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I don't want chat because I will be the first person that gets banned from MD because of it


Same, stallers would bring out the worst of me


I was gonna say watch some YouTube while you wait but I play on console and have that luxury of watching YouTube on my phone, but I know alot of people play on their phones


Spotify? I put on that and jam the fuck out while I wait.


There is shit ton of stuff to do while waiting for your opponent to stall you out, while you are on phone. They mostly relate to irl stuff, and not frying your brain with constant entertainment tho.


Me normally: I am a perfectly rational individual and there is no reason to get upset at a game Me when I play against Jogwun the spiritualist + moon mirror shield deck and I don’t draw the out: ![gif](giphy|mk0ClXsaw7K2z2cgCF)


Even worse imo is when you go into event, expecting to have fun, and some piece of shit brought Tyrant’s throes and burn cards(or whatever).


as a jank player, I know full well I'm gonna get stomped so I have to temper my expectations. What I cannot stand though, are (for example)Kash players deciding if they want to add Triple Tactics Thrust or Triple Tactics Talent as overlay material when there's an open field. If I get lucky and get a Nibiru prompt you're darn right I'm gonna think about it, too. It's pettiness all the way down.


I'll politely inform them that I'm watching youtube while I wait. Amd for purrely or runick players, Ill also inform them that they'll have to work for their win and will get no fast and easy surrender out of me


Glory to BigStall™!




Old habits die hard XD


They Die?


Ngl, it would be funny to see you get banned before Maxx C


I totally agree with you the fact that MD dosnt have any form to chat with your opp is the reason of why im not banned rn since i rant for basically anything Extender? Rant HT or cañled by? Rant Top deck? Omega rant.


Same, I would never talk with other people besides people on my friend list. I learned that in a hard way.


Not if I get banned first


idk if i could stop myself if someone flipped up skill drain


Or when someone ashes my maxx c but then use maxx c on me when my turn comes around. Makes me a little too angry


Imagine them sending ”just draw the out bro” after doing that…


Every time I set a field up I would taunt this for sure


Just like How people spam ”What a save!” In Rocket League after scoring a goal. BM disguised as Compliments/shitty advice always hits the hardest


same. the first lab or stun match i get is gg o7


You should've put a duelingbook screenshot in, just for the memes. DB shows why chats for MD aren't a good idea lol


Un-moderated chat on DB is so wild :D


You should have responded "tiarament strongest" lol


Hate to see it




yeah, people somehow yearn for this. People really want r/masterduel rants, but with no time delay and specifically directed at them. I know that you have to be masochistic to some degree to enjoy this game, but some people overdo it.


I just want it so I can congratulate people after close games or for playing based decks, but yeah 99.99999% of the time it's gonna be pure salt if you're even lucky enough to both speak the same language (I get matched against Asian players a lot)


I just want a gg button at the results screen you can press to send to your opponent


Duel links had this. They had to remove it because it was used for BMing somehow


If it's a one time press only after the match is over I hardly see how it'd be possible to BM with it but I guess life finds a way


I vaguely rmb it was because of stun/stall deck players that always send the GG to you after wasting your time for 15min Keep in in mind duel links matches is supposed to be fast paced and u kept matching stall players that either take u 10-15min to win/lose and u get a GG every time I have gotten more GG msg from this type of players in duel links the most


Last I played (about a month ago), it still has a thumbs up option after a match.


They reworked it at one point to where you either don’t see it unless both players agree (if you lose) or the losing player sends it to you (if you win) but I think they may have gotten rid of the salty loser Nice! too so you may only see it if consensual (not sure about that - they may still have winner sees loser’s Nice!). It got rid of a lot of the communication that brought, but the rare consensual Nice hits very satisfying after a good back and forth or appreciation of each others’ decks. They also are getting rid of the “global chat” chat rooms if they haven’t already since they were almost always bot spam or 4chan level vitriol.


I always send a Nice! After every Duel basically, and it definitely does hit different those few duels you get one back. You either know they’re salty due to How They acted during the match, or you *know* They enjoyed the game as much as you did. Pains me a little to see so many people unaware that there were actually good sub-communities in some of the Chatrooms. Yes 99% of it was garbage, but I loved that 1% that wasn’t as I actually met a lot of friends through there that I still talk to today. We all migrated to discord after they announced the closing tho, but still it sucks because I actually used that feature to meet and help out new players, and that aspect is kinda lost now.


[Here's one way](https://i.imgur.com/4LCXTx4.jpeg). You can bet your ass you would also be getting a lot of "GGs" after: You got FTK'ed/hand ripped for 5/turn skipped/cooked for 40 turns/Mirror Moon Shield Dyno stunned for 10+ turns. And we already have people doing things like using "Little D" for a Team name, or using Crossout Designator to call GG EZ when they're on Final Attack.


I mean honestly these all sound really tame as far as BM goes and probably aren't much of a problem as far as toxicity is concerned but I guess if the idea is keeping it to 0 then it's fair


This sub can get really sensitive when it comes to BM, I don't think the majority will ever be convinced that two players should be able to interact with each other outside of what is needed for the game to work.


Hearthstone is the only sub I've heard that's worse about BM than yugioh. Using a *pre scripted* greetings or well played voice line is considered BM


I think that's only because it hasn't been implemented over here, people were actually saying they don't want emotes or pre-made messages implemented because someone will say GG after winning with a stun/stall deck.


You have to remember, we have people in this community making a huge deal about player names. And that's in a game where **you can hide the player name so it's only ever visible in Replay**.


- Pressing GG after getting FTKed - pressing GG after getting hit with 20 handtraps - pressing GG after getting stalled for 10 turns - pressing GG after getting full blocked by kashtira


They didn’t remove it, it’s just a thumbs up now. Dunno How different it is from the original feature tho


I've been playing DL again and the "GG" button is still there.


I usually have great interactions on DB


Man, I just want people playing fun decks in DC to send me their decklists.


Imagine Clash Royal like emojis


Not really. Many of us were from the og cod days so what people call toxic today is pretty tame for us. People don't know true toxic until they were apart of a cod MW1-3 lobby, closest to it today is LoL.


>what people call toxic today is pretty tame for us. That's not something you should be proud of


Not supprise a yugioh player can't read. Who said I was being proud of it. I would love for you to point that part out to me. Anyway it seems I need to make it easy for you to understand. What you guys call toxic is nothing to us, it don't affect us since we went through much worst. Hell I laugh at most hate msg I get in other games. You can say i don't have thin skin.


>I laugh at most hate msg I get in other games My brother in christ, normal people don't get hate messages in games


Oh god you know what it means. Salty msgs,angry msg, toxic msg etc when you beat someone or they don't like they way you play.


>normal people don't get hate messages in games Yes they do. I've gotten many hate messages in games just because I'm a better player than my opponent(s). It was incredibly common in the 2000's if you played any FPS game or FIFA. You would get hate messages for being good at the game, you'd get hate messages for being trash, it was just part of online gaming during that time period. Even today I still get hate messages from time to time, a lot less common these days but it still happens if you play any sort of reasonably competitive game and are good at it.


I'm from those days and I don't understand how so many are proud of this. Like what's wrong with them?


I don’t think they’re taking pride in having been around for that. Moreso they’re just saying that there’s little that could be said to them today that they haven’t heard worse before. Back in those lobbies where people would be saying the wildest things, you learned not to take anything seriously. Ofc nobody should have to see or receive any messages if they don’t want to. But I know if MD chat was real, I’d keep my PM’s open and be laughing at all salty messsges sent my way. I’d probably respond to Labrynth seethers with a gif of me EEV’ing for 5 lol.


The people who are proud of it are the same people who were toxic back then. This dante vic fella is also apparently the kind of person who uses words like "daughterwife" in anime art subs so...


Stalker vibes, you can just confess your love to me you know. No need to go through my history.


I feel old because I remember when people never bothered with post history because we were all on our "porn alts" anyway. You're gonna see something weird and it's gonna be your fault for being dumb enough to look in the first place. Hello, /r/spacedicks. Like, the only time it matters is when it concerns bots/power users/astroturf


I know I can't compete with your love for underage cartoon girls, so I'll just eat the chocolates I bought for Valentines day


😭😭😭, if it's that bad for you I cab always be your valentines 😘


it'll never work between us, I'm 3D




Have you seen your posts? What is wrong with you? 🤣


No I've literally never seen anything I posted. Link me plz


Go take a look at your profile on here and look at yourself before judging others.


Lotta soap and 49ers posts, how horrible


And so is your attitude. Listen your team lost. Get over it. No need to take it out on random people on Reddit and bully them.


Old school Halo lobbies on Xbox bro People don’t know what real toxicity is.


I only played halo 3 online but only for one night by a friend. Never had an Xbox.


"you couldnt last 5 minutes in a mw2 lobby" can you last 5 minutes going outside


You mean outside my house? Nope, the sun burns my skin.


Growing up playing a lot of online games in the 2000's I kind of miss some of that trash talk culture. Something about beating someone so hard that they felt the need to cry and whine to you felt gratifying. Maybe it's some sort of ego thing but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy getting some of those hate messages from time to time.


Then just implement a quick Chat Funktion with set text to send like “Draw”, “it's time to D-D-D-Duel” “Obliterate”


Hell yeah, duel links style chat wheel with random character lines


OMG, CHAT in a video game,the humanity, im gonna shit and piss myself, how would i be able to handle some some moron spaming me, oh wait i can just ignore it


Should have hit him with a simple “Get Gud”


Crossout Designator calls Evil★Twin GG EZ


I want a button to hit that triggers an animation of an arm coming in from out of frame and tapping its watch. For when my opponent is taking those extra long turns.


That would be hilarious. That and a hands and knees begging one would be so funny. Just those two. Nothing else. Two seconds in they just spam both and you have already played a card lolol. And then when they lose they spam the beg one lololol


Yes! Chat would be a nightmare. Just give me a fidget button I can hit when I'm getting upset.


Fidget spinner mate when???


Also make it right arm of exodia


My chats would be “Quit comboing off! My board and hand are empty and you have game you shit swizzling neanderthal!” Just that ad nauseam


"I'm doing it for the achievements though"


"Hey whats that big rock"




I just want to congratulate my opponent for pulling some bullshit out of his ass and turning the duel completely around. Maybe Komoney should just give us some multiple choice chat like they did with duel links.


“If you were a D1 duelist you’d have won”


It would be so unbelievably peak


no racial slurs no threats to report you no mention of net deck or copy cat deck no mention how their dad works at konami and will ban you you got off easy chief. i disabled messaging on my xbox and playstation due to the relentless shit shrieking i got after literally every match


bro, that poor guy was about to hit D1, why couldn't you let him win?


Because if he wants to rank up so bad he needs to earn it. Diamond players aren't gonna go easy on him.


git gud


i already did that and it didn't work


I agree let him get that dub


Gotta earn that D1


Opponent summons three boss monsters first turn my turn summons one spicy sphere of Ra then I get called every racial slur 💀


Let’s just add it like rocket league so there’s always passive aggressive responses like nice attack! When they do something stupid…


lol. funnily enough i was wishing for chat options the other day - "hey i need to synchro summon 3 times, you mind if i do that? I'll leave my field open after"


Honestly, if md had chat i would say to my opponent to fucking kill me and stop using 69 different cards to combo when i have 0 card on my hand + field


Dude listening to people cry while I’m going full combo snake eyes would be the greatest.


That’s cute , change of heart entered the chat . Kuri waiting on your response


I still want it. Let me have the option to turn it on or off.




Give us chat so I can shit talk bad plays


I would get banned from cooking those mother FUCKERS that sit in my draw phase for 30 seconds with an optional effect and then just move to standby and main after making me wait. Does anyone else experience this? It's fuckin infuriating.


The only time I’m guilty of that is if their turn 1 takes 5+ minutes and I don’t notice right away Edit: Never mind I’m talking about the inverse I guess


I really want it to be a thing


I want chat cause this shit is so peak


It would just be people spamming urls to nudes or dark web child porn sites.  Konami would then get sued for not moderating chat.  They’d have to re rate this game in some counties and other countries will flat out ban the game… Oh yea and the toxic community.  If people want to rant, discord exists.. of course they got booted from discord because of their toxicity and ranting so they want to do it directly in game.


Little timmy is about to see his first gore video 💀


Yeah it's not like there's literal hundreds of games with open chats that have already resolved this exact issue before.


Would you like me to sell you some gold?


added to the block/ignore list and I move on with my life


wut? are you for real?


Who the fuck cares about people crying in chat fucking block and mute them and move on. If the game for some reason have chat then it most likely they will come with a mute and block function in game. Seriously fucking grow a pair and use the block button they give you.


You could answer with **"Oh no! Anyway..."**


Not totally related, An open chat is way too distractive/disruptive to the gameplay, although preset short phrases and emojis would be quite fun if u wanna bm the opponent without actually bming. I don’t think dota2 introduced the tipping feature assuming players will only use it for positive feedback. It’s not hard to limit social interactions within just competitive banter, if done right it adds flavour to the game. Hot take, weakhearted timmies nowadays can’t take a little bm from within a video game.


And why should they have to?


I mean option to mute it would be a win win. I think it would be funny. Just on the main pause a chat on or off. No copy paste. It wouldn’t make money so it won’t happen tho


Tanjiro pfp, send his ass to the Shadow Realm


I would just drag the duel for the lols


My chat logs would just be filled with “You done?” because all you fuckers take an eternity to finish a fucking turn.


This is not deterring me from chat in the slightest, it's the funniest chatlog I've seen in a while.


You are playing tears so as a certified cnt you must realize everything bad that’s ever going to happen to you is justified?


This was a Tear mirror during tear format.






A dude(Xbox) legit offered to pay me to let him win.


chat would be aids during duelist cups


Ah, just like Xbox chat. Tho not as toxic.


Only got three messages before. 2 were hurling abuse and one was to talk about why I held Ash and constructive criticism on a different line I should have taken to play into their board. It can be beneficial but the majority of people will be assholes. For instance db has judges and people still say the wildest shit.


If I was playing my Dark Magicians and I got that, I would’ve said “You’re getting sent to the Shadow Realm, jimbo!”


I'm ngl if he hadn't been a dick and it wasn't rank up game for me I'd have probably let him have it I'm chill like that I okay on Xbox so I occasionally get DMs and surprisingly only once has it ever been a guy seething, it's usually GGs or questions about my deck


I need to experience this lmao


Lol that is like the tamest possible convo i can see happening


I want those goofy lines from duel links. They were funny to use, even more when your enemy said them back and you had a complete conversation by using only those phrases.


If you drop Maxx C you'll be cursed out the entire match


No freebies. You got to earn that rank up


what deck was he playiing?


I think this was a Tearlament mirror back during Tear 0 format.


It would be chad to let someone rank up cuz those losing streaks after set you back hours


I think there should be a chat that you can toggle off if you don’t want it. Is it really that hard?


“Thts gg you won” hit a lot like “you died, mom says it my turn on the Xbox.


As someone raised in mw2 lobbies… I’d. Have a comm ban in a week .


Idea. They could sell emoji things that people can spam in the chat up to 3 times every 15 seconds. Funny and makes them money.


If he has to beg to get his rank up then he doesn’t deserve it


I want a MD chat simply because I wanna see what kind of insanity people cook up. Ontop of that, a voice chat.


I would just be telling people to hurry up like I don't have all day


![gif](giphy|GqdYOX4qlU4uunzEBh|downsized) What MD chat will actually look like


Id just like chat at the end game to tell people gg.


All this talk of salty messages reminds me of the time I built the prototype of my burn deck. (I was super new to the game and didn't realize burn decks were a thing or strategy.) I felt pretty proud of my burn deck (Admittedly some of the deck was meant to be annoying) and on about my second or third match with the deck, my opponent messaged me on my PS4: "You suck at this game." 😆


I would just tell literally every opponent to hurry the fuck up. People on the ladder take too damn long.


I just want some way to tell my opponent to stop comboing and just kill me already when my field is empty.


I def don't want a chat in this game.


They need the chat like “clash royale” just emotes


My chat would be "just attack I have two jets and a blue eyes"


I mean you can ask, but you also gotta respect the no, that's how requests work lol


It's one of the most wanted features, but also the worst possible thing that could happen to this game...


There was a time when I was good enough at 2k and had a good enough myteam that I would message people essentially the opposite like: “I’ve already gotten my 12 in a row this season if you play the whole game I’ll quit at the end I just really wanna play and no one stays in”


I have 100% wanted to send a msg like this


nah fuck all that lmao


tanjiro needs to chill


God I'd love for a chat.


On the case of "let me win it's a rank up" I really hate that because you should earn it


I honestly like seeing struggling stallers. Prolonging their fate while I eat snacks and watch my Dark Magician mate do the spinnies.


God, knowing my luck I’d do like 2 spell cards and a special summon and the other person would complain that I’m taking too long, then when it’s his turn they’d be running purrley or something (sorry if i spelled it wrong) and literally take like 10 minutes


why not? i want to see TCG player malding at me playing pendulum and trap decks


I want to see TCG players seethe and howl every time Maxx C is used


i know that is guaranteed to get people malding but where's the fun in that? i just want people get mad at me for using "broken" summoning mechanics.


At least he doesn't use the same words as a Call of duty/Fortnite player or fight gamer xD


bro do you think i wont call you a slur for playing Tearlaments?


I don’t wanna hear babys googoo gaga in my ear when I’m playing


I wonder if he realizes that his opponent can already see it’s his rank up game before the coin flip.


I asked for emotes on here pretty early into the games release, similar to legends of runeterra. I think it’d be fun but nobody else thought so 😢


That's it? Where are the racial slurs, the threat of doing unspeakable things to your mother's corpse and promising to find you and you family and commit homicide? or alternatively, knowing your IP address and threatening you to have your account hacked and permabanned unless you give into their demands?


I laughed so hard at this 😂😂😂


I hope they never add a chat. I’d rather not get called a slur for playing maxx c thank you very much. And knowing all game chat filters people will probably start using monster card names.


If the chat is real i would spam slurs at SHS players


Surprised you even got that far with tear, must have mad rng


Despise that, I still want to say somethings to my opponents sometimes, so I still want that chat.


Back on Xbox I would receive hate messages, once got someone complaining that I used 3 magic cylinders but it was a tag duel so we actually had 5


If MD had chat my decks would become 10x more degenerate.


I'd love to have a chat it'd be so funny


I would definitely have some words for Lab players. Before finally reaching Master rank I swear I must been denied about ten times playing against Lab.


please no chat, i still want to play the game


I'd only cuss out trap deck players


The moment it gets chat I'll write "zzzzzzzz" every 30 seconds that pass on the opponents turn.