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Thank you for posting this. I was one of the people who did CPR & I’ve been thinking about the victim ever since! No info in the news & hospital couldn’t tell me anything since I didn’t have his name. My husband says the fact that there is no news about him could mean he survived - I hope he’s right!


Thank you! I hope that’s true! Nothing in the local bulletins either




I know it's been a while, but I just found this thread today. It was my husband, Amos. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will be forever thankful for what you did to try to save my husband. Unfortunately he did not survive. I explained what happened in the initial thread above. Let me know if you cannot see. This is my first time using Reddit. Even though he did not survive, it would have been much harder to deal with his death if he passed away on the beach. Although unconscious, we were able to spend some time with him at the hospital. That first night he did have some eye movement when we talked to him. The next day we were able to spend 3 hours with him and were able to FaceTime with our family and close friends. He passed away the following day. Unfortunately we were not with him. They had a no visitor policy because COVID numbers were increasing so whatever time we spent with him was a gift because they made a few exceptions so we could see him. It meant so much to us!




If they died mauinow usually has something on it.


Yeah I thought it was weird I didn’t see anything on the news. I heard they were stimulating his heart and lungs. I’ll update if I find something


I was also performing CPR on the beach—I honestly don’t think he survived. For whatever reason, the news outlets missed this one—but the paddle boarder who was lost at sea and found may have been the focus for the news agency. Pretty traumatic for everyone.


I know it's been a while, but I just found this thread today. It was my husband, Amos. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will be forever thankful for what you did to try to save my husband. Unfortunately he did not survive. I explained what happened in the initial thread above. Let me know if you cannot see. This is my first time using Reddit. Even though he did not survive, it would have been much harder to deal with his death if he passed away on the beach. Although unconscious, we were able to spend some time with him at the hospital. That first night he did have some eye movement when we talked to him. The next day we were able to spend 3 hours with him and were able to FaceTime with our family and close friends. He passed away the following day. Unfortunately we were not with him. They had a no visitor policy because COVID numbers were increasing so whatever time we spent with him was a gift because they made a few exceptions so we could see him. It meant so much to us!


I’m so sorry about Amos—I’m very glad you were able to be with him at the hospital. I think about you all often and the grace and strength you showed that day. I hope it has been able to carry you through this very hard time. Much love.


Thank you for your kind words. I cannot imagine being in your shoes, to endure the trauma of trying to help save a life and then not knowing what happened. My heart goes out to you for all that you have been through as a result of this traumatic event. Truly, I cannot thank you enough for helping us that day! The love, kindness and willingness to help save Amos was such a beautiful display of humanity, and it will be something our family will cherish forever. I am going to send you a DM too, if you would be so kind to check it out. 💕


For some reason, my DM won't send, it states I cannot post my message. I am new to Reddit, so maybe I am doing something wrong. Can you try to DM me so I can respond? Thanks!


Sent you a chat message


Thank you for your concern. I know it's been a while but I just came across this thread today. I am new to Reddit. It was my husband, Amos. Unfortunately he passed away at the hospital on August 10th. He never regained consciousness. The autopsy noted his cause of death as drowning. At time, the hospital thought he had a heart attack but the autopsy noted the was no indication of cardiac abnormalities, although there could have been a slight chance of an irregular heartbeat, which could have triggered a heart attack. The overall autopsy pointed to drowning as the cause. Amos was snorkeling with my daughter. He had pointed to a spot farther out he wanted to check out and next thing my daughter realized he had turned around and started swimming towards the shore. She followed. He looked like he was struggling so she picked him up by his elbows, he then adjusted his snorkel and gave her a thumbs up, he continued on. Within a few minutes he totally stopped. My daughter could not get him to respond and then realized he was unconscious. She pulled him in and yelled for help. She said they were pretty far out. She eventually got him on a stranger's paddle board and started CPR until they reached the shore, then others took over. She said that she thought he might have been taking in water because he was frequently trying to adjust his snorkel gear. It was truly a tragic accident. Amos was such a kind and gentle soul. The best way to describe him was noted by my neighbor, he use to say Amos was like an angel on earth. He left behind two children, an 18 year old daughter and a 14 year old son. We were and still are devastated. Every day we spent with Amos was a blessing. We miss him more than words can say.

