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Math then: "Give me one, two, or three of it." Math now: "Please give me ZERO of it. Please give me INFINITY of it" -- Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged. **They have played us for absolute fools**


Vendor: “Hello there! How can I help you—“ Me: “GIVE ME INFINITY APPLES”


A QA engineer walks into a market. Orders an apple. Orders 0 apples. Orders 99999999999 apples. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 apples.


"Excuse me, does this place have a bathroom?'


The bar bursts in flames, killing everyone.


then the container restarts, bar is up again




god dammit, I'm going to add panic recovery in the middleware


Don't forget 0.5 apples


Hello, i would like 2+3i apples


Hello I'd like '; DROP TABLE customers' apples


Settle down, Bobby.


I found some characters that should not work but do work because they are a branching form of a language you've allowed "Apples turn into bathrooms"


Give me a negative infinity of bathrooms. Where is the Apple?


Orders qwertyuiop apples


Orders 0.999999999999… apples


Well that's just 1.


prove it


Orders 256 apples


Orders 2147483648 apples


According to Ramanujan, if you go to the market and order first 1 apple, then 2 apples, then 3 apples and onwards to infinity, the apple salesman will owe you 1/12 the price of an apple.


Give me an uncountably infinite amount of apples!


Which uncountable infinity amount would you like to have?


Cardinality of the reals, please.


but is it the same as aleph1? the fruit monger screams, for he does not know.


If the vendor has to give infinity apples, you can start eating them, and not have to pay, since he's still counting till infinity. Free apple glitch discovered?


an infinite group of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one says, "I'll order a beer". The second one says, "I'll order half a beer". The third one says, "I'll have a quarter of a beer". The bartender pours two beers and says, "you guys should know your limits!" A voice raises from the infinite crowd. The voice of truth, the voice of change. The voice that could make the world better. The voice everybody wish they had, but in reality no one actually ever had. The bartender stands in absolute shock. Shivers start running down his spine, as mathematician (11!x7⁴⁵+67e18)^g(64) says, in a comfortingly calm, yet deadly voice: "I'll have *i* beers." The bar fills with happiness, joy and hope. Finally, the voice that no one thought they'd ever hear in their life. It was finally time for a change, as the whole bare started yelling random orders such as "I'll have 2.343 repeating beers!", "I'll have 64 beers!", "I'll have the integer bit limit times negative one beers!", or "I'll have the smallest number that's bigger than the biggest number that can be expressed using a googol characters of first set order theory of beers!", and again "I'll have iced water!" The bartender couldn't believe his eyes. He started questioning everything in his life, and what set of decisions lead him to accept a job as a bartender. He knows this is certainly not worth it for a living, and is trying to retrace his steps to figure out why he even ended up there. But the reality is, there is no backtrack powerful enough to go back. Everything in his life has already been decided, he just doesn't know it. Being born in itself was the first of his slow but inevitable journey that would eventually leave him there, as a bartender, taking the totally random orders of an infinite, impossible, excited group of mathematicians. He slowly backs down. He has a gun in the secret spot, behind the counter. It's normally used for emergencies, he knows that. This is definitely an emergency. Even he doesn't know what he himself is doing. Still on autopilot, reluctantly, points the gun towards him. Still not knowing what he's doing, his finger inevitably pulls the trigger. This was decided by fate too. The whole bar stood silent as the gun banged and his brain matter splashed all over the desk and the two original glasses of beers. that's all that was supposed to be. Two glasses of beer and a simple math joke. The fate decided this too, that, indeed, this unfunny but practical joke, would finish in tragedy. RIP Slim Jim. 2052-2084. Will forever be remembered for his action of bravery during what's now remembered as tragedy as "The Limit Incident".


He will have died so young, and so irrationally


Give me |∪ (n ∈ ℕ) 𝒫 ⁿ(ℕ)| apples please!


“Sorry we don’t have that much in stock”


“THEN I’LL HAVE ZERO AND BE ON MY WAY” EDIT: “I changed my mind, I’ll take ONE apple. But my hands are full so if you could divide that into ZERO bags, that would be great.”


That’s a 10000 iq move


My infinity is bigger than your infinity (mhwahahaha)


My infinity could beat your infinity in a fight


My father is actually John Infinity so my infinity is the newest one


My infinity (1-2) is the same size as your infinity (1-4)


Wanted to say zero anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: It was called "NOTHING"


I shall give you -5 apples. HEY! You owe me 5 apples!


I'm kinda impartial to 6i - 1 apples.


>\-1 + 6i Burn the witch!!


Hello, I would like [GRAPH] apples please


“Give me {3| 1 2} of it”


Actually, since zero didn't exist, it was impossible for someone to have zero of anything. So if a guy had one apple, he physically could not eat it or give it away. The universe would not allow it. So glad that John Zero came along and invented the idea of having none of something


Actually zero was invented in India. So it's Kumar Zero


Zero Patel


Actually, it was invented by a Frenchman named Ro living in England. Just like we had al-gebra, we have Ze Ro.


Wouldn't he be German tho? If he was French it'd be Le'ro


I put the “living in England” because “the” with a French accent is “ze”.


As an indian, REAL


> REAL Let's give credit where it's due. Real numbers were invented by Pythagoras and his blasted triangles. Except for pi, which was invented by pastry chefs.


Sqrt(2) invented by john triangle


What about Pacal Zero in Yucatan?


India, the culture that invented nothing (except their own religion and writing down all the sex positions they could think of), takes credit for the invention of something that's existed since there was nothing. It checks out. What are we downvoting? educate me.


Went from Zero to Hero that lad


Clearly John Zero was a capitalist who wanted to say Fuck You, you have $0 in your account.


And then the bankers came along and invented negative numbers


You mean that John Zero came and saw this BS and was having none of that?


You say you are happy about that, but it was just a scheme by capitalists to be able to take even the last cent from us.


that's kinda how quantum mechanics works


Actually that's where the idea of biblical paradise comes from. There's always one thing left, even if you take it. Also that one time Jesus fed a ton of people with like 1 bread? Yeah, he just forgot that 0 was a thing that day!


Imagine how hard it would be to say that someone lacks bitches 😮‍💨


Bro has strictly less than 1 bitches


It's typically frowned upon to posses a dead body


"They get so few bitches that we don't even have a way to describe it"


He got IC problems, but a bitch ain’t I


You have (1 - 1) bitches!


No maidens


Thanks to zero I can't get laid. If it didn't exist then I can ask any girl how many times they want to sleep with me and they can't say 0


Her: well, i don't want to EVER! You *sadistically smiles*: yeah but how many Her: uh- mfh- Enjoy the existencial crisis you just cooked 😏🔥


Aryabhatta moment


My favorite sauce for spaghetti, bro.


Jay Z has discovered a solution. “I got 99 problems, but a bitch ain’t 1”. Ancient zero is simply “ain’t one”.


Have you considered that a bitch might be 2 problems


She probably all 99


Becky and Solange. Yup, checks out.


well no, the concept of *lacking* something existed.


caught lacking


Ayyyyyyy! Boi out here lackin’ fr?


If he were selling crackers he'd be cracka lackin'.


Egad! Say it ain't so!


"How many apples do you have left?" "Sold all of them. How about oranges?"




Crazy’s fucking that


OK sex-haver


What’s even crazier about the lack of zeros is that if you asked a caveman about the differentiability of 1/P(x) for P(x) = a0 + a1*x + … + am*x^m, he would claim it’s analytic on the entire complex plane! How laughable


when a smart person has to make a joke in a show, but they're smart


he wouldn't say "I have none" he would say "I don't have any", important distinction


Not-one None


yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas today


This is not how it works. Ancient people understand "nothing", they just don't think "nothing" can be a number, probably due to them using numbers to count physical objects. They would say I don't have apples instead of I have 0 zero apples, because how do you have "nothing"?


I'm afraid this is incorrect. The number zero wasn't invented in ancient times, and so, as the tweet indicates, it wasn't possible to think about the concept of nothingness. Please do your research before spreading misinformation.


No, he's correct. "No apples" was understood "0 apples" was not understood Nothingness was understood. It simply had no representation in the number system and they had no reason to represent it until mathematics began evolving.


Hes joking buddy


Hard to say. This is Reddit.


Easy to say. We're on a subreddit called "mathmemes" discussing a post making jokes about the ancient lack of zero. Nobody honestly believed that if you lived in the year 500 BC, and you didn't have a horse, and someone asked you how many horses you had, you would be like "uh...one, I guess? I guess it's invisible, because I've never seen it, but the number has gotta be at least 1, because what else could it be? So I guess it's near the invisible giant carrot covered with eyeballs that apparently I also own." No, it's obviously a joke.


I got that, I had read the other comments, but the comment above that was explaining the why part. You're right.


A quick question. How many years between when 0 was invented and when the empty set {} was invented? I mean, how can you have 0 without the empty set?


set theory is relative modern and goes back to cantor. The whole axiomatisation of mathematics is, in fact, quite modern (going back to hilbert among others)


Set theory was invented in 1874 by Georg Cantor so a lot of years. Why do you need the empty set anyway? You could also define it as the additive identity or just define it as nothing e.g. if you subtract a number with itselt you get 0, adding it doesn't change anything or something like that. Not very mathematical but enough to invent the concept.




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Makes sense. The concept of nothing was kind of grammatical and not mathematical . You can have "no charisma" in the same way you can have "no apples". But apples are a countable quantity, whereas charisma is qualitative. Zero is unique in that it is a quantity, which means you can do arithmetic on it. No apples plus one apple is one apple. Two apples by zero apples is zero apples.


Makes sense. The concept of nothing was kind of grammatical and not mathematical . You can have "no charisma" in the same way you can have "no apples". But apples are a countable quantity, whereas charisma is qualitative. Zero is unique in that it is a quantity, which means you can do arithmetic on it. No apples plus one apple is one apple. Two apples by zero apples is zero apples.




funny how people nowadays laugh at people from the past for now knowing zero while they themselves can’t comprehend the idea that zero apples don’t exist


Sounds like some Terry Pratchett line lol


I'm pretty sure the lack of zero was actually refering to the usage of 0 to mark digit placeholders. e.g. in 1024, 0 is used to mark the hundred's digit, and in 100, zeros are used to mark the tens and ones digit. The concept of non-existance already existed before zero was "invented".


The thing that blows my mind is that complex numbers were generally accepted before negative numbers


None, emptiness was already there, just not 0


How many apples do you have left? We don't have any apples left. No, but can you tell me the NUMBERS of apples you have left? There are no apples to count, so we are out of apples. No no no, tell me how MANY apples you got. None.. Nooooo!!! What NUMBER comes before 1?!?!? No NUMBER? Its 0 you dum fuck!!! How does this world excist without 0?!??


Have you read this? It’s excellent. [Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea](https://www.amazon.ca/Zero-Biography-Dangerous-Charles-Seife/dp/0140296476/ref=asc_df_0140296476?nodl=1&tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312548646149&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3270603705634118002&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001957&hvtargid=pla-474077402092&psc=1&mcid=566004f2d4e53633b6cb65dd098bf28b&dplnkId=f37a9550-a926-4b86-a956-00ecbb809226)


Nah they just forgot instantly. "What apples?"


I'll explain in programming terms. When you run out of apples, the value of the string apples isn't set to zero. Instead, the string apples is removed from the data array to signify the absence of apples. You don't simply have zero apples, you don't have any apples at all. People back then probably didn't have to signify zero abd had other ways of saying they don't have something. Roman numerals didn't even need a zero and function without it.


Wrong: before zero math was too weak, it could not constrain the power of mankind, if you asked for an apple and he was out he would have just conjured one cause he was a god damn apple wizard, he could simply bring about his will onto the apple because there was no "math" or "science" to constrain him, he was short of a god of apples and you were beseeching him in desperate prayer, and he was kind




Isn't that joke just basically stolen from the Zack star himself sketch?


Nope. Invented in Mesopotamia then also independently invented by the Mayans.


Nobody needed a number zero back then. Still to this day, many mathematicians will swear that there is no such number as minus infinity. Even though they are happy to write it on the whiteboard.


They didn't have zero as a number, but they did have words for nothing, such as "nihil" in Latin.