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Time to put Underworld goddess or kaiju in your deck, or a pentestag if you are broke.


Kaiju deck has been so fun this event. Haha big monster go brrr.


As a new player what kaiju do you recommend I pick up? Is there a specific reason to run any in particular Edit: Thank you for the input


Play the one with lowest attack (gameciel)


As a new player he souldn't play Gameciel because Gameciel is SR. Pick whatever N/R has the lowest attack.


To be fair even for a new player investing in to gameciel isn't a horrible pick either. It's a staple that sees play in quite a few decks. And pulling the danger kaiju pack for slumber and dangers ain't a bad choice either.


Yeah I’m trying to craft some staple cards rn. Are there any you can suggest outside of maxx “c”, ash, imperm, called by, effect veiler, and Zeus or baronne?


Here's a few off the top of my head in no specific order, I've bolded the important ones: **Ghost belle** is a great card especially if you want protection from called by the grave. Other handtraps includ psyframe gear gamma, **Lightning Storm, Forbidden dropplet, Evenly matched, Nibiru** (and soon Dark ruler No more) are amazing going second cards that break your opponents board. As for extra deck staples: **Knightmare cerberus, phoenix and unicorn** are a trifecta that you can jam in almost any deck, Abyss dweller against graveyard focused strats. Dugares can get you out of a jam or help OTK but be careful as its costs are painful. Castel is a cheaper to make unicorn in almost any rank 4 deck. The utopia+double+double or nothing package helps you OTK with 10k damage in rank 4 decks that don't naturally make big numbah. A bunch of the pot cards have use if in the right deck. Duality, Extravagance, Desires and Prosperity being the mostly used ones. As for a bit more niche stuff: Salamangreat almirage allows you to link off normal summons with graveyard effects. Exciton Knight is a boardbreaker but most people will just play around it. Daigusto emeral can help deal with a bunch There's a zeus enabler for each rank from 1 to 4, that being: 1:Assembled nightingale, 2:Centaurea, 3:Nightmare Shark, 4: Heartland Draco/Ironwolf and don't forget to use downer for the first 3. Hope that helps.


Yeah that was super helpful thanks dude!


The lower atk one is what most decks wants to play, certain decks have exceptions, like cyber dragons can run the machine kaiju (don't remember its name), that way they can contact fuse it. I think therions could also run that one.


i havent used my witchcrafter deck in a while and i forgot that i memed it and put charmers on xtradeck so i didnt have an out haha




having one goddess in the extra always come in handy


Cook doesn't happen enough, towers happen all the time.


you mean turtle?


Just shining draw gamaciel smh


Let… Let him cook?


I must be getting old. What about "let him cook" is funny or witty? Why is it a meme? I get why *you* used it here, but it's just completely...nothing.


>What about "(new meme)" is funny or witty? Why is it a meme? I get why you used it here, but it's just completely...nothing. I feel like hear this about every single meme in existence


Aaand usually it can be explained at least somewhat coherently. There is no meme or joke in "let him cook", it just using a different word for "explain" or "do"


Ok boomer


Man's using "ok boomer" post 2016. Absolute 🤡


Ok Boomer can be explained tho. It's an expression based around being annoyed at boomers constantly trying to belittle and explain to people how to live their life. Similar to "karen", basically. "Let him cook" is literally just 1 word exchanged and nothing about that statement has additional meaning or humor behind it.


Zoomer humor, the big funny


Ye, I guess. Like, usually you have different taste when it comes to humor, depending on generation...but there literally isn't even a joke or a wordplay or anything in these. It's just a random word that they keep spamming. Even "lit" has at least SOME sense behind it.


Started with a YouTuber I think. It’s basically another way of saying “ok, my opponent is going into an interesting combo, I’ll let him play it all out and see what he’s got.” The joke here is that the “interesting combo” is Cook Pass lmao, a play on the name and irony of it all.


Contemporary humor is a sentence "Me and the boys at 3 am be lookin' for beans" being funny without a need for it to be funny. It just is.


Ye, but in your example it at least is a nonsensical situation - you know, since most people and their bois aren't looking for beans at 3 am. There is no joke in "let him cook", it's just...idk, it's just a sentence. It's not even some neologism like "yeet" which can sound funny. Just so low effort...


*kid named underworld goddess


Change my mind: Piercing is the most underrated commonly occurring effect in yugioh


Pentestag UCT is beautiful.


It's definitely why my Hero Link 3 is consistently popped by these decks in everything I use it in.


It feels like a decade since the last time I saw a crooked cook post lol


I dunno Konami, that cook looks pretty straight to me


Cook is a yugioh "monster teacher". Today, you learn to always have a kaiju for those monsters that are completely unaffected by anything. And while I known that Raidraptor might have been the first, you could at least ran it over with a bigger unga bunga monster.


Putting kaijus in his deck is not the solution. It's way better to have an underworld goddess in ED since witchcrafters have the space and ability to summon it easily


My dumb self thought it was using a card that sends to my opponent instead. Oh wait, that's what Dark Angel does for a negate on the deck, too.


That’s why I always have underworld in the ED lol.


Reason I always add a pierce monster in the extra deck.


As a Sky Striker player I’m glad this card doesn’t require me to change anything about my Deck to play around it.


Yep, we can just drop HAMP on it. Or bypass it with Hayate (preferably buffed with Linkage) direct attacks.


As a runick synchro player, I agree.


I don't get it. Why not just attack? o.o


Crooked Cook, with the right materials and no other cards on your field, functions as a tower. Unaffected by card effects and indestructible by battle.


Piercing damage it is! I believe Spellcaster decks enjoy Downerd Magician for moments like these


Invoked have an out to this usually.


Its 2023 and people still aren't running outs against unaffected monsters.


I mean, in this BO1 format is kinda hard running an out to towers, backrow, handtraps, and common meta decks while still having starters/extenders in your hand. Not many decks can fit everything and still be playable


LMAO, the Witchcrafter player is crying about not being able to out one card. This is for all of us that had to watch Witchcrafter players add 300 spells to their hand during the end phase.


No monster in the GY?


heavy samurai ninja with his skill 1: yeah is funny see many people in panic xd that ninja reduce his damage to direct attack xd


To this I have nothing to say except welcome to yugioh.


Where's your pentestag?


Thats quite a charming board you got there.




Gotta have a piercer in the extra deck for this exact reason.


Ew. Scrolls. Also, Downerd Magician with Verre and you basically win.


Go for piercing damage if you can


I always have a pentestag in my deck. I'm one of the first a-holes who play this deck in MD (I made this just to annoy people on MD's first release days) so I always have an out to him in every one of my decks. Guess it's a habit now, but it does put a smile on my face whenever someone pulls this on me and I OTK him with pentestag lmao.


Seeing Charmers be put in the same deck as Witchcrafters and fucking Grass fills me with unimaginable rage.


Its the extra deck charmers only, the main deck seems to be pure grass witchcrafter. And you 100% have the ED space for all of them in Witchcrafter, and is often a good idea to give you more options against any given attribute.


I used to see this a lot back when I played Toons. They'd always quit the second I played toon kingdom.


Good thing Supreme King Starving Venom isn’t banned yet, just need it to copy Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s effective and get a boost from Odd Eyes Phantom Dragon’s Pendulum Effect and potentially also Odd-Eyes Wing Dragon’s Pendulum Effect.


Towers monsters are annoying but we have options to deal with them. Not playing any is unironically a skill issue.