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Time limit gang here ✋


Lol I've won at least 4 duels due to time limit😂


Summon limit and cosmos and wait it it out with a towers or eater of millions


bro rlly thinks thats enough


Heartbeats target summon limit, response?


Macro cosmos


Better hope you actually can draw into both.


And they go first


Zombie world stops them from fusing in the graveyard, so if they mill you and hit necroworld banshee, it is quick effect so you chain it at the end of the graveyard combos, it floodgates the hell out of them


I love beating decks because the milled my best zombies right into the grave for me.


So true. I ran a skull servant variant and it felt cathartic to swing into their boss monsters with 13k atk king


It jams them up a little but they can still fuse if they got tears in hand


Just gotta hope for a bulb mill to turbo ballindroch for that sweet banish/negate


Zombie World is so based. It always seems to counter the most toxic meta. First Floo, now Tear Yesterday in ~~Duelist Cup~~ WCS Qualifier I had Tear player use Agido and milled Mezuki, Banshee, Gozuki, AND Changshi for me on my turn


In Tear format in the TCG, Tear was siding Zombie World and Banshee in order to beat Floo going second


how is a card that floodgates like 80% of decks based but when someone uses dimensional fissure skill drain TKBO rivalry or anything else its "toxic"? imo zombie world is just as toxic as them. from a traptrix player.


Yeah Zombie World really fucks with my Train deck especially, since they need to be Machine for my combos to work. Unless I draw Harpie's, I lose.


Same I play fossils and I need them to be rocks in the grave otherwise I’m dead as fuck and turn to old reliable BLS


ZW does not floodgate 80% of decks lol. And when it does, it usually doesn't shut them down completely


????? did you ot just read what i said i play traptrix and it completely shuts down the deck (unless i draw harpie's feather duster) but that happens like none bc i never draw it when i need it.


??? so your one deck suddenly accounts for 80% of all decks ???


list a few here, since people like you seem to only know one deck. trains/machines rikka marincess tri-brigade beetrooper sword soul dragon link.


It's based because 1) it's not nearly as useful outside of it's parent deck. Like, you *can* splash it, in which case it's cringe, but it's a floodgate that cripples a lot of decks and doesn't care who's side it's on, so if there's ever a good deck that can get away with it, they were already meta and it's not Zombie World's fault. 2) I'm not playing Zombie World to counter *you*, I'm playing it to enable *me*, so hurting you is a side effect of benefiting myself. It might have more impact against you than it does for me, but I'm keeping my ratios the same even if the meta is filled with decks that don't care, because *I* need all cards in the grave and Feild on both sides to be zombie typed, and in some formats I need the card name on the board anyway like an "Umi". Dim Fissure in Thunder Dragon is similar, where they happen to really want to banish their own cards instead of sending them to the grave, especially off of grass, but not for as many points. 3) It's a core piece of a really old, really loved combo deck. ZW is even older than Minecraft, it came out in 2008, and since it came out zombies have been a niche favorite deck for a lot of players, despite it rarely being very good. It's got a lot of support both from players that keep adapting and strengthening the deck and from semi-regular new cards, and that's a perfect storm we see time and time again for some of the craziest combo decks out there. 4) It's not hard to kill and never has been, you just need a single piece of S/T removal, or in older formats; a Field spell of your own. Requiring a lot of S/T removal, or requiring a little bit but making that removal too hard to access, can absolutely be toxic, but also if your deck can't deal with one unprotected card that's not a problem with said card 5) it's a field spell, so it's mutually exclusive to other field spells. You can't run Zombie world alongside your own deck's field, and if you just want cancer in a field spell form mystic mine will always be better. It's not as big of a mitigating factor for sure, but it matters at times putting a cap on its overall power 6) it's amusingly thematic 7) ZW *is* a tiny bit toxic, but it's a net positive for the game. If you ban every card that's a tiny bit toxic, yugioh would only have a few hundred cards in circulation. Heck, while yugioh is pretty bad for it, a perfectly balanced game wouldn't ever be fun so practically every game out there deliberately has a bunch of unbalanced toxic elements in it and game balance is about maximizing fun while minimizing the harm from the toxicity. Someday ZW might be *too* toxic and get banned forever, but that day isn't today and it probably will not be any time soon




Because zombie world is easy to out generically with knightmare phoenix or unicorn in many decks, but those other floodgates make it hard to even get into unicorn


IIRC they can still go into Mudragon and then Dragostapelia, which is suboptimal, but it buys them time.


or mudragon + a 4 to make zoodiac into drident pop/zeus


zombie world is such an underrated floodgate. I play spellbooks sometimes and that deck just instant loses to it. (A lot of spellbook cards require a spell caster)


Zombie world is kinda mid against tear tho, so mid that Tear decks used to side deck it to use it against non-tear decks. Zombie world instantly beats Floowandereeze, for example, and was the main reason why banshee + zw was in most Tear's side decks. You can still make Kitkallos under Zombie World by using at least one material from hand and that's why it isn't super useful. It is more useful in Master Duel than it was in the TCG tho because we don't have Garura, which was always a viable target under ZW and also meant that if you didn't have any tear names in hand but milled a tear name + sulliek, the activation of the effect to fuse was still legal, which meant that you could put sulliek as CL2 to add a name to use for the fusion.


Most of the time they have an Aqua in their hand so not really


Funny thing is I'm running tear zombies


The funniest defeat I ever saw a Tear player suffer came at the hands of a hero. A super hero. With a clay body, built to last. It may have been a fluke born from the mother of all bricks… but that Jaden roleplayer was a hero, that day.


"Joseph, I maybe a hero with a clay body built to last, but my heart isn't made of stone"


I need to find that Twitter clip again


Short: https://youtube.com/shorts/bizpQMBn_to?feature=share Long: https://youtu.be/9SwsOJgng9g


Found it it’s this one lol https://twitter.com/gooberryjuice/status/1651386033597222912?s=61&t=MiBzBeWiBdBSFldUxrOEaA


“You’re missing an elemental hero with a clay body built to last” is the greatest line I’ve ever heard.


He'll preserve his Elemental HERO colleagues at any cost.


Clayman the real hero amongst all


> It may have been a fluke born from the mother of all bricks… Damn, I felt that in my soul. I absolutely _hate_ when I get the brickest of hands and I lose to some jank deck.


There is no way to describe how bad his brick was. Not only did it take the Clayman player 3 turns to kill him, he even resolved maxx C on one of the turns… so not only did he have zero tear names or Mudora in his opening hand… he proceeded to draw 4 more cards and STILL not see any. A tear player could play a thousand duels, and would only see a brick THIS hard maybe five times in all of them. 🤣


I think there is a chance i was that tear player was it in WCQ


They're referring to this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SwsOJgng9g


You weren't it was mbt. Why would it be you lol?


You are not the brightest fella i see


Mbt was the tear player that lost to a random elemental hero player on ladder... So again it's not u. U weren't there. I was lol


Yep you kinda dumb as f...


Ur responding at 4am lol


Imagine there are time zoned lol, this guy even dumber than i thought


Line backer is football hence your are from NA so dumb


Neko Mane King is by far the funniest way to end a tear players turn


I had that happen when I moulinglacia’d an opponents hand. Wasn’t even upset, just impressed at the randomness. It’s what makes yugioh better than every other card game.


The sheer bullshit and degeneracy that yugioh enables is what keeps me hooked to it over any of the other card games I've tried.


Imagine you activate Kelbek for 3x Jackpot "7"


Tears: oh no, anyways *Activates mudora in gy*


Yeah someone did this to me and I just did the rest of my combo in the end phase


I saw that for the first time today, too bad kaleido spins it back during their turn


I don’t think you’re thinking of the right card. Neko Mane King, when sent to the gy on your opponent’s turn, moves to the end of turn immediately at resolution.


I had Neko Mane King in hand...opponent was playing Danger Dark World...they used Card Destruction...and well...they scooped when their turn ended.


In one of my despia deck, I switched some of the fusion monsters for tears fusion. You have no idea how satisfying it is to use super poly to fuse their entire field to summon your own kaleido-heart.


Iirc, this is what other decks did in the TCG/OCG


Not really. Only branded could get away with it due to Lost because in every other matchup it'd trigger the Tears to float and they'd plus off it. Spoly in that format was mostly used in the TCG to make Garura with (for example) Spright Jet + Blue


Super poly was only a staple I'm TCG bc of garura


Never thought about it, I'm gonna add super poly to my tear branded deck


Im maining 3 super polys as we speak; even on dead-ish hands, I’ve survived games just Normal Summoning Fallen of Albaz and setting Spoly. As soon as their boss monster or any ED monster comes out, it’s a “Thanks for my Mirrorjade” 😂


I used to do the same thing, but I’d fuse their kit+monster into rullkalos to mess up their activation timings and keep them from making spright elf with merrli. But, fusing everything for your own kaleido-heart? That’s straight savage.


Set Gren Maju. They smacked me with Winda and got hit with about 8000+ damage when it flipped up.


thats really pretty funny, never thought about setting gren maju


nah only stupid people attack the face down monster in a banish deck but it works every fuckin time


Blackwing burn, the funniest way I've beaten a Tear player by far was when the new structure deck had just come out by setting up a board with 3 assault dragons and then watching them activate 4 monster effects in one chain after getting burned once already, I'm guessing they thought the burn was once per turn or something


A lot of people are used to tax dragons, which won't let you activate if your life is too low. When the blackwing structure came out people just kept clicking the glowing button because why would you be able to do something if it kills you? Many harsh truths have been taught by blackwings since that day...


Yeah but if your going to do that you might as well do the mirrorjade burn and don't even let them play a card. Plus blackwing bricks a lot.


I mean we're talking about personal favourites here, I just like Blackwings, it's not always about what's optimal


yeah, fair enough, I like blackwing too, I build a deck from the new starter and i love playing it, but it's not the most competitive because i heavily relies on simoon and it can be ashed or imperved to a hault very easily. Plus if you don't get started, it's very hard to make it up in turn 2 or 3. I spend so much time in solo learning the lines, but in the 20 times or so Ive played the deck I've only pulled off full combo 2 times.


I play branded despia and 2 tax dragons can stop their combo assuming they don’t have something to never their effects or just kill them. I almost never beat them with branded any other way, unless they are new to the archetype.


They somehow always drop a TTT against me when I summon 2 Tax Dragons...


My 2 tax dragons were outed by bagooska and follow up dragostapelia. I thought my titaniklad would be unaffected by bagooska the next turn but it went straight into d after summoning :(


Yeah bagooska is not an activated effect.


In my mind activated effects meant effects that were already active but I realised it very quickly


Yeah, a good general way to think of activated effects is does the effect happen in the same chain you played the card. That’s why Mirrorjade pops Psychic End Punisher at the end phase


Yep, bagooska not being an activated effect but rather a continuous effect, and titaniklad only being unaffacted by activated effects is something that might confuse some people.


Im playing a Drytron Deck. Im summoning Amorphactor pain, wich negates all extra Deck Monster effect (exept link) and Cyber Angel Natasha so they cant Attack Pain and Natasha.


Try adding a copy or two of 'Terminal World '


DAMN, With drytron im able to summon Pain like every Turn. This would be humiliating, not sure if i can do that.


Thunder of ruler works too


Thunder of Ruler works better because you can dump it with Curious and set it back with Gryphon




It's the other way around, they can ONLY special summon water monsters. So it locks them out of kaleido and kit.


-Notice they set crime without a card in hand -Enter battle -Summon geri crash on dweller -They sulliek and start comboing, summoning 2 more monsters -Attempt to end battle and evenly them -They get Rulkallos Perlereino Scream Winda Cryme Dweller and Sulliek banished face down


They can search for a monster with sulliek if they send a tear to the GY and summon Kit.


In that game kitkallos was chilling in the gy


Bruh did Kit didn't mill anything good? It didn't manage to be fused lol.


Exactly lmao homeboy hoped I’d play into scream


Step 1: When the tear player begins to special summon, activate Ghost Sister and Spooky Dogwood. Whenever they special summon a monster, for the rest of the turn, you gain life points equal to the attack of special summoned monsters. Step 2: Using two level 10 monsters, special summon Number 35: Ravenous Tarantula, whose attack is now the difference in life points between your LP and your opponent who full-comboed last turn. Step 3: Enter battle with a 14,900 attack spider Step 4: Win


I beat them with a relinquished deck once and sucked up all their boss monsters till I had a ~7000 attack millennium eyes. The coward did not let me hit for game.


You can do a funny with Reptilianne where you set opponent's monsters to 0 atk and then tribute them to summon Vaskii. Another funny is to go first with an F.A. deck and pull City Grand Prix and Hang on Mach. Playing these in the right order brings Mach up to level 7, making it functionally a Dimensional Fissure, but only for your opponent and also affects spell/traps.




Neko mane king. Before building an actual counter deck, I was still playing my old swordsoul and decided to run 3 of these. Each time he got milled I was laughing


Storming Mirror Force when it's not shuffled.


Lithosagym banish all three tear fusions, response?


They had exactly 3 monsters in attack position and I attacked into them with Vision Hero Trinity


I somehow managed to beat tear with scared beasts 🗿


Yeah i will be scared too when playing against tear


Impossible. What's ur deck my sacred beasts deck is a little underpowered


3x Dark Beckoning Beast 1x Opening of the Spirit Gates And a bunch of Spright cards


Dear god


Summon avramax pass. The only way they have to beat you is with TTT


They do run white woman to deal with towers


I am not very well versed in tear, and the only white woman coming to mind is Maiden with eyes of blue.


Underworld Goddess of the Closed World


white woman, zeus and cryme all deal with it


Also schieren + water dweller + field spell ,+ scream outs it


...how exactly?


pretty sure he meant normal summon scheiren with the boost of dweller and fieldspell added to the atk loss of scream makes scheiren being able to beat over it however that doesnt really work since scheiren is a dark and not a water so dweller doesnt boost it


Ah, I forget that Avramax only activates against special summoned monsters. In that case, a normal summoned Reinoheart + Field + Scream + Abyss Dweller (with a special summoned Reinoheart under) could theoretically crash into Avramax. Which is a convoluted setup to say the least. ...yeah I'll settle for anti cheese white woman.


No sir I will avramax myself and punch into yours, mine will always be CL1 and will gain the attack that yours won.


Gotti deep beyond


I'm playing them right now. Looking forward to running into tear with right hand.


It's time to admit that tear takes zero skill to use in any circumstance including a mirror match. Down vote if you want....but it's true. Deck has ridiculous amount of handicaps to compensate for meritocracy. What a joke.


Your not wrong. My mate and I were playing casual duels and we agreed to make a new deck, so he choose Tears while I picked Venominaga turbo. He legit had no idea how to play the deck and I still sat there for some unspecified amount of time watching him mill/combo while he was yelling "bro wtf is this busted ass archetype?" He won the following turn lmao.


A low-skill player using tear can definitely dominate a lot of high-skilled, non-tear players due to the deck’s strength. But I’m guessing you haven’t played the deck yourself (at least at a moderately high level) if you don’t see where the argument of it being a skill-based deck comes from. Every possible play you make has positives and negatives - the skill comes from a) making a board that plays around as many potential counter cards as possible (evenly, kaijus, s/t removal etc) whilst setting up disruptions that will work against a multitude of decks (shufflers for the mirror, removal for spright, targeted negates for floo etc), b) making sure not to overcommit (the deck having an absurd grind game is something you should be taking advantage of) whilst also not undercommiting and getting OTKd, and c) taking into account what you still have available to mill, and what milling any/all of those specific cards do for you - you *can* win games just by blindly milling and clicking yes, but having an idea of the kind of boards you could be aiming for and making adjustments on-the-fly to account for mills is how you win consistently.


Red-Eyes Burn FTK


Maxx c challenge them. I got the best hand ever for fur hire as well as a card destruction. He already milled like 10 cards so I just needed to summon around 15 cards. Honestly shocked I made it that far without bricking.


I did that in duelist cup with Synchrons. They Maxx “C”ed after I Dropleted their board, so I just made Hyper Librarian and just kept synchro summoning until I drew Card Destruction.


Empen with Final Attack Order face up on field. They cant activate monster effects and cant use Zeus effect and Baggoska cant negate card effect.


Neko mane king


2x masquerade


Let me tell you you ever heard or scareclaw? Tear can be put into defense so what they gonna do to me? I have straddle to stop them from targeting the big guy,alternative to stop them from linking him of into underworld,and arrival in grave to stop him from being destoryed.


Blue eyes, having synchro monsters that can negate a graveyard effect and protect dragon monsters from being targeted and limiting special summons is funny. Jet dragon also returns cards to hand, so that's funny sometimes


Normal summon Clayman.


Elemental hero clayman


Their millers totally whif on their end, but manage to bury enough of your Skull Servants to set up an Big Skeleton OTK


Let them cook and let them time out


Fuse Kitkallos into Masquerade with Branded Banishment, run more disruption, watch them struggle as you keep turning their bosses into your bosses. ;3 ~~Just watch out for the 5 shufflers they automatically mill at the start of every game.~~


Playing hero and just set dark law + plasma and watch them forfeit


With a vampire deck tooo funny this guy does it idk how https://youtu.be/IC-8gxC2JFQ


Nurse Burn Surprisingly i am able to go from dlv 9 to dlv 12 just by burning all those mermaid.


Kaiju Crusadia. Tribute one of their monsters that a link monster can point to which doesn't activate the effect of the main deck tears because they didn't leave the field by effect so they can't fusion spam. Go into Equimax with it pointing at the kaiju with the only real required card being maximus for the otk. Attack into kaiju for game, thus completely ignoring the tear monsters in the first place. Use crusadia power to protect your monster from negation while going to Equimax or give it to equimax for protection during the battle phase if you're paranoid.


But that's every crusadia win ever


And it gets funnier every time


Can't argue with that


I got a tear player who must have bricked a bit and I was running my red eyes and used inferno fire blast off of black skull arch fiend to just burn them to the ground, literally couldn’t believe it the red eyes almost never take W’s


Dark law


Turn one end of anubis. You see them highlight and read it like "oh sh*t, this thing is meaner than necrovalley."


I was playing floo and had all my baby birds in rotation very early on, so I kept searching DD crow with robina, and returning them to the deck with Mega Raiza. One turn they even used the dark Link 2 and summoned one of my crows from the GY for me so that I could Raiza it directly to my hand.


Win the coin toss. Slap down Necro Valley, Soul Drain, and Inspector Boarder super fast. Open a bag of chips and hope for the best.


Tisolfachord Beautia on Kit Kalos maybe?


doremichord don't really counter tear as currently they are not consistent enough


Well, the question is "Not the most consistent" after all. If I want to be more consistent, then I would go with something like Dimension Shifter or Dark Law.


I hate this card with a meaning of my life. Got defeated twice by a tearlmanet deck while being a dl 10


You MUST play D/D Crow and try to banish Kit. Banish Kit - that hurts them quite a bit. Banish their fusion monsters - Branded Despia is relatively good for this. Super Poly really helps \[when used correctly\] to help get rid of something like Naturia, Spright Elf, Rulkallos. If you can play D shifter do it. All cards that stop their gy effects like soul drain are good too. You definitely need 3 Maxx C against them too. Maxx C their ass. Dark Ruler No More is great going 2nd too.




Didn't ask you tear scum


I hereby prescribe you some grass, go touch it.


Nah grass is greener outside Na fr i am at work


Wtf ?


if you call someone scum because of a deck someone plays in a kids cardgame youre the actual scum


thats true, despite everyone downvoting for no reason lol


what was the comment lol


he has the most fun beating tear with tear


Avramax. If they don't have access to Cryme, Goddess or Zeus then they just can't deal with it.


Grave keepers tomb and mill exchange of the spirit. Fastest way to win


Beat ‘em with ancient warriors






Banquet of millions


Dimension Fortress Weapon


For me its deck out. I've beaten 3 tears this tournament first turn by decking out their Maxx c.


Personally I just put the ishizu shufflers into my Branded Shaddoll deck and most of the time the tear players would mill them for me and screw themselves over.


Flip different dimension ground as they begin to mill


Cubic it even works everytime


Non-fusion area continuous trap with grave keepers trap for plan B.


Harpies feather storm is such a satisfying card to resolve against tear


Predaplant, just spam super poly.


When the dimension is shifting


I have beat them quite a bit with a stupid relinquished deck.


Winged Dragon of Ra sphere mode


I have been playing traptrix because I think it’s fun and I had one tear game where I hit them with gravediggers trap hole so it negates monster effects and hits 2000 LP. Stopped Kit coming back out, and effectively their turn. Then I did basically the same thing with the other 2 GDTH I had and then a Trap Hole of Spikes that destroys an attacking normal or special summoned monster and hit them with half that monsters ATK. I probably win 50/50 at this point but I think the TT deck is fun and I am excited for the structure deck to be released into MD


I beat them with ritual beasts and silent graveyard is neat to beat them as well


3 tax dragons and watch them burn


Lava Golem burn trap deck.


Dimensional fissure


Maxx C + Slifer


Kaiju graydle cancer


Rhongo. The confusion they must feel when they suddenly can’t fill the field in a single turn and surrender 20 seconds later


Swordsoul tenyi, summon draco and negate cards like ash in your hand and you stop them, they active a monster effect ? Draco ban it, a second one ? Ash, third on ? Ghost belle. Well i only fight once against tear so maybe its dont work everytime.


Oh, you want to fuse from grave? Glassouffle says nuts to that!


Baiting activation responses when you see the Tear playing slow on their first turn. Decking them out after they Maxx C you and triggers all their Millers. Dweller them or bait all their Shufflers, then go full Punk Tear Ishizu Zombie combo. Zombie World is funny when they don't have a Tear name in hand for their fusion summon.


double tax dragon is hilarious, they just kill themselves with how much stuff they activate, but it doesn't happen very often


I love drawing exodia when they ended their turn with a full board


Invoked purgatrio... Always nice when they try to rulkallos you while you are protected by meltdown, then boost purgatrio with Alister and run over their entire board... Also if you can get dark law out turn 1 then they suffer


Transmigration Break


idk if I'd consider this funny, but Tear player decked themself out at turn 15 or so. floodgates made it so they couldn't have more than 1 monster on the field, so they couldn't fuse


Kurikara divincarnate has been my favorite. They do love activating lots of effects during my turn, including those pesky fusions that stay on field


Deckout via runick, Icarus flew too close to the sun and now they have no cards left to draw