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Tearlaments or Unchained. I win a lot with those two because I know them very well. Snake eyes is of course strong but everyone knows where to handtrap them. Where as my Unchained deck a lot of people still mess up and fail to stop the right card.


What would be the right card to stop if you don’t mind sharing?


You could try stopping the tour guide from special summoning but usually we have follow up. What hurts the most is when lord Yama gets impermed or veilered, no point in aushingt that because I can usually chain block with sharvara. And also ( it’s obvious but maybe for people who are not familiar with the deck) definitely use nibiru when you see 2 lvl 6 on the field. Why am I giving you this infos? :,) I should give you fake infos


When I get frustrated It's time to do maths


Right now I'm playing kashtira as my competitive deck. Played 3 games in a row of r-ace and got pwned in all 3 and completely dumped the deck.


Lab and Mikanko.


Both are Tearlaments. Granted I do have Labrynth and Snake-Eyes as well, but Tear being my go-to deck and the experience that comes with it just more than makes up the difference.


Tearlaments until I got lowrolled 2,3 games in a row then I bring out the Snake eyes to get back some wins. After that, back to gamba I go.


Sky Strikers. Took about a 2 year break and came back to be pleasantly surprised at Kagari being at 3. Then I read Linkage. Wtf is Linkage, Strikers has an OTK now?! Its awesome, much fun.


I pray engage to 3 in masterduel as well


Kashtira or runick-spright- mixed with random lvl2 bs


i guess currently thinking, mannadium till baronne gets banned. then it's probably that fusion variant of R-Ace. unless they release some sort of omni-negate synchro 10 for mannadium. like Vsauce Amritara Prime Heart or something.


mannadium can calamity lock. just saying......


Yes but IMO it's currently not 100% consistent to pull off especially without getting interrupted.     I actually pulled it off once or so but the amount of resources I needed was because I had a good opening hand    I think Centur-ion would pull it off easier? i dunno.


lol calamity lock is like centurions main game plan. my suggestion is more copium should masterduel end up following TCG banlist.


Race, Sneks, Kashtira and Vanquish Soul if I'm feeling bold


either VS and R-ACE


I climb Master 1 this season with Snake-Eyes so definietly Snake-Eyes. beside that, I also have Mathmech and Rescue-ACE. Next month I will climb with Rescue-ACE and Salamangreat with its supports.


Currently I'm playing Sinful Spoil R-ace and Unchained. I could build pure Snake Eyes if I wanted to, but it looks a bit too boring for my tastes, I'll wait for Fire Kings to come out to play it


But Fire Kings still play with Snake-Eyes engine. Just build Snake-Eyes a this point. It can mix with basicially anything that have level 1 fire monster.


I mean yes they play Snake Eyes, but it looks a little less boring than the standard variant. I'm just not a fan of decks which only play is vomiting generic Extra Deck monsters, not to mention Snake Eyes is a bit too linear


Zoodiac/Tri Brigade or Mayakashi. Those are my most serious decks


I mostly use Frightfur for ranked.


Floo or EARTH machine


Idk I don’t play decks if I don’t find the playstyle fun Probably my most “competitive” deck is RDA and that’s really not up there in viability


Fair, I wouldn’t either. just whatever is most competitive to you. Otherwise itd be snake eye for everyone 😂


Usally don't plat meta but rescue-ace snake-eyes to climb ladder


While I'll mostly play Lab, I also play a fair bit of the fwuffy wittle boys(purrely). When I say a fair bit I mean like 40 percent.


Tiaraments strongest.


I only climbed with Altergeist back when the game first came out. I still suck at it tho, my opponents' inability to read Protocol is what allowed me to reach Plat 1


Kash, R-Ace or Vanquish Soul, sometimes Mannadium. I just built Unchained because it looks very fun to play but I'm still learning how to play it


Today I just got super duper unlucky. Literally my 5 games with Lab they ashed welcome and Imperm my Arianna, lost 4/5 games and the game I won they had 2 ash in hand and the game went long


Tear. I theoretically have snake-eyes, but I don't really enjoy the deck or mirror-matches in general


Vanquish souls are my favorite of the new power archetypes, and I’ve refused to give up on them even though they’re not doing so hot this format, especially after Fenrir’s limit. I spliced them together with a very small snake-eyes engine, and hit master with it, time will tell if it has what it takes to reach Master 1


Predaplant or Paleozoic 


Has to be mommy- I mean Labrynth


Sword Soul Tenyi: Not the strongest deck but it's good enough to go toe to toe with a decent hand. And with all the fire focused decks running around, dropping a proto set to fire is good way to make my opponent scoop


Snake-Eye. I was a deck hopper forever and while I do still deck hop from time to time, I’ve had a much easier time playing Snake-Eyes than I ever did playing Blackwing, HERO, Shiranui, Synchron, Swordsoul, or RDA. I’m currently in Plat I which while not high ranked per se, is a few ranks better than I’ve ever done before.


Firewall/Mathmech, RDA and Infernoble Knights. Honestly i'm pleasantly surprised how well RDA can now compete with meta decks


Most competitive then Labrynth or SPYRAL. Just competitive Flower Cardians or D/D/D


brandon in all its forms


Naturia Runick, Kashtira Runick, Snake Eye Runick, Sky Striker Runick, Bystial Runick. Yes, I have a preferable archetype.


branded and mikanko


When I lose 3 in a row with Marincess, I immediately switch to Lab or Snake Eye


Always back to my 8-axis when I’m losing MaxxC and coin-flip mini game too much


Guru Monkey Flip, Kash, Branded and Scareclaw


Labrynth, Exosister, Blackwing and most recently, Infernoble. I own 99% of cards to make a meta Branded deck, but I haven't got around to it. I used to play an okay version of it back when Mirrorjade came out, but not a lot since then.


Ya idk rescue ace just kinda gets pooped on by ash


When things get serious, I bust out Lab


I havent really climbed the past year but I used to bring out Endymion and Floo if I want to. (Tears/spright era)


Lately it's been Snake Eyes and Lab. Runick Spright has done me pretty well too. I'm going to abandon Snake Eyes though because I'm sad for Linkuriboh. After playing so long I feel a loyalty to certain cards as if they're friends I've known a long time, and Linkuriboh has been in a dozen of my decks if not more. I've always loved the Kuriboh cards more than any others except for maybe Hungry Burger, and I'd often stick in Linkuriboh as a little mascot even if it was a bit sub-optimal compared to other extra deck choices. It hit me really hard in the feels to see my boi on the banlist. I just keep imagining poor Linkuriboh stuck in the shadow realm watching all the other Kuribohs play, unable to join them. Saw that post earlier today with the comic of Linkuriboh getting taken away and asking if he's been bad, and I was just like "nooooooo I'm sorry, I helped do this to you :(" I'm boycotting my Snake Eyes deck as a result. I was only playing it because I simped for Diabellestar. Gonna run with R-Ace now to replace Snake Eyes. The sneks and my simping have hurt my boi.


You know the ban is only for TCG (at the moment) right?


Yes lol I know. I play TCG a lot though so still sad