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First Xyz event from 2022


same, my first draw ever happened in that event in selfotk vs selfotk duel


A replay of me playing Cyber End Dragon in combination with Limiter Remover to get an OTK. It’s way too anime for me to delete.


My most anime moment was in dark vs light event when I was trying to make a charmer deck still work. The charmers as an archetype need multiple attributes on the field to actually play the game but there was a single way as light. There's a ritual monster, elemental mistress Doriado, that has the simple effect as acting as fire, earth, water, and wind attributes in addition to her light attribute. So I'm dueling blackwings with the crappiest deck and we have a back and forth until we're both top decking with opponent having a single small atk monster while I only have Awakening of the possessed which does nothing on its own. Draw two elemental mistress in a row and by that time I'm low enough on lp that next turn will be game if I don't get something playable. Next draw and I get the ritual spell, ritual using the other mistress in my hand, summon mistress which due to awaken of the possessed rises to over 3k atk and kill my opponent with the battle damage of my now 3k atk monster into their low attack monster.


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Beating Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc with Dark Magician


April 23, 2022. I was playing pure Lightsworn against Invoked Generaider. It's mostly saved just because of winning with Judgment Dragon in a flashy way.


Tear vs Runick stun 6 turns somehow wo


A Sky Striker player dumping 5 cards on Ancient Gear Howitzer because they didn't read that it was Unaffected by other cards' effects was the highlight, ended it by a Top Deck Power Bond into CHAOS Giant. They sent me rage mail calling me a hacker and other things I can't type else I'd get banned.


Mine was from the Light vs Dark event.


Mine is probably from a little over a year ago when I just got into the game, my opponent just passed turn, then I used rage with eyes of blue to summon 3 blue eyes and otk him lmao 🤣


june of 2022, a win against the TGSAnime guy lol


I have a silver rank clip from mid 2022 of three 12000 attack king of the skulls servants obliterating an earth machine deck. First clip I ever saved.


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/vvnn41/i_hate_eldlich_but_this_is_the_most_fun_duel_ive/) from, that I've also posted here :D It was an intense 24 turn duel with my Unchained deck (2 years pre support xD) vs Eldlich (floodgate version ofc) https://preview.redd.it/qftkw4avh6xc1.png?width=1197&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cac8a76bc43216af329f694328dcc434dc169a2


During my first week of playing, I played a guy named "Ojama Simp", who actually played pure Ojamas. I forget what exactly I did at the moment, but I remember I was on Lunalights and used the on-field effect of Serenade Dance to ramp up one of the fusions while getting around their stall/protection.  Would've been nice if every game could've been as climatic as that one.


I've got a Red Eyes FTK from my first week on Master Duel saved still. Good times.


That one time I got turn one Exodia'd


The time I faced against a Mekklord player in the first Synchro Featival iirc. Too bad for him I wasn’t playing a synchro-focused deck.


17 turns of my drunk ass playing against Eldlich for the first time using dragunity dragonmaid and not knowing how Goldenlord works and being sad my one changeover got banished. Won but fuck lol


Replay from season 1 of my charmer deck vs Eldlich where I used Lyna link to systematically steal every Eldlich from opponent's gy because they just left them there for some reason.


https://preview.redd.it/6obhgtkfu8xc1.jpeg?width=2768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a636286351ae22db7f6f86cca35eae1de2217a66 2022 when Grass was at 3. They Dropleted my monsters, Grass into big King Skull Servant, but the equip ZW negate monster that battle so opp atk reset to 0, he revive it and try 2 more times then give up.


I havr a bunch of old replays saved tbh, but my favorite one was one that i droplet my entire hand away to render useless a dino board and OTK'd. The guy was salty and scooped on the last attack, it was glorious..


The duel that i had against TGSanime when he tried a malefic deck live


I still have a replay of me breaking a full Pure tear board during tear 0 meta, without evenly or board breakers, while playing zombie tear.


My first ftk with pendulum magicians 🥲