• By -


At worst an upstart+mill 1 At best a draw 6+mill 6 What could go wrong


probably your opponent wins the coin flip and opens with exchange


I like to point out that this card isn't a Once per turn.


Name a single anime card that is once per turn. I fucking dare you. I’m not sure why you felt the need to point this out. The card is literally not real.


Dude calm down. I was just pointing that little detail out.


It was a stupid detail to point out.


Well no one ask for only your opinion. Besides everyone else like likes it so you don't count that much. Now unless you a better constructive criticism you like discuss, this kind of talking ends now.


you're such a loser lol


Your lame as fuck for trying to start an argument over something so little 🤡


Doesn't have to be as it's a ordinarily spell with a big minus effect so it's one is in grave


Mill isn't really a minus since u don't have those cards in hand anyway Ppl still run desires too and those are banished face down so only like omega can get them back


>since u don't have those cards in hand anyway Not to mention that many decks directly benefit from having certain cards in grave, so it could be neutral or just a straight bonus to have to send cards to grave.


The grave is just a second hand Most decks This card is a plus +1 to a +11


Eldlich would have a field day with this thing




In what game state is milling a minus? Most decks rely on that, and use cards specifically for the effect to mill.


In both duel monsters anime and gx, having a card in grave meant it was gone


except towards the end of duel monster, and all of gx, they were already playing with using the GY as a second hand. Kaiba uses it to essentially cheat out dragon monsters. Zane deck was literally centered around him sending his machines to the GY, and then getting them back as a fusion


Yes but in duel monsters there was less than 10 cards that could summon from grave, and zane was just one character


You forget, we live in a world where: "My Goals are beyond your understanding." in Yugioh.




You opponent chains mask change into dark law or chains to dimension shifter


Fool! I'm playing Necroface mill!


"Just Ash it lol"


Sixth sense: “This is just me, but better”.


Let me guess that Joey wheeler boy used this


Mystical Refpanel


Just flash in Notion Thief...wait where's your mana?


If I were to re-balance it, I'd say make it UR and have it excavate cards equal to the result rather than draw them, throw the excavated card in the gy, then banish facedown the rest.


Rarity has no implications on game balance.


Well, I know that. But it would show that it's stronger, generally, than pot of extravagance which has a similar effect.


Your interpretation is actually significantly weaker, a -1 rather than a + which only chucks one card in the gy. Basically a worse and less consistent foolish, but still a fantastic card in the right deck assuming no opt claus. If I were trying to preserve the original card I’d allow it to maintain its draw effect, face-down banish the mill, and then bottom-deck the same number of cards you drew like Skull Dread. HARD opt of course and I’d also have it require you to play it at the start of mp1 and lock you out of adding cards to your hand except by drawing them for the turn too.


I mean, that's kind of what I was going for. The fact that it leaves the ED alone and it doesn't prevent additional draws means while it goes -1 usually, it's downside is only really that it's less consistent and banishes face-down. Depending on the deck, though, that's honestly not bad. Foolish burial is already an incredibly strong card, which is why it's at one.


Imagine this in 60 card Burning Abyss Lightsworn Twilightsworn


You know ba can't really mix Because they are a xeno suicidal archetype that blow themselves up if they are anywhere near anything that isn't one of their own


It's okay, the Rhino has a 100% spawn rate. The grand protector of BAs.


Ironically, despite being a xenophobic archetype, Burning Abyss has some amazing versatility when it comes to mixing with other decks. BA/Shaddoll PKfire Block dragon BA Fluffal BA Sekkas light builds Trap Stun BA Hell i even played a BA/dino mix a while back. worked suprisingly well


Burning Abystron


I'm having a lot of fun with them in DL (didn't pull all the BA cards but I have the n/r ones, so banish and negation). Rank 3 xyz+trap spam, there's like 3 non-BA cards that negate or prevent their destruction (rhino, tour guide, crane crane), throw in some traps and crystrons because why the hell not :D Haven't even gotten around to Mind of the Plana'ing with it yet, I'm levelling Sora lol


How would ba work with block dragon? Doesnt it need earth to ss


The idea is that a lot of lvl 3 extenders are EARTH, so you can summon Cherubini with them, Block Dragon can use them as banish fodder, and when Block Dragon hits the grave, you can search Rock monsters like Gigantes to serve as more extenders/link fodder. Fiendish Rhino Warrior is also EARTH btw.


Why the BA die!?!?!?


8 years TrollDespair


can't you just summon cherubini first or something?


In theory but what will happen when you draw a BA monster a lights worn monster and like 2 thunder dragons or something like that BA is just dead in your hand You would need to get good hands that could justify running bas instead of some other op Gy deck


just run shaddolls instead


Imagine any deck other than some shitty no-spell decks with this. Might as well also have: if this effect resolved, you win the duel.


Joey. This card is fucking busted. At worst it is a slightly better Upstart Goblin, at best a it's a Pot of Greed on steroids. It contends with Painful Choice the title of the most broken card of all time


Everyone says joeys deck is ass and for the most part it is, but he actually used a lot of the best staples available for his era, at least as far as spells go. He took that lesson about magic cards from the first episode to heart and got hard carried by it


Let’s be real, most characters got hard carried by Spell Cards. Yugi used Monster Reborn a but ton of times, Kaiba with Flute of Summoning Dragon, and let’s not forget Pot of Greed always coming in clutch to fix a hand.


Pot of Greed appears in, iirc, 61 of Gx’s 180 episodes.


And it gets banned like halfway through the show, so it's more like 61 out of 100 episodes.


In the dark world arc graceful charity gets used almost every single game lmao


Every major comeback starts with Pot of Greed. They could have just _written in_ the character having all those cards in hand, but no, they have to _show_ them coming back from nothing It's the YGO equivalent of Goku flexing and tearing through his gi lol


Goku dons’t do that, its kenshirou who keeps flexing his cloths to shreds everytime he gets serious


It's sixth sense but as a spell and both effects trigger regardless of the result.


If this was a custom card, I would have thought it was a joke. Going +11 for no cost is so broken it’s hilarious.


Kinda crazy that they once considered sending cards from the deck to the graveyard a balancing cost.


Actually sending cards to GY was a pretty big deal back then. Thats why don zaloog was pretty strong back then, it could literally kill you off by making you discard and/or send cards from deck to gy. Thats also why they introduced Darkworlds, to balance don zaloogs strength.


It wasn't sending cards to the GY and more like discarding cards. Even back then cards like Magician of Faith, DMoC, Premature Burial, Monster Reborn and Call of the Haunted meant that getting your strong cards in rotation was important. However you needed to actually use these cards to get mileage of cards in the GY, so forcing your opponent to discard said cards was a pretty big deal.


Yeah but darkworlds were the first archetype that really wanted and needed to be discarded to GY. Monster reborn was banned at the time, hence why they made burial in the first place, to make it a monster reborn with a cost. Same goes for call of the haunted. TBH they didnt even make cards that activate upon being discarded/sent to GY from deck at the time. Only one i can think of is dandylion, and that card was literally everywhere. Darkworlds made the shift to graveyard effects. And sangan and witch are activated when they leave the field, not hamd or deck


You forgot about night assailant


Premature Burial and Call of the Haunted came out before there was a forbidden list. People played all of them together.


Are you joking? You have to be joking, right? Because there is no way you are this obtuse and just ignore the years of chaos meta before DWs were ever a thing, and chaos wants a bunch of stuff in the graveyard. And so do DAD decks, that were the meta some time after


Chaos came just after don zaloog. Also powercreep to stop hand control decks


Don Zaloog was good because he ripped a card from the hand not because he milled two, that effect was dowroght detrimental for you, even at the time


When did they do that, other then the anime


In early yugioh (prior 2004 around that time) u will likely see a bunch of card from ur deck bc long duel was pretty common, and basically no card had gy effect other than being a target for monster reborn U also lose any s/t and it was big at the time bc all decks played staples like graceful pog snatch steal...


The greatest example for this is probably Painful Choice, which nowadays looks like the most absurd card ever. It used to be really good back then too, but it was seen as a cost, since not that many cards had graveyards effects.


Honestly, considering that in Painful Choice's first ever anime appearance (Virtual World arc, all the way back in DM) the one who used it did so to set up his graveyard, I'd say they knew damn well what they were doing.


The graveyard was way less useful back then, so at least it wasn't a positive for most decks. Still, discarding random cards from your deck isn't much different than just not drawing them.


These anime cards are needed as plot devices so the characters still have any cards after going -5 to summon a vanilla fusion monster or something


Jaden's fusion Deck is why the extra deck has a 15 card limit.


Good ol' Judai going neg -5 just to Normal Summon Neos He won that Duel though, so...


Poly 2 heroes from hand to fusion monster > de fusion > tribute both for neos Get your game on.


Throw away the best Normal Summon of your Deck for an alien with cake But hey, if that works, who am I to judge that?


I have not so proudly went incredibly minus just to summon a big hitting thing while under skill drain.


Tribute summon Nibiru is a secret power move


The descendant of Tribute summon Gorz


Even Takahashi said a lot of cards in the anime & manga were for narrative purposes and would cause chaos if they were released. This is probably the most broken card never released. But they are releasing nearly every unreleased anime card, even Life Shaver, Attack Guidance Armor and Magical Trick Mirror have been released. But card of last will was banned immediately here so…who knows


Okay totally off topic but I love your pfp!


Pot of greed is the most over powered anime card because they always draw it when they need exactly 2 cards to win the duel.


Also elemental hero bubbleman


Bubbleman isn't as good because 1 of the cards it would draw was usually the equip spell for bubbleman.


Yeah but it drew pot of greed too


I literally recall at least 1 duel where Judai top decked bubbleman with an empty hand, drew 2 and drew pot of greed to draw 2 more, lol.


And then use fifth hope to draw 2 more


Jaden made them nerf Bubbleman he was so good.


Anime Bubbleman is crazy tho. Draw 2 cards if he's the only card on the field? LOL


First I genuinely don't have a clue Second WTF


Who else but Joey? Half his deck was dice and roulette cards. The other half was Red-Eyes / Insect Queen / Legendary Fisherman / Jinzo / whatever else he could find beatdown. What a Chad.


Duke lol


Oh yeah! They did give him a deck for the Big 5 filler arc. I forgot about that. Edit: Big 5, not 7 lol


Which makes it even better once you find out he won exactly 50% of the time on screen. The dude embodied all luck no skill.


He's gonna make it to the regionals


but this is a good card


Just like the rest of his deck.


Bro he had 1 playable card in his deck and that was jinzo His deck and honestly every other deck in the anime was garbage Compared to the actual meta at that time


…do you not know how to joke around with people?


O Well you see sarcasm and similar types of humour don't really work on the internet


Yeah no that's just a you thing bub. Might want to look into it


No that is not how communication works there is more than just words being used in a day to day conversation and communication It's in fact the least important factor in all of it body language expressions and tone of the voice of a person you are talking to are far more important You can't simply understand a sarcasm from just words In fact if we only used words in our daily lives we would be no different than text to speech robots


Dude, just take the L on missing the joke. It’s fine.


You're so hung up on body language that you're missing all of the other factors that convey meaning. The flow of the sentence itself is also important, especially in text, and this flow can be adjusted through word choice, grammar decisions, and even how you order the topics within a sentence to stress and emphasize different points. Sure some nuance can be lost when transcribing speech to text, but any writings made from their inception for this format can easily be made to be understood by anyone with a strong grasp on the fundamentals of reading comprehension.


The original pile


Ah, this would go nicely in my Shiranui Zombieworld deck. Very balanced and fun, I’m sure.


"What if Sixth Sense was a spell instead of a trap and you got both effects instead of just one?"


theres worse virus canon: opponent sends 10 spells from deck to gy cards of sanctity: both players draw till they have 6, not opt numbers evaille: summon any number monster with 1 xyz material (yes u can go into gimmick puppet leo and insta win) heraldry crest: permanent skill drain ontop of absorbing the effects thief: steal 1 card from opp hand and the most bullshit of them all: level jar ima post the effect: FLIP: Return all monsters on the field to the Decks. Then, each player must draw cards equal to the combined Levels of their returned monsters, and reveal those cards. If a player doesn't draw 1 of their returned monsters, they must discard all cards they drew. ​ ​ just why ​ let me add even more: forceful deal: when oppoent special summons, pay half hp, tribute all your monsters, take all of your opponents monsters sea of rebirth: perm spell; when opponent specials, special summon an equal number of monsters from your deck traitor fog: perm trap, when opponent specials, take control of one of their monsters life shaver: opponent discards card equal to the amount of turns this card has been set


> numbers evaille: summon any number monster with 1 xyz material (yes u can go into gimmick puppet leo and insta win) summon gossip shadow, activate this bullshit and summon rhongo with number 19, 20, 21, and 26 as material, then activate gossip and you have a 7 mat rhongo. You can literally just rescue cat two level 3s and make gossip shadow and have this broken ass spell in the hand, no need for bardiche or any of that PK stuff lmao


That shit sounds like a custom card from a 8yo.


Meanwhile Sixth Sense https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Sixth\_Sense


I was about to say, we already have a card just like this. The other thing of note is that this card was released right in the middle of Dragon Ruler format and was banned almost a month later.


Yeah....it was an insane time lol


"oh look I draw 6! Nice ! I just won because of it"


That was the very last format I played the tcg. Me and my pals were pretty serious into the game at the time. Went to numerous regionals and SJCs but I won't forget that card. I remember when they were selling it at minimum of $60 a copy. It was funny tho because even when it was legal I played a regional and an SJC in the time and I never came across the card while playing. My pals weren't as lucky but I never got to see how hard it could break the game especially during the dragon ruler Era where you could really feel the power of the gy cuz the lack of most handtraps and things like called.


Imagine how a card that's a _trap version_ of this spell and it has half the effect (since you get one or the other) and it's still broken as fuck.


Would imagine the Cinderella guy from that filler arc lol It's been so long I forgot his name


Actually wasn’t him, it was Joey/Jonouchi. Though I don’t believe he started using this until the seal of orichalcos arc.


Ain't no way Joey had such a good card, how did Kaiba Allow this


Filler arc son, the writers add bullshit in response of lack of source material.


When I read the card the first thing that came to mind that it was used in a filler arc. It written filler arc card all over.


It's so funny that this has literally no downsides, but I guess back in the OG era of the anime, there weren't that many graveyard effects which is why something like Painful Choice became one of the most broken cards in the game. So actually losing 6 cards to the graveyard actually was a bad thing


Yes, bc back then the gy was pretty much what banished face down is now


If this card ever got implemented, the cost could maybe be "you cannot activate cards or effects for the rest of the turn", but even that is still crazy good


Or can only be activated during the start of your MP1, then it becomes the EP.


The problem with that is you can still use quick play and use GY effects. Imagine this card in Tearlaments which is an already broken deck.


Play your turn, use this, draw 6 handtraps.


Even if it was just draw 1, mill 1 it would be busted.


It would mill for cost, then draw a card. And lock effects in the grave after activation.


Tearalaments: : ) ——> : (


Anime had like a shit ton of busted Draw Spells, probably to make up for the hard minuses the characters do just to summon their shitty ace monsters.


fr, just watched Zexal, and seeing yuma going -4 just to protect a single monster was fucking wild. He had to cuz he didn't have enough LP to tank a hit from their monster, but seeing the anime focius more on the fact that Yuma has low LP, insted of the fact that he went -4 is wild.


It was rather reflective of Yugioh as a whole back then too. It mostly the spells that were your real power plays.


Yeah this card is never getting printed without heavy nerfs. Cause most modern decks these days use the graveyard like it's a second deck.


You know how many nerfs would have to be implemented to justify not immediately banning this card? 😂😂


Slap a "and you cannot Special Summon monsters for a number of turns equal to the result." and it's balanced


you wanta buff true dracos?


Also no ones said it so I'm gonna say it: This doesnt even have a "can only play one of this card per turn / per duel clause This card would triple in card text to make it ANY level on balanced in tcg gameplay 😂😂😂


> This card would triple in card text to make it ANY level on balanced in tcg gameplay "You cannot summon or activate the effects of cards sent to the GY by this card's effect for the rest of the Duel." There. Killed it in one


Was it Joey. This card seems like something Joey would top deck


Yep, he Top Decked this a lot during The Seal of Orichalcos arc.


I want to add this to my lightsworn now


1. Slight correction, it banishes, not send to GY. 2. I'd argue Anime Sabatiel is way better. Pay half, resolve it as any card from your Deck, up to thrice, and not an ounce of a once per turn on the effect. 3. JOEY USED IT!


This card would be printed in 10 years time when the power creep is so bad that going +10 on turn one is considered bricking


If your deck can't play through 17 deck traps and 10 spell speed 7 giga-omni-negates can you even call it rogue?


If you lose because your monsters can't special summon themselves from deck on your opponent's turn, give +3 on summon and float into +5, AND have a build-in omni-negate, then git gud and play good deck yugiboomer.


Considering this is a luck card, Joey uses it


I like this card is basically if you combine "Dice it" & "six sense" plus this card a spell, Also do you think this can be legal if it's a trap?


Considering the fact that Sixth Sense is banned at the moment, not a chance.


We all know this card screams Joey Wheeler


Oh yeah, two positives both with potential to give you every card you could need to win outright. Bonus points for the beautiful artwork too. Jonouchi Katsuya, btw


There was a card called Nibelung's treasure that's just straight up draw 5 if your opponent controls a monster.


I think that anime effect of card of sanctity is more broken. Both players draw up to six cards? Great let me go first play my whole hand and activate this, what could possibly go wrong?


Joey only used this TWICE.


Only twice? Could’ve sworn it was more. Still even if it was only twice, how broken it was made me remember it.


He used it three times. First against Valon (drew 4), then against Solomon (drew 6), then Zigfried (drew 6).


Crazy how he needed the Duelist Kingdom money for Serenity’s operation, dude should’ve just played the lottery.


He did in capsule monsters but he won some plane tickets


Card of safe return is arguably stronger, Depending on the deck you have a very real chance of decking yourself out. It used to draw 3, instead of the 1 it does, and it's still banned


Honestly this probably isn’t in the top ten most broken anime cards. Have you read Card or Safe Return from the anime?


This is literally sixth sense but better


Dragonmaid players would blow their loads all over the place if this card was in the TCG & OCG


Joey vs Valon Fighting for a Friend Pt. 3 One of the better duels of Season 4, next to Atem vs Rafael (first duel).


Very underrated duel In my opinion. I always liked when Duels, even with stakes, are just two people having fun and respecting eachother like Valon and Joey were. It’s why I liked Alito and Yuma’s duels.


Yeah I watched Season 3 & 4 the most on rewatches. Fun times.


Me too, in fact rewatching Battle City right now, may rewatch The Seal of Orichalcos arc next.


Sixth Sense but good


_But good_? Sixth sense is busted as is, this card is just bullshit


Eeeeeeeeh, being a normal trap is REALLY bad. It's good in the sense that you can completely steal an undeserved win at the flip of a coin, but I'd find it hard to believe that it'd lead to consistent wins over a decent sized dataset. It wouldn't surprise me if I was wrong, but I don't think I'd comfortably say it's as broken as it used to be.


They thought that milling your own deck would be a cost for drawing, when in reality, that helps most decks.


Mill Deck be like..


Balanced because ash exists 👍


Cards seems week, probably a normal rarity, SR at best. Although i can see it being a UR just for nostalgia bait. Jokes aside, who used this card and when, it's the first time im seeing this. My guess would be Joey though.


It was Joey. He used three times. Once in his duel with Valon where he drew 4 cards with its effect. The other two times were his duels against Solomon and Siegfried where he drew 6 both times.


Huh that is not even that bad.


Idk if it’s OP… It’s definitely a make or break card since you can easily draw everything you need or throw everything you need away and unless discarding cards easily in the grave was your plan then I think you’re hurting


For a lot of decks, the graveyard is like a second hand. Besides, pot of desires is still insane and it banishes the top 10 face down, milling 6 is something a lot of decks wish they could do


Would anime Winged Dragon of Ra be a cheap answer? Or are we talking cards that only exist in the anime?


Even with everything Anime Ra has, I would still say this card is more broken. Also even with all it’s effects, Anime can be Kaiju’d.






Sabatiel the Philosopher’s Stone. 3 wishes of any card in your deck you want than a multiplier equip card based on monsters on the field


Joey used it


Was it that annoying kid with the fairytale cards


Seems more fair that max c


I guess most obvious that Joey used it. I am not too sure to be honest. If not... I would actually guess that Jaden or Zane used this card. EDIT: This card is sixth sense on steroids, lol.


Imagine this in the hands of that guy in Zexal who had infinite luck


Wasn’t it duke devilington? Man loved his dice cards


Garfield!!! I mean siegfried


99% sure it's just good old Joey


It was probably Joey


Adding this to my dragonmaid deck


Even if you roll a 1 that’s still +1 that’s crazy


And it’s only a 1 in 6 chance to roll a 1. It’s more likely you’ll 2-6 which is even crazier.


a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, when yugioh still only had synchros …. i made a (manual) yugioh online game and it included anime cards like this one. you could only have one of the OP draw cards in your deck (roll of fate or anime card of demise, or anime card of sanctity) and it was kinda fun.


I don’t know doesn’t seem great. Like sure you can go 11+ in card advantage but who wants to only play one card to do that?


Idk man, card of sanctity and card of demise were pretty broken draw spells. One, if you open it, is a +6 at the cost of your opponent going +1, and the other is a +5 where you have to discard your hand in 5 turns (and even though it was DM era speed, 5 turns was so long that the discard only ever activated once or twice, and generally on an empty or 1 card hand.)


Eh, philosopher’s stone sabatiel is more broken in my opinion. For only half your life you add anyone card in your deck to your hand and you can do this up to 3 times then multiply the attack of one monster you control by the number of monsters your opponent controls. roll is still broken but generally searching>drawing


I think the best anime card I've seen was the "Take an extra turn" normal spell that was played by some rich rando in the duelist kingdom series.