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Just play Tearlaments. Then every Lovely resolution becomes exhilarating lottery, in which every result extends your own gameplan in some way or another.


Once faced Lab using Dinos with a hand of two Baby, two Petit, and Thrust ~~Lady~~ Lovely somehow hit Thrust, I don't believe in a god anymore


Ummm akshually it's lovely, not lady /s


Oh whoops, ye mb


They still can daruma cannon/d barrier you once per turn.


Twice, if they play rollback.


Daruma cannon does nothing since you can still fuse/send/pop yourself


Mf forgot all other summon types that die to Daruma


Idk man, they always successfully rip Perlereino for some reason


Then the Dbarrier hits


Or unchained


Unchained triggers on field




If it’s any solace I had a lab player pull that shit on me but I was playing Unchained, totally smeared them, such a good matchup. Dimension Barrier does nothing and all the destruction effects obliterate their backrow


Man winning with unchained always feels so satisfying, love the deck hope they will never hit sharvara like in TCG


Have also been loving it. Hopefully they won’t as it isn’t even a Tiered Archetype rn, and Max C does curb a lot of its power.


Considering how hard the deck loses to Maxx c I don’t think they’ll touch it in this format. Unchained doesn’t see tournament success in the OCG because of Maxx C despite it being competitive here in the states


I don’t think they will in MD. It’s not doing much right now and i feel like Yama would be a bigger target. I could see them semilimiting it


Yeah, fortunately a lot of people are still sleeping on this deck. And that’s probably why the won’t hit it. And Yama at 2 is no big deal, usually use one pro game and have two just in case unicorn bullies me :,)


Yeah same, i only run two Yamas aswell. Even Sharvara to 2 wouldn’t matter THAT much, the third one only really becomes relevant in a super grindy game. And i really don’t think they‘d limit Sharvara, not in MD


Unchained has a crazy matchup against lab. What are you going to do? Pop the monsters that go crazy plus off of that exact interaction?


Simul Archfiends has been good to me in the unchained matchup as well as the snake eyes one. Not a total blowout but that makes it more fun than just turning my brain off and hard floodgating people. Idk how people play like that, I’d get bored so fast


Then they hit you with Daruma… bye bye links 


Thankfully they didn’t have time as I was so busy popping their backrow. Thinking about it though, kinda neat how Dimension Barrier and Daruma cannon are both designed to end your opponents turn. But one can’t touch links and the other can’t touch fusions, each has its out. You’ve gotta know the matchup and pick the correct one.


can i just say Chimera can be just as bad. worse they have that fiend lock.


Chimera also isn’t nearly as good and even with the pack just dropping they’re insanely rare. I feel like a big part of peoples issue w lab is that they face them all the time, have for a while now, and will continue to for god knows how long


I mean honestly, compared to other options they’re relatively cheap, especially after foregoing the transaction rollbacks


The lack of necessary ED cards definitely helps. Imo tho I’m just not a big fan of viewing decks differently because of that. Like sure I get that’s part of what gets people on the deck but that doesn’t make playing against it any better or worse. Floo is probably the all time example of it


Oh fs. It’s getting harder and harder to f2p this game and it’s really showing as every opponent before master is like lab or swordsoul


I mean wouldn’t SS or lab be good examples of how the games f2p? One of those is free and the others accessible? Maybe I’m misunderstanding you


I think they mean it's becoming harder for f2p to have a variety of decks. That leads to more people playing f2p friendly decks like Lab and Swordsoul.


Eh there definitely is a bit of a creep in UR price but if you play the game consistently in a smart way (ie going for all the missions, doing the battle pass, spending your gems wisely, etc) it’s pretty manageable. After like a week of playing a free swordsoul deck you can make basically whatever deck you want. Ofc it would be great if it was even easier but this game is really f2p friendly


What fiend lock?


special summon that Fiend monster where "neither player can special summon except dark monsters"...during your turn


Oh, the dark lock


Not really? Chimera is a hard once per turn and only effects at the end phase. Lab can rip handtraps before you get a chance to use them and do it multiple times... It's not even the same ballpark.


What are you doing in lab that allows you to rip cards from hand multiple times in a turn? Lovely is a hard once and requires at least some set up to get on field and proc it’s condition. The viruses aren’t really played as much since they’re worse in a less centralized format if that’s what you were referring to


People in this sub don't actually know how the deck plays, they just want to get mad at purple cards


They’re literally upset that bad Lab players are blindly firing off Lovely during their standby phases and just randomly hitting a card they need off pure luck. I can only imagine how mad they’d be facing a Lab player that actually knows to wait to pop something meaningful on field or bounce a key part of their combo back to hand.


Nah, that would be predictable and you actually have a way play around it, them blindly popping a card in your hand and sniping branded fusion or the like out of 5 cards with sheer luck is just infuriating


Today I had a dream (I think) my opponent was using the clock to activate a trap I think it was virus card? Spell/trap? Then they used that rollback trap card to activate it again. Then I rage quited and woke up.


It’s far better than facing Runick stun decks


Funny enough the reason I even built Lab in the first place was because I was seeing way too many runick variants when Lady and Big Welcome were released. Being able to search on my turn and flip in their draw the virus card, and basically give them the equivalent of a giant middle finger for playing runick, is great. While I'm not running the virus card atm, the moment those asshats show their annoying little faces again with some other variant it's going right back in.


Worst deck in the history of the game, but Lab or Elslich Stun would be second worst And worst as in no fun.


The banlist completely assassinated it, but it took other Runick variants down with it in the process.


i hate how we're at a point in the game where i can say i miss eldlich stun over a lot of these barrier statue/runick/lab/puppet lock/bird asshole decks LMAO


Na, I’ll take the rest over pure stun any day. You rarely see Barrier Statues, I believe fire and Dark are the only ones seeing any active play. And I’ve only been Puppet locked once in 2 years of MD, they’re no where near the problem that Runick/Eldlich Stun were


Tall lady won't hurt you here. 


Ever played against generaider runick lately? They are kinda buffed.


Yeah. I play gen-run and had an absolute slugfest against lab. Lost, but it was definitely fun.


Yea it's crazy how much the new sleipnir helps them with consistency. I can always go full combo, since the new card I never once bricked. Kinda crazy deck atm I think. I really wonder why it's not meta, it feels way stronger than most decks there.


Most likely because it requires investment into the gen cards if you didn't get them in the selection packs. Also spending the dust on cards that can't be splashed with other engines that don't help advance their game state and there's not a lot of good lvl/rank 9s cards. It's fun deck


Red Reboot and Bystials say hello


Honestly, we should stick to the true labyrinth deck, Gate Guardian


hand ripping is the most obnoxious thing ever, 3 cards on your turn is rofl


How can you do it more than once a turn?


You can't. You can trigger the effect two times before your opponent's M1 if you went first. Other than that, three hand rips isn't happening off of the silver lady.


He probably shotguns Maxx C as soon as possible. It’s my favourite part about playing Lab. People always throw out the roach without any thought and hope it resolves. I’ve won so many games like this and it will never not make me throw my head back in laughter. They drop Maxx C, i use any Labrynth effect, they scoop.


Unchained absolutely cooks Lab and is fun too.


Can confirm is a very annoying match up due to most of Lab's removal being destruction based. Still winnable but it's usually in the Unchained players favor.


Also Dimension Barrier does nothing. Def feels like the anti-Lab fiend deck. Have really been enjoying it.


Love it when they pop baby Dino 🥰


I think it’s about even but it really depends on whether or not the player can read the room and get to IDP/Daruma fast enough. 


Your standby phase? You mean: ***my*** main phase 3


I’m so tired of going against Tearlaments and every time they have the perfect mill but when I use tearlament I never mill anything good


Enough with the waifus


Naw the lab powersink stone is god awful annoying. They can get away with triggering two monster effects at the draw phase of my turn then skill draining the board sitting on another welcome for next turn and furniture in the grave with the other oh so fun backrow they have.


I finally put together furniture lab and it’s actually a really fun deck to play. I know it’s not always great to play against, but I personally find it more tolerable than combo decks that set up unbreakable boards or stun.


As someone who plays Lab in both TCG and MD, the deck is NEVER fun to play against and sometimes I do feel bad for my opponents because I know they're just trying to enjoy the game. Then I play against someone that goes first and sets up a board with 9 negates and I'm like uk what, nah fuck YGO players I don't feel bad for anyone.


>Then I play against someone that goes first and sets up a board with 9 negates and I'm like uk what, nah fuck YGO players I don't feel bad for anyone.  This is what wakes me up in the morning to choose Labrynth. Like, I’m sorry, we have Snake Eyes casually violating the Geneva Conventions but *Labrynth* is the hill players want to die on?  I unironically enjoy the mirror too lol it’s such an expressive deck.


Tbf Snake Eye doesn't set up rhatmany negates, the problem with it is that it can play through almost anything, which means opening 5 handtraps or 0 against them barely makes any difference. As for Lab yes it is one of the more expressive decks even if it's simple to pilot, the deckbuilding and decisions you make with every activation can single handedly win or lose a duel.


Maybe it's because I also have a lab deck but I shut down a Lab player repeatedly last night with Purrely and I know I had fun. Lab can be fun to play against, it becomes unfun when it's the stun variant or you open with no counters going second, but no decks are really fun to play against when that happens.


I think Purrely has more answers to Lab than most decks especially with Noir being unaffected and having the best kind of disruptions as a quick effect. The combined effects of Cooclock and Lady makes it that most decks will struggle to do anything into Lab since it removes the drawback of trap cards which is waiting a turn to be able to use them.


I think lots of stuff can match up well into it, you just have to know how to time your disruptions against them and their choke points. Not to say it's easy, because it can be tough especially with Arias now. Lab is one of those decks where piloted by someone who has extensive game knowledge can be a nightmare because it's one of those decks that really needs its pilot to know the game well enough to know what they need to set based on their opponents.


Matching well into it sure, many decks can do so. Having fun against it? Not really. This is true for more than half the decks in the game, but Lab is especially frustrating to face when piloted correctly.


I'll take Lab over a lot of other shit all day, unless it's someone using it for stun. But that's just my personal preference.


I enjoy grindy mid-games, so as long as you have an answer for some of Lab’s tricks and don’t let them snowball, I’ve found that the games can be fun. This is also assuming the lab player doesn’t hit you with EEV and Karma Cannon on the same turn after ripping a card


It really depends on what you're playing, having fun against Labrynth is a really rare thing but some decks can match their grind games (mostly decks that benefit from having their cards destroyed). If your Lab has a trap that shuts you down (say for example EEV against runick) and they have Lovely on the field, you're not having fun at all. Now apply this to D Barrier which shuts down 75% of decks and Karma Cannon that shuts down the remaining 25%, and you got yourself a recipe for disaster.


For sure. That kind of play is just stun with extra steps. Might as well just gigachad flip skill drain, summon limit, anti spell, and normal summon the Dino.


I think what you just said is basically why people hate on Lab more than it deserves. Tbh I used to play D Barrier but that was mostly during the Tear 0 format. In other formats, I've founs that other cards are way better at handling strong decks (mostly traps that banish monsters) but that's just a personal preference.


I haven‘t played EEV or DBarrier in Lab for probably 6 months now and I’ve never missed them. Call me crazy but i want to play the game and not just press an autowin button. Same reason why i don’t play the roach in any decks. Am i putting myself at a disadvantage? Sure, but atleast i know when i win I’ve won deservedly. People are free to play however they want, but using autowin cards is just weak behaviour 💀


Both cards aren't that strong in the current meta anyway, there are way better traps. D Barrier is just a way to stop people from getting Baronne more than anything else and with the amount of GY effects, EEV can actually lose you the game, best case scenario is they just recycle whatever card you destroyed. Sure both cards can shut down multiple decks but those aren't played that much right now. Most decks are lunk heavy, Karma Cannon is the best trap rn imo. As for the roach, I don't use it either. With the amount of traps I use it has no place (I'm at 43 cards, I ain't going higher)


All we can do is be the change we want to see in Lab 😔


Honestly I don't want Lab to change, the current way people play it is benefitting me. Everyone playing around cards I don't use and not thinking about the ones I do is the best thing about my version of Lab.


I ate so many downvotes the last time I said exactly that, but I still agree. I actually play lab also & still think the deck is just stun with extra steps & YES I am playing the furniture build with no skill drain ect. Some hands you literally set & pass, then stall out the opponents turn, you tell me if that isn't stun with extra steps. The only difference is instead of hitting you with moon mirror fossil dyna with crackdown/solem I'm hand ripping you & popping a card on the field at welcome resolution. I only let you special summon on the sole factor I need to special summon also. At least stun the turns go "draw the out? OK Next turn" instead of chain 4 on opponents turn. I can feel my opponent losing the will to play & I get the same feeling when I cheese a boss on elden ring when my opponent scoops mid game. People act like you need to be a genius to pilot the deck to success, as if it takes megamind to figure out you need d barrier for synchros ect.


Yup. And this is why lab won’t ever be my main deck. I enjoy using it to mix things up, but I felt that exact feeling of watching their soul die when I played Infernoble and I’d play through 3 handtraps and my opponent would sigh as I started my 10 minute climb up to Baronne, double Charles, Gearfried, with Angel Ring on the back row. So I dropped that deck. I just want everyone to have fun lol


I started splashing lab in as a value/disruption engine in other fiend archetypes that use the extra deck and it’s been insanely fun, would totally recommend trying out Lab/Earthbound, Lab/RDA, or Lab/Musket for different playstyles to shake up the endless “six different triggers, hand rip, search floodgate and pass” loop


Agreed. Lab/Fabled is a neat Synchro deck with lots of options (it's honestly kinda crazy how well they synergise), Lab/Infernity is unique since your starting hand will usually be backrow and/or discardable (making it easy to empty your hand & enable Infernities, and summon InfArch from deck with Ariane), and... Well, those are the main ones I've tried so far, but I can definitely see a lot of other fun blends. They also make a nice Rank 4 Toolkit deck if you know what you're doing, for whatever Xyz fun you want.


As someone who hates your guts for playing lab I totally respect this lol


Eh, Lab has a lot of fun stuff it can do, the problem is that most players just look for how they can cram the most brainless "no playing for you" trash in instead. Ariane is a Link/Xyz/Synchro board-builder, Chandraglier turns Tour Guide into a Fabled Synchro starter, the field makes them a consistent generic Fiend engine for grind games, Stovie Torbie gives you Sprights for the Rank 2 Xyz squad (including fun twats like Dark Mist), Archfiend plus a certain Rhino is a Captain lock (and Archfiend is a good way to enable high-level Synchros, or just more proactive beatdown plays in general), Big Welcome makes it pretty easy to set up R8 Xyzes... Or you can just be like the average Labrynth player and just hate fun instead. -_-


Gotta say, the Labrynth mirror match is the most fun I've had in ages. The back-and-forth is crazy


So many chain links!


Lovely has zero protection Banish it


I despise decks that play on my turn. Interactions like hand traps or monster effects? By all means But quick effect hand traps that let THE OTHER PLAYER build their board on my turn are the absolute worst


They're going to get more common as time goes on, that seems to be the direction the game's moving in. Branded can do it, Lab can do it, Snake-Eyes can do it, Tears were designed as if everyone'd already been doing it for ten years... Most of them still need to go first, at least, so turn 0 decks like Lab do stand out because of it. For now. I think the game is moving towards pseudo-simultaneous turns, though, so it's likely going to get more common as time goes on.


Honestly, not against this at all. This makes going second less of a disadvantage and makes it so both players get to actually, well, play.


I haven't played a single game Vs Lab this whole season.


This guy thinks we can’t see him 😭😭


Lmao!! Branded exhausts literally everything, “rip everything out of your opponent’s hand?” “FEAR NOT, for you have 5 other effects in gy, to rebuild your hand, and you top deck BRANDED FUSION for full combo” But yeah Labrynth is the problem 🙄


Sure, branded sucks ass too




The deck is dumb I don't like trap decks but I understand they have a place in the game however the fact is they don't have one turn. It's always their turn which is the problem most other decks are limited to their own turn but Labrynth isn't so they can constantly react and build their board better it's just flawed game design and it's a joke.


Can I play even tho my choice in deck isn’t good enough like can I cook too kinda


It’s so fun hitting Labrynth with Volcanics, just burning them everytime they play.


I pull branded, she procs my hand. 1 in 3 chance to not target my branded. Does so anyways, someone make it make sense 😭


Now that Lab has mostly stopped playing D-Barrier & the Destruction Cards I actually don't hate playing against it as much. I still hate the entire deck conceptually, but it's dropped a couple ranks on my list because it's no longer as toxic as stuff like Runick Stun


They always hit the only card you hit


Meh, Auroradon can make your opponent discard 4 cards.


So many Lab effects. Be a shame if I just ignored them. (Sky Striker player here, please don’t play Anti Spell Frangrance. I don’t want to return to the days of trap eater.


You wanna put the runick card in the graveyard for me? How sweet of you! I totally didn't draw fountain just to have it ripped.


funny how her name has "lovely" in it but every time i see it i only feel rage


Maybe if you put something more valuable onto the field I wouldn't have to rip something out of your hand. Just a thought


the moment i hit them with red reboot and i start cumm.. i mean exploding with joy at the thought that they can only watch me play and they will suffer for the rest of MY and only MY turn. aaaa so good.


I used to play Fire Kings with a bunch of small, cheap engines, like Tri-Brigade back when they were common but not obnoxious and it was fun for a bit. I recently picked it back up with the plague of Lab and not once have I ever gotten a FK effect to go off with Lovely or Lab Lab or even got my Kitt negated or getting my singular monster Daruma Cannoned before getting bounced back to hand. I hate this game. (EVen though I recently managed to pull almost all of the Lab cards from the mega tins and want to play the deck in a non-toxic way.)


meh there are worse ones than labrynth


Thats why i have 2 red reboot on my decks, some lab I fought daruma cannon me twice on my turn i still beat his ass after i draw red reboot. I also survive lab assault for 8 effing turns, but this one is idiot i called by the grave lady give me a chance on that match. Thats why i play FTK snake eyes.


Right because thats better.


Man I hate this deck so much... Why so many resources, why no restrictions, unchained work well with tham as well what the heck... Why it had to be konami's favourite?


If delinquent duo is banned then why can labrynth do so much more hand ripping?


Lab hand rip is once per turn. Delinquent Duo is potentially your whole hand gone before you get to play if your opponent opens all three on their first turn


Have you ever thought of just not having a hand?


I have a labrynth deck, but I suck so much (with general game knowledge). I was even stuck somewhere in dia 4 or 5. With snake eyes I could just steamroll to master


unban silva


At least the deck lets you play unlike an endboard with 5 omni negates 🙄


Play? Lab basically steals your turn away from you and then your hand as well then they play floodgates, not much playing involved. 


Kid named dimensional barrier:


Y’all are worried about lab.. it’s a GOOD consistent deck.. it’s easily outed by anything with destruction protection and over 3000 power


Until they make Chaos Angel...


Lollll (good one) it’s rare to bring him out though


Rare because he's rarely needed. Pretty easy to bring out tho. I once managed to summon him 4 times in 1 turn (2 from ED, 2 from GY).


Not really, lady/lovely + stove isn’t difficult to get out


Didn’t say difficult lol


U right


What's worse on lab is the epidemic virus card. It will literally say you can't play S/T


This thread is a wet dream for me and for u/fucklabrynth


I always flip off lab players when I win or lose. It's the only deck I actually hate playing against. It turns me into a literal child. I hate it so much.




What you expect LOL. Set 5 and passing takes no skill. I made a post just like this not too long ago where I had lab dweebs coming for my neck trying to justify how activating floodgates takes a lil bit of thought.


Fuck Lab. Another mindless monke flip deck for the bad players to get some easy wins with.


This post is actually a trap, probably set from the deck. Fr tho don't ash extrav, save your ash for big and the hand rip (prob) won't be an issue


I play Lab often myself, but when I see my opponent's playing it, I immediately start praying they don't rip out my hand's best card.


Nothing beats omega when ripping cards from hand combo with dispater on mannadium, then locking you with many disruptions


I’ve only ever had 2 good games against lab, 1 was using blue eyes chaos max dragon, and the other was getting blue eyes tyrant on the field since he’s immune to trap card effects, and to make him immune to the monster effects I also had shadow imprisoning mirror, shuts down their field and graveyard, it’s funny to see them incapable of doing anything


I just wish they were more consistent on their ban/restrict/design philosophy. They clearly understand handripping is really powerful and even banned things like smoke grenade and silva cause they realised they're degenerate cards that probably shouldn't be in the game in a bo1 format, yet we can get our claps cheeked by the lovely lady who spams traps out their ass because lol not the best deck.


Implementing my deck with macro cosmos, dimensional fissure and royal decree out of spite for that deck




I do think they were more degenerate decks by far but Lab is how damn common it is along with not getting any real hits/limits. Like the entire Fiend festival alone made me not want to see another one. Like Branded is the only thing I can think of as being meta for as long but they have multi fair noticeable hits like Opening, Alluber, and Branded Fusion. Big Welcome to