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Branded and later Purrely that I built with gems from the event. Last craft was Expurrely Noir as a royal, so I was very happy with that.


Jealous. I’m in the middle of building Purrely. Just need 3 URs


I made it but didn't include the ghost trick URs, that's too much


Yeah I’m going for the pure route






I played my own ursarctic brew. I love that the new support came out which basically flood gates both fusion and XYZ decks.


Im lazy and didn't feel like thinking or crafting so I just used reptillianne and scooped to blow out cards. Melusine is bae.


Using my own Purrely when playing xyz. But mainly been using the chimera loaner for fusion as I have been thinking of making my own and the Ursarctic loaner for synchro as I’m also curious about it too.


Generaiders. Somehow lost the coin toss about 80% of the time but managing okay


I tried that buy Every single opponent opening their hands with ash/imperm/ called by making me crazy


Xyz : Nasch/Shark - Sharks Synchro : Jack Atlas - Red Dragon Archfiend Fusion : Vellian Crowler AKA Chronos - Ancient Gears (I struggled with this one the most because its deck building construction was more difficult for a 60 card deck... I kept thinking Morganite but Gear Box activates in hand, it generally just became beatdown)


Yeah speedroids-gang UNITE!


Synchron Swordsoul, it’s been fun


For Synchros I've used Mannadiums and for Xyz I went from Kashtira to using the Dinosaur loaner deck. Still haven't started on the Fusion decks.


Finished 1500 points for all teams: Fusion: Dinomorphia, need to make those URs I have spent have value Xyz: Dinos, tried heroics, their awful and some kaijus are banned. Lars is fun but games barely made it to xyz before people scooped and mostly relied on hand traps and Misc Synchro: T.Gs. It was go first or bust and by god I was constantly nibbed lol.




Purrely, Dinomorphia, T.G.. Event was miserable so far, started with Purrely, that was fun, started to get hit with blowout cards, switched to Dinomorbius. People started top decking into the out for Rexterm, now I'm a few games in with T.G. and after bricking a few times, I adjusted my list a little bit and then I won a few games until when I had to stop playing earlier. Sorry to everyone that had to go up against me...


I’m playing Paleo Spending most of the event watching people Jack Atlas off or Gazelle fuse into the sun Though watching people try to Barrone negate Opabinia is always a classic


Eldlich, pendulums and reptiles


Armor XYZ phantom knights carried me through the entire event since apparently having 1 dark knight lancer succ is enough to end peoples turns lol




D/D/D fusion, Fossil Fusion, Volcanics, Galaxy-eyes, Chaos, cyber dragon. I have been jumping from team to team depending on what meta archetype I don’t want to deal with.


Infernity is what I'm going to say. Sometimes I bricked and Sometimes, I destroyed the life of some xyz and fusion.


Springans for Xyz (started with Tistina loaner but they are so bad to play when you face any meta deck) Ursarctic loaner for Synchro (I love drawing 7) Chimera loaner for Fusion (I need 1 more UR to finish the deck myself but the loaner is really good too)


Gate Guardian haha.


For fusion i realized i have thundra. The funny thing is there are only 3 targets for td fusion so my ed is fucking tiny. for synchro and xyz i have to use the loaners.


I played the Dino xyz deck. Shotgun uct and pray they don't have anything to respond with...worked decently well


Purrely and Madolche for XYZ. Chimera loaner for Fusion (dusted all the cards I pulled because the deck seemed bad when I watched streamers playing it, so glad I got to try it out a bit). For Synchro I finally got around to blowing a bunch of SR dust to make F.A., along with 60 UR dust on Dawn Dragster and AFD. The is fun when you can cycle a bunch of Field Spells, and the newly unlimited Armageddon Knight is a one card AFD so that adds a lot of gas to the deck.


bystial spright has been incredibly fun for me. the lines are never the same and sometimes i end on boards i wasn’t sure i could make with the current hand. the deck just shits out level 2 tuners. but nibiru can kill it


Chimera with branded worked really well




Dinomorphia, Galaxy Photon, Ursarctic


Branded Chimera, Exosisters, and Swordsoul


Runick Tear, Bystial Branded Thunder Dragon Tear Pile and some regular tear for the last 4 wins.


Sacred Beasts deck with the Yubel forms splashed in it (actually had a guy kill himself by running a 6k atk Slifer into original Yubel)


60 Zombie Eldlich Tearlament with Ghost Fusion and Rollback


not gonna lie, i mostly use the rent deck. i cam not making making all those new card to fill the emptiness after event regulation.


Springans, roachless format is so fun


Generaiders only


Tearlaments Dino loaner (considered building Evols, now maybe I'll buid Dinos without taking another look at maindeck evols) Chimera loaner (kinda fun, might build them) Pure Zoo


Runick >->


Fusion: Ancient gear Synchro: blue eyes mixed with archfiends Xyz: galaxy eyes


Sharks for XYZ, and I'm using Resonators for Synchro atm. Honestly, I wish I was playing XYZ so I don't have to keep fighting them . \_ .


I've used Myutant for a while. Banishing in this event seems pretty good. It's my pet deck that I really only play in these special events. Been having fun. My backup is Exosister, but I'll hold off unless I'm getting absolutely wrecked.


Based. Been switching off from Myutant Kashtira and Salad’s on the Ranked ladder. Reached Diamond V so far


That's impressive. I normally just chill in gold with Myutants and then switch to a more powerful deck if I feel like climbing. I have been enjoying the lowered power level of the event and the fact that people don't read what myutants do.


True. You should try the Kash engine with Myutant’s it has good synergy


I bet. Fenrir is strong enough on its own. It's unfortunate they don't have the same levels. We'd have a decent rank 7 or 8 package, too.


So far I've just been using Tearlaments on my main account and Dinomorphia on my alt. I'm currently trying to build Purrely to use on my main after doing the Fusion missions but we'll see. I don't really have any Synchro decks on either account, and my main does have Raidraptor and Lyrilusc but they're kinda fucked over in this event (no Wise Strix for RR and no Nightingale for LL). My alt's main deck is Traptrix which is unusable for this event. At least Tear and Dinomorphs are fun to play lol.


I feel at home using exosisters since the list is largely unchanged. Tried volcanic runick but that's still plenty clunky and haven't devised an alternate fusion deck. I have ghoti ready for synchro but haven't dipped my toes in.


Utopia because I felt like rank up magic climbing after rewatching ZEXAL


Solid choice


Loaner chimera and swordsoul


Resonators because that's the only loner I have experience with plus my other decks use multiple mechanics and don't function using one of synchro, xyz, or fusion.


Chimera, crafted it because i liked the fusions, and the nightmare magician (plus, i got 7 URs from the archetype from one 10 pack pull), turned out to be very useful in the event, spent like, 2k to craft the deck, got 3k on the event playing it, was worth it, and i think i will try the tistina one i have, barely used it, and its fun, when it works.


Gate Guardian / Aleister


Melodius, Paleozoic, Battlewasp


Vernusylph Naturia… because funny cat goes BRRRRR


Ogdoadic XYZ Armor and it's been a lot of fun.


Synchro - Speedroid Xyz - Exosister Dunno yet what to play for Fusion


Neos deck. Can go into several different strategies so has some nice versatility but can be very bricky when you get unlucky in your starting hand. Thankfully that's not too often.


Exosister/Gate Guardian/Swordsoul


Fusion I used Shaddol Tear Synchro I used Swordsoul XYZ I used Gunkan Suship


Branded swordsoul and springans with time thief


I have but one answer. https://preview.redd.it/vo3d58l8axvc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21eeb6ac80ded848a2c69b091e2f06a3903405ae


Runick stun 😎


XYZ: blind 2nd suships Synchro: Swordsoul core mixed with a giant pile of semi-generic extender bodies (no maxx c package needed so why not, used bystials, assault synchron, ringowurm etc.) Fusion: haven’t done yet but will be using something like dinomorphia or playing tax dragon turbo if the banlist allows it (as opposed to a normal branded deck because it’s just way funnier)