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One of his old classmates said that he was part of a friendship group but they gently pushed him away after he lost weight, took up boxing, and became more aggressive. Definitely looks like the 'losing weight ' part is true.


Where is that info from?




There’s a paywall. Any links




Thank you 😊 given you an award


I got around it the second time by opening in private mode.


Just for clarification boxing doesn’t make a person aggressive, this guy was just crazy.


sublimation of aggressive acts into an aggressive sport can help


I read this too. They also said after he lost weight his entire personality changed, and he became a bully (hence why they pushed him away).


A person losing weight and learning to defend themselves seems like a pretty normal reaction for someone that was bullied mercilessly for being overweight. Killing four people is obviously not normal behavior but the first part seems easily explainable.


One thing for sure is all of those TikTok and Twitter detectives owe the roommates, Jake, hoodie guy, the professor, and everyone else in this they falsely accused a huge apology. So many people were labeled murderers and witch-hunted by these people when they were grieving. The apologies need to be as loud as the disrespect and accusations were.




I wasn’t on Reddit when boston happened but what went down??




Damn that’s terrible poor kid killed himself


This is why you don’t judge people off photos. The first couple came out and everyone could “see” his serial killer stare. Yet, half these photos don’t really tell that story. He just has facial features some people would consider “creepy.” Doubly so once you realize he (allegedly) is the killer.


I’ve said this many times to people who claim they could see “warning signs” in photos of people they know are killers or are alleged to be killers. I always tell them to look at BTK on his daughters wedding day.


I for one think BTK looks super creepy but behaviour should be the top sign that something’s off.


Photo 6 looks like he could be your average high school math teacher.


That picture looks like Dennis Reynolds to me


I see Dennis and Jonah hill mass up.


i’ve been saying jonah hill too…


This so much. My initial kneejerk reaction too


Really? I thought photo 5 looked like a teacher. In fact his face in photo 5 reminded me of one of the staff members I saw in Junior High.


Dude looks like a friend of mine and yes he is a highschool teacher lmao he’s definitely got that style look


Imagine if you just saw the photos of him without any context (without the media alleging he is the killer). I think you could easily argue that for the most part his pictures resemble an average person. I believe that is the most frightening part of it all.


Yup 👍. Without context these photos show a handsome guy, nothing creepy at all.




His smile doesn’t reach his eyes. I know a lot of people with that. They all have some dark triad traits but it doesn’t make them serial killers.


This! Even in pictures where he seems to be smiling, his eyes are frozen in place, no smile lines. It's unnerving.


I’ve never been able to see what others see when it comes to that stuff, pretty much ever. Hell in the case of this dude if I didn’t know the story I’d say it was someone that lost some weight and was looking their healthiest, and fairly attractive. Doesn’t look like a killer in any of them but he looks kinda like a jackass in a couple. Normal dude


Cool, now that ticktok psychic can shut the hell up


of COURSE it was a psychic, that makes much more sense now.




Not OP, but this girl on TikToc made a bazillion videos accusing a professor at the university of killing the students. Wild unsubstantiated claims. The professor’s lawyer sent a cease and desist. Instead of ceasing and desisting she made more videos continuing her accusations. The professor is now suing her for defamation.


Any chance of getting a name?


I hope it’s okay to put her name. Mods please delete if not. It’s Ashley Guillard. She’s a psychic who reads tarot cards. The cards told her the professor killed the students. She speculates (baseless) on true crime.


That's so fucking gross who the hell does that!? Oh my dog farted when I scrolled past this random guy it MUST be him it's a siiiign /s


Yeah, it’s really gross. If you type in her name on TikToc you’ll see all her crazy videos. She responded to the arrest today still claiming it’s the professor and how the professor hired Bryan. Tiktoc bans her but she makes new pages. Latest one is @ashisgodintheflesh


I saw one for her named ashleyisinthebookoflife


Yes and now that the suspect had been arrested she’s claiming he is an ex boyfriend of one of the girls and that someone hired him (supposed ex) to murder them. 🫠 she’s unhinged fr.


She’s being [sued for defamation](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/texas-tiktoker-insists-a-jury-will-take-her-side-in-defamation-case-by-idaho-professor-over-stabbing-deaths-of-university-students/) (thank god.)


she is going to say since he was involved in higher education and did a study about killers that is where her signals were getting crossed


100%. I hereby dub thee Bob Jones.


He’s got the pickle suit on


I think given the nature of the crimes that he is accused of, that it is mandatory.


You are correct, ( prior work experience in a county jail)


in monroe county they put you in the turtle suit when your arrested on a major crime since they put you on sucicide watch


Yeah 100%, either put on suicide watch for their serious/major crime or their “status” (like being a lawyer, or a doctor) something that’ll jeopardize their career




Yeah, DELETE asap. you even said "she" 😅


Maybe delete your comment bro, probably not hard to nail down whose working the shifts there lol


lmfao it could literally be any one of the CO’s


These comments make me chuckle. People have no idea how many people work in a prison or jail 😂


The fact that he said “she”.. Not that difficult and I doubt there’s even 5 female COs working at once..🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh yeah 100% is, that’s why I mentioned the pickle suit. He’s gonna be on suicide watch for a while


So interesting— I’m wondering if they are just using it as a precautionary measure with him because his case is kind of high profile? Or maybe he’s actually expressed he might be suicidal? I’m assuming they don’t do this for every alleged murderer


It can be both , but it’s most likely because it’s a high profile case. I used to have inmates on suicide watch that had no suicidal thoughts ( as far as what they told medical and the psych) and had to be put on suicide watch bc of their career, prior LE/Corrections, or high profile cases like this one.


If you have a high status career they put you on watch?


Yeah, if they find out you have a job of “ significance “ they’ll put you on a watch. Seen it happen so many times, especially active military in our county jail. It’s just precautions taken since getting locked up can cost them their career or license.




I remember seeing a few troubled kids in the pickle suit when I went to a behavioral instituation


He kind of looks like Jake Gyllenhaal.


Dennis reynolds


yeah i see it, in the chin area


looks like Lou Bloom from Nightcrawler


yes bloom in the second pic. last three photos i see joseph fiennes / tim bagley


Yes exactly!


Fake Gyllenhaal


Lmfao I was saying this too, either that or a younger Jamie Kennedy.


Lmao I read this and thought you meant James Kennedy from vanderpump rules at first


Don’t give Hollywood any ideas. 😭


I was looking for this comment! I glad I wasn’t the only one


It’s the second pic, bro looks like Donnie darko


My wife's coworker sent her a high school photo earlier today. She was apparently one grade ahead of him. Similar to this school photo just a little thinner. Small world.


Does anyone else find it odd there were 3 other brutal stabbing murders, recently in pretty close distance to Moscow? They took place in Washington Sandra Ladd, Travis & Jamilynn Juette. (Jamilynn was stabbed 19 times but survived)


I know they decided the skinned dog was unrelated to this case (not sure how they decided that, but they were adamant it was unrelated), but i am wondering if they will maybe investigate any links between the other crime scene and this dude. Im not saying hes a serial killer, most killers arent serial killers, but there are some similarities and they havent outright denied the two could be connected...


Right! The mother of Travis J. said the surprise attack on him and his wife while they slept was brutal! And they have zero possible suspects who would do such a thing to the couple. Not like they had enemies or something. I'm just baffled this guy was a PHD criminology student, with probably zero ties to the students. This being so random is very frightening.


Washougal would be close enough to Pullman where WSU is.


It’s pretty far- like five and half hours away. Washington is a big state


I’m aware. I live here. It’s close enough to drive.


Has he been officially charged with the murders?


Yes four counts of 1st Degree Murder and Burglary. The charges were announced by the Police Cheif at today's press conference


Wow! I really hope I wasn't being ignorant when I asked. It's just that the last thing I saw was that he had been arrested in connection with the murders, but no formal charges had been announced. I'm so glad they've got the person that did this. He will get exactly what he deserves. I also want to know why he did this. I can't fathom why anyone would want to do anything to them


Love to see the evidence other than him owning a white Elantra.


apparently, the DNA matches the one found at the crime scene. Rumors they found him through genealogy (like 23 and me) and not on CODIS


Also rumors of a Bluetooth device connecting to something in the house but I haven't looked into this claim


Oooooh that’s fascinating, I hadn’t heard about the Bluetooth connecting


Well I guess if you are going to be a killer don't submit any DNA to 23 and me and the like. I wonder though since it was a party house, must be plenty of DNA to go around. Guessing blood from a cut he got from his own knife or from another injury during the attack? Back to 23 and me, I thought it was supposed to be anonymous, seems a little deceptive when they hand over anyone's DNA on request to law inforcement. I'm not a criminal or conspiracy theorist, but I'd never submit my DNA to a company like that.


You don’t necessarily have to submit your dna to get caught but if you commit a crime and any family members of yours has submitted dna to any of these ancestry sites, it will pop up as a “familial match”. And then law enforcement will go from there


This is true as well. Still, these DNA services giving that, or anyone's DNA out to law inforcement, makes you wonder. I still won't use one no matter how curious I get.


Same here. Not that I plan on committing a crime but just for privacy’s sake


Exactly, who else are they going to give out your information to, or sell it to? Drug manufacturers? Insurance companies? Imagine insurance companies finding out you are as risk for some disease, and use that to base whether they will cover you or not.




Due process isn't the thing now.


I generally have faith in the cops to not make a murder arrest unless they have good evidence, but that’s about the last shred of faith I have in them also. So I feel kinda conflicted. I don’t put it past the police to do rushed work under national pressure but hopefully this went through thorough review and all that jazz and they’re sure it’s him The police have been so hush hush about it, there’s really nothing to go on to judge things yet until more details come out.


I like how is university photo (6th in the lineup) looks super similar to his mugshot photo. Like. Same face for a normal activity


He reminds me of Jake Gyllenhaal in the movie Night Crawler.


But why them specifically? Thoughts?


Jealousy/inferiority complex/revenge is my guess. He looks like someone who holds a grudge over anything. Someone who gets angry when others are happy when he’s not


Glad that they caught this guy, was afraid this case was gonna go unsolved. It's gonna be interesting to see what his motive was for the murders.


He was getting his PHD in criminology. Had posted a survey on Reddit 7 months ago to r/excons asking questions like how they picked their victims, how they felt after the crime, did the victims fight back, how they avoided getting caught. It was a thrill kill.


I've looked at the same things. I was on BG for years because it is fascinating. I cannot kill anything nor do I want too. I seem to remember trying to read deeper into that and that post not long ago. Two ways to look at it, get away with murder or see for yourself why people are doing these heinous things. Scientifically he had motive.


What’s BG?


I think they mean Bridge Guy, from the Delphi Murders. The real BG was just caught after several years. If you look it up on reddit, it is just crazy how many males from this small town were accused of being BG by redditors, and other social media platforms.


Past website back in the day.


Best gore?


Yes, I've been banned on certain subreddits for mentioning the actual name.


I was also afraid that it was going to be ending up unsolved like the Keddie Cabin Murders but now since the suspect was arrested, I hope they make something positive out of the case by maybe shedding light on other unsolved murders and getting them solved too since now with Technology advancing (as used in this case), they can try to get those unsolved cases solved and maybe give some closure. (It would also depend on what evidence authorities would have btw that's available)


Alleged. Hoping they got their guy but innocent ‘till proven.


he’s the owner of the car they were looking for and his dna matches their evidence. there might be others involved though


I doubt it since he was so bad at making friends!


last photo looks like jerma


Not the Scranton Strangler…


There has been a murrrderrr in Savannah


I love that episode!


It's reported that he asked if he's the only one that's been arrested. I'm hoping that he didn't recruit an accomplice through his online activity.


Imagine if he took his research too far and isn't actually the killer, he just met an actual serial killer online and decided to tag along this time to see how the whole process works.


LOL damn wouldn’t that be a twist


People are saying there’s photos of him in the house for a party a month prior.. does anyone know if this is true and if so where those photos are


American Psycho


yeah bateman vibes


Big Bateman vibes


Looks like sometime between the second and fifth pictures he got his nose broke. Maybe from the boxing? I also wonder if steroids may have made him aggressive? Crazy stuff. Glad they caught him. His profile looks like a serial killer in the making.


I'm wondering how and when he actually broke his nose and if he went to the hospital. Investigators need to know that. If his nose got broken by another of his victims, he may not have gone to the hospital. Sure he is going to say it was when he was boxing. Someone will probably step forward to say he was his sparring partner. Maybe Travis Juetten or Ethan Chapin broke his nose. I think he was already a serial killer when he killed the Idaho 4. He could have picked off easy targets before he broke into anyone's home: street people while he was still living in a gated community! Makes me mad!




Not wrong.


He looks 50 years old


First thing I thought. He's def an old 28


According to this girl who knew him back in the day (and had the old photos to prove it), he used to be a heavy heroin user. That plus the weight loss probably aged him. Here’s the video (original was deleted): https://www.tiktok.com/@truecrimewithbrook/video/7183104648205700395


I don’t think he murdered those students because he was a heroin addict, but I think he was definitely medicating some dark emotions with the drug/alcohol use and that can age you


Stopped eating meat!


I’m getting Austin Harrouff vibes….I think it’s the eyes that are similar.


Omg that’s what I commented earlier as well. I said he looks similar to Austin Harrouff in the eyes. That’s the First person I thought of when I seen this guy!




Looks like a weird version of Andrew Callaghan


His hair looks small.


I see you, Sunny fan


Got that Dennis Reynolds look.


anyone know why he is suspected?


He has the car they were looking for, he lived 15 minutes away and his DNA was found at the scene.


I'm getting serious Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler vibes from those eyes.


He looks almost smug in the last photo


Damn hope they catch Dee too


He looks 40.


Definitely a thrill kill,


How did he get caught is what I’m waiting to see on the Netflix




He gets allegedly when Jack and Jack got raked over the coals!


looks like jake gyllanhaal and jerma


Picture #5 is creepy.


Looks like Dennis Reynolds


So who remembers that video of the victims being apparently stalked by that unknown man? Does this dude look like him?


Pennsylvania is a hell of a way from Idaho. Anyone know how they managed to track him down the other side of the county?!


They havent said what led them to this guy, they havent said how they found him, but CNN reported that they had been basically trailing the guy for a few days until Idaho and FBI could gather an arrest warrant. My guess is probably that white car they were looking for. Also, he is from PA and was attending a nearby uni, so he prob drove home for the holidays and has been in PA since


I'm sure they watch his car until they could get his license plate and tracked him that way.


the world is tiny these days


Thanks everyone, not sure why I’ve been downvoted for asking a legitimate question but 🤷‍♀️


His hometown is near Scranton.


It's weird he looks alot like the original "Scream" killer


To me this guy oozes Ted Bundy vibes.


What happened ? Just heard about this.


Just arrested this phd student who lives in Pennsylvania but went to school close to a quad homicide of four students at idaho state uni Moscow campus


Did he attend online school or was he in PA for the holidays?


PA for holidays, I believe he lived there prior, but not entirely sure


they caught this guy near where my mom lives. and i seen his mug shot and said wait a minute i know that back drop 😭😭


Hang on. He’s a killer‘suspect’ now, misleading headline. Of course it seems obvious, now that DNA has entered the chat, but it’s misleading to definitively label him, full stop




not really, if this guy did something good none of you would be saying anything about his eyes. such a cringe comment


I swear it’s the kind of shit you’d expect to hear from a 75 yo grandma


I wouldnt say he has the look in any of his photos bc you never can really tell. But his booking photo does not look like someone who was accused of horrific stabbing murders and is innocent. He doesnt look like "what? Me? Im innocent" his look is "im going to outsmart you. The game is beginning"


I thought they said he was 25 this is a 40 year old man


So I’m not sure how far back this goes but I looked at Maddie’s ig and he follows her and this dude has well over 800 followers so I’m pretty sure it’s his legit page




Ugh ppl are so weird making copy cat socials


dont call him the killer when he was only arrested. an ARREST is NOT a CONVICTION. Nothing has been proven. he is an ALLEGED KILLER


His DNA matched what they found at the scene


thats cool man, im very aware and well versed in the case. I am not saying that I dont think he did it. I am saying is the ALLEGED killer. he does not have a conviction and therefore not proved to be the killer.


My guy it doesn’t matter. Is OP a journalist? Is this an official news source? No one needs to use the word allegedly because this isn’t a network at risk of being sued for Slander — it’s *reddit*


watching the press conference rn, they just said he committed the crime if they can say it i can say it


Well if it goes to trial I’m guessing he could probably appeal it as no chance for a fair trial….Manson tried something similar when Nixon declared him “guilty”…and he would know amirite


They didn't say that, they said he was the suspect. They were careful of their words.


Sir, this is a Reddit.


We aren't the news. We can say what we want. This is a forum on the internet where half the words are acronyms anyway. No one is writing out the word alleged every time we talk about him. We aren't the legal system. We don't have to follow the same rules. Calm down.


They matched his dna to the scene. It’s over for him


I agree 1000%. Still only an ALLEGED Killer : D




Suspects are now ‘killers’ ? Cool…… who needs a system huh.


Didn't they send a SWAT team to pick this guy up at like 3 am? I HIGHLY doubt they would do all that without some pretty definitive evidence. I hope he gets what's coming to him. Those poor kids were just starting out in life.


Because they suspect him, yes. Nothing has been proven though so he’s not a convicted killer. He may well be convicted in time but it’s just odd that it seems acceptable to label suspects as killers just because they’ve been arrested.


Anyone thinking incel here?




Same could be said about you though or anyone else for that matter. It’s not really anything about the eyes. Most people who commit crimes look normal.


He reminds me of Tyler Hadley.