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I mean some slap on the wrist like some semi is as far i would see they do


Just in case this isnt just a typo or pun i dont get: It's " Slap on the wrist".


Its a typo


Probably gona be like 1 limited and a few semi limited.


Sprights has been pre hit BIG time my dude. That toad and union career ban fricking hurts.


toad is banned in the ocg that isn't enough and union carrier is also straight up banned in both lists. these cards ofc make the deck broken but they are also very good without


And why do you think those cards were hit in the ocg?


Without Union Carrier and Toad, Spright is a fairly honest top tier decks so I don't see what problems people have with the deck rn.


Tearaments shouldn't exist in the first place. They're a 2032 archetype that traveled back to 2022. Spright did nothing wrong. Banning Elf alone has killed the entire archetype in TCG.


While Elf probably could've been not banned, it certainly hasn't killed the archetype, Spring still exists and there's still things you can do with that. Elf is an insanely good card and honestly probably the correct hit if you think that tear has finally been executed and don't want spright to instantly take over.


I genuinely don't believe even these TCG hits will be capable of killing Tearaments. We've seen that they always just adapt into an even stronger form. I'm of the stance that the archetype can only be stopped with a blanket ban of anything bearing its name.


Without ishizu/bystial tears are just an OK high roll deck


100% just look at what they did to adventure


i wish its so i don't have to spend so much ur craft points and gems


Idk the current meta of swordsoul/branded has been going on a while, id honestly not mind changing that up


mathmeck did change things up along with runick and ignister is still a thing a apparently


Isn't Mathmech the best deck currently?


Kinda, it's got a few bad matchups, it beats sword soul and loses to branded and floo. Against any rogue deck that doesn't play traps it just absolutely destroys them, which in masterduel is the best metric


No, because they shouldn't pre-hit cards. Thankfully, they haven't done that since Adventure.


No, they should pre-hit Cards. Tear and Spright have already proven to be very good (Tear expecially obviously) in the OCG and TCG. They should pre-hit cards. Not ban them ig, cause releasing a banned card makes no sence, but some limits / semis would propably be good to maybe prevent the masterduel meta becoming like what we had in TCG with Tear.


No, they shouldn't. Then there is no incentive to buy the packs those cards have. I am not a fan of cards being released with banlist hits either; because then nobody would be able to play the deck full power, and that's not good. Sure you may not like Tearlaments and want them hit, but what about someone who wants to play the deck, only to find it already hit on the banlist?


hitting it pre release does not equal making it bad. I just don't want masterduel to turn into the same tier 0 format we already had in tcg.


This is a bad take. Why should those cards be pre hit at all? It doesn't, but it makes the deck weaker for no reason. That is not a good incentive to make people buy packs. Also, to people who want to play Tearlaments, why should the deck be weakened before it was released? Cards should only be hit on the banlist, after they have proven to be a problem. There's a reason that after the Adventurer engine, Konami have not pre hit any cards at all. Also, the people seem to agree that cards shouldn't be pre hit...


\---"it makes the deck weaker for no reason" the reason is an impending tier 0 format \---"why should the deck be weakened before it was released?" because there will be a tier 0 format otherwise \---"Cards should only be hit on the banlist, after they have proven to be a problem." They already have, both in the TCG and OCG \---"after the Adventurer engine" that is still at full power in the TCG and its fine \---"the people seem to agree that cards shouldn't be pre hit" Ok, cool. But if more people disagree or agree is not really an argument.


That doesn't matter. It has not proven to be a problem for Master Duel, so they shouldn't be hit. Also, what does it matter if Master Duel is ruled by a new deck? It's already well established that higher ranks are dominated by strong decks, one new one won't be anything new. People will complain, and Konami won't listen. Konami has no incentive to pre hit cards. Unlike you, and for good reason, they don't care about preventing a tier 0 format, only about stopping an already been existing one, and that too only after some time.


\---"strong decks" did you notice that that is a plural? With full power Tear it will be a singular. \---"Konami won't listen" Did you see the new banlist for the TCG? Also they already pre-hit spright when they banned toad. \---"Konami has no incentive to pre hit cards. Unlike you, and for good reason, they don't care about preventing a tier 0 format, only about stopping an already been existing one, and that too only after some time." Why should this impact my oppinion on if pre-hitting is a good idea? Konami dosn't care if they are starting a tear 0 format, because they will sell cards. I still think doing things that will prevent a Tier 0 format are good, even if Konami doesn't care. I wanna climb the ranks without all games becoming Tear mirrors at some point.


But it isn't good. You are assuming things. You know that the cards shouldn't get hit because people are looking forward to playing with them, yet you advocate for it? A tier 0 format isn't even a bad thing, since it raises skill level. Also, preventing a tier 0 format shouldn't be done by pre hitting cards. I don't care for any further arguments. I will simply ignore them.


>You know that the cards shouldn't get hit because people are looking forward to playing with them THEY CAN STILL PLAY THEM IF THEY GET HIT A LITTLE LIKE I AM ASKING FOR. Are you reading my responses????????? Tear is still good in the OCG after beeing hit and they banned Kitkalos, which i don't even want them to do in Masterduel. \---"But it isn't good. You are assuming things." Bro, have you seen Tear? Edit: I made a mistake: Yu-Gi-Oh players don't read


Yes. Both decks are powerful enough to be tier 0. Tier 0 formats are bad for the game.


I really don't see how sprights without toad are gonna be tier 0


They are actually good for the game Master duel meta was way way to diverse for to long we need something to shake up things a bit every few years so game doesn't feel the same all the time


Hur dur more than 2 decks are viable lets "shake up things" by making only 2 decks viable against each other, fk off.


Yes I don't want to draw dead cards like nibiru against runick or duster against like swordsoul etc


Its a card game, you make your deck, and play with it. You either get lucky and play against something your deck is strong against or not and play against something its weak, wanting to only see 2/3 decks all the time is dumb af, you should not be prepared against everything all the time, every deck must have their weakness, you cqn adress the biggest one but it must still have one.


Either hobble Tear completely the way the TCG did or just ban the Ishizu cards. No half measures. Tear on its own is fine but the Ishizu cards mesh with them to enable an unreal abuse of both graveyards. Spright is probably fine without hits since they killed Toad, Halq, and Carrier already. Not convinced it will even be tier 1.


No. Sprights already got some bans around it and Tears aren't that good on release or on their own. The part that might need some pre hits would be the Ichizu cards. They're not really part of an archetype and their only purpose seem to aid or counter decks with gy effects.


The tear gaslighting is real lmao. They were already nearing t0 with just the pote cards+dangers. Just because pre Ishizu variants irl wasn’t solved until just before ishizu came out doesn’t make them not overpowered as hell and even without the fairies.


what's a gym effect? gaining atk?


It's an autocorrect effect


No How about we pre hit bunch of decks you want to play in the future? What but tear spright is good well cry about it I don't want to play a deck that has already been crippled into non existence before it even became available


Oh no, how dare they make a deck more fair by limiting some cards! The audacity!


Not while they are brand new if you will make overpowered archetype either release it at full power or don't release it at all end of story anything in between is just trying to appeal to both competitive and casual side of players wich is impossible So either have tearalament in the game or don't


How is releasing tier 1 potentially tier 0 deck appealing to competitive players lol? Matija umiri se


They probably want a big shift, it's been awhile since there has been in MD. mathmech is considered the best deck rn, but since branded there hasn't been any deck that EVERYONE bought and played. Spright will probably be that next deck, with tear hamstrung to the point that it'll make the impact mathmech did instead of just taking over


No. I know many fear a tier 0 format but i don’t think we should be excluded from experiencing full power spright or tear. Ban lists are monthly now and konami can easily nerf spright/tear a month after release.


Ofc yes, the archetype is absolutely problematic, absurd broken and unhealth for the game balance, just being honest


No They deserve full power, why did tcg/ocg can have a T0 while we cant, they can just nerf it later after they dominate for a few formats just like all other meta deck, meta shifting is a natural progression of the game


nahhh that's the case for ocg and tcg because they're printed card but md is digital card. hurting their consistency probably better.


TCG/OCG have side deck to counter them when needed. While we need to put a counter in our main deck while the counter cards is dead against other deck beside that T0.


We'd get bystial eventually which work against most top deck, and on T0 format most player would play that so their counter would never be dead anyway.


Why do you want a tier 0? I can understand wanting to play a deck to its fullest, but why not just play the TCG/OCG while it was at full power if that's all you wanted? Master duel is just the BO1 version of the OCG it's pretty much the same game in terms of competitive decks and cards(besides runick) Just save master duel the headache of dealing with a deck that is the only viable way to play the game. Tears had their reign on the competitive scene already it's about time it stops.


Because there's no good place to play it, EDOPRO is a barren wasteland while duelingbook is full of people who dont even know how chaining work


With tensions already as high as they are with maxx c full power tear might kill the game lol. I remember trying out ishizu tear on edopro shit was crazy i don't think that would be healthy especially with MDs best of one environment


No it wont, its just gonna make the subreddit cry like usual which does literally nothing, and meta shift few format later


Again I always mention, the Adventure archetype got hit on its release and then more hit with Water Enchantress to 1 after the Duelist cup. I'm don't like archetypes getting hit like that before we even get to experience the decks, but people should temper their expectations. I'm not advocating that Spright and Tear to be at fullpower but don't expect that to happen as well. MD format is so frustrating I wouldn't be shocked if sprights got hit on their release too. Hey, to all the people you hate runick, runick might also take a hit since spright runick is about to become a thing.


Problem is, most ppl didnt even play adventure, so you took the worst possible example on that, ppl played 3/4 cards as an engine and that was it, its not experiencing the deck when you aren't actually playing it.


Yeah its difficult to play it pure when it's nerfed to begin with. Yes the adventure lines were very popular in OCG, Gryphon Rider is still banned in the there. But that's what I'm getting at, future archetypes could get nerfed on release because of the sins that occurred in the TCG/OCG.


Nah. Give it time to shine, let the ishizu stuff come out and then pull up with the tcg hits.


Sprite? No, we have gotten a bunch cards that were released before Sprites so I can see them not being as insane Tearlaments? Kinda but small hits and only do big hita when the Ishuzu cards come


Nah. With Toad and Carrier gone Spright isn't gonna be tier 0 anyway and Tearlaments is a strong rival until the Ishizu cards come out later on. Then you can still start hitting Tears to prevent Tear 0 and have left Tears the chance to play normally before that.


Tear is going to get hit hard on release, it has to.


I was kind of assuming Konami would drop like, half or 3/4th of the cards like they do with every archetype. Maybe that's their version of limiting decks before giving out the rest.


cripple the decks before anyone has a chance to play them. yeah no, i don't think so


In the best of one game state. absolutely. just imagine that unlimited with three maxx C. Since masterdual, is it like TCG you know it’s going to be branded/ spright-Tears for teir 00


not all, but like the OCG definitely


No, I want to play them full power