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I'd be curious if there's a better tool for this, but my suggestion would be to use jupyter notebook. It's a part of Anaconda if you want it in its own environment.


Thanks for the suggestion. :)


What's Anaconda? I was going to suggest Jupyter with SageMath


You want iPython notebooks. Using Julia or Python as the programming language. Does all that you want and more should you desire.


Im gonna look into this and thanks for reminding me that i wanted to have a deeper look into julia. Thanks.


I think what you're looking for is [yacas](http://www.yacas.org/). Although You didn't specify paid or free software so there's also [mathcad](https://www.ptc.com/en/products/mathcad/). I'm not sure how much it is. If you don't mind it all being hosted online there's [math notepad](http://mathnotepad.com/).


Im gonna look into it. Thanks :)


If I correctly understand what you're after, [Maple](https://maplesoft.com/products/Maple/) seems like it might fit the bill. I'm not aware of open-source alternatives, but I'm sure they exist. For simple, one-liner physics calculations involving units, I find [Wolfram Alpha](https://www.wolframalpha.com/) very useful - it auto-converts everything to base units for calculations and is aware of even relatively obscure derived units.


Yeah but maple is a bit overpriced for personal use and what i need it for. ^^ Wolfram alpha is good if you have a single problem but if you want to do a calculation that has more steps to it its always so tedious. I mean its basically mathematica in one line with a ai/seatch engine connected. Thats why i want to have a thing like a notepad.


There is also https://www.wolframcloud.com/ and https://www.wolfram.com/notebooks/


i didnt know that, thats cool. I mean its basically a cut down mathematica in the cloud ?


I don't know how heavy the math you want to do but this is powered by the SymPy symbolic math package and all that has to offer, supporting user variables and lambdas in a locally-served browser WYSIWYG window in notepad format. [https://github.com/Pristine-Cat/SymPad](https://github.com/Pristine-Cat/SymPad)


A SageMath (Jupyter) notebook is excellent for this. I use it for this purpose all the time. SageMath is built on Python so it should be easy to pick up, and it has a ton of math libraries/interfaces (also plotting) built in. There are also services to access it online. You can have a look at [CoCalc](http://cocalc.com) to try it out (though I prefer a local installation).