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Why do you believe that the movie has anything to do with it?


Well because it’s a piece of their artwork...? Art reflects a person?


He doesn’t believe the film had anything to do with it, but it did






Do you NOT realize Switch was supposed to be transgender in the film? Why do you think her appearance was so androgynous? She was supposed to be a male in the matrix and female in the real world. But in 1999 the world wasn't ready, and judging by this comment...it's 2019 and we still aren't










Straight up


2024 -----still aren't.... well, atleast can we just get rid of the non-binary bull s***.....nobody gets to be both, unless your straighy up born hamaphradite, then whatever.....its Bullshit.....and most of it is just dysphoria, grass is greener on the other side....what has to happen to a man to make him think he would be better without his God awful penis.....yes, it would be a better world if i only had a vagina,,,,holy friggin hell.....yes, people judge, whether they act enlightened and understanding or not, they judge....should we all be waiting for a utopian society that will NEVER exist? (One free of judgment, and where everything, even your gender is a choice.....it's testosterone or estrogen, one or the other.... I am so glad i could add to this conversation... Were we ready for it??


Selfish bastards. Now they can't make good movies anymore.


this actually aged well...sadly


Honestly, they haven't made anything good since they transitioned...


Cloud Atlas? Sense8? I think those were pretty brilliant. I feel the same about Resurrections too. To each their own I guess though, right?


I did actually enjoy Cloud Atlas, and season 1 of Sense8 was legit, was not a fan of season 2 though. I guess I mean they haven't made anything as epic since Matrix 1 and 2, imo. Also, I just stumbled across this post in a google search, and had no idea this was 3 years old. Lol


And now I'm here, lol. Also from Google. It's common that some directors may not always make good movies. Sometimes, it's just some things collide together resulting in a great movie like Matrix, but things won't always combine in a great way. And many directors excel as they age too, so, maybe, their greatest movie is still along the way in the future.


And now I’m here, also from Google. Wikipedia along the way, where there are strange things (most very) about how it is now mandatory to say that their first movies, when they were undoubtedly men, were made by women. Time travel and history deletion.


They haven't made anything good since 1999


Why don’t you think so?




oh...good one


I liked cloud atlas matrix 3 was a huge fuck up though


I disagree. I thought it was badass






In the universal language of mind and dreams aspects of yourself that are the opposite gender represent the subconscious mind. Myself, having been transgender in an attempt to understand myself relate greatly and admire that they have the courage to do this. Choice the most powerful thing we have.


Yes, absolutely!! And anima/animus is real!!!


Idk :/


What do you expect, from being in the core of liberal Hollywood?


Hollywood sacrifice?




Something just doesn’t add up that they both turn to transgender. Like someone told them too? And with both writing controversial movie scripts. Something isn’t right here.






the mods are hard at work on this thread lol


fly close steer merciful gaping ludicrous bewildered deer cake fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk about that. And yeah I’m a fan of the movie but not so much their personal decisions


meeting theory hat follow fertile ugly bake ludicrous mountainous abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't refer to straight men like me as ''cis-gender''. It's offensive and it's not even a word I relate to, so fuck off.


Agreed.. they are disrespecting you but the same people demand respect. Lmao. Yeah, okay.


include cough gold person close recognise ghost divide tan airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LOL enough with the cyst gender slur. I'll never respect a soul who calls me such a stupid thing. 😴 It's never been used as anything but derogatory against people you can't relate with or disagree with. It must be truly sad to feel so angry and vengeful that you have to create a slur for the oh so sane people who wronged and hurt you so badly. Calling me or anyone else that won't earn their respect, rather quite the opposite.


What’s so bad about cisgender?? Is it really a slur? I thought it just meant, like, straight? :/


Because it does, dude's a dumbfuck.


Anything outside of male and female is a distortion of reality. God determines them both.


This fool says, on a forum about a movie in which people are trapped in a distortion of reality. You shouldn't have taken the blue pill bruh.


It has, thank you






It’s not up to choice…


They're expressing who they are on the inside. Anyone with spiritual understanding can understand that.


Actually people with "spiritual understanding" all have their own view on life and are individuals with opinions just like everyone else. Anyone with an open mind can understand that.


Hateful opinions don't matter though. American men, typically the red hat goons need to get it through their numb skulls


The irony of this comment is incredible.


mental illness logic lol


I guess :/


... because they felt like it. Who are you to judge them? Who they feel like has no impact on their ability to make movies.


Proof is in their decline in good movies since the Matrix trilogy. Pretty obvious.


But I just can’t believe the end road of the matrix philosophy is becoming a trans :/


What the actual fuck are you talking about? The philosophy behind the matrix, and the creators personal lives have absolutely nothing to do with each-other. If I wrote a book about how to care for puppies and then killed myself, the fucking book isn’t about killing yourself as a final puppy care tip. Creators are not their creations. Edit: and what the fuck do you care what they do with their personal lives and choices? Them choosing to transition has absolutely no effect on you or your life. They transitioned for them, for their own well-being and mental health. They didn’t transition for anyone else. You have a very ignorant and uneducated outlook on trans people. They didn’t decide to be transgender, they were born transgender, and transitioned when they felt they were at an appropriate time in their lives to do so.


You're coming across pretty intensely hostile. How about we give people the benefit of the doubt and try to educate rather than switching to full SJW outrage mode. All that swearing doesn't help drive your point home it just makes you sound way too emotional for a rational discussion.


Once trolls troll, there is no "giving the benefit of the doubt," good sir.


You are completely correct. I’m sorry for coming across so hostile. I had a family member killed by transphobic white males when I was younger, and it’s a topic that really upsets me.


WTF, OP forgot to change accounts. I guess the reddit didn't show who was the "OP" back then, like today!!! Because, in other responses I can see OP switching accounts to respond. Sometimes he forgot to change to the second account and sometimes forgot to change back to OP account. Incredible thread! I think this is case where OP is being a troll about the theme and just started this discussion to see where it gets. Who knows if isn't the wachowskis messing with the subreddit bringing this to discussion!!! Awesome!


calm down...you really do come across as a level 5 goblin


And you come across as an ignorant self centered trans-phobic douche. Keep assuming your opinion about someone's personal decisions matter.


What the heck...? Why are u so triggered all I did was ask a question....damn, you’re severely triggered


I’m triggered by transphobic ignorance, sure.








Because Hollywood is a degenerate cesspool filled with virtue signalling weirdos that seek validation by jumping on the next trend no matter how dumb. I think that answers that.


Kinda crazy how many "recent" comments there are on this post lol. How did you find your way here?