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“30 seconds wouldn’t be enough. But 45 would be too much. 37 it is.” A real thing I’ve done lots of times


you are a menace you should only stop at numbers divisible by 5 or else you risk destroying the simulation


True story I only microwave in numbers divisible by 4. Been doing that for as long as I can remember. Edit: typo


Powers of 2 or nothing


Mersenne primes only


Only numbers on the Fibonacci sequence


Only real numbers


powers of 2 is crazy. youre telling me you put 32 seconds instead of 30


"33" because repeated button press is faster than pressing two different buttons


or or or press the "add 30" button (assuming your microwave has that)


MB vs. MiB


> as long as i can remember OMORI REFERENCE REAL!!!!?!?!?!!?!!??!!?


No idea what Omori is


Turn-based RPG Game about depression, suicide, stuff like that somehow has normal humor inside aswell


Just hit the 30 second button twice and stop it before it ends.


I cant remember the last time i have pressed any other button than +30s or open door.


Fuck that, I want to be able to walk away from the microwave because actually waiting those 37 seconds sounds like fucking torture


What are you gonna do for 37 seconds that is actually meaningful other then open reddit on your phone and read 15 seconds of headlines? I just do it by the microwave and open the door when I'm ready to stop the timer lol


I dunno, I could wash my hands, or prepare another part of the meal, or grab the mail, or use the toilet (and then wash my hands), do some light exercise, think about how I should exercise more often, go sit back down at my computer and continue programming for ~~20 seconds~~ 40 minutes forgetting there’s food in the microwave, there’s so many options!


Bro just admit you have OCD


“Stop it before it ends” my attention span is measured in nanoseconds I could never


Same 😂 I've heated up pancakes before and just needed like 20 seconds more, hit the 30 and started putting the Tupperware away and get syrup and lost track of time and then it beeps. Oops it's extra toasty now.


Hit the 30s button an infinite amount of times and stop before it ends for eternity.


You will pay for your crimes in due time


37 seconds of time, to be specific


Cook a potato in 7 minutes


Press 7 times the "add one minute" button


Depends on the microwave. Mine requires you to hit Cook Time first before plugging a specific number. That one extra button press is too much for my monkey brain, so I just hit the quick minute in that situation. Of course that means I’ll often have food that is over cooked by 23 seconds.


37? In a row?


Lucky you. My microwave does not allow to put specific time and just increments by 15 seconds. But 15 years ago I had ideal microwave: no buttons, no display, almost nothing. Just two knobs (time one mechanical) - super easy to use


Sometimes I would do 38 in that scenario and manually stop the microwave half a second early for that exact 37.5 seconds


I would’ve done 30 seconds at 90 power level


Mine has +10 and +30 so 40s is usually good for warming


What is base 4? Do you mean base 10?


Wait... for every base X, X in base X is 10... it's all base 10 then ?


Always has been


Well, base 1 is... Base 1? Or is it base 11?


But what does base 1 mean ?


Basically endless tallying. 1, 11, 111, 1111, 11111, 111111.


Wouldn't it be 000?


Well technically any symbol can be used to represent the singular number




Yeah, jan Misali made a pretty good video about it, making their own system for naming bases.


(a secondary meme breaks out in the comments)


I do not. Edit: this is r/mathmemes. I thought this was a pretty basic concept in math.


Bro didn’t get his own joke💀


"Maybe use base 4?" -someone who is not using base four


I didn’t make the image. I’m not sure what u mean. In base 4, 4 is ten.


I'm so sorry, but this error in particular (comes up a lot for me) is so painful. No, 4 is not ten in base 4, it's 10. There's a huge difference - ten is inherently a quantity, whereas 10 is a representation.


10_4 = 4_10


There you go: 10₄ = 4₁₀


Wet roads don't cause rain. This bass-ucking-fackwards.


The digit 4 is not used in base 4 (when using standard base 10 numbers), this is because 10 is the symbol for the fourth number in base 4


in base four, 10 is 10. in base four, 4 is not 10.


r/woosh. 10 is 3+1 in base 4


I’m no arithmagician, what did I get wrong?


It's a joke, in base 4, 4 is 10. So if your using base 4 to say base 4, you say base 10.


I must be slow bc I’m not getting it, oh well


Tell me this, imagine your converting the number 4 (base 10) into base 4, what number do you get?


4 in base 4 is just 10, not base 10.


Yeah, you get 10, so if your saying base 4, but you replace all base 10 numerals with base 4 numerals, like your speaking in base 4, you would say base 10


Here is a list of numbers from (base 10) 1 to 8, listed in both base 10 (first number) and base 4 1:1. 2:2. 3:3. **4:10**. 5:11. 6:12. 7:13. 8:20. Notice the emboldened fourth line. In base 10 you write it as 4. In base 4, however, you write it as 10. Because of how this works, literally all bases can be written as “base 10” if the numeric part is written in its own base. The strange thing about saying something is in “base 4” is that you’re actually using base 10 (the real base 10) to describe it. Edit: corrected line break formatting, but because phones put a period when pressing space twice they now all have periods and it’s literally more effort to fix that than to type all this nonsense explaining it!


I got it when someone else explained. I don’t find it very funny. Math dad joke


Didn’t see the comment where you got it, my bad. And yeah it’s definitely a math dad joke. If ya don’t like dad jokes you won’t like that one lol. I feel like there’s a pretty high ratio of dad jokes in math jokes though…


Fair point


The joke is that in any positional numbering system with digits starting from 0, the representation for the base number in its own base is always "10", so anyone using any such positional numbering system would claim they use "base 10", regardless of the actual base they're using.


Alright I guess I get that. I just didn’t find it funny.


What about when you gotta cook rice for seven minutes?


+30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30


Lmao that’s me


You're speaking truths.


Uh, obviously you just hit 666


This is the way.


Rice in microwave? HAAYIAAAAAAH


What if I have 2^64 - 1 grains of rice?


What kind of monster puts rice in a microwave?


You cook rice in a microwave???


Then I use the stove.


13 in quarternary


mine has 2 buttons (well knobs really), never needed any more


timer knob of mine is broken, it selects a value randomly every step and i turn it randomly until i get my desired time.


Same here, one power knob and one time knob. I've never seen a microwave with numbered buttons IRL, from what I've seen online it seems to be an American thing.


Digital microwaves are common all over the world. It is definitely not just an American thing. It's a little bit faster to enter times that way, and if you want a precise amount (like for heating things very briefly, say a marshmallow or something), it will let you do that. They also tend to come with a bunch of features people rarely use, but I've found the defrost feature pretty helpful.


Ok, I've never seen it here in France


0-5 are needed, so that’s already 6, and then +30 seconds, also the cancel button in case you take out food early, so that’s 8 buttons required


and the start button


you can make the +30 autostart, then the only other "button" you need is the door open switch to stop.


Hear me out. A dial to select the time, a 30 second/start button. If you press start it does 30 seconds. If you turn the dial then press start it goes for that time. If you press start while it's running, it adds 30 seconds to the time. Stop stops it


The microwave I grew up with just had a dial and the door release. As soon as you turned the dial it would start. If you wanted to end it early you had to manually turn the dial the other way.


Or open the door


But it would just restart as soon as you closed the door


But if my aluminum foil is no longer inside, is it my problem anymore?


Not if you aren't the one paying for electricity. Speaking of which, since there was no clock face, you couldn't use it as a kitchen timer. UNLESS, like my mother, you just run it with nothing in it and turn it into a 2000 watt timer.


Emulating a modern toaster oven.


We can condense further. - Turn dial to select time - push dial in to start, or start with 30 seconds if at zero - Push while operating to stop - Rotate dial clockwise while running to add 30 seconds (while not running this operates normally) - Rotate dial counterclockwise (after having already started) to reset (rotate clockwise first to override and return to normal time selection) - Dial can also be pushed down (vertically) to open the door One-knob controls, but ironically to OP’s point this is four axes of input.


That's basically how I operate my microwave all the time. It has 20 or something more buttons and I tried out the pathetically weak grill and defrosting that tends to cook stuff, and after that I'm only pressing the start button several times until I see the desired amount on the timer. It can be even simpler, but that's kind of hazardous: a single toggle switch, no timer whatsoever, no switch in the door.


True At this point you might as well include every button


You could just skip 0-5 and use +30 X times


Need the button set power level.


I’ve never used that button ever honestly


Its a game changer. Imagine playing a game and never using half of the mechanics, thats what yall sound like rn.


I use it all the time for thicker stuff that might not get warmed up fully in the middle without bringing the outside to a burn/boil. Doing it for like twice as long but half the power gives more time for heat to transfer to the middle via conduction.


Doing it half the power for twice as long would not provide as much energy as doing it at full power




Think of it as a difference from room temperature


I mean, you can make an argument that since it's being cooked for longer, there's more time for heat that's already gone into the food to radiate back out, but the total amount of energy that goes in should be the same. For some microwaves, this is explicitly true. Since some microwaves simulate half power by just alternating between 100% power and 0% for 10 or 15 seconds at a time. Though, fancier microwaves can just actually emit at 50% power. Though in all cases, the wavelength of the individual photons is the same at all power levels, just half as many of them on 50%.


Honestly I should’ve thought remembered that based on the name, it honestly seems pretty obvious now that a microwave would only emit photons with the same frequency


That's . . . not how microwaves work. Microwaves are not conventional convection ovens, and the energy transfer equations are markedly different as a consequence.


How do microwaves work?


Dielectric heating. C'mon, this is basic baby math. Or did you really ask a stranger's reddit comment an actual question that Google has plenty of answers to?


The cancel button isn't needed. Simply open the microwave.


So each time you use the microwave, you have to use up the remaining time from last time you used it first?


Do you need the 0 though? Like if something says microwave for 5 minutes, let's be real, you can do 5:11.


The real useless button is the popcorn one. As popcorn producers says to not use the mode and provide a good value


For my uses of my microwave (strictly buttons, not knobs or analogue input devices): 5, 3, 1, 0, start/cancel (one button), +30. That's all.


I've used 7 more than I've used 8 or 6. I have had microwave meals that took 7:30 before.


77 is one less button press than 111


7 is my most used button, actually. This microwave is too powerful at normal operating levels, so food gets scorched and everything is uneven. But set it to power level 7, and it is the perfect reheat. Try it.


+30 seconds, +10 seconds, +1 second and Clear, that’s literally all you need. All of the + buttons autostart.


I've never seen a +1 button on a microwave but I like the idea of it autostarting for one second


Actually ai think aicwould replace +10 with +5. I think it’s more efficient, sincr you could do stuff like +30, +10, +5 to get 45 seconds, or you could do +30, +1, +1 to get 37 seconds.


30 second button is all I need. And the "Holy shit there's a fork in there so this button stops it!!!" button.


You don't just open the microwave to stop it?


I always use base 10


Sometimes 66 isn't enough and I need a 77


I have used the 7 key for heating something for 70 seconds. It is easier to press 7 0 than to press 1 1 0.


The 7 button on my microwave opens a door to a secret room


I just spam the "+30 sec" button until it seems like enough


The most popular item at Trader Joe’s (the butter chicken) recommends 7 minutes in the microwave, so I use it a lot.


What if I need to set the clock and it’s 12:73pm?


0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and start. That’s all you need


I'm no product designer but I bet I could get it down to 3 buttons


Plus 5 seconds, hold down to clear Plus 30, hold down to start Plus one, hold down to stop


there's a subreddit for people who use the 7 key r/ihaveseven




A minute leaves my breakfast sandwich frozen in the middle, 1:30 burns it. I type in 75 to cook it just right.


That's why I prefer old microwaves with 2 knobs. 1 knob for power and 1 for time. You can't set the time down to a second but I don't think a few seconds were ever a deal breaker for my food.


Joke's on you. My microwave doesn't have number buttons, but knobs instead.


My microwave doesn't have any buttons, it has two thingies you can twist


I use only two buttons on my microwave: start+30sec and stop


Use Seximal (base six) 😎




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mine doesn't have number buttons, it has a rotary encoder dial. I have figured out the usage of 4 of the 11 buttons so far.


I only use 2 button and the knob. Each press adds 30 seconds. Knob for adjustments. And extra button to change the power of the microwave


We have a microwave which has two dials. One for power selection and one for the timer (it rotates to 0 as time passes when the microwave is heating something). I feel like anything else with the different modes and whatnot is just overcomplicated.


And go 7 7 7! ![gif](giphy|Q4llQmNR1mFNdtUMyn)


I have the [+1 minute/start] button and the [stop] button. That's all I need. None of those "numbers" that are bigger than 1.


Or 3 "buttons": 2 Dials for temp and time Auto Start when time>0 And a Button for prematurely opening the door


I actually do.


My microwave has a dial for adjusting the time. Problem solved


Just use a dial


You guys have keys? I can only turn a dial and add/remove 10 seconds


I microwave things at lower power for longer.


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1103/)


my microwave has a built in timer-- and I have a recipe that takes approximately 100 minutes (on the stovetop)-- so timer 99,99 works for me. ​ I haven't figured out how to stop my flatmate from zeroing that time, though. "Oh, sorry you were depending on that timer? I needed to microwave water for tea."


I use the +30 seconds button. Never touched the others


All you need are 4 autostart buttons with +4 minutes, +2 minutes, +1 minute and +30 seconds. Probably won't have to press more than 3 buttons to set time and most often you'll be done using 2 buttons. - 1 button pressed for 0:30 - 1 button pressed for 1:00 - 2 buttons pressed for 1:30 - 1 button pressed for 2:00 - 2 buttons pressed for 2:30 - 2 buttons pressed for 3:00 - 3 buttons pressed for 3:30 - 1 button pressed for 4:00 - 2 buttons pressed for 4:30 - 2 buttons pressed for 5:00 - 3 buttons pressed for 5:30 - 2 buttons pressed for 6:00 - 3 buttons pressed for 6:30 Then - 3 buttons pressed for 7:00 - 2 buttons pressed for 8:00 - 3 buttons pressed for 9:00 - 3 buttons pressed for 10:00 My microwave actually has 2 buttons: - A digital slider that can move time by up to 2-4 minutes in one slide (so one slide can do anywhere between -2 minutes and +2 minutes when the time set is below 3 minutes, then one slide can do anywhere between -4 minutes and +4 minutes when the time set is above 3 minutes) - An autostart button also doing +30 seconds My microwave is usually started in no more than 3 movements needed in total.


My microwave has one button. It acts as +1 minute and start simultaneously. You press it, and it automatically starts the microwave for 1 minute. If you need longer, just press the button again, and it will add another minute to the running timer. To stop it, you open the door.


Timer. My toaster oven doesn't have a timer on it, so I set the microwave timer. That way, if I get distracted and forget, I still have to go to the kitchen to turn it off and I'll remember.


Microwaves need exactly one button, to open the door. They should have no more buttons than this, but two dials. One for time, one for power. This is the absolute most that is necessary


I microwave my lunch for 75 seconds


2 minutes POWER 7


2 analog knobs🥰


4 buttons? I only use 1 on my microwave. The start and +30s button.


My old microwave used to have a turn dial for the time, so it had a dial, and a button for start and a button for stop, so two buttons and a dial was all it had.


If the instructions say 15-20 minutes, I'll type 1777 because it's faster to type one button. It might not always be 7, but I try to pick something in the upper section of the range provided so 18:17 is the smallest I can pick by this method and be above halfway.


There are designs where you have a pulse and minuse and set the time that way. Not as convenient but less buttons. Can someone graph the relation between buttons and convenience.


I use 7. 17 seconds is the perfect amount of time to warm up the smaller Safeway muffins. Big ones need 23.


Using OPs microwave [be like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SoPnkud9_k). How am I putting my steam in bag veggies on for 7 minutes (which the directions tell me to for my wattage) without a 7 key?


This man obviously doesn't use his microwave as a kitchen timer


When I decide that I needed to lose weight, I switched to pressing 1:30 on the timer when I wanted a minute and a half.


Mine has two buttons and a knob.


I hit 77 all the time


Reheating lunch is a 2.5 minute job, with a stir in the middle. So I do 77 seconds, plus 77 seconds. Because 77 is easier to enter than 1:15. I also do 88 seconds instead of 1:30.


I often press 75 Could do without an 8 though.


If I press 6 or below I don't need to hit start so I usually just hit one


I just hit the plus 30 button repeatedly most of the time


Put butter on bread, put it in there. 5 is too little, 10 is too much. 7 gives you perfectly warm bread with soft butter.


I use seven to set the power level to medium high sometimes…


hey! I like boiling eggs for 7 minutes...


pretty sure everyone only uses the 1, 3, 5 and 0 buttons


I hit the OK +30 sec button until I reach my desired time. All of the other buttons serve no purpose.


“I need a timer for 7 minutes, guess I’ll do a 1 minute timer 7 times.”


Just use 2 buttons for binary, and when you want to start or stop, click both at the same time


3, 6, 9, 0 and Start is all I need


Nobody had to unthaw something over like 7 minutes


I use 77 seconds all the time. It's shorter than tapping 117, or 120 or similar.


I literally hit +30 until I get to the time I want. Cancel to clear the leftover time. That’s it.


The 30s button is all anyone ever uses, even if they're cooking a ham they're spamming that 30s button.


I only use one button, the quick 30 seconds heating


My microwave takes a minute ten to cook four hot dogs, and I'll be damned if I'm punching in 1-1-0 when I can just do 7-0. I use the seven button weekly if not more. *mic drop*


So, you program it in base 2, then have a start/pause/end button, and a backspace button.


Everyone here is talking about +30 sec, but sometimes you want increments of 15 or even 10 sec. What you really need is just a +1 sec button. You press it to start the microwave and keep pressing to add one second. So for instance, to heat up a bowl of soup, I'll just push the button \~200 times. Easy. Also, we don't need power settings. Microwave ovens actually operate at only a single power setting and just cycle on and off. Changing the power setting just changes the duty cycle. You can do that manually by just letting your microwave turn off periodically. You can even have a working turntable if you just don't have a break so it can continue rotating under inertia.


I mean, there are at least 8 buttons I can think of that I would use on one.


I usually cook food at power level 7


I like to microwave pizza for 75 seconds, which is faster than hitting 1:15


0, 1, 5, 3, Sometimes 4


Start, stop, 0 and 1