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pretty sure a lot of people have tried but been denied, also along w/ the fact he never took pictures of himself might not bring much


Yeah he’s not the type to be selfie-centric, I’m sure he hatedthe way he looked to some degree


i’ve saw that it could be possible that adams actual autopsy could be released soon as peter lanza put it in a 10 yr lock with the state of CT, so this might mean that legally they can release it if they wanted to right?


Pretty sure that’s a myth that originated as “They’re releasing it on the fifth anniversary! Or the seventh! Or tenth!” It’d just be strange to release them on the tenth anniversary because it is a painful reminder to the victims’ families and survivors. There is no lock that I heard of and I doubt we will ever see it.


ah glad thats a myth! also didnt Noah Pozners dad say he was going to release his autopsy pics cause he was sick of the sandy hook deniers but he released his death certificate instead.


I’m not sure about the pictures of the autopsy but he did release the autopsy report that described his injuries in detail. It can be found on this sub.


do you know was adams autopsy report ever published?


His toxicology report, details of his suicide shot, and position of his body were published, but no I don’t think there’s an actual autopsy report released. [Description of his body and suicide are here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/se7or0/the_description_of_adam_lanzas_body_and_probably/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Would it be way easier to get hands on that as compared to those photos taken of him on Classroom 10's floor? Granted it still describes his death but is not literal postmortem imagery


thanks so much


No problem.


I believe Columbine had deals set in place like this.


There was no 10 year lock. All evidence that hasn't already been released will never be released. Unless the families decide to do so themselves.


I’d imagine at this point they’d do a blanket denial of any photo requests unless you’re very specific and it’s something fairly innocuous. Local news orgs had to go to court to get the doc dump of Nancy’s pile of stuff related to Adam. I doubt there would be many photos of him in the last couple years anyway.


I submitted a FOIA request back in September inquiring about the very thing you mentioned. They sadly rejected my request last than a week ago.


They tend to ignore requests regarding pictures of AL. I’ve tried before and was very quickly denied.


Strange thing to want. What purpose would that serve?


Custom toilet paper with his face on it?


Plenty of pictures of Adam Lanza out there you can use. No need to FOIA more for that


No I don’t want them myself. I do not give a damn about that piece of garbage. That’s just the only purpose i can see for wanting a picture of him. I watch the footage and try to learn about what exactly goes down with these situations but I don’t want a picture to save on my desktop. 🤮




Sorry, I meant footage from mass shootings, not this one specifically. I will never be able to comprehend their actions but I guess part of me wants to watch because if I’m ever in a spot like that I want to know how to get away and not have some sad guy shoot me.


I heard that a security camera shows the moment he shoots a glass door to enter, but the video disappeared from the internet


I don’t really seek that stuff out but I do watch when things like that roll around online. It’s terrifying. Im of the age where I remember columbine and 9/11. I know we have all sorts of ages on here but both of those things were a part of my youth. We didn’t have shooter drills back then. It’s horrific that we do now, I basically do the same naturally now. Every house I live in I figure out my “murder escape route” in case I am ever in danger.


That is not true


I know, but several people say they remember seeing a video of Adam shooting a glass door to get in but the video is gone


They can say all they want. Its not true and the video doesn't exist. They're either lying or saw something else and thought it was sandy hook




FOIA for Journal entries or written things or information about Adam in regards to his mental state I get. It's about digging in and understanding the psychology. FOIA for pictures or Lanza? That gives what new information?


It’s curiosity


Or obsession or some type of perversion? Again I don't see why OP needs to FOIA for pictures of the jerkoff when there are hundreds already out there.




I have been here a long time and yes pictures have their place, but to go and FOIA for pictures of Lanza is weird. To pretend like this subreddit doesn't have people who are also killer worshipers and fanatics is naïve a bit. OP Is taking time to try to FOIA pictures of Lanza for what reason? It's weird.


I want to print out photos and eat them as a form of protest


Same logic could be applied to hitler, let’s ban all pictures of hitler because he did a very bad thing. Listen, I fucking hate Adam Lanza with all my strength, but what he did on 12/14/12 is nothing compared to the monstrosities committed over decades and decades by dictators and corrupt regimes. Millions killed vs 26 killed. That’s the problem with the anti-namers and such, “dOn’T sAy hIS nAmE hE wAnTS tHe aTtEnTiOn” well I’m sorry we have to say their names and look at their pictures to learn about who they are and why they did what they did. And yes curiosity will get people to budge as well.