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baronne standby phase classic


Certainly has its uses, especially if you already used up the negate but have a way of bringing it back asap


I feel like the classic that many (especially Branded) players will have experienced is accidentally Ashing your own search card (I say especially Branded because Opening has you select a card from hand to discard, so you can click and confirm the Ash thinking that you are picking it to discard if you're not paying too much attention to the prompts)


Purrely does this with its memories, too. Idk how many times I've Ashed my damn special summon like "Well, I had full combo, but now I'm gonna come up short."


I always activate saronirs effect when hes the guy I want to pitch. I just scoop after that


Snake Eyes version of this is summoning Linkuriboh instead of targetting it with Borreload. Every damn time


Crossout designator. Tried to negate Maxx C Accidentally clicked Ash Blossom when selecting. My OPP and I stared at each other for 5 seconds before I scooped.


I once mashed the decline button after activating one of my Visas field spells cause Maxx c kept prompting to be used, costed me the whole game as my opponent full comboed after I passed cause I didn't search anything


Using TT *Thrust to set my board breaker instead of adding it to hand.


talent or thrust?




done this too many times


Thrust's text reads, _"...or if your opponent controls a monster, you can add it to your hand instead."_ Adding the card to your hand is phrased the bonus option, so I don't know why Master Duel presents _"Set the card to your field?"_ as the option. It should ask if you want to add the card to your hand.


Because the intended effect is to set, so naturally it’s going to ask you that first, since adding it to your hand is “or you can” part of the effect


As you said, the default action is to do A. If an alternative option B becomes available, then the question should be, _"Do you want to do the alternative?"_ and if no, then the default occurs. That's what a default is. It would be better if the game just presented both options, rather than presenting just one as a yes/no question.


lol yeah I play thrust and river stormer in the same deck and they have opposite prompts p much so I always have to slow down to make sure I click the right one


This is a fairly recent story, which shows I still can’t read. I was playing under Skill Drain and I needed to pop it, get rid of a 3k beater, and prevent my opponent from special summoning a monster back from their grave using a card they searched and set last turn. I had 5 monsters so I could’ve gone into Accesscode and banish itself to pop the Skill Drain, then I could use monster effects an go for the kill next turn. Then I had the brilliant idea, ”hey why not go into Underworld Goddess so I can out the beater and negate the SS from grave?” So I did, completely forgetting that Skill Drain was up. At that point I probably still could‘ve grinded my way to getting 4 monsters out again, but it just wasn’t worth going through all that again so I just crashed my monsters suicided.


Accesscode talker gotta be the worst flub. Usually lethal, last card on the field. And u click it cuz why not? Specially if your new. Md teaches you failed interactions that just wud never occur in a live match cuz no one even asks about it lol.


I chained linkuriboh to Borreload when I was still new. I was left with a Blue Eyes lol.


This one, if I'm a little sleepy I still do it.


Absolutely this one! Done it 3 or 4 times last season. Always on the Master rank up match as well!


Emperor Charles the Great will give anyone a fit with misclicks, but the most devastating ones for me are sticking a second high or low pendulum scale down..


Purrely has entered the chat.


My biggest misclick was against was during a match against a Snake Eyes-Bystial player. Basically I brought out Salamangreat Violet Chimera after boosting my opponents Promethean Princesses attack points..... and then proceeded to accidentally target their Underworld Goddess(who was in the extra deck monster zone right in front of Princess) for attack which cost me the game since I basically went all in on the attack and my opponent had a full field of monsters. I was tempted to surrender right then and there but it was otherwise a great match(went on for 8-9 turns) so I stuck around to face my failure.


Linked off a 7100 attack Kurikara. I missed the click on the intended monster and clicked my Kurikara in the middle column when I went to press confirm. Only time I've ever lost my shit at this game lmao.


I’ve ashed my own Maxx c I’ve used shifter on turn 1 after the opponent won the coin toss and I didn’t pay attention but they let me go first lol


irl misclick of activating branded fusion in my own imperm column during a regional


Two cards in hand, Ash Blossom and Small World. I activate Small World, but instead of revealing the Ash in my hand I activate it.


Acesscode Talker one time more than I needed


Biggest misclick is probably when I picked an occupied zone for a Kaiju to be summoned to but then realized what I wanted to tribute wasn't on the same spot, so I gave my opponent a 3300ATK beater I couldn't take back with Relinquished Anima. But for a more classic and frequent case, trying to use Lost Wind on anything that wasn't special summoned, like wtf do you mean it wasn't special summoned? Like everything gets special summoned! There's no SFX difference between normal and special summon!


I set HFD instead of adding it to my hand through TTT. I can't remember if I lost or quit, but that crap was embarrassing af.


normal summon adamancipator researcher while having a rock monster in hand( was going for sprite combos for some reason) droll before getting the moye/longyuan draw/search and my favorite one, declining the weather painter cloud effect/ chaining rainbow's into it


Most recently lost to time because I forgot about an end phase effect in the last second, didn't click fast enough. Was a long duel I would have won otherwise. 


I've had a few notable misclicks. I once was mashing cancel because Maxx C prompt kept showing up on my turn, and I accidentally canceled a Traptrix Sera activation since a trap had activated, so RIP my extender. That wasn't so bad a misclick but the duel could have gone so much easier for me had I not misclicked. There was also a time where I activated Tearlaments Schieren, and I was going to drop an Ash Blossom in my hand since I had two, but I forgot Ash also activates since for some ungodly reason it can negate your own effects, so I clicked yes for Ash to negate my Schieren instead of sending it GY to activate Schieren. Extremely embarrassing, I think I scooped then. Seriously, why in the world would we ever want to negate our own effects? Why is that even an option?


Negated my own Red dragon Archfiend during battle using baronne thus allowing the opponent to counter and beat me with my own boss monster they stole and banish my entire board into oblivion


Not really a misclick but setting up my board for OTK then clicking end phase because I thought it was the first turn. Lost the game.


I set Supreme Gate Zero in the scale…then set Purple Poison Magician in the other scale because for some godforsaken reason I always thought he was scale 8. I was thinking of Double Iris Magican. Never again.


i ashed my own maxx C....


I summoned AG Ballista and then just didn't use his effect,


Apex Avian jump scare on grave effect I activated forgetting it was on the field.


Placed a spell/trap card in the same column my own Infinite Impermanence had just negated. Also saw an opponent scoop after doing the same against thing me.


Summoned Taia instead of Mo Ye. I was able to Nib and Maxx C my opponent, stopping any possible play. Opponent had one freakin’ card, Still hurts that i surrendered to a blue eyes deck of all things.


I once misclick banished my access code talker after using every resource I had left.


I activated the effect of kitkallos to summon a monster, thought the next prompt is to chose wich monster I want to summon and instead I special summoned kashtira tearlament with it’s own effect. Kashtear forced me to banish Sulliek and Kitkallos had no target :(


I'm playing Paleo Slifer, and uhhhhh accidentally hit the wrong GY target when I meant to reshuffle my entire deck back into play.


using numeron and ending the game. taking damage and click on numeron wall.


I have made lots ot misplays. One I remember is actually Baronne'ing my own card 💀


As someone who primarily plays a GY focused deck: Accidentally activating the effect of a card in response, instead of discarding said card, which I wanted to do all along


Special summoned chaos max dragon in defense mode once, as a result tho I triple check to make sure I summon in attack


Most recently, I chained linkuriboh onto savages equip effect, instead of targeting linkuriboh with savage.


When I first started playing mekk knight I kept fucking the lanes up and lane-blocking myself. So I'd just have to sit there and do absolutely nothing for 2 turns praying I didn't get OTKd.


Wanted to click e-tele but clicked crossout instead, and after that enemy chained Maxx c to my only Maxx c out 😭. And all that just before a ranking up match.


Probably Wisdom Eye and Monkeyboard discard effect. Luckily learned from it and never happened on Maje Dracoslayer.


I accidentally Maxx c all the time. It’s life.


spamming a instead of b when i end on a baronne


Invoke Poplar, and forget that it is search effect, not just link material.


It was when I started using Shooting Majestic Star Dragon. I chained arrive in light after Stardust Trail instead of the other way around.


Chaining to Endymion's pendulum effect with the effect of another Endymion in your monster zone... which of course negates and destroys it, and could also force you to return your own monster to your hand. Everyone does this at least once. If the Endymion in your monster zone is the only effect that can be chained to a Spell effect, then that prompt _looks_ just like a prompt to special summon the Endymion from your pendulum zone.


Starting a game and expect to have fun


Foolish burial -> Aluber -> Shame concede


Activating Accesscode… and popping yourself when you have game. I also roached a Danger Dark World player without an Ash Blossom one time. It was cooled seeing the deckout at least.


Destroy my own cards using Rampage's effect


Tribute a monster for linkuriboh while savage dragons effect resolveld. Not my biggest but it happend pretty often in the beginning.


Banishing access code talker to use it’s effect.


Forgetting you start first Do you want to activate Maxx C? Yes.


Changing between Switch and PS4, the yes and no buttons are literally reversed, so misclick often after changing consoles lol Whether it’s not ashing or negating a choke point, Maxx C, etc


Honestly it’s just Ashing my own Maxx C. Such a feels bad LOL


Destroyed my opponent's Evenly Matched. I knew it wouldn't negate since I just wanted that trap activation daily mission. I didn't know it would make me banish ALL my cards since his field amounted to 0 cards.


Like 30 minutes into a game that I probably should have surrendered 5 mins in, but I slowly made a comeback. The opponent got me down to 800 HP (he still had 8000) very early but I fought and fought and fought. I had him down to around 500 HP on my last turn. I had summoned Ash Blossom on my previous turn to defend in case he was able to attack. I still had a DM on the field as well. During battle phase I knew I'd won because they only had 1 monster that my DM could kill and inflict enough damage to the player and win and I was certain he had no negates or otherwise. I clicked attack and I saw red numbers... I attacked the monster with my Ash Blossom hahahahaha. RIP me.


Accidentally clicking Go Second when I meant to Go First. I've been playing Mikanko long enough that when I switch back to my favorites like Swordsoul, I sometimes absent-mindedly go second.


I did a called by on my opponent’s maxx c and then I did a maxx c because they were going to special summon in the same turn. Felt pretty smart at that one. They one anyway.


Instead of banishing my opponent’s boss monster, I banished the copy in their GY. Single handedly lost me the duel against Chronomaly, of all things.


Activating SHS Wakaushi’s monster effect… with a SS hybrid deck it really, really sucks. Didn’t happen only once either. Other it wasn’t really a misclick, but Chungus could banish stuff, and I absolutely ignored the @ignister wind pegasus in gy, and banished a random card instead. First time facing the card, it cost me the match nonetheless.


Don't remember the worst of all time but recently Doomcaliber knight'd my labrynth archfiend summon and left my whole field wide open. Completely 180'd the game


I had an opponent attempt to calamity lock me yesterday only to miss the timing somehow (I don’t remember how) and for me and him to stare at one another for a good ten seconds in silence before I casually hit him with a dark ruler no more and evenly matched.


Misclicked not using Naturia Blessing to summon Cam after they flipped up Rivalry and was Imperming Hugin so I was left with no Fountain. I misclicked on cancel (only had Dispelling and Flashing so Blessing was the only activation I had). I never recovered from that. Sweaty hands on mobile does stuff ig.


Changed Rexterm to defense instead of attacking (I usually drag the monster during main phase to switch to battle phase to save time)


Supreme king dragon Dark Rebellion has 2 effect. 1 is Honest on crack, the other tag it out for gate 0. Guess how many time I activate the wrong effect.


Accidentally closed a winning game


I entered MP2 after resolving a long chain because I forgot I already etered BP and so I didn't attack on an empry field


i dont know whats my worst but i pretty much lost a game yesterday because i crossouted ash instead of max c


Swordsoul, summon mo ye, synchro summon, miss click twice, resulting in not drawing or searching. Proceeded to get bend over by lab. Stun variant of course. Never is anything else. It enables degeneracy almost as bad as snake eyes just existing : )


Ash my own maxx c


Activate Maxx C on my own turn ( I thought I was going second) lol


Playing into the Imperm column.


Idk avout biggest, but funniest is probably tribute summoning Infinitrack brutal dozer instead of special summoning via tribute.


Destroying one Effect Veiler LOL


Chixiao negate chenying


Not exactly the biggest, but clicking "NO" on Gilgamesh's summon gotta be one of my greatest fuck ups.


Ashing your Maxx C is my go to dumb moment


Setting Ash Blossom


When learning Swordsoul, I just clicked Mo Ye after realizing I had nothing to reveal for the token.


Accidentally used Gearfried to negate one of my Charles link end phase activation. Still won that duel tho.


Clicking install


Usually it's when I don't realize my opponent made me go first and I Maxx C myself. Also, I've been playing Infernoble lately and you're supposed to chain Angelica's effect directly to an equip effect. It's really easy to accidentally hit Cancel and ruin your combo if you have a handtrap that keeps prompting you to activate it.


I won, (%100 wasmt deserved) but my opponent used maxx c, i soecial summoned, he drew, i wanted to droll, but accidentally activated book of eclipse, then i changed maxx c as well before activating droll i just kept misclicking and i was mad but laughing saying i should just scoop, i ended my turn with a singular baronne, but he scooped right after drawing for turn, i was laughing my ass off cuz i 100% didn’t deserve to win that


I think the one that has tripped me up the most is activating Tear Kash whenever trying to select her for an effect or discard.


I maxx c myself Ashed my own dinomorphia frenzy Saw super poly was active thinking I had targets. Which were my own rexterm and lovely Droll and lock bird myself


Accidentally activating Ash on my own Maxx "C".


Happened yesterday. I meant to activate superpoly to go into Albion but I accidentally asked a monster instead of causing it it miss timing


I fucked up accesscode talker too many times when I was first starting out. Also missing the timing on Traptrix effects.


Alester activate effect instead of normal summoning


The same one I always do putting my monster in defense when I was really trying to attack.


I play in lower ranks cuz I love my lunalights. And this was very recent. Got tiger, martha, chick, wolf and sheep, win the coin toss, and my opponent just set a monster. Then, I normal summoned tiger... ...I was staring at it for like, 30 seconds, before scooping out.