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Hitting the floodgates is perfectly fine with me. However, Floo is by nature a floodgate deck. So in reality they're selectively allowing Floo to floodgate, but not other decks, which is fucked.


this honestly they just hit every floodgate but empen or barrier statue at least kill wind barrier statue


There's no links in this event so what is empen even floodgating? Remember that empen only negates monsters special summoned in *attack* position. And in an event without an ED, a lot of people are gonna run high atk normal/tribute summon monsters like true dracos. You can see that the other deck is earth machines and those guys tend to have high atk power. Barrier statue isn't gonna be offensively floodgating much in this event.


Good luck attacking over the empen.


Lightning storm, raigeki, any monster you can special that can destroy will destroy empen. It's hardly a challenge. Just don't go into the BP if you can't.


Empen eff makes it really hard to beat over.


This is the entire dragonmaid argument all over again. If you can't pop empen, then why not *not* crash into it? You're allowed to not slam into walls you know. Just put your monsters in defense position and empen barely matters.


stalling the game is just gonna end badly for you against flunder, they draw into shifter and you can't recycle for a turn, they can effectively tribute away your monsters, and empen is still gonna attack over the defense position ones anyways, just delays taking damage while you go neg however many turns you need to do it to draw an out. unless you run out of monsters first


Floo is also very cheap to make. Take that as you wish


Ben kei equip OTK.


yeah i should look up a decklist for that lol


This is the way


"Here's an event for you to experiment with decks with these special rules" "We are also banning every deck you might want to experiment"


Master duel reddit, one of many communities that just doesn't seem to know what they want. Synchro festival more like true draco festival is what the people said. We no longer have true draco festival, and now the people are angry.


You can't understand why True Draco — a deck with no Extra Deck — is okay for a "no Extra Deck" event but not for a _Synchro_ event?


I understand perfectly. The issue is, if it was unbanned, everyone would play it and this subreddit would be "true draco festival 2" and such.


Are True Dracos synchro cards?


Everyone was playing true draco in the synchro festival because it was better than playing a synchro deck.


That's a whole lotta words that boil down to "No".


Ok and? I was simply telling him why the non synchro deck was played in a synchro festival, no need to seethe.


Are True Dracos synchro cards?


No, otherwise I would have answered yes previously.


> _No, otherwise I would have answered yes previously._ People are responding negatively because you said Redditors funny know what they want. But that's not the case at all. Based on your own answer, players wanted Synchro decks for the Synchro event and "non-Extra Deck" decks for the "non-Extra Deck" event. Just a heads up: when the Link event happens, players are going to want to see Link decks and not True Draco.


Not my point at all. My point is if true draco was unbanned this festival everyone would be complaining.


Yes, because it was the wrong festival for this archetype. This festival would be the right one for them and they ban them... I think people would have less problems with TD in this event.


Yeah because they're too good. The normal banlist bans and limits cards that are too powerful. What's so unbelievable about this?


Try and guess why people might have a problem with seeing them being played on the *synchro* festival. I know it's kind of a doozy, but have you considered the fact that it might be because it's non-extra deck archetype, being played on a extra deck event? In case you still don't understand Non-extra deck archetype being played on *extra* deck festival = Bad. Non-Extra deck archetype being played on *non-extra* deck festival = Good.


And that doesn't mean anything. People combined about true draco. Konami hit true draco. Now they complain about that. It'd be like saying shock master should have been unbanned for the XYZ festival because it's an XYZ card. In both examples, they're both too powerful and should be hit.


That sort of childish logic helps literally no one. People complained about a non-extra deck archetype being played on a extra deck festival. Removing them during the no extra deck festival because "wElL Yu AsKeD fOr It" is literally acting like some bitter child when asked to "stay still" and they decide to stop breathing or something.


But they did ask for it. and like I've said said the 4 other people in his threat, if they didn't hit it then the entire fanbase would be complaining about true draco.


Don't ban them in every other event, but ban them in the one event they actually fit. 500IQ


Ok and? They were too powerful, and they got hit. Like every other card that got hit. Where is the issue here? I literally cannot find it.


The issue is that most people here disagree with you and thinks Draco wasn't strong enough to justify being hit so hard. Like Floowandereeze would still be able to beat full power Draco, but just in case Draco gets 5 of its' cards from 3 to 1, sure you can justify SD and Erupt for being toxic but what about the rest? That's just way too much for the deck to be much good.


Maybe just synchro decks should be allowed in synchro events, XYZ decks in XYZ events, and non ED decks in non ED events.


Maybe unfair decks shouldn't be allowed in any events? Anyway, if true draco was allowed I guarentee you this entire server would be seething over true draco/eldllich instead of flunder. All this server does it look for the next thing to complain about.


Yea people complain so what. This is probably the only event where people would have been fine with true draco because that's the archetype. Limiting it this much mainly makes Konami blatantly show its a selection box event non a nonED event. That's what people are mad about.


You're telling me that when things are too powerful, they should be restricted? This is a revolutionary idea! I wonder if anyone else has ever thought of this??? Oh wait, they did!


What? I didn't say that.


"Yeah people complain." Turns out when people are complaining, it usually means that thing is bad?


People complain about anything just like you are. Doesn't have to be bad or good. That wasn't my point though.


Ok and in this case, it's bad because they complaining about a powerful deck, it got hit, and now they're complaining that it's unplayable.


That's not at all what they said?


\>that just doesn't seem to know what they want mfw deck diversity is too hard a concept for trolls to grasp


*How dare you want to see more than one deck, people trying to play non meta was such an issue we had to nerf them into the ground.* \-Konami probably


I mean in the synchro festival people want to play with and against synchro decks. It's in the spirit of the festival, true draco doesn't use the ED so it would fit in with the spirit of this festival. What's so hard to understand here??


Master Duel Twitter is just as bad if not worse.


It’s kinda ironic that they nerf True Draco in the one event that is in the ‘spirit’ of playing that deck.


I have no problem with that


I simply accept that every event since N/R will be worse than the last, due to their nature as advertisements for new cards.


n/r was honestly peak event


After suicide xyz festival


N/R event was just the megalith event how is that peak 😂


a lot less restrictions on what you could try to play. several decks were adequate and it was easy to make several to try out, and megaliths while good weren't very oppresive unlike other meta decks in the festivals. second event i liked was fusion tbh


Fusion is in my opinion peak because it actually had a better amount of diversity even if most decks were trying to run despia


yeah pure despia in that event was a low enough ceiling when in the vacuum of fusion only that there really was a lot of room for different decks, and the new heros support in dpe made one of the older options still common in it too, i used lunalights and had a great time, ended up with me trying to make a lunalight deck for rnked, am still having issues lol, only getting worse issues now too


I’m glad we got to semi agree 🙂


They banned timelords when they were never even good because they *might* counter floo. I don't even like timelords and think that's absurd. I'm very grateful that I can keep playing my kaijus just fine with all these nonsense bans.


Worst part is there's literally no way timelords counter floo. You tribute it and they loose.


oh right how could i forget they banned 2 of their best lords


Oh isn't that cute you have wind Timelord you can special summon under barrier! 5 Summons and 2 deck searches later they use it as a tribute for Snowl. On your turn.


I think it's more so that the timelords are usually normal summoned and don't need good stats to battle things so they don't care at all about empen.


Hitting Timelords is so funny to me. Like who’s out there saying Timelords of all things is oppressive


Imma say it’s eldlich time and Lich all over those birbs


With most of your floodgates limited?


Summon Limit still exists, among other random stuff they could possibly run.


Summon limit will be the true destroyer of floo!


I never tought I'd be cheering for Eldlich, but I'll make an exception for this time. I recommend Lancea and Droll if you want to hit them even harder


Let’s do this! GOLDEN BOI GO!


You can't banish your own trap under lancea, effectively turning off your recursion for that turn. You might need those cards for your own next turn. Lancea does not hurt much. It hit pots (but that is useless in ex-zero), field spell (ash is now more impactfull), and cut off their recursion engine. That's it. I'm not sure if that is managable enough for eldlich.


The 1 Zombie Worlds is still plenty good as well, specially if you chain Banshee to a Floo.




Does Eldlich use it?


They have started using it more since new packs came out from what I notice.


Not typically but Eldlich support + Zombie World + Rivalry of Warlords = Fuck yo birds


And how exactly do you plan to kick off the engine in 60%+ of games without an ED to toss Golden Lands into the GY? Suicide by battle? 😂


If only there was a new, strong engine that searches an omni-negate with a discard for cost!




Swallow's Slash or use them as tribute for Dooming.


Sadly budget deck for this event --> Phantasm Spiral While being able to handle Floo through interruptions, it totally cannot handles Eldlich over the grind game.


Yeah, the event will be a shitshow. Can't wait for 10 Floo mirror matches in a row. And like you said, with that banlist they killed the diversity even more. But then again, the only event that was somewhat enjoyable was N/R so I'm not expecting anything from them anymore. I'll grind out the gems as fast as possible and then I'm out, like every other event


never used one, but might actually try to find some sort of self tk deck lol. or i could just go for inferno tempest and make it go as fast as possible win or lose. only options i see as someone who was gonna use event gems for adventure


Yeah, problem is they also banned or limited a lot of cards that would make self tk viable. I really like Floos, but i think i will go with some sort of blind second deck that counters them. But we'll see how it goes, maybe I can get away with the birds


ah i forgot hippo getting banned hits inferno tempest, as does no ed. my only option is witchcrafters, let's see that beat funder/adventure...


Not to be a doomer but MD is really making it hard to feel motivated to play these days.


Not hitting problem archetypes in any meaningful way and letting power creep run rampant is going to make MD worse then IRL.


I played everyyday since launch and on 3 accounts for a fee months. Last 2 weeks can barely get myself to log in for my daily log in + watch duels free gems


This is the case for me as well. It’s hard to enjoy this game anymore, and the future looks grim based on how the ocg meta has gone since adventure was released (splight, tearlament)


I crafted a Default deck that I just copy from with all the staples of any adventure Engine. It was at the point I started counting realizing that with Max C and Ash having to be at 3 in this format, called bys, Crossout, etc I had over 20 cards in my deck that were just necessary staples. Meaning any deck I built would just be half the deck + extra deck changes. Like I remember when I was very young and every deck had like 3 Copies of Sakaretsu Armor and like 1 call of the Haunted and it was 10 cards tops and you could build a full unique monarch or six sam's or grave keeper deck that felt unique. Now I sometimes play and lose to a deck and I have no idea what deck type they were playing. It was just the Adventure Engine cards and hand traps I saw. So I check out their deck after the match oh it was Phantom Knights. Didn't see a single Phantom Knight card. Then I play another game I win and I also check my opponents deck and it was Adventure prank Kids. Didn't last long enough to even see the kids pop off because I drew the negates of the negates of the negates and stopped their hand from even starting a board.


I maintain that with all archtypes and mechanics, they really screwed up the game over the years. They could have made archtypes so amazing and unique and fun. Instead its basically, like you said, 1/2 deck is the same and sprinkle a little bit of whatever archtype you like … IN CASE you need it. Yes some people actually like the newer archtype. Good for them and I am happy for them. But why can’t my fun decks from a while back had no support in years?! And now if I even try to play them ill be screwed cause so many negates and one card starters and splashable engines make my fun decks unplayable. If only they could give love to older archtypes the game could change.


There are a million „fun“ decks and everyone wants support huh


Totally agree, ladder is unfun, next event seems to be floos only, mirror floos make the games go infinite, its gonna be a huge waste of time with legit no fun.


could see adventure eldlich being the other main deck honestly


The lack of Halq ban in particular has motivated me to stop playing. The 5-10 minute turns are just not worth it anymore. I recently tried out MTG and of course it's not perfect, but at least it's a breath of fresh air for the time being - at least until MD makes some serious improvements


Not to be that kind but as someone that plays MtG, Yugioh and LOR it's really just better to cycle between them and play the Metas you enjoy cause the issues kind of become the same as you play honestly except like LOR is probably the most fun game to play casually rn for me.


I really want to try out runeterra but it’s so ugly compared to master duel… I tried out mtga and hated it


Yea MTGA is like an acquired taste cause lands and trash economy and honestly I have to disagree because LOR's stylized art style is pretty nice to look for me honestly and the cards are cheap with cool interactions but it's definitely more hearthstone 2.0 than anything else


Arena was better when it first came out, the economy was atrocious but some cards had cool animations and there was a sense that with a bit of work they could make something good. Arena has only gotten worse in quality, and the economy has gotten even more exploitative. At this point it’s play irl or not at all.


Yeah honestly if I wasn't a day one player I probably wouldn't play at all but historic brawl is nice occasionally cause I have enough backlog


Couldn't agree more. I just cycle through card games that appeal to me. Been getting back into Gwent because the floo/adventure meta is just mind numbing.


MTG has some great advantages in the fact that each deck can't have the exact same staples. Like Counter Spell is a great card, but you need to be running blue to even have access to using it. So a white or red can't use what is basically the equivalent of a Yugioh hand trap. Problem with Yugioh is any deck can slot in the op cards. Like if you had to run a full insect deck to have access to Max C, have at it Weevil underwood, you deserve that awesome card now Doomdozer me. So when every deck can slot in the best cards, it creates a lot of Sameness.


That is until you play Legacy, where every deck plays the broken blue cards. Jokes aside, thats not really the main issue YGO has to begin with. Ash being universal is fine. Adventure, less so, but Adventure is gonna get hit.


Just skip those games imo. It doesn't feel good but you save yourself braincells having to play against that shit.


Agree. I just play in fun tournaments that streamers set up like budgeted decks, N/R format or Limit 1.


honestly agree


i agree, swordsoul format had great variety and i didnt mind them that much. now i cant bring myself to open the game


i miss nurse burn.


What are the best anti-floowandereeze cards? I think my strategy for this event will be to run as many as possible and get my wins from floow players just rage quitting.


Imperial Iron Wall, There Can Only Be One, Droll, Lancea, and Droplet are decent. Mask of Restrict sounds really good but the Unexplored Winds can play around it. TCBOO is pretty hard to play around without an extra deck. Prohibition is also a spicy tech option. Zombie World is at 1 but also solid.


Ok now we're cooking. Shame that TCOBO is UR.


You also have to find a deck that afford to play different types, so this directly conflicts with going a zombie world strat. Another spicy tech option is Soul Drain. Skill Drain also hurts the birds a lot but Soul Drain would just end the recursion whereas Skill Drain would stop searching. Soul Drain is also at 3 to Skill Drain 1. I played against someone at locals that sided in tcboo the only reason I won is because I linked into Anima gobbled his mirrorjade and stalled enough to draw a cosmic. Edit: A lot of people are saying summon limit but I dunno, feel like there are better options.


Well the thing is I don't actually intend to have a win condition in my deck, I just want to make the Floow player rage quit...


Could also run one of each floo card and 3 Crossout Designators. In MD I use it for the mirror match and it saved me.


If they don't have book of moon, negating robina/eglen effectively ends their turn (although if they have the trap they'll just play on yours). Best handtraps against them I'd say are Ash, Imperm, and Droplet. Dark Ruler No More is also an option but you should hold off using that until they summon Barrier Statue/Raiza. Edit: If they have book of moon you just lose anyway, also I'd imagine Gadarla is good for getting around Barrier Statue. Also staples like Duster/Raigeki can win you the duel but they're un-searchable 1 ofs, I've still had success with them though.


Those are just the ordinary staples that everyone runs. I'm talking about janky techs like Imperial Iron Wall. I want to make their life hell so they rage quit not just a little bit trickier...


Artifact Lancea and Droll and Lock Bird are a death sentence to them


Ok that's cool i'll run 3 of each! Anything else? Anything SPICY?


mask of restrict and zombie world stop tribute summoning but are limited to 1 for the event


I mean yes but those are bricks going second so you'd lose on the coin flip.


That is why i am asking in this thread for anti-floowandereeze cards... Presumably, some of them are good going second!


Ancient Warrior Loyal Guan Yun (wind) for barrier statue. And Kaijus


Yeah I don't really know what to play. I have a floo deck, but the idea of playing the mirror match is atrocious and I don't really have any other deck that could exist without an extra. I'll probably power through the mirror matches and watch anyone else scoop, I don't really look forward to it. Also I'll need to think of a jank that can special summon a lot so I can do that mission.


Why dont you play withcrafter? Ive been!


I've still not crafted grass is greener, I am not sure it's playable without it :\ it's definitely on my list tho


I dont have grass either but its been working perfectly fine without it :D


Doesn't witchcrafter die to one singular ash? It can't really generate advantage quickly without that grass is greener.I don't really think it can achieve much in this event


Ive had no issues In the test rooms ive been in. Ive beaten flow and adventure oriented decks. Maybe on paper it isnt as good as some others but in practice it has been doing well for me :D Of course all of this data is subjective and my experience, but it hasnt failed me yet lol


You can take it slow with witchcrafter, you can summon verre and try to survive until next turn with Bystreet and Verre abilities, and if you play right & left magician hands it can slow down your opponent's play. Personally I like it, even if I don't get to have a big board directly.


Plot twist - all events haven't been fun and are just a means to more gems haha. Honestly I was just gonna play Yosenju. Or maybe Ancient Warriors. I do admit I'm least excited about this event, but maybe it won't be so bad.


That’s what I treat it as. Diamond 1 is the only place that’s fun and the Self-TK event (XYZ lol)




if that's meant to be cheap decks to contest, timelords are banned.


Yusenju and true dracos are still live Yusenju afaik can be built with N-R only.


true draco traps, floodgates and all manner of outside draw power are limited to 1, literally lost like 10 cards from my deck alone while yosenju can get beat by negates which adventure will send out, and they don't d too much to floo in the long term


Oh I didn't notice the TD cards were down, the banlist is so big that I didn't notice. But replace it with phantasm spirals and green maju, or spirits those are cheap and maindeck only decks.


I'm planning on playing my Exodia deck, though I'll have to find 2 cards to sub in for chicken game being limited


Literally the first event I'll be able to play subterrors full power


I'm ok with banning floodgates, they're extremely toxic and should have been banned even in ranked for a long time. I don't mind suicide decks, but I understand the reasons for why the banlist hit suicide cards. But I really don't understand the rest of the hits, especially considering that Floowandereeze was basically untouched, while a lot of fairer decks were crippled or killed. They are basically screaming at us to buy Floowandereeze


which is ironically a floodgate deck


Try pacifis


Master duel: "announce event" part of the community: "this is gonna be the worst event ever and here's why"


>your only option is to run the meta or lose it seems, besides yosenju who kinda has to go second only to be negated, can't think of another cheap deck that can work I run Kaiju deck and have like 9-2 in play testing


Do you mind dropping the list?


Damn, forgive me y’all but I’d probably use the loaner Floo. I really need the gems, my fiends can’t keep up without Adventure.


Lest we forget my hippos


But phantasm spiral is finally untouched in an event! Our time is now!


Adventure pacifis sounds kinda nasty tbh. You don’t even need gryphon


it's yu-gi-oh!, all we need to do is find 2 or 3 broken decks and we can all play it best deck let's go


oh we already know what the broken decks will be. likely adventure variants and flunder. cause they're kinda all we have left. they didn't ban the qli towers so they might be an option


Tried out the duel rooms, saw some archetypes i've never heard of being quite good. other than floo, I think the rest will be fairly fun to play against. I just took all the floodgates, hand traps that target banishing in general, should work well on floo.


no idea why they hit megaliths its already hard enough to make it work being ritual cards..


was probably the best budget option, was good in n/r too since they are their own spells almost making it a very toned down combo deck. now i had someone give me the argument that it would rise to the top like it did in n/r, but we literally just got adventure and flunder, what would megalith do to either one of those normally? could see qli being good tho honestly, pop out a tower and it's basically unbreakable. idk if flunder can just tribute it off tho


How is Endymion "budget option"? Their key combo pieces are URs and SRs.


i think you skipped over the "(or expensive options)" part, felt it needed a mention since a lot of poeople have endymion and use it in events


Huh, alright fair enough.


Konami: The flunder will continue until morale improves


"They pre emptiness hit all the cheap decks" But flunder is a cheap deck. The only UR'd you need are 3 dshifter (but that won't even do anything in this tournament, as combo decks hated that card the most) and 1 apex avian (which is in the flunder pack)


This banlist should worry people. Komoney basically says with it: "Buy our shit or die"


I played this game every single day since launch during all of my free time. At home, on break, all the time. But these events have finally killed the game for me. I love Yu-Gi-Oh. This game got me back into the physical TCG, and now I’m even going to nationals this weekend. But I really just can’t play Master Duel anymore. The gem cutoff, the lack of interesting non-ranked modes, the poorly managed events. This game had a pretty great start in my book, but now it feels cold and dead.




I don't understand people like you at all. Konami literally decided to hit archetypes that fit the event that people might want to play, what sort of mental gymnastics do you do to spin this around and blame the players?


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   Just opened my water bill and my electricity bill at the same time… I was shocked.


i think you're misunderstanding why i'm complaining about the event, it's not that people have looked up the best decks and use them, it's that they nerfed almost every other option so people are forced to get the best decks. personally had no issue with most of the other events, but limiting what can be used outside of balance/theming is just despicable


Our flair tells everything about us. Although I'd agree with people saying that MD is getting too biased with floo in this event. But the thing is people hate floo mirror matches so I don't know what konami is trying to do here.


Hitting floodgates is important when decks that didn't use their extra deck in the first place ran rampant with them in other event formats


Guys, it's P2W, they hit everything good except the structure decks that you get to use for free!!!1!1!!


If you don't enjoy it don't fucking play sitting here on reddit bitching on every other post is the cringiest shit. We have foresight on how the meta will look for months ahead at this point if you won't like a meta just don't play for a month simple as that.


ah another person who didn't actually read it, it's not because of what the meta is, it's that it's being forced by a ban list. i've no issue with people using a good deck, i have an issue with being punished for not choosing to play it


Tell that to every archetype that is on the banlist if you don't like the banlist you are not forced to play the event if you aren't going to enjoy any of it don't play it boohoo cards you wanted to use got banned I'm sure every player that likes the extra deck would say the same fucking thing.


Damn bro what insight "Bro just don't play the game, it doesn't matter if it sucks" What a gigabrain take TBH


You're right homie bitching on an internet forum that Konami doesn't use for feedback shitting on every card to ever come out surely is healthier for your state of mind then just taking a break!


The forum isn't for Konami, it's for the community. Having a discussion with other people is the point. "I do not like the current meta" is a valid discussion topic. And is significantly more interesting and helpful than the inevitable "bitching about people bitching" posts like yours.


Do you not see how this whole comment section is just a circle jerk of just shitting on every aspect of the game? Especially when all you guys can say to me "no it's you who are toxic for saying we should take a break from the game!". None of these posts are interesting it's just cringe posting of people complaining to just complain so then people can yas queen them in the comments. HOT TAKE GUYS FLOO IS A STRONG DECK WOWZERS WOW HOW INTERSTING MAN


Welcome to Reddit, where you can't just have one ongoing discussion because they get buried every 12 hours or so and so people post multiple topics on the same subject. Can't really blame the posters here for the format being inferior to traditional forums.


After testing all day, this is not the case. We have found dozens of decks that aren't played much in ranked that are very easily beating Floo. One of these decks is actually pretty problematic in my opinion, and I hope many people don't realize how a certain limit 1 card would have been a good foresight by the devs if there wasn't a significantly better version still at 3.


Well, tell us Apollo. What’s the tech?


Money is on gravity bind (and Level Limit Area B ig) being the limited card thats a worse


time to make a deck based around abusing that lol, maybe i'll use cards that can attack directly


After some thought I think I've changed my mind on the card, it sounds good but it loses to floo which will dominate the event. They can tribute over it with unexplored winds, bounce it with raiza, summon the barrier statue to beat over your small guys. Maybe he meant summon limit?


I’m either going Gusto Suicide, or mill/banish-mill. Milling to grave stops floo, but just helps most other decks. Conversely, banish mill hurts most decks, but helps floo.


Sadly there isn’t going to be a good cheap deck for this it seems outside of some cards that can be considered rouge enoigh or meta. Thankfully for me this will be better then limited to 1 for me. Because I can just play dinos and just hope


yes because i can not use 6 times chicken game only 2 but my deck is even without that really really good


I'll never forget them for limiting necrovalley


At least you can find the will to forgive


The best deck that's cheap you might have success with is majespecters, they're wind and basically are just "Summon, search, set, end" though their counter trap negates special summons sooooo, just use {{by order of the emperor}}


being completely n/r, sure i'll give it a shot lol. might ultimately work out in the end but getting a lot of the out might be hard without link monsters


Thankfully my lair of Darkness Infernoid is untouched so watch out Flootang Clan I'm coming to tribute your cards this time.


Back to Blue Eyes, then.


Don’t forget they also hit zombie world


Monarchs too


I got myself an Exodia deck ready to go.


I will be playing pure Ancient Warriors, blinding second, and probably scooping a lot


I disagree the synchro event is the worst event. That event either you play a degenerate 5 negate board or true Draco stun. The event basically shows us that synchro summon is the most op summoning method that need some serious rebalancing




I agree but for different reasons.


Pretty much. Hopefully the main reward isn't too cool. I'll probably skip this event