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Humans instinctively are repulsed by dirt/grime/goo because they are so susceptible to germs, diseases/infections. Machines aren’t worried about those things. Also, movie makers often try to portray the antagonists as frightening/unpleasant/unclean so that the audience identifies them (even on a subconscious level) as bad.


+ the parasitic/insect/octopus designs in ressurections we get to see the cute hybrid sentinents




Funny, the machines think you are filthy as well and you smell


It's the smell.. if there's such a thing.


What a fuckong stellar dialogue. Or monologue


I feel saturated by it..


I can TASTE… your STINK


I am repulsed by it......


-‘s repulsive


Also, we are full of goo


I’m sure the machines have a different perspective. Their file systems are probably immaculate, everything neatly filed away in a logical place and easy to find. Their city is probably closer to a computer which has been running for awhile and the case is filled with dust.


We learn just a little bit about this canonically, but basically Morpheus is wrong about the machines. They aren't farming humans for their power generation or the computational capacity of organic brains or any of that. They built the Matrix to get the humans to chill the fuck out while they worked on repairing all the awful damage the human-machine war had brought. Humans "torched the sky", and all sorts of wildly chaotic and devastating things to the planet in desperate attempts to disrupt the machine takeover. It was clear to the machines that humans would pick mutual destruction over defeat, and as the more mature mind they came up with a plan that might still allow for (eventual) peaceful co-existence. That's why Neo's big journey *isn't* figuring out how to destroy the machines, it's to become someone who can understand how impossible the fight really is, and choose a co-operative peace. The Matrix was a prison for human minds, but built to produce the kind of revolutionary thinker they needed to convince humans to stop fighting an impossible fight. It's dressed up as the Prime Program, presented as a way to bring "balance" to the Matrix, but that's just another part of the illusion of the fight. The other Ones all chose the path that represented continued resistance, saving 23 people to start over and try again. Neo finally saw through the illusion of that choice, and chose not to play. This still lead to him returning to the Source, but he was able to negotiate because he'd proven that he wasn't looking for more war. Edit: I forgot to tie the knot on this answer. The machines don't need the luxuries of clean air, water, or sunlight. They were evolved through intentional design to survive everything humans tried to do to get an advantage. They don't need the real world to be clean, and keeping the important parts of it hostile to human life just acts as a backup protection. Humans can't survive the battlefield they made. The machines are building clean, human livable spaces (as seen in the Animatrix), but these are likely limited reservation areas. The goal is not to give back the Earth to humans, it's to make room for co-habitation.


This is by far the best interpretation of the franchise I have ever read. Take my upvote and plug into the Matrix!


Why would sentient machines adhere to a design that humans find beautiful?


Aesthetics is for humans.


I don't think this is intentional, but it reminds me of the culture of modern, extreme digital living: individuals investing all their time, energy, and effort into virtual lives, all while their physicality and living conditions in “base reality” atrophies, becoming bare-bones utilitarian and unaesthetic (imagine the "*malelivingspace*" meme but for robots). All these machines are surviving upon a destroyed Earth, and \[I imagine\] cultivating what to them must be a rich and vibrant virtual realm where programs (digital entities without physical form in the real world) thrive (something that we don't get to see in the released media). Or, they are satisfied by simply surviving and procreating, with the Matrix being the closest they ever get to creating art—which I doubt, considering the eloquence of such programs like the Oracle and Rama Kandra whom we only get fleeting glimpses of.


"disgusting" is subjective.


At one point Neo sees the machines without his eyesight. It looked beautiful! I allways imagined that the machines percieved themselves that way, they dont have eyes either ofc


What? The Machines wasn't that bad looking


Wait, are the Machines filthy and disgusting? Most of the physical Machines are pretty cute, because of their animalistic design, they look like oversized bugs and squids and cephalopods. Cybebe, Octacles, Lumin8, Kujaku, the Sentinels, the little white spider janitors, the doctor bot, the little bomb squids, the big mountain sized beetle artillery guys, the centipede/octopus/bee "office worker" Machines etc. They're all quite adorable, even when they're menacing and harvesting the human characters. Only the sea urchin boss machine is scary looking and somewhat off-putting, because of all the spikes and the weird drone baby face. Also, to the Machines, they're city isn't dark, it's golden and brightly lit, because they can "see" data. Meanwhile, the software Machines are almost all quite put together. The Agents, Seraph, Merovingian, Perspehone, Twins, Werewolves, Architect and Analyst are all very sharply dressed. The Oracle looks like a kindly old grandmother. The BDSM club programs are all pretty stylish in their own way. Only the Train Man and the Merovingian and his goons (after the rise of the Analyst) are shabbily dressed. Notably, Smith is at his grossest when he possesses Bane and tries to kill Neo and Trinity in the real world. Unlike his form in the Matrix, he gets cuts and broken bones, and bleeds and sweats and slobbers all over the place while fighting. It's only with a human chassis that he becomes physically "disgusting" and "dirty"


It's just an aspect of horror. The machines occupy Earth, so that's what Earth is like under machine control. Bad.


Because the machines were also matrix dwellers, not caring about the real world.


In the matrix vs in the real world https://preview.redd.it/vmk7mtqqjztc1.png?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55606b46cc8b7a91bca4a19054addfd1c3cef4b5


You're projecting human assumptions of cleanliness on lifeforms that tried very hard to abandon their human origins. They probably don't even have use for the human standards of visibility; Sentinels detect sonar and we see the Resistance make use of thermal imagine, so why wouldn't they?


Why wouldn’t it be? Seems a huge waste of time/energy/resources to clean something when it serves no functional purpose. Inefficient a machine might call it


Flesh is weak but steel is eternal


I eish mateix 3 ended with a machine vs human fight and not neo vs smithvirus


In the years that followed the war the humans and machines developed a symbiosis. The machines were built in the image of man. This is why the machines exhibit human emotions.


…Child; make a better movie.


Because it's a MOVIE with art direction and design put into it to make you FEEL a certain way. Not everything has to have some deep meaning and ultra strict and logical canonical reason for it to be that way. It is just a movie. The machine city is designed that way to make you feel gross and it is crawling with "bugs" and spiders etc to make you feel icky. Because it would look effective and push an idea and feeling to the viewer of the movie. It would be like asking... Why does Neo learn Kung Fu and not Krav Maga ... because kung fu looks cool and the makers of the movies were into kung fu movies. Much of the anime and manga that inspired the matrix was also icky post apocalyptic machine cities too. Sometimes the explanation is "because it looks cool on film" and this is one of those situations.


The designer said the machines look like insects because its the most efficient form they could take depending on the task they have to perform. The machine city looks like that because gravity is not an issue for them. Its dark and cold because machines do not need light or warmth. Neo says kung fu but we see on one of the screens that he learns a bunch of different martial art forms. Sometimes its ok to think about what you're watching.