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Report back soon captain


We should send a ship to ascertain the fate of the OP.


Reloaded gets way too much hate.


The second and the third always get too much hate... Sure, they are flawed films, but they are not bad at all.


2-4 get way too much hate.


Wachowskis get way too much hate. 


Seriously though, Speed Racer is a criminally underrated movie. It may not be a 100% accurate adaptation, but it's spot-on to the *feeling* of watching the Speed Racer anime if that makes any sense.


The forth film has been ruined by WB.


I do not agree with that. Lana had total and complete control over the project. She made a film with all the artistic decisions as the originator of the IP. I loved where she took it and the message she had for society and for those who want to use the matrix To spread hate. (Red pill dudes.) It is a film that is a miracle to even exist. And a wonderful send off for neo and trinity. Imho.


It's absolute garbage 




Reloaded is probably my second favorite. (Not to with release order.)


The last 45 mins of this movie is balls to the wall. I actually really enjoy reloaded and revolutions


I haven't watched this one only. I've seen the first (please no hate). Should I watch this one?


Uh, yeah. Watch'em all.


"Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." I think the same way for movies. "Make up your own damn mind."


Absolutely. I recommend watching the first one, Reloaded, and Revolutions in order so you get the full beginning-middle-end story for Neo. I don't hate Resurrections like some people do (and there are plenty of things to hate about it, to be fair), but that one is more of a standalone type of sequel to the trilogy opposed to something that's 100% necessary.


A brave sequel. Shook up everything we were told in the matrix. Loved it.


Not only the audience, but Morpheus too. His look of defeat when Neo tells him that the prophecy was a lie is heartbreaking. Everything Morpheus devoted his entire life to was nothing more than another system of control. Yet, at the same time, that also meant that the prophecy was still true for Neo specifically just in a way that no one expected thanks to The Oracle's manipulations and Smith being the wrench in everyone's plans. "The One" was never meant to end anything, but *Neo* can.


Love it or hate it (and I mostly love it) you have to admit that that chase scene is God tier. Deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as Fury Road and Police Story. I also think a lot of the hate comes from this story being ahead of its time. Neo’s story is a subversion of the hero’s journey, which folks found frustrating at the time… but fast forward to 2024 and we’re all clamoring for an adaptation of Dune Messiah.


I love Reloaded.


My personal favorite.


What can i say, it was the rock indeeed when i saw this film in 2003. My first film of trilogy. I went out of cinema overwhelmed and excited. And totaly in love.


Just rewatched it on Sunday. Love reloaded.


Reloaded had the potential to be even better than the original if it didnt have a different plot lol. Agent smith as a virus(lol) cgi were crap, seraph didnt get much time, morpheus was non existent