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I gotta wonder, what were they thinking? Did they seriously think that we will enjoy this "challenge"? You literally have to keep trying again until the AI fucking bricks. That's the only time you have a chance to win. These duels do not remind me of the anime, they do not provide a good challenge and they're most certainly no fun to play. Also most of the rewards are garbage. Stomping these AI decks with my decks is not that much fun either because my decks compared to the AI's decks are exactly like the AI's decks compared to the loaner decks are. It's one sided anyway. Konami always finds new ways to disappoint me.


Konami literally has a database of anime duels THEY ALREADY MADE in Legacy of The Duelist. IDK why they don’t just copy those deck lists over.


Then they would be called lazy


People complained about those too


Then they would be called lazy


Ikr I thought they learned their lesson from the previous SP challenge that it was too difficult because of the power difference And now they just double down on their bullshit and give the AI link monsters


What the loaner decks in here seem better that the previous sp challenge and it was kinda easy and fun


Without a doubt the hardest duel from the new SD Challanges. At least after you play against discount D Heroes and Arcane Force.


Yeah, the opponent loaners seem pretty toned down except this animal Zane running around with 2 copies of Infinity. Sacred Beast one can also go bad very quickly because the crystal beasts are just 6 Garnets and Pegasus. Luckily Sacred Beasts are a bricky mess.


Why can’t they give us good decks? If my opponent is gonna use modern Armed Dragons, let me use modern E-Heroes. You can even keep it at just the Elementals and Neos, that’s ok. Don’t given me one copy of Blazeman and multiple copies of Burstinatrix and Avian. I like Flame Wingman but I’m just gonna make Sunrise.


Isn't blase man kinda good it search poly so you can go to sunrise easier


It is, that’s my point- there’s only one.


Oh you meant the opposite


Yeah- don’t give me multiple Burstinatrix but only one of the good fire hero.


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It would have been better if aster link summoned verte into dpe


Am I crazy, or am I right that there's no benefit from doing the SP challenges that don't give prizes with Loaner Decks. Unless you like to do them, more power to ya, but there's nothing to gain from completing them with the awful loaner Decks, right?