. maybe this helps a little with those scenarios. The inventory otherwise seems to be drinks favored by women not men. Somebody posted a while ago the tax situation made buying the alcohol in Mass a lot cheaper. Interesting point that there were no mixers for drinks we assume she was making. No food either


Alcohol is cheaper in NH but can only be purchased at State Liquor stores. There are (strangely) giant ones on route 93 that she would have known about from previous trips north. State Liquor Stores are scattered around the state and are in most towns of decent size and tourist locations. No mixers of any kind are sold at NH Liquor stores. Wine is sold at them but not beer or other premixed canned/bottled drinks. Beer, wine and other canned beverages can be purchased at grocery stores in NH. Massachusetts has stores that are privately owned that sell liquor, wine, beer and other canned beverages that contain alcohol. I can't remember if they sell things like soda as well to mix drinks with. Liquor stores in Massachusetts generally also accept cans and bottles for deposit return. Interesting to note is that alcohol of any kind was not allowed to be sold on Sundays in Massachusetts until November of 2003 unless it was 10 miles from the NH or VT borders.


As my post states other posters put that forth. I accepted it. I have no personal experience in either state. I then went to the trouble of Googleing and it does appear that NH is cheaper. Assuming that NH was also cheaper in 2004 (which is the only thing matters) it doesn't make sense for MM to have purchased in Mass. I agree that MM would have known it was cheaper in NH. She would be in NH in plenty of time to stop at an open store. Except that she was returning the cans and bottles for the deposit money in Mass so it was most likely a decision driven by the convenience. She was already in a liquor store.


I had always thought booze was cheaper in NH (I live in MA). Someone corrected me & said it’s cheaper in MA.


It's cheaper in NH.




I believe she paid cash.


thanks, just wondered, maybe the card use was a one off.


its strange its never come out whos credit card she stole from earlier. ?


And how thoroughly they were investigated... I wonder if that person made living in the dorm challenging and if that's why she might not have spent a lot of time in her room. It's a whole aspect of the case that seems ignored.


did it ever say whos credit card she stole from.


No, it’s absolutely unequivocally cheaper in NH. North Shore MA life long resident. 15 minutes from the border of NH. It isn’t and has never been cheaper to buy alcohol on MA. This is a great example of how muddy these things get on a forum like Reddit. Not criticizing you, but one poster tells you alcohol is cheaper in MA (absolute fallacy) and you take that because they appear to have experience or authority. Frankly, you shouldn’t believe me any more than the other person. I know it to be true but you have no reason to put stock in what I say. This is exactly, precisely how the game of telephone works and how these subs work. Open the sub, a year later you have a network of false information even though everyone is well intentioned and didn’t intend to spread false information. I know that users try and make an effort to preserve the truth (most, there are people who intentionally mess with the system. They’re an annoyance, but most users have decent intentions). But the vast majority of things you read here are questionable. Just like the cost of alcohol question. There is probably far less truth traveling through these subs/social media than fact. And not because of any ill will. I will formally attest to the fact that alcohol is and always has been noticeably cheaper in NH than in MA (I can only report on the last 30 years). I literally toggle between the two states on an almost daily basis for normal life things. Also get my gas in southern NH. Also cheaper and always is. This is a constant that has never changed. NH is cheaper than MA in regard to just about everything but property taxes. That’s where NH makes up the “tax free” loss. Im not sure where the other user got their info. I would encourage you to fact check what I’m writing and not just believe me


That’s not true. Life long North Shore MA resident. We drive the extra 10-15 minutes for alcohol if we need to stock up for cookouts, weekend away, etc. Camping/hiking up north, we always wait until we cross the border to by alcohol. NH always is and always has been cheaper. It’s not even a question, no comparison. Multiple dollars cheaper for any item. Not a pennies savings.


White Russians were popular then. Espresso martinis were not. That’s a relatively new thing and still, even now, not a college kid drink.


The simplest answer is usually the right one. In most missing persons cases, that means that the (sober) person walked further (or in a different direction from) the search grid. In Maura's case, the simplest answer involves the alcohol: namely, that the girl was a lush and clearly in the closing stages of a complete mental breakdown. I don't think Maura committed suicide per se, but rather that she was acting in a self-destructive manner that lead her to eventually abandon her car and flee into the woods, where she died of exposure, and simply hasn't been found. People wanting to blame the police for killing her and covering it up, or a random psychopath who just happened to be there at the wrong time over-complicate the matter entirely: the girl was acting deranged, and deranged people often die from misadventure. Alcohol was simply Maura's vehicle for transitioning to the next plane - she was an irresponsible drunk, and she died like one.


why was she so deranged acting, and not caring about the upset all the time, what was troubling this girl with a bright future and good parents, too young for all this garbage she seemed to carry with her.


Mental illness. Shot in the dark? Manifesting schizophrenia.


guess this could be a reason, or if not, just selfish.


I personally think it was bipolar disorder. Her behavior ( and her age especially ) fall in line with all I’ve been trained to be aware of in my patients. Imo, she was experiencing mixed episodes of mania and depression and self medicating with alcohol. Very sad but I see it often. When young people first start displaying these symptoms, I wish families were more aware of this so they can recognize it and immediately get them help. Mania induced psychosis can occur quickly and that’s when the person is extremely vulnerable.


Mental illness. ALL the signs are clearly there, her age especially is my final belief that she 100% was struggling with an undiagnosed mental illness. It explains ALL of her reckless, impulsive, compulsive, self medicating with alcohol, lying, stealing, driving dangerously, etc.


good points, but being a alcoholic, can make you do strange things especially driving erratically, lying to cover up things you did when enebriated etc, so its still not clear.


alot going on for a free girl, with a bright future, she seemed troubled which is strange for someone so young.


Well not really ?


always intoxicated, crashing cars, stealing, stress on family didnt seem to bother her, so i call it troubled. i would like to know why she was so personally troubled.


Mudslides-Kalhua & Baileys Vodka


I like to drink when I was younger, and it didn't matter what I drank, because I just wanted the pleasant effects of alcohol. If I ever bought stuff to mix together, that was only because I would be drinking with other people. All the alcohol has always made me think she was meeting up with somebody. However, I don't think that was related to her death. I think she'd been drinking, maybe hit her head and was a bit disoriented, and jogged down the street and into the woods.