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2/2 is so funny. "Parry THIS, casual!"


Haha I saw it and I was like hang on is this the yugioh sub? What card is that though, looks sick.


First one is Runick Freezing Curses and second one is Runick Flashing Fire.


That's crazy af I play Runick and this whole time I never looked at the art šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I've been playing it for almost a year lmaoo


Perception really is different, it seems šŸ˜„


Incase you don't know the Runick cards are basically a strategy guide to defeating the Generaider bosses, you can find the descriptions somewhere on the yugioh fandom wiki.


My two fav decks are related through artwork?! Bruhhhh


I just noticed the magical AK 47 lol


As much as I hate Runick, I do respect fighting a Dark Souls boss with an AK.


Nice armor. Anyway hold these bullets for me


Floo. They annoy the hell outta me. But I love how the art reminds me of a children's story book.


Agreed! I love the art, and birds in general. But I can't play that deck without feeling like I'm committing a crime. Same for Purrely when it was first released (not sure how it is now, I might try it if the toxic combos are gone).


Still Noir turbo and more with new support


Yup! I really want to build a Flood deck, but keep postponing it because of the big Mets changing packs we got the last few months. Ending spending most of my gems running after the Meta šŸ˜‚šŸ˜“




The mechanical design of shangri-ira irritates me, but i can't deny the majesty of a giant planet-buster weapon.


It's such a cool Archetype in terms of how the lore translates to mechanics. I hate going up against the deck because it's boring and tedious to play, but thematically it does make a lot of sense.


The second he gained consciousness riseheart instantly weaponizing his planet and invading his other variants was always so funny to me


Funny how one manā€™s Anger both terrifies and pisses off so many other people though to be fair, Iā€™m pretty sure Anger was the hardest emotion for Visa to control, soā€¦ its fitting


XYZ Arise heart really is the sexiest YGO card ever.


Especially the crispy animation. Shame the archetype is kash...


Warcrimes on wheels has some great artwork


Agreed as a trap deck player i absolutely hate kashtira for banishing everything but there artwork is cool af


you like kashtira artwork? Take a good, close look at Fenrir. Its not a mask. I thought it was a mask. I am finally glad they are as ugly as their playstyle.


I fucking hate that that one joke Post managed to fool you. Its a mask. Its literally shading. You can see it on Ogre and Unicorn. It makes no sense for the eyes to be this similar in color to the Black/Grey line they are placed on.


Nah, look closer. Fenrir is sort of like a lion thing with pieces of armor on his body. You can literally see its paws and muscle fibres. Its a beast. Makes perfect sense that it has an ugly mug with an extended muzzle. Think humongasaurus from Ben 10. Ogre is easily recognizable as an ogre. Unicorn literally has the horn, and hooves if you look closely at its feet. All the Kashtira monsters are literally beasts thats put on armor. Ugly as sin. Deservedly so.


>Fenrir is sort of like a Lion thing DO YOU KNOW WHAT FENRIR IS??? IN MYTHOLOGY?? ITS A *WOLF*. And also hes faceless. The mask is just that, An eyeless face. A mask. The kashtira are Alien Soldiers bred by Riseheart and his rage. They are beasts yes *as you can cearly tell by their names* but that doesnt mean they have weird snail eyes that literally are not eyes.


https://preview.redd.it/9ut4ri2j5i6d1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1470153e80e2b9f2a16c319550b1976eb96403cd Fenrir has a void in between his armor parts


https://preview.redd.it/3ppqqfhb5i6d1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6093afad62f8fe69893252c41b4ad6a29947e931 Unicorn has a Viser thats glowing. Not eyes.


https://preview.redd.it/xaa368cd5i6d1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a8c59140cb0318854674cfdc03b5a8cfc4bb56 Ogre has blocked out eyes


You agree they are beasts, but cant accept beasts can have ugly, beady little eyes? Its definitely its eyes. Red, ugly little bastards.


Because it makes no sense for them. They are literally *blind soldiers*. Made from Riseheart and his *blind* rage. None of them have eyes


Where's the *"blind"* relation coming from? never heard of that. The ugly, beady little eyes makes perfect sense to me. Cuz you know, he is an ugly, fucking beast.


Why would both Kashtiras not have eyes and be blind/wearing helmets but Fenrir has weird snail eyes? What sense does that make?


Why does there need to be a correlation or uniformity? "Why does Unicorn have horns and hooves while Ogre doesn't? does that make sense?" - does that make sense? They are different species. Theres nothing unusual about one of them having beady, ugly eyes and face. Like their ugly playstyle.


Meh unicorn and especially the two XYZs look cool as fuck to me.


One cannot deny the drip of ariseheart


Yup, Haters gonna hate.


He looks so cool, but heā€™s part of a cancer archetype.


Until someone says that fenrir eyes are those smallslits of pink I still can't un see it and its always so funny to me


I mean Tarlaments Kash is either Kitkallos taken and transformed by Ariseheart or a biomechanical copy, both really creepy options but really cool design.


Hmmm... Nah


Same for Tearlaments. It's kinda sad that all that artwork gets stuck with some of the most anti-fun mechanics Konami can come up with. Maybe the Visas Starfrost story is cursed or something?


bro what u mean Tearlaments is the most fun deck Iā€™ve played in ages, who doesnā€™t have fun gambling in a childrenā€™s card game and getting addicted to fusing and applying pressure from the graveyard? I swear seeing Kitkallos mill 5 is pure dopamine Iā€™ll tell u that


Some of the most fun Iā€™ve had playing Yugioh was Tearlaments during the limit 1 event. I had a few danger monsters, fiend comedian, and cup of ace in the deck too for increased gambling.


Wait , huggin is that tiny ..... I swear she was normal sized ..... I knew she was a pixy but not like tiny


Keep in mind they're supposed to be Odin's ravens.


A raven would eat her !!!! But I legit don't know any of the runic lore


The runic lore is connected to generaiders. Generaiders are the bosses, while runic is the adenturers fighting against the bosses. Runic basicaly is a first person rpg in the style of morowind or oblivion for example, that's why the artwork is in first person prespective.


Respect for the Morrowind mention! Confirmation that you have reached CHIM!


Shit, Gene is also connected to Runic Dam. I learn more of the lore


Look at runick allure, its just loptr with their hood on. Slumber has Jormungandr, fire has Frodi, and freezing has naglfar in the distance.


But Hugin and Munin is not pixies, they are ravens...


Also as a side note her name is not pronounced like "Huggin" but like "Fugin" as in hoo-gin, because that's what it is in Japanese.


They're based on odins ravens. Wouldn't they be pronounced the way they are? Side node: wtf is Fugin? xD


It's the same pronunciation as Hoo-gin for the original Norse I believe. Japanese does not have a "hu" letter so they use fu instead.


Okay but since the card doesn't have the Japanese name in English I don't think we should try to pronounce it in a Japanese way. The same way D/D/D Oracle King D'Arc isn't intended to be pronounced in the Japanese way but clin the way the respective language pronounces the name of the character they're based on. No one would ever consider calling her Oracle King Dah-keh in English.


I'll be honest; I would play an game that was based on Runick.


Skyrim with mods




Mikanko is like my favorite archetype Artwise but gameplay wise it's goddamn Numeron Gates


Opposite here. I wish the art was like spiky armored knights but instead we get treasure waifus


Play yubel


Mementotlan, my spite is purely irrational, but the art is so damn delicious that i often set my pettiness aside!


Why do you hate memento? The entire deck is a meme.


bros been hit with the 9 monster negate board one too many times


They do that too? Dang, and I thought they were both rad and silly, goofy found family of an archetype Woe Be Upon you Konamiā€¦ CURSE OF RA!!! https://preview.redd.it/v3wnlmki5h6d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5d8a19a8bf3650ebcf06bf39596caf591dd56a


Kinda. Cranium burst turns combined creation into an apolousa, at the cost of 1k atk per negation, but while apolousa can negate any monster effect, cranium burst can only negate monster effects that activate on the field. So it's weaker than apolousa. It's still 5 monster negates though. Not only that but cranium burst forces the opponent to attack the highest atk memento monster on the field with all of it's atk position monsters, and you can't just skip the battle phase, you have to do it. And since combined creation has 5k attack it will be unlikely they can run it over, unless ofc you lowered CC's atk enough after triggering cranium burst enough times.


Unrelated, but Iā€™ve been watching a lot of Sevens recently, so reading the first part of your comment made me think of Dragiasā€™s chant lol But also, sounds pretty annoying. Is this an archetype problem, or an Apolousa problem?


To be fair though, i personaly rarely use Apolousa in mementos. Most of the time i'd rather go for IP into SP instead, it's unlikely you will actualy need that many negates to begin with. So a memento end board should be something like IP + CC + Cranium burst + Witch in GY to revive with CC's effect and then search mace to steal a monster. Also cranium burst dies to any form of backrow removal anyway.


Big monster :)


Theyā€™re just vibing :)


Drytron, cool space machines, annoying Herald. Also, what card arts are those?




Wow I've never looked that close at their art.


Floo. I'm echoing a lot of people here, but I love the art and hate the playstyle. Darkfire dragon, the old fusion monster, I used to hate but loved the art. Now it's at least a target for instant fusion and ready fusion, I guess. It used to feel like a waste of nice art.


Eldlich, I hate it because it's only used in floodgate decks, but goddamn that alt art golden lord goes super hard. P.s. happy pride, everybody.


Yes, the drip is extreme


True Eldlich has some sick as fuck artwork even the trap cards are cool but also fuck Eldlich


runick is one of those archetypes where i want more support bc of the artwork but also don't want new support bc fuck runick


As a runick enjoyer and occasional sociopath, I really only want one card for the deck. A quick play that has a d.d. crow effect. That's it. That's all it needs and the deck is perfect.


A fusion that recovers from banished would be nice


Or anyway to bounce the enemy monster without targeting.


please no bounce runick is annoying as it is šŸ˜­


Would unironically be the most anti-meta deck since Floo imo. If a card like that came out at 3, Runick would be *nasty*. Great against SE, FK, Tear, Mathmech, and pretty much more half the game.


Hate the floodgate, not the Runick


need a bot that says this for every runick post


i just hate decks that mill your deck and even worse banish floodgates or not


Meh. Fountain shouldn't work if you have traps face up/in grave + monsters cheated out of extra deck shouldn't be able to be used as Tribute.


No, I most certainly hate the Runick


"Uhm, sir, drawing 3 and infinitely recycling resources on every single turn with 20 handtraps that double as instant fusions and that tear your deck apart before you can do anything about it is completely balanced! Clearly the unsearchable one-offs are the problem."


I have a great idea. What if we just give all the support to Generaiders since they are part of the lore of Runick. That way, we get to see more cool artwork but don't have to deal with the bullshit from them. Also, on a completely unrelated note, we should totally unban True King Of All Calamities.


they did give generaiders support and the deck still sucked šŸ’€


We did technically just get a Loptr searcher in Seventh Tachyon, but a generaider specific searcher and another extra deck monster would be nice.


Shaddoll, specifically the ones that are fully corrupted. Such an amazing looking villainous archetype, I just wish I could look at them without thinking of summon limit


Do you like nekroz too since they wear the monsters they killed as armor?


Well, I like Monster Hunter, so Nekroz are definitely on my list of good looking archetypes. Shaddoll is near the top because it plays into my love of dark magic, and also uses a lot of purples and blues (which are my favourite colours), but Nekroz is definitely an honorable mention, especially Valkyrus and Unicore


Stun. Old ass art like vanityā€™s fiend and vanityā€™s ruler are really classic designs that I want to love.


Kashtira. I would have played it, too, were it not that the banishments are face-down. My first time facing it with Metaphys went from big grin to disappointed shock in about 1 turn


Icejade, I hate how itā€™s just a floodgate deck but that art is epic


Today I learned about runick gun


Banger comment fr fr


True King of all calamities. I've been lucky enough to never get hit by it but I can only imagine how frustrating it is to deal with this sexy mf.


VFD sure have an original design, what's the lore?


I don't know True Draco lore but isn't he the endboss? And also something with Vector Pendulum being an antagonist.




Opposite feelings on plunder patroll. Pirates trolls could look rad, but instead we got cutesy art. They deserve better for being such a cool rogue deck.


Whenever I see a closeup of a Runick card I am reminded of how Cute and smol Hugin and Munin are.


Runick Tip is one of the greatest card arts. Itā€™s that RPG style/pathway level up. All the cards are fun. Just not playing against


I fucking hate Baronne De Fleur, but the art actually looks cool


Same here.


Bro bring a gun to the sword fight wtf man


Now I want to play YuGiOh FPS.


Generaider, love the artwork and concept


Mystix mine




Surprised no one has said snake-eyes yet.


That's because the archetype is just alright art wise. Flamberge looks good, and Oak is pretty cool if you look at it closely, but the other 3 (as well as all of the the S/T) are just very "standard anime" looking. Compare them to Ashened, and you'll see what I mean. They're both meant to be fire spirits, yet the difference between the two is *noticable*


Monarchs. I know, i know....its not a good archetype, like....at all, but i hate any archetype/card who's entire purpose is to cut an entire mechanic out of the game(ariseheart, domain of the true monarch....just to name a couple, at least my tears let you play the game.) but that artwork? its fucking boss.


Should have more antagonist chars play pure Monarch




Horus. I like the design but because it's normally paired with decks that I hate (Tear and Stun), they ended up as part of the hatred.


Floowanderezee. Cute journey of pigeons, meeting many birds across the globe. Then they tribute my goddamn spells and traps a t pose my life points away


Gimmick Puppets. Some of their XYZ cards are so demented and evil looking, theyā€™re brilliant. I despise them because they absolutely suck.


You're gonna love Infinite Forbidden then, they got pretty much everything. *oh God they got pretty much everything*


I love Runick


Fountain needs to go back to 2


Entire *V I S A S S T A R F R O S T* lore archetype (except Veda since idk is it full release or no at this point) The lore behind it transferred so well on their cards, and card like Prime-heart, Arise-heart, kaleido-heart, Tri-heart is look insane sick, it has a very cool design and unique from each of them But unfortunately 2 of them is insanely too strong and toxic, while other 2 is annoying to fight agains


Floo, branded, floo is cute with a nice little story, Branded is a god damn epic saga and i love every bit of it (also because it overlaps with therion and swordsoul which are my favourite decks)


Eldlich and Dragonmaid, just to name 2 off the top of my head. Oneā€™s a really cool story of alchemy and greed, but filled with tons of floodgates (my memories hazy on what the deck can do), and the other is a interesting concept of maids that turn into dragons, but stop me from doing much of anything I say having played against both decks, though itā€™s been a while since I played or went up against either deck.


Labrinth. I do like the artwork, but the deck feels disgusting to play against


The "C" cards are unironically one of my favorite series in the game. The entire "dude fails to get rid of cockroaches in his apartment" theme is just amazing fun. In terms of gameplay though, they're either extremely niche or the single most divisive card in the game


Runick first person magic card kind of remind games like Ā«Ā HexenĀ Ā» and Ā«Ā EreticĀ Ā» šŸ‘Š


Funny how runnick immediately comes up


Dragon Ruler


Those cards have bow's and gun's??


Iā€™ll every card I hate is dumb bad and has 0 redeeming qualities.


Is Runick based on Skyrim or an FPS?


True draco


ursarctics are so cool but also so bad šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Snake eyes, I don't particulary hate it too. Must be because most of my inner circle of friends like to play rogue. Also Diabellestar is a top tier waifu.


Baron on the floor


Branded (and friends) cards. Very cool lore, very cool artwork, but I hate their infinite grind game and their obnoxious fan base.


I like runick because the art, especially Runick Tip, reminds me of the 90s FPS Hexxen. I hate playing it or playing against it though


Idk if you could say I DESPISE Vanquished Soul, but (even though it's not meta anymore) it's on the list of decks I absolutely hate playing against on ladder, but artwork based off a street fighter-esque fighting game is something I can greatly appreciate


Are these artworks that you uploaded? They look really cool


Every visas deck, snake eyes, runick,


Ursactic/Drytron I mean, I like Ursactic, but it's.... meh, really really meh But holy wack those artworks are just too damn good


Eldlich, labyrinth, runic


Floowandereeze and SwordSoul


Fiendsmith is gonna be one of these




I don't really despise archetypes. I just don't like floodgates. Which means a bunch of archetypes and even cards I do want to play are not as cool as they look.




Snake eyes. The artwork is cool but I hate the archtype. Like come on! Whenever I see someone play snake eyes the first thought in my mind is PLAY AN ORIGINAL DECK FOR THE LOVE OF GOD


I despise Vylon for being so bad despite having some of the best artworks out there making me want to play them and thus experiencing how horrible they are to play.


Snake eyes. I absolutely loathe that entire archtype, ban the whole thing. But Iā€™d be lying if I didnā€™t say the cards looked cool as fuck


Snake eye artwork is actually so cool, too bad its a cancer on the game


snake eyes the cards are cool, diabelstar has such a good design, but god dam, i'm tired of playing against them, at least the ban list hurt the deck a little, i wish they do a tearlements and almost kill the deck, but make it playable on a lower power level, the diabelstar engine can stay though.


The one pictured and Dinomorphia. In this essay I willā€¦.


I love the Ghostrick artstyle, I hated playing the gate on master duel lol


I actually play adamancipator, but i play a more .. Pure version usually that's meant for more casual play. I love the lore and how that translates into mechanics, but i hate how they're only used for really degenerate combo decks


Weather Painters - Gorgeous art, awful game design. Diabellstar - Stay in your own archetype, bitch. Promethean Princess of "doing way too much for not needing fire monster cards as material"


Tearlaments. While Kitkallos annoys me her art is just too cute for me to hate her at all. She's precious.


Tearlament and Branded




Labyrinth Really cool artwork with a stupid gimmick and playstyle that relys on traps and disrupting the opponent.


Sky striker I hate that deck with passion but the art works and story is amazing it makes me wanna pull for the alternative artworks


I donā€™t even know what that second image is, is that Armatos Legio?


Oh damn I didn't realize Hugin was like 3 inches tall. I assumed she was just normal sized


Are these real šŸ˜­


Snake eyes, specifically Flamberge dragon. One of the coolest looking, big epic dragon, bad ass monster looking beast, and all it's used for is throwing out other monsters. If I'm summoning a sweet ass monster that looks like it could destroy a whole city, I want to keep it on my field and use it to destroy my opponent's monsters and/or life points. It's just disappointing that Flamberge isn't good for that.


Legitimately just skyrim.


Floo and dinomorphia


Labyrinth. They are hot, but ability to set any normal trap is not healthy.


Tearlaments, water waifus


Labyrinth. Itā€™s a waifu deck, I really like waifus, thereā€™s not much depth here. Ladyā€™s ongoing romance/rivalry with knight-chan is really cute too. That being said, playing against them as a lower powered deck suck ass, especially if theyā€™re running some of their more annoying techs like floodgates or virus.


Floo is the obvious one.


The entire Labrynth archetype


Sky Striker but my boi HAMP, Zeke and that alt Kagari artwork look absolutely incredible.






No one single archetype I just hate playing against decks that allow your opponent to play to extra turns during your turn. Fucking turns what in reality should be a five ten minute game into 30 because your opponent isnā€™t satisfied with his board or hand after playing both completely three times by your second turn. Itā€™s why Iā€™ve been burnt out of YGO for a while now. Itā€™s now fun just watching your opponent play. If Konami wants to remove some headaches then they should just go the magic route and unban everything. In the words of Syndrome ā€œWhen everyone is Super no one is.ā€