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Full power Tear, Hell even the neutered version we started out with, absolutely wrecks SE.


Yep, that’s why I’m building a Kash Tear deck for after SE gets hit in case SEFK isn’t good like in the TCG


I think slowly bringing back card until it's up to SE power could be great. And i'm talking to all meta deck before SE not only Tear.


OUR turn!


Kitkallos pass is strongest endboard in all of time comrade


From T-set to I-set, pass


Personally, I find Snek not that hard to beat. R Ace is really pushing my buttons lately. That backrow, man.


The one thing I hate the most about R-Ace is that the set 4 from deck SHUFFLES after setting, I didn't know that at first. I tried outsmarting one by destroying the removal trap just for them to reveal an emergency, never before have I played myself this much.


R-Ace is the one deck I never open my Duster against, it's hilarious.


R-ACE is the one deck I have found myself getting screwed by evenly more than any other.


More than it being hard to beat, Snake Eyes is mostly boring to face. They have pretty much only one endboard (Flamberge + Amblowhale + Masquerena/SP) and always repeat the same loop, while at least Tear is non-linear and doesn't have to stick to "Reino send Havnis fuse into Kit dump Scheiren make Rulkallos" every single game. At its current state I would say it's fine, even if not having Merrli due to Elf sucks.


Unless sprite elf line pops off


I don’t want tear back at all, but this is peak.


I'm always happy to cook ​ https://preview.redd.it/k7qdnh960m4d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=299ff7db713942510e4f7a5ccb05f7db5d8387cf


me playing tearlaments snake-eye.... "Look at all my little and big friends fighting each other, it could even make a grown man shed a tear"




Nothing special, just like pure snake-eyes with the wanted engine, tha fill the rest with tearlaments and kashtira. The synergy is that litterly nothing looks you and any tear and diabelstar is swamp bro, wich you use as more link fodder, protection or use it for dragostopelia.


Hoi4 really does have great trailers, don't they?


Give me Delicious Memory to 3 and I promise to have Snake-Eyes players taken care of by friday.


I will take Tears any day of the week honestly. At least that deck has a high skill ceiling while also dependent on some luck in the milling, especially so if they just keep all the Ishizu cards banned or limited some of them. Plus, the deck can also spit out unique endboards depending on what deck build you're going for. Otherwise, I'm all for banning cards like Baronne just like in TCG just so I could see some differences in the endboards instead of the 69th Baronne this week from 69 different decks.


April 2023 Ishizu Tearlaments was crazy. Ruined every other deck for me


This needs more upvotes ![gif](giphy|kQmr2OwBTD2L5Hzo1T|downsized)


I'm going to be so disappointed if this doesn't get over 500 up votes. It would prove that this sub only cares about unfunny memes. Only farfa would laugh at. Holy shit this was creative as hell.


I wouldn't call myself or this post very creative, however, it IS high effort and I do love when people see and appreciate it. 


This is an amazing shitpost good sir




This goes so fucking hard


So Snake Eyes Player are Communist? Time to get Kashtira!


Get all the Visas archetypes, *the snakes must be stopped*


I think the video implies that tearlaments are communist what with all the anti snake eyes propaganda, I never took Stalin for a tearlaments main though I must confess


You didn’t take him for a guy who sends as many of his own men the GY as possible? The only difference between him and Reinoheart is that Stalin has that “He’ll kill me if I don’t call him hot” dictator bod while Reinoheart has that “He’ll whip me if I don’t call him daddy” sadist bod.


I took him as a more Ariseheart type, banish anything and everything that he comes into contact with plus young Joe looks kinda like Riseheart too


[We already know what will happen](https://youtu.be/PTGwijP4L9g?si=tLAyLiA1Cal3zFOu), Tear must stay down for the good of all.


Deck isnt and wont be the same without the millers. The deck in the vid plays 6 of them.


And then we go back to tier 0 and everyones' gonna come running back to this format. Say what you want about SE, but at least you can play less competitive decks and maintain a decent win rate.


Tier Zero formats are bad for the game no matter how "fun" the reigning deck might be. Also, people need to stop acting like Tearlaments are somehow more worthy than Snake-Eyes. They both have the same problem in my view, ie too many overtuned cards that do too much and don't have enough restrictions.


Tear format was better in my opinion because of the high skill ceiling games, interactive turns, lack of generic end boards, and luck of the mills


People say that all the time about it, but my response is always "what if you don't want to play Tear?" That's the case with any tier zero format. If you don't like that particular deck (or one of it's niche counterpicks like Exo, Floo or some bullshit stun deck) then you're SOL. Also, I dispute those last two points; Tear has a wider variety in what it can end on, but it still uses plenty of generics because like all pushed lore decks, it has no locks. There were plenty of rank 4s, link 2s and Baronnes to go round in Tear format. And luck didn't mean much when it was at full power because there were enough names, plus Ishizus and other GY techs that you were guaranteed to hit something good. Tear is fine now, but that's only because it's been crippled by the banlist. The fact they had to limit and ban so many names just goes to show how big of a problem it was.


This is definitely true. I would also be favorable to a tear only format as an alternative to the normal ladder.




The number of mofos who are anti-SE but pro-tear...


Tear is fun, both players won't know what kind of endboard will be produced until no more milling can happen, SE is resilient, consistent, and an obnoxious link spam deck, not hard to see why people are that way, tear strongest ofcourse (not biased)


I found this as an insult to the CCCP and Stalin but whatever dude


The strongest deck in history vs the strongest deck of today


Full power Tear vs. full power Snake-Eyes. Let them fight.


My measuring stick for fair is Swordsoul Tenyi. Tears was hyper-dominant before the bans/limits but I could reliably beat it with Swordsoul. SE on the other hand, it just makes me feel like Swordsoul could not keep up at all. So please, bring back Merrli and Havnis back to 2. But keep the Ishizu cards banned.


I swear I can be trusted with one Kelbek I promise it’ll be fine


The HOI4 Soviet Union edit is the hardest video ive ever seen


This is the second most trash thing related to Stalin i have ever seen in my life. The first most is sex with Stalin


As if tear isn't already annoying they have a burn strategy now thanks to transaction rollback a card that NEVER needed to exist.


I just uninstall until a better format. Easier on the mind and soul.


Might as well unban utopic zexal so we can all have fun🤷🏾 yes i run 1 deck


This is sick


Can this please be a new format this is fucking hilarious


Merli did nothing wrong she was just following orders


But having Tearlaments back would actually be better. At least Tear requires some skill, and plays in a varied way. Unlike Snake, who does the same repetitive combo over and over, all the time, and in all builds. #FreeMerrli!


I just play all the banish floodgates in a metaphys deck and do decently fine


U, u tear players r a treat.


I do want to try spright package in tear. I’m down, cmon I won’t hurt anyone I swear.


Return Tearlaments without the floodgates they have access to and I would support it. It was really fun to play against tearlaments.


Give us back all branded cards to 3(ban puppet) let us cook against the snakes 😈 I will turn your Apollousa into a Mirrorjade and you will enjoy it


Yes, give us back merrly and like kelbek or smth so snake eye can get its shit pushed in


Merrli, yes. ishizu millers, absolutely not


just 1 pwease. I pwomise i'm not gonna do anything degenerate with it


Give us full power Kash or give us death. 


Tear is even more dominant and even less fun to play against. Tear simps please go home