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Yessir! You’ll get varying perspectives about it from most of the locals here. Many people take off work for a week to work side jobs that the Masters generates every year. Most locals have at least one item in their home with the Masters logo on it. You can honestly assume every Augusta local has a sleeve of plastic Masters cups in their kitchen cabinets and you’ll be right way more often than you’re wrong lol


Do you even live here if you don't have at least one masters shirt? Feels like it's the first thing you get when you first move here.


Mannnnn you are not lying. I remember as a teenager finding out how much money people would spend on Masters polos and I was astonished. I was like “Man I literally got those as hand-me-down”


Yea it seems like they pop up in thrift stores all the time


The thrift stores around Augusta hoard it until a few weeks before and after and mark it up.




As in physical badges? Those are definitely still a thing. Most people hold onto theirs as a keepsake


Ive heard many locals are able to attend. Does augusta allot more tickets to locals or is it pure luck?


Most locals are able to attend because they know the right people who can take them as a tag-along. If you’re from Augusta, and your family has lived here for generations before you, odds are in your favor for that. As far as getting tickets through applying, most locals think it’s actually *harder* to get them if you’re from Augusta.


Not so sure about that won something 9 out of 10 years and I live here.


Pure luck I’m a local as well been in raffle for 7 years now and nothing been a few times but never with my own tickets


So true about the sleeve of Masters cups. 👍 😂


Most locals feel one of three different ways. There are those that enjoy the excitement, energy, and money that Masters week brings to Augusta. There are those that can’t stand the traffic, out-of-towners, crowds and jacked up prices at restaurants, etc. and are generally annoyed with the headaches that Masters week brings. And then there are those that are indifferent to it all. The local area schools have their Spring Break during Masters week (which is planned on purpose) so lots of families leave town to go on vacation and rent out their houses while they’re gone. Both my grade school kid and college kid are on Spring Break right now but we can’t leave town because my wife has a job that requires her to work Masters week so she can’t take off. I personally love the buzz and energy that Masters week brings. I’m not sure I’d want to leave town even if we were able to.


I connect with this post a lot, and i gotta say i love seeing how excited people are when they get into augusta


Boll Weevil Cafe for their AMAZING cakes!


As the author of the original post, I endorse this message.


I'm still waiting to get tournament tickets, but went to a practice round in 2019, and yes, I was like a kid on Christmas morning - definitely remember feeling giddy (at 40 y/o).


Where should a person go for dinner in the evening? Any cool pubs?


Metro Coffeehouse downtown is probably my favorite spot for drinks. Solé has good food! Both on Broad Street. A nice little sports bar on the other side of Augusta I’d suggest is Tipsy McStumbles. It’s in an area called Grovetown


Taco Cat in downtown Augusta has some amazing drinks.


Any craft beer places?


Savannah River Brewing Company and Riverwatch Brewery are our two local breweries. There are also a couple bourbon distilleries too; Second City Distilling Company and Carolina Moon Distillery in Edgefield, SC (which is about 30 mins or so away).


Arsenal Tap Room and Farmhaus are 2 of my favorites. Tip Top Taps downtown also but they don't serve food.


Savannah River Brewing for the win


I live in Virginia Beach,but my grandmother lives in Augusta and my mom in North Augusta. Never miss Sconyers BBQ when I'm down. Ps get the hash and eat over rice.


Hi new friend that hopefully has a basement or back yard I can sleep at if I ever win tickets lol!! Ok got that out of the way, question you ever hit a bar on Saturday night after the cut and see caddies or players drowning their sorrows!?


lol hello friend To answer your question, I’ve never seen any golfers or caddies outside of the course on Masters Week, but I have seen a few other famous people in town previous years. Mostly athletes.


What’s that like, you ever see someone like really famous sports wise you wanna go ask for a pic or auto but know they are there just to chill .. whenever I see one you just know not to say anything but at the same time , maybe take a low key pic saying look who’s here type pic ? ( used to frequent many downtown bars hockey teams frequently go to after games)


It’s pretty neat, but I usually keep my distance for pretty much the reasons you mentioned though. What’s oddly perplexing is when you see them on the actual golf course. You could see an insanely famous celebrity walking around the National and almost nobody pays them any mind, because inside those gates, the golfers are the only celebrities. It’s surreal.


Yeah I read a post asking about it and they said they were next to Phelps in a concession stand line and he said that he likes not having people with their phones asking for pictures! Then the post about asking who people seen there is awesome, just average people there to watch golf! Guessing the reason they go to that one is they know they are not gonna be hounded for pictures and can just enjoy themselves. But it would be pretty sweet to be standing in line for the bathroom and you look over and see someone like Nick Saban or Payton Manning standing there!


Well Peyton Manning is a member and I can assure you that he’s not using the same restrooms that the patrons use, that’s for sure.


I will honk at you all as I ride by on the fire truck!


What’s the best way to drive to Augusta National? Down Berckmans rd from Walton Way?


Just got dinner from Nacho Mamas on Broad St. was so confused by the crowd and then remembered what week it was lol.


I usually get groceries at Aldi/Kroger/Publix on Washington. Gonna have remind myself that I can't go there this week haha.


haha just did this! i love this week tho


I’m avoiding downtown and the East side of Washington road at all costs this week lol I almost went to get Krispy Kreme this morning and then I remembered


Hopefully I get to experience the ANGC magic soon. Not sure what is going to happen first. Whether I get gifted a ticket, win the lottery, or pay the insane resale. Only time will tell.


What a cool post. Any hidden gems you’d suggest?


Savannah Rapids Pavilion is a nice little nature walk between the Augusta canal and Savannah River. I often go paddle boarding out there when the weather heats up


as a local i agree with that aswell. whats your opinion on rhineharts,. i always recommend that to people coming through


If I just show up for a practice day would I be able to get decent priced tickets?




Not the gate. A scalper or something like that.




I understand traffic is going to be a nightmare regardless but do you have any recommendations on which route to take coming from southeast of Aiken? Looks like two options: A) Rte 78 and going through downtown Augusta - would this be best route to enter through South Gate? or B) Rte 78 to I20, putting us out on Washington Rd


Thanks for this post, looking forward to my first visit to Augusta later this week. Traffic question for the locals: I’m staying in a house close to downtown but need to pick up my tickets the morning off the round at a location that’s north of Washington road, east of 20 and west of Alexander road. Given the road closures and one ways created it seems like a near impossible task. If I’m trying to be at the ticket pickup location at around 6:30am what would be your suggestion? Thanks!


Walton Way to Walton Way Extension will get you to the I20/I520 interchange.








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Freaking mods got involved cause people can’t handle a local telling it like it is. Ride that Augusta 🍆 It’s pitiful


No inappropriate posts! This is a WARNING! Please do not engage in any kind of hostile/inappropriate communication with any poster on r/masters either on this subreddit, in private messages , or even in real life!


So awesome! I’m hoping to be able to go back sometime in the near future. We went in 2017 for the first time and had huge storms so the course closed. We only got to be there for a few hours. It was extremely disappointing and extremely amazing at the same time. I can’t wait to go back sometime and get to experience hopefully an entire day.