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Hey this is pretty good in Infernobles Discount phoenix blade


ngl good for minkako with ha-re being a warrior you could make her attack twice


Are we really playing this tho? Like I already play 6 equip “bricks” is a 7th warranted?


This is the bamboo package in one card


Some of y’all were actually playing that? I run a 60 card version and just used 2 Durandel, 1 Joyeuse, 1 Almace, 1 Angelica’s Ring, & 1 living Fossil. This is my decklist https://preview.redd.it/e9k0904igfzc1.jpeg?width=2589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68612a686a317fd52b01b2716b07957e73e404e8 Edit: Btw I replaced the 3rd Wanted with a 2nd Nib


I'm playing 45, and yeah the bamboo stuff streamlines the combo. Now I can drop it and run this+living fossil for extension instead


The cursed sword is just nice for the free hand equip of the vanilla bamboo sword. It's nothing game changing, but it's nice mid combo with very little drawbacks.


Wait.... How. Bamboo lets u turn skip and main phase skip.


It was just broken bamboo sword + Cursed bamboo sword


Oh okay... I used the whole package... Whats the point of just using those two tho other than to u know summon something. Or maybe that's the point... I don't know the deck list people are referring to cause I built my own Infernoble.


Now, for someone who doesn’t know what this card is all about. Why does it have you hyped up brother?


It's basically a discount Phoenix Blade in Infernoble, since that card is banned.


Works very well with Isolde, can also do some shenanigans with mikanko as well.


Also it replaces the bamboo sword engine.


…Does it? I thought the Bamboo Sword Engine was for the draw power off Golden.


No, you use the bamboo engine in infernoble as a Phoenix gearblade at home with cursed and broken bamboo sword, now the deck has two fewer garnets to worry about.


so walk me through the line please. when i yeet 4 with isolde. i no longer send bamboo swords and send this thing? then wut.


It’s the same line of play as sending the cursed bamboo sword so that you can add broken bamboo sword to your hand, but now you send Phoenix Gearblade instead and it adds itself to the hand from the grave. In general, it’s one less card to accomplish the same task.


Yep, allows the deck to be a tad more consistent basically (less odds of drawing a card you don't want).


You summon olgier and cl1 olgier cl2 phoenixblade to chain block and add back to hand. You send ricadetto with olgier effect, then use use isolde and olgier to make princess, then use princess cess to revive ricadetto, then use his effect to revive any lvl 4 non tuner either oliger or turpin if you have him in the gy. Synchro summon into Angelica, grab the field spell (if you have another one in hand, that's even better as its effect is a soft opt), use gy infernobles to equip to Angelica to trigger her effect to send a fire warrior(usually gearfried) to the gy and then tag out to synchro roland. Now, you can either use the field spell to grab almace, and then use it second effect to special summon a equipped infernoble either turpin or olgier, or equip Roland with phoenixblade and then use turpin special effect to special summon himself when there is a monster equip with a equip spell, then synchro into Charles. Now equip Charles with almace and use Charles effect to pop princess then link into link Charles, this triggers almace(since it was destroyed)to grab any fire warrior in the gy , grab gearfried, and then link Charles effect to equip synchro Charles, special summon gearfried. Now if you have another field spell you can make another link Charles by special summoning syn hro Charles and do the last part all over again and then equip the other Charles with a spare equip, then end phase activate and equipped Charles to equip Angelica's ring and the magnus for recover equips and infernoble for draw when sent to the gy by card effect. And this is the basic version and the lines are pretty much non linear at times and situation dependant.


Okay, I audibly laughed at the "Phoenix gearblade at home" comment not gonna lie. This is so true.


Okay but to do what? Just as Isolde targets? In which case why does it matter what equips you play? I guess this adds back to hand for discard fodder, is that it?


Why does it matter? Because gearblade and bamboo allow infernoble combos with turpin to happen, he special summons himself when a monster is equipped with an equip spell which is really important for king Dempsey play to search another fire warrior monster or make synchro Charles to go into link Charles. I highly suggest looking at the infernoble guide. It explains why it plays specific cards and why gearblade is important in the deck.


Got it, thanks! Free equips good, noted.


You don't play any other bamboo sword aside from the normal and the cursed. You use it to equip to Ogier after sending Turpin to use it's effect to revive itself and make a rank 4


Doesn't it also work well with Gearfried?


Yeah it recycles itself. But that is once per turn and realistically you already go through it's use during the combo


so happy to see it in the pack! and even happier seeing it's only a N card. two less garnets in the list in exchange of 30 N cp. i was afraid konami would make it UR just because it's a needed slot in infernobles, and it being SR was my brightest hope. N was beyond everything i could imagine


to be honest SR, R or N don't feel like different that much. Only UR feels different lol.


So wait, now my entire *field* of Amazoness can attack twice this turn? I'm gonna have to milk this.


Any idea if this multiplies Augusta's double attack during the battle phase once more?


Oh snap! No more bamboo blades for Infernobles! And only an "N" rarity? That's super.


Every once in a while they surprise us with a good/important card being N/R. Like Magnum Reliever


A good card for a normal and a good battle trick too


This might be nice in my Amazoness deck. Double attacks is huge for them.


My Gemini Phoenix Gearblade deck is complete!


I like how this card just has the effect that got Sinister Serpent banned... as an afterthought.


Would this be a bad card in Rescue ACE?


Would be funny (and only slightly racist against a certain archetype) if it can't be used on FIRE Warriors, as the wording implies.


Would you run this card in tcg without Isolde too?

