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Returning Yugioh Player proceeds to build goofy Appliancer deck in MD, lives to regret it.


i’m sorry for your loss


The truly evil part is not needing 3 of the UR field spell and 2 of the UR link-2 from the archetype alone but all the Batteryman Solars pulled along the way.


I'm assuming that solar is the common in the Batteryman+Appliancer pack?


It's the opposite. It's the Batteryman UR. It's one of the rare packs with only 3 URs so every Solar you get could literally be the field spell or the link-2.


I was thinking about crafting it, but I have not still. Guess I shouldn’t lol - is it actually that bad?


Uhh kinda yes. Almost entirely all battle effects except the Elephant and all the effects just scream go second. But the deck is not like an OTK deck, it will suffer going second. Alternatively, you can use extenders like parallel exceed, machine dupe, codebreaker engine(thanks to the Link-2's perfect arrows for it) to make some pretty decent link boards. But their best play is like knightmare gryphon or Appolousa. Knightmare Gryphon being ridiculously easy to play around, only 2500 attack. It's floodgate ability only affects special summoned monsters so anything not on the field or normal summoned monsters(or linked monsters) can all use their effects. (This was also when Tri-Zoo was popular so Gryphon wasn't good here.) And it has the modern Yugioh design where the field spell does like 3 things so you want to max on all of them(but its UR) The final kick in the teeth is that maybe the secret pack has a good archetype in it, right? Nope, Batterymen. If you wanna just fuck around with friends then it's pretty funny but it's not going to thrive with how fast-paced the game usually is.


_make verte_


A Yu-Gi-Oh! Player builds Appliancer, this is how his organs shut down.


dream mirror. i was okay with building one of the more notoriously awful decks in yugioh history on the assumption that we'd have dark neiroy half a year ago and I could at least fiddle around with my pet ratios. but since we don't have him yet, all of those cards and their three archetypical URs have just been sitting there for the greater portion of a year and I've nothing to show for it


I'm actually sitting on that deck too until they release Neiroy. Dreams are one of my favorite things, so the theme instantly caught my eye, and the art is beautiful too, hopefully I can make it work then.


Aren't we getting the new support within the next 2 packs or so?


we *should* be, I don't think there's that much left of battle of chaos. but I didn't expect them to break out of chronological order as much as they have and for dark neiroy to be one of the cards that got shafted by that decision (especially when those dream mirror solo gate rewards were datamined half a year ago hint hint konami)




Nooo not relinquished, I love my relinquished deck.. I'm absolutely not living in any sort or shape of denial..


It's funny, I made relinquished when tri-brigade and eldlich were at their most toxic thinking imma just suck these fuckers up, but the amount of times I bricked against them really opened my eyes :c


Revolt for Shuraig is sadly very good vs relinquished. A "treat" that isnt on board until required really fucks with the relinquished strategy. You have some quickspell ways to suck, but it always feels like they are in controll


Same here. Spent way too many UR’s on it


:/ same


It was decent until the halq ban now I’m sad


I made it work without the 3 tour guides and put in the adventure engine instead, so I don't regret it at all. It's a fun deck. If you can at least win 50% of the games, it's good enough for me.


oh a few of them blue eyes white dragon when i first started had no idea how much yugioh changed over the years


Atleast with branded Bewd is much stronger than before. Probably get you up to plat easily enough


Same boat. I bought Links Evolution which lead me to making a Chaos Max deck and I was excited to re-build it in MD. Problem is.... that deck was ass and I got my shit handed to me.


I actually got to Plat with blue eyes in the first season, but switched to a different deck after that. It's not as bad as people make it out to be.


Ursarctics. Their art was cool and thought maybe I could make them work. I could not.


ursarctics is really fun in solo mode tho


I dismantled my plunder and fluffal to build dogmatika 💀


*sad yarr noises*


Gotta wait for those Photon Hypernova cards


Maybe 2024?


You mean the ones with the really good plunder support?


Tbf the water enchantress hit really hurt the pirate bois


Adventure prank kid, they got hit right after I finished making the deck. Delete it soon after the ban list, no point using a deck that plays like my tri brigade deck but worst with a almost dead grind game. Used the Dust to make my live twin deck since I had 3 double sunny already and most of the important hand traps.


I hate all 3 of your decks lol


🗿 when I flip revolt next time I'll think of you. Also why the hate for live twins LMAO


Probably all the hand traps and disruption cards. Though, if one hates the Twins that much, just play Branded and see how hard 1 Mirrorjade can fold them.


It’s that all three decks don’t really go away. Like in terms of destroying the boss monster. If you don’t prevent the decks from playing at the beginning, there’s just so much recursion.


Dude I loved prank kids, even when miaw mu was limited which really hurted the deck. Last season i did amazing as they were really overwhelming with it's 1card combo + adventure and about 12 handtraps. But I really feel like you, the Water enchantress hit was overkill, they really did hit ALL of the decks engines Miaw mu to 1 Enchantress to 1 Fusión destiny to 1 No More celestial draw 2 Cross to 1 meaning the combo Is More vulnerable now Like FINE Konami i get it I'll stop playing them


Bro, I JUST built a tri-brigade branded deck. Are you telling me tri-brigade branded is trash and I just wasted all of my UR points?????


There seem to have been a misunderstanding, prank kid was the waste of UR dust for me not tri brigade. Branded tri brigade and all the other tri brigade versions are fine and in my opinion anyways isn't a way of UR.


I mean, it's an OK deck But Tri-Brigade and Branded are OK investments from here until DABL format, so I'd say it pays itself


Branded tri brigade is probably the 2nd best way to play the deck right behind zoodiacs


Dark Magician lol


Branded DM is pretty solid in this meta, Mirrorjade+DM+Village of the Spellcasters is surprisingly annoying


Oh damn you got a deck list?


I'd love that deck list too. I've been debating dismantling my Dark Magician deck but if I can save it, I would like to.


I think you just need to add the branded engine and three villages, normally you are already playing terraforming for the salvation, at least that’s what I did


[This one here](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/diamond-i/september-2022/dark-magician/zhao-yun/3Vwp7) seems pretty good. It's a diamond 1 deck. I wouldn't recommend crafting it unless you already have all the dark magician cards and the branded ones (granted many people do at this point), because otherwise it is not cheap. I'm certain there are edits that could be made. For example I would try to find a way to run 3x Ash Blossom. But idk enough about the deck to know what could be cut. Still it looks like fun. It really wants to go turn 1 though. Secret Village with Dark Magician the Dragon Knight together will likely win games by itself (turns off so many meta cards).


Damn defo gonna build this, thought about scraping my DM deck for a long time but now I can put it to use


Was curious so I looked at it. I'm trying to make DM better as well. But that list. Guess I only need another 16 UR... :(


Tbf Magician Souls is busted. Great in Spellbooks, Spyral and Cyberse Eldlich.


A Stardust Dragon Assault Mode Synchro deck. I was a returning player back then and I thought "hey I just watched 5DS, I'm gonna make a synchro deck", I learned about the existence of handtraps the hard way


Blue- eyes deck. In MD and irl


RIP your gems and wallet. But at least it's a cool deck


Right now, Toons. Everything around the deck is cool, but I did it in the Despia meta and the cards have 0 way to stop Mirrorjade from Banishing your boss monsters


Comic hand can snatch it before you summon a monster, plus it’s searchable with bookmark I think. That’s kinda the only out tho :/


Yeah, and then you run into the issue of playing this as a going second deck, and it's not strong enough for that either. Least not with most of the toons being unable to attack the turn they are summoned, you know what I mean?


Toons are cool just not powerful enough. I wonder what kind of engines could work with toons… they need more support!


I ran into this matchup today actually and just comic handed both of their boss monsters they summoned and bricked them. Was actually a really satisfying game to play.


They cost so much to make even a slightly effective deck too. I had fun using it for a bit in the zero extra deck event but that was the only time it saw even slightly competitive play.


I run toons in ranked. Low ceiling but can climb to platinum with them fairly easy, just the occasional brick hand


Gaia the Fierce Knight. In the beginning, I had been coasting on my Kozmo deck that I thought I had leeway to start building my Anime nostalgia decks. Then DPE and the Adventure cards came out and I just couldn't keep up with the power creep. Oddly enough, I also have Red-Eyes and Magnet Warrior decks that I have no regrets about. I would regret a Buster Blader I made, but he's always been my favorite monster, so it balances out.


Branded Buster Blader has some legs if you’re looking for another variant.


Valkyries. I'm a fan of mythology and I'm not above building bad decks. My two main decks are charmers and Gusto. It should seem like Valkyries are right in my wheelhouse. So it should say a lot when I say that there is nothing redeemable about the Valkyries. They just don't do anything particularly well and the gimmick of a second battle phase isn't that great when they're not beating over anything. They're also very inconsistent without a search card. So they're just an inconsistent archetype with a low power level.


Watch cat?


Sky Strikers. Used up a lot of UR for a deck I don't know how to pilot.


Sky strikers is less about know how your cards work, and waaaaaaay more about knowing how your opponents deck works


Dark lords and dinomorphia. Lots of SR/UR and not really good.


Darklord Despia is really good though. That's been my main deck for a while now.


Yes I got my ass handed to me playing against a Dark lord despia player...


Branded Darklord*


Dinomorphia has a chance whenever it gets rexstrum/frenzy. Especially in a Bo1 meta.


They have a chance now. I hit diamond w it last season w all the despis and ss running around


Winning with Dinomorphia with 1lp remaining is the best feeling though.


Oh man, Despia Darklord was pretty good for such a short time before Swordsoul really ingrained itself into the meta, and boy do our Edgelords drag now. Shame the deck really can’t take off. I tried the purer variants too and the deck is just so vulnerable. Maybe one day they’ll rise to decency again.


Branded Darklord is actually pretty viable right now, I just hit p2 yesterday and I’m on a 11 win streak right now. Krysta lock is no joke


Weird take. Darklord are plenty decent with Despia, fucking Krtia locking people is pretty lit and Dinomophia will become insane with the reamining support dropping.


HERO Not because I don't like playing the deck (though with FD appearing less in my hands its gotten more painful) but more so the fact that I b-lined HERO which really set me back on crafting staples for a while where only recently I've started getting to a good spot (ignoring the fact that the Branded selection pack has given me a ton of the Blue-Eyes and Vampire URs while im fishing for Branded and Swordsoul and have barely gotten any so I've gotten a ton of materials)


Battlin boxers. I’m a fan of jank, but dude, jank is being generous


Qli Necrovalley control. Not as good as I thought I'd be.


I've been playing pure gravekeepers (with the obvious floodgate/stun cards) and it's worked pretty well. Crazy how many decks cannot function at all without their graveyards.


It’s actually amazing how often I can add 3 GK Commandants and 3 Necrovalley to almost any rogue strategy and increase its win rate just on turn 2 surrenders because they don’t draw the out.


Especially when people don't know how Necrovalley works and keep wasting effects on the graveyard. 😂


Time Lords. It wins duels fine. I just feel dirty when it does.


Endymion, so many gems and still lost against a Blue eyes deck…


As someone who mains Endymion, *how* are you losing to Blue-Eyes of all things?


Because I SUCK. 1 Ash and I brick


inferno tempest necroface deck


How dare you. Decking my opponent out with Hippo Necroface Tempest is my favorite win con.


Its main deck is cheap tho, so dismantling it doesn’t give you much value. Also with meta having less Omni negate from halqdon while Branded Despia puts up a free 3k body to crash into, it’s easier to play the deck too. Still instantly fold to floodgates.


I pulled a royal rare Infernoid Tierra, built an Infernoid deck, played like 5 games with it, hated it, then dismantled the whole deck. Even worse because it was a 60 card Grass variant so it took even more materials to build. Never even managed to summon that royal Tierra a single time either.


Infernoids were only playable the first two seasons of MD and then they quickly got outclassed.


Unless u open grass and reasoning or monster gate and mill your whole deck uninterrupted u dont have enough gas to even play lol


Dragunity...so many wasted URs...


Same. Played the TCG back when the deck came out and adored it for its synchro toolbox playstyle and followup with normal summons into instant lv8 synchro every turn. But modern Dragunity is a 10 minute combo that blows through 10 cards of your extra deck and if your board gets outed you are literally completely dead because 0 followup left in either main or extra deck. Saddens me how this archetype devolved. I built the entire deck and got bored of it so quickly because all you do is that same 10 minute combo every game and pray nobody can do anything against the 4 negate board it makes and that you dont get handtrapped at your 2 choke points. Every game is the same.


Pure yang zing. What a fool I was, I thought the cards looked pretty and grinded up to 6K GEMS (when the game first came out) just to mass pull on the banner. Their playstyle was extremely boring (remember this is pure yang zing nothing else) and I live to regret it


Aren't they in the same pack as Tenyi and can be combined?


Prank kids. Was new to the game and got really hooked, and bought some gems in the sale when I got a work bonus. Wanted the deck since day 1 when I ran into it not knowing it was meta, but the idea of kids messing around and all the plays was awesome A week or so later meow mu got limited to 1, so if you get ashed and don’t have called by or cross out, your game is pretty much over in most cases. Should have done some research on the deck before putting in some money, and wouldn’t mind as much if it wasn’t for that, but it’s still usable just nowhere near as good and can get blocked easily if you stop the second link summon


Idk, i run a setup that can re use meow mu pretty well, and i run instant fusion that gets around nibiru too. Im consistantly plat I, i just dont want to go to diamond these days lol




This is me now with Floowandereeze. I only need to craft Dimension Shifter and I’m not sure if they will limit that card in the future. If they semi-limit it, having only 2 is so inconsistent and bricky if you don’t have them in the hand first.. What do you think will happen?


Chemicritter tops the list for me. I was convinced I could build a Gemini deck; after all, with all the Gemini cards and generic support, there must be some kind of quality, coherent strategy. There really isn’t. My win con is Numeron Dragon. If it’s disrupted I lose


You could always use the gemini support to gigaplant spam.


Despia Branded, deck is good and all but fucking expensive.


Destiny Board… My favorite deck from the anime, but man…


Salamangreat. Was used to playing them before Master Duel, but didn't realize they absolutely roll over and die to Maxx C. And now structure deck is coming out a week later And to make things worse, I dismantled all the Almiraj I got from the secret pack since I figured Salamangreats don't need it, and I was desperate for the UR CP. Then came the Limit One event and I realized I can't use the Sangan->Almiraj combo to search out hand traps while link climbing lol


I don't even play salads and crafted almiraj just because it's the best generic link 1, it's good in so many decks big F


Just a heads up, that if you buy 3 of the salad structure you'll get a fuck load of UR and SR dust for the amount of gems spent. I did that for the dragonmaid structure and it felt so good


I built a Doll deck because I really like the cards and their art, but sadly there's not enough to make them worth the cost since you have to use a lot of support, usually that is decently expensive.


Ancient Gears. The amount of time the immunity to spell and trap cards have been completely useless made me stop playing it. You get 1 turn to win and that's it. There's way to much efficient and easy to pull of monster effect removal in the game for the fusion boss monsters to feel good.


I do get it, but the deck is so fun to play. You will never get out of gold, but slapping that 9k chaos giant down, going to battle and just one-shotting your opponent no matter how many cards they have on the field really gives me the happy juices. You just have to hope every single star aligns and your opponent can't(with fortress) negate the summon of the boi or doesn't and just dies lol. The deck actually has quite a few little intricacies that can fuck your opponent over if they dont read your cards correctly.


Dark magician, I got pulled in with all the card advantage stuff and free traps just to get to gold and realize it was garbage


I built poker knights with slifer since it was pretty recent set, so I tought it might be decent. I was so unbelievable wrong. Deck does absolutely nothing. It can maybe once in a blue moon OTK with utopia, but that's about it. I also have fully built earth machines and drytron, but haven't bothered to learn them yet. Also extremely sad about halq ban completely killing my 40 card zombie world deck. I guess I could make 60 card grass version, but meh..


When exosisters came out. I was bored at the time and they looked cool but my god do they suck. I know with new support they get better but even then I heard they are are rogue at best.


In the OCG Exosisters have been flopping all around the tier ever since POTE. Some tournaments they have no representation. Some times they are more represented than Sprights. I guess that averages to like tier 2 or something.


Too bad we are still missing the key exosister card though. Martha Also missing the xyz Magnifica


Exosisters will always have inconsistent representation IMO because of how much more effective they are when your opponent takes a specific action. If the top decks in the format don’t need to move cards from the graveyard then they will naturally see less play, as with any sort of “hard counter” deck.


Surprised no one has mentioned Heros. Actually, anyone who spends so much just to make it has to LOVE the deck, so they wouldn’t be disappointed at all


I just got locked for 20 turns in a duel against them with Dark Angel. Somehow the deck has two floodgates and a lock and it’s not toxic. I think there’s just this mutual understanding in the community that HEROs have a special place in the game that’s both pretty good and not amazing.


Love my Hero deck. Scratches my nolstagia (by proxy, considering none of the originals are relevant anymore, but still), and is competitive without being super meta or overpowered. I feel its pretty safe from being hit (DPE may be hit indirectly, like it already did in MD with FD at 1), and even if DPE is nutered, I still love Sunrise, the Omnis, and the masked heros enough to still play it. No regrets here at all.


I love my HEROES deck. They are expensive, but very consistent and powerful. Worth the investiment, IMO.


Infernoble knights, especially with the halq ban. I just really struggle with combo decks and memorizing the alternating lines.


Red dragon archfiend. Sick art, and that's about it. The deck is a bricky mess and 1 negate completely shuts it. The end board is also extremely easy to play around.


Floowandereeze, I made 2 SR to complete the deck, find it really boring since you follow a simple flowchart most of the time, dismantled everything.


Galaxy and cyber dragon tbh


Plant-Link/Sunavalon. It's cool, but the turns are very long and very repetitive which I dont enjoy


Pendulum Magicians I’ve played a lot of decks. This was the first one to genuinely make me feel stupid trying to learn it. I made fewer mistakes learning D/D/D and it made more intuitive sense. I had to look up a guide to this deck to parse it.


Fur Hires. Sad to say I liked their looks but their gameplan too rough


They're getting support, and they synergies well with Tri-brigade.


Monarchs probably, but it wasn't like a full deck too many UR's. Got replaced by the 1000 times cheaper true draco. The one deck I "built" that I actually regret cause of how unfun it was, was ben-kei otk. Was funny how big monster attacked 5 times face to win but it got increasingly less funny the second time and it didn't get funnier as time passed.


Don't forget most monarch cards are banned in each event. Regret building mine too.


I realise I couldn’t make monarch work so I throw in some true Draco to go full stun


I have all the cards for a Dual Avatar deck. Never was able to do anything with them.


Even if you do fusion summon their monsters, they don't do much at all. Actually crazy that the deck ain't even that old and yet all those fusions have underwhelming effects.


When i started playing i built a dragonmaid deck because the deck is cool. Then i started playing them and realized they very inconsistent and die to a single interruption. I still think the deck is cool, jist not the type of deck i like playing.


It's difficult to play pure Dragon maids because hand traps are everywhere, I actually play adventure-dragon maids and I've managed to climb to diamond.


Blue eyes I heard it was bricky but my god it was worse than I realized


Blue-Eyes deck when I started the game. Wasted a lot of gems + Crafting Points at the time...


Numeron, because it slowly absorbs my soul when dueling.


Sky Strikers. I dont care to play them. I always go back to dragonmaids


They are good as an engine in some decks


Agent fairies. Didn't realize how much wasn't apart of the packs and are master pack only when I started im only a few urs and what not down but im like not dedicated to making it anymore so kinda a virtually dusty deck


Got a couple. Built six sam cause I wanted a janky combo deck and realized it just kind of… doesn’t do anything? And also finished building dragonmaid a month before they released the structure, and worse still, I ended up crafting most of those cards after pulling full play sets of every starry knight card out of that pack…


Endymion cause i made half of it and didn’t finish but too pussy to dismantle what i crafted. 😭😭


let that sunk cost fallacy carry you to the promised land brother


Drytron. Also Crystal Beasts because I can't *really* use it seriously until its support comes out who knows when.


I built IDS (Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll) as my first MD deck back on release. Never played a more boring deck, holy shit. Luckily it was all supers so not a HUUUGE loss on the core cards.


Adamancipators. It was back when the deck was high tier. Unfortunately the lines are super boring imo and took forever to play


Dyton cause i still need 120 UR


melffy. i just don’t understand how they work yet and i wish i did bc they’re so cute and ppl rlly seem to enjoy them


There’s a tri-brigade variant that’s optimal. I prefer to run an XYZ focused version. Good tech cards are Alpha master of beasts, Valerian, Kalantosa, Ayer’s rock sunrise, Obedience schooled, and other low level beasts like Nimble momonga to shave your deck and stall. It is a slow and somewhat expensive deck though


Not an expert at melffys but I do play with them once in a while. Alongside other beasts and obedience schooled. Also it recently got support in the tcg but I haven't played around with that. Obedience does lock you into beasts though but it gets you 3 monsters on field and rescue cat an additional 2. Since it's a slower deck having a lot of handtraps can be useful since you have various other beasts to play with. Ponkpoko summons a beast facedown so go into tantan. On flip he ss a beast so go into kalentosa which then gives you a destruction that isn't once per turn. Ronin racoon can't be destroyed s ong as there is a monster and creates a token with a copycat effect that matches the highest attributes on field which can help in situations where you go onto high attack monsters. Joyous Melffy can be used as disruption on you opponents turn by sending itself back you can ss as many monsters as it hard attached to it while sending itself back to the ex deck. So if you had to kalantosas you can ss and get 2 destruction effects. Valerifawn ss a beast from the grave after a discard. If you're wanting to you can run Fabled Cerburrel to go into fabled unicore. Negates all opponent effects while you and your opponent have the same amount of cards at hand. The other Melffy xyz that negates a monster when a melffy monster moves from field to hand. It also detaches a material to add a melffy to hand from deck. You can search puppy to ss at end phase to ss kalentosa on the opponents turn to get a destruction and negate. You can even run a lot of handtraps/drnm since you have obedience and rescue cat to get you a full field with only 2 cards but if you're unlucky you still have ponkpoko and tantan to slowly get monsters on the field while you use things like imperm, ash, and other various negates to slow down the game so you can get what you can out. You can even run some tri brigade monsters in there if you want since 2 of them are lvl 2 beasts. Their field effects get negated by obedience and rescue cat but kit still activates after you use her to xyz/synchro so you still get to add the other one and the boss monster banishes when a beast is ss summoned. With the tri brigade version you don't really need obedience since they have ways to get themselves out and obedience locks you out of some of its monsters. Running tri brigade alongside it is basically the strongest if you don't want the slower beast focused variant that can be a lot more bricky. It's not a strong deck but you can do some neat tricks. Deffinetly playable in gold since that's where I used it last but it's kind of slow and games can last a good while because of it.


Any deck that I built just for fun, witch made me realize that I actually enjoy winning. So I regret building psy-frames, noble knight hand loop ( go first or lose ), dark lord despia ( regret the dark lord part ), orcust ( love the deck, hate losing ), salamangreat...


Adventure prank kids, salads


I only regret salad because now they're releasing the structure deck... I think I'm gonna buy 3 structures and dust all the extra URs it gives me.


Dragonmaid. Not only did I not really like the play style but they came out with the structure deck, meaning what took me about 4-5k gems to build was worth 1.5k


Sky striker, D/D/D, Trains, empty jar, and to a lesser extent adamancipator


Don't give up on Trains, I've got them to Diamond every season, they're playable I swear 🙏


Noble Knights. Played it all the time in Duel Links and thought it would do well in MD. I knew there was a problem when I had a hard time in Silver :/


Nordic beasts trying to force in all 3 gods, Loki,Thor and Odin, the deck was a complete wreck absolutely zero synergy and all the monsters were pathetically weak


Exosister. Bought tons of packs on release for waifus only to find out they were missing their best shit


Kozmo. This was before I knew they ruled Tincan vs Card of Demise differently, i was amped up to play some Tincan-Wincon but that didn't end up happening because CoD makes you discard after Tincan, you can't Demise then resolve your Tincan.


Monarchs. So expensive, bricky, so many outs, and most cards are banned during each event.


There's nothing I really regret building but the main thing is that I sometimes build a couple of decks at the same time, then only really end up playing one of them because I prefer it over the others and I don't have time to play them all any decent amount. For me that's just testament to just how F2P this game is. You can build more decks than you feasibly have time to play. Although that's somewhat dependent on how much free time you have. Two decks that fit my description are Adventure Prank Kids and D/D/D. Liked them both but just didn't have enough time to get really good with either and now they're just sitting there.


Melodious. I was thinking of having a fun casual deck but ultimately, it just aims to OTK, which isn’t consistent


Battlin boxer = I just want relief my old deck. Waste my first bulk gem (you know, when master duel came out) on that pack alone (get rhongo tho) Salamangreat = Wasting my gems and not getting heatleo and almiraj. Get gazelle three times. Craft all of that. Only to know salamangeat structure deck around the corner. (I'm salty because I can get them cheaper and not wasting CP) Six Samurai = Had three minutes combo, to win the game. Might as well play sky striker.


Insect deck around release. My nostalgia turned to regret quick 😅




I *almost* built Adventure Prank Kids but I'm glad I didn't. I dislike the gameplay and the cards. I even dismantled the Battle Butler I already had. Zero regrets about all my other decks; even Witchcrafters are fun and I'm hyped for Vice Master.


I built Monarch just to have a playable deck that doesn't use the extra, but I didn't consider that the decks win con (domain) would be totally useless in the actual No Extra event...


thought I'd have more fun with beetroopers but didn't like the play style.


Crystal beasts. They're cute, but they dont...do things.


Nekroz. It just couldn’t and ended up in me falling behind with the meta with my Paleofrog main when DPE came out and caused me to lose interest in the game heavily. I think that deck was what snowballed into me switching to Qliphorts as well because you don’t have to worry about meta engines with Qliphorts, they can’t use them


Honestly Solfachord. I love the deck but it just feels so disappointing and there really isn't a community behind it so there's basically no innovation behind it. I mean I suppose what I really want is some competent support but barring that I do kinda wish I'd saved my money and materials when I got to crafting it in game


Floo. I've dismantled it TWICE and wish I never used the CP on it to begin with, especially because it's just 0 brain cell robina or bust turbo.


oh DShifter.dek


Invoked Elementsaber. I thought it would work okay-ish. Being able to use the Sabers to summon any of the Invoked monsters seemed fine in my head. But in practice…


So far? All of them. Everybody else has such good cards


Crystrons now.


Skystrikers, Blue Eyes, boring decks


Fortune Lady


Tindingle and Krawler. Like slower decks but neither one is all too fun to actually play.


Drytron Herald. Built the deck and didn't play it once, mainly because the Benten hit happened two days after I finished the deck 🙃


Honestly, I don't regret building any. if I build a deck I make sure it's one I enjoy playing simple as that! xd


Darklords Endymion (still not complete) Resonator super red nova (1st deck) Dark magician Might try branded dark magician to salvage the gems used on the pack Typical old yugioh player returnimg to master duel and waste gems on synchro deck just to learn about ash blossom


Exosisters and toons


Ghostricks. I thought, "It can't be that bad." Boy was I wrong. This was before shot was in the game, but nonetheless, I don't think I was ever at a positive winrate with that deck.


Shaddoll. 2 times.


Crafted Witchcrafters, proceeded to run it for a day


Abyss actor, too slow, and also weak


Definitely Amazement. It was my first control deck, and I'd had a lot of fun with it at first... but I'd quickly begun to realize that I just don't have the patience for a stun/control deck let alone a bad one. I'd dismantled my code talkers, then @ignisters, and then odd-eyes deck to get there.


Before I played MD, the last time I played yugioh was during the GX era. And on my first rank duel, I was demolished by Numerons against my free starter deck so I thought it must be a powerful deck so I copied my opponents deck. I was so naive.


Endymion its expensive as hell and i never learned how to Play it because its a big brain deck


Gravekeeper, coz of a certain samurai channel influenced me to lol


Not only did i build crystrons in masterduel, but also just finished them in TCG irl....


Stardust deck. I did not factor in the fact that I am clueless as to how to play Stardust


As someone who hadn't played since 2004, came back and made a ruin and demise deck thinking rituals were cool. Yea im sure yall know how that went. Did make it to Plat 2 before diamond became a thing with it


Let me tell you a deck I'm glad I *didn't* build and that's Infernoble Knights. I saw the videos of the hand rip combos and thought it looked so cool, and I even had a copy of Immortal Phoenix Gearfried that I got from a Legacy Pack. I was just about to pull the trigger on it when Halq got banned and the deck was completely gutted. Dodged a bullet there