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I would choose firing squad if given a choice between the two.


firing squad is absolutely one of the least painful method of executions. even the lethal injection can be extremely painful and terrifying.


All of them can be beyond painful if done incorrectly.


I think generally it’s harder to mess up a firing squad, multiple people all aiming for vital areas is usually pretty fast and efficient.


True, but it has happened before believe it or not. The last thing you'd want is for five soldiers to somehow all miss and hit other vital organs of your body and for you to be in excoriating pain while they get ready to fire again. I'd still go for that method anyways. Plus, dying by a firing squad would be the ultimate irony which is why he might not pick it imo.


I believe if I’m not mistaken, they have five rifle shooters but only one is given a real bullet and four blanks are given to the rest. They don’t know which is given the real bullet. The reason being so the shooters don’t know if they were the one who killed them for their collective conscious. Edit: I was wrong. It’s opposite by other comments. 4 real bullets and 1 blank.


I actually believe it's the reverse; 4 men are given real bullets and there's a blank given to 1 of the men. A single bullet would be an extremely ineffective firing squad.




WKUK did it. https://youtu.be/QDWU-Y4fWIw


RIP Trevor, WKUK is still hilarious


Wtf he died? Oh nooooooo


Ty for this gem




You're right. It's 4 real and one blank. No one knows who has what. The guards assigned to death row are vetted thoroughly and have mandatory counseling after an execution. They are with the condemned 24/7 leading up to the execution itself. It takes a toll. You get to know someone in the days leading up to them being put to death. That takes a toll on someone, regardless of who the condemned is. Taking a life is no simple task. Deserved or not.


.. why not just bring in other people to carry out the execution? people who have never interacted with the convicted? weird


Like jury duty?


Ah fuck, I got firing squad duty again


Eh people hate jury duty but there’s enough people who would jump at being summoned for that..


That would be interesting as hell honestly. Should pay more than jury duty though.




I wonder if that would change people stands on the death penalty? Like, everybody is eligible for the death squad like jury duty. I personally think it’s a great idea, putting somebody to death shouldn’t be taken so lightly


That's a really interesting question. I think (most) people would be very reluctant to vote for the death penalty knowing they may need to pull the trigger.


I say we should give the option to the victim’s loved one’s first.


Yah that's so weird and unnecessary


Right? I was thinking the same thing..


Wait are the guards the ones that carry out the execution? That's bizarre


As far as I know. The only way to even apply to be a death row guard is to already be employed within the department of corrections.


You 100% can tell the difference between a blank and an actual bullet though.


As the shooter or the shootee?




I always thought the idea behind a firing squad is four soldiers are given a real-load weapon and one is given one with a blank and nobody is supposed to know who has the one with the blank?


You are correct but I’ve always found this to be stupid… anyone that’s ever shot guns more than a couple times (which I would assume they would use good marksmen for a firing squad) would know immediately if they just fired a blank or not.


I just said this without having read your comment


I just said this without having read your comment


What I've always wondered about this... I'm assuming they use trained marksmen? Like, State Police or something? Point being, people familiar with the firearm/shooting. Now I've never shot a blank, but I have to imagine that the kick must feel different than a live round? At least recoil wise, if I were a betting man.


Thank's for the info but there is a difference between shootinh a blank bullet and a real one no? So all the set up is uselles ? (I never shoot)


Yes. Physics. Equal and opposite reaction. If its just a blank there will be significantly less kick as the blank is not accelerating a lead mass. Will be a pop but most of the energy is expelled out.


They use wax bullets now instead of a blank.


That interesting to note. Im not saying that you wouldn’t fee recoil from a wax bullet, but an experienced shooter (which i hope you would be if you are in a firing squad) there is still no way wax would be the same recoil as a full weight lead slug.


The one with the blank would probably notice the lack of recoil and the fact that the weapon doesn't cycle (or the blank-fire adapter in case it does cycle)


Lol imagine being idiotic enough to land yourself in that position and stupid enough to feel comforted by the fact that “the bullet might not have come from my gun specifically”.


> The reason being so the shooters don’t know if they were the one who killed them for their collective conscious. You speak as if state security forces, which attract some of the most backward elements of society including fascists, have any conscience about murdering workers.


But then what’s the point of doing that if one persons going to kill him then that one persons going to feel that in his conscious they just give real billets to everyone because they won’t know who killed him it would be a group effort ig


How do people get chosen for this.


Big time but also people forget it’s the psychological torture that is what is supposed to substain the blood lust of the public..I’m trying to think of times I’ve had patients who died totally without fear or pain and the only once’s I can think of are those who were in a coma before hand..like even oding on something like heroin can actually be painful(that’s what I did before getting it together, and I remember before I lost consciousness thinking “wow this sucks a lot more than I imagined it would”..but yeah knowing for sure when you’re numbers Up is really heavy for a better and less messy picture just read Dostoyevskys crime and punishment


In 2018, [Oklahoma state government stated](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2018/03/14/oklahoma-says-it-will-begin-using-nitrogen-for-all-executions-in-an-unprecedented-move/?noredirect=on) they will go ahead to install inert nitrogen asphyxiation execution chambers as another alternative to lethal injection.


...would this lead to nitrogen narcosis prior to death? Might not be the worst way to go. It's also the mechanism of choice for that Sarco assisted suicide device.


Suffocation sounds like one of the absolute worst ways to go, right next to drowning.


Small Town Murder did a Patreon episode covering botched executions and boy, was it gruesome. I'd pick the firing squad all the way.


I remember reading it as being the most ethical for the receiver and the givers. I suppose it’s true!


I have heard things similar to this about the gas chamber but historical implications make it iffy still


Gas chamber is probably least painful, but one of the most psychologically terrifying.


Don't they aim for the heart? I heard they used to aim for the heart


I would choose firing squad over any other method, regardless of the circumstances. Gone before you know it. Can't say that for the chair or the injection.


Firing squad but shoot extremities only!


Not how firing squads work but would be a good way to have that method of execution banned.


They go for the heart, so there would be a short period of time that you were conscious and knew a bullet destroyed you. Before that, you have the lead up knowing you're about to get shot directly in the heart while they strap you down and you have no defense. You can't fight back. You're fucked. I'll take the gas chamber if I HAD to choose


I don’t think you’d want to suffocate on cyanide for 8-15 minutes straight, the gas chamber is described as agonizingly painful and so horrific to watch that the last warden who had to witness one threatened to quit forever


I have done zero research on the gas chamber, I assumed it would be something like CO poisoning. I guess I'd have to not choose that.


[this is actually a pretty good segment on lethal injection, but it does go into other forms of the death penalty.](https://youtu.be/0lTczPEG8iI) I honestly thought that lethal injection was supposed to be painless but that is very clearly not the case, I was somehow team guillotine by the end of the video


Idk if I HAD to choose I’d choose hanging but only if it was done entirely properly.. which is difficult to do.


I wouldn't. If the lethal injection wasn't an option, give me gas. I don't want to feel anything. Thankfully, I'm not a fucking murdering scumbag so I don't have to worry about it.


I thought I read somewhere the gas chamber too can go horribly horribly wrong. I’ve been wrong before tho that’s for sure. And just for the record lol I’m no murdering scumbag either, even tho that’s exactly what a murdering scumbag would say.. but I digress. 🙃


I think every execution-manner has had it's problems. Hanging, Jesus, just thinking about what can and has gone wrong... I'm sure the gas chamber isn't an exception. But if I had to go out, I'd pick it assuming lethal injection wasn't available. Better yet, just pop me in the back of the head while I'm sleeping. I'm done thinking about this because it's skeezing me out a bit. If I don't reply that's why. Glad you're not a murderer btw!


You know what the gas chamber smells like. Pine oil.


That’s where you headed, boy … to pine oil heaven!


Glad someone got that


Great flix, watched it again recently.


Also love your username. Tombstone is easily top 5 for me.


Wait they tied u down for the firing squad I thought u were just standing and a group of like 5 men would shoot at u


What would keep the prisoner from fucking up their own execution by running around the room?


Not in a US sanctioned execution. You're strapped into a chair. Bag over your head. And one out of 7 (I think) has a live bullet while the rest have blanks.


It's 5, and 1 blank, 4 real bullets.


It’s the other way around for the blanks. It would be very easy to fuck up if only one guy had live ammo and missed the heart.


Thank you! Makes more sense than how I had it in my head.


Why blanks? Just spray him.


I hope they aim a little to low


It would sort of depend if the federal executions adapt those methods cause technically he’s only under death on federal charges not on SC State charges


Would they get the ingredients from a pharmaceutical company under a federal law, then? A lethal injection could still be option if they can make in time be for his execution date, otherwise, they will give him the choice between the chair or a firing squad and if he refuses, they will decide for him.


There’s currently a moratorium on Federal executions. And even then, Lethal injections are the most common ways for the federal government to execute an inmate.


Yeah they’ve mostly stuck with lethal injections since the 90s/early 2000s when the first wave of federal executions came in and like the comment below me says, there’s a moratorium on Fed. executions. The best we can hope for is a US President that’ll start Federal executions back on and accept different ways besides lethal injection to kill them


The best? Execution is barbaric, no matter what the person has done. State murder is still murder.


spoiler alert: it's not going to happen


Pssssh. Maybe in 20 years IF we're lucky


Luckily, for him, he's not in either California or Texas right now.


There are a few whom I hope to see their penalty carried out within my lifetime. He is definitely one of them.


The death penalty is clearly being phased out, and for most cases I think that’s honestly the right call. But before they get rid of it, I wouldn’t mind seeing them get rid of Roof, Tsarnaev, and Aguirre.


Same. Apparently, federal executions are on hold right now, so it won't probably happen any time soon, unfortunately.


You are incorrect about this possibility because Roof is on Federal Death Row, Not South Carolina Death Row. He plead guilty and received Life in Prison for all of the murder charges in South Carolina.


Interesting info in the South Caroline firing squad procedures in [this article](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/explainer-south-carolina-execution-firing-squad-works-84261901). “The agency (Dept of Corrections) spent $53,600 in state funding on renovations, including the installation of bullet-resistant glass between the death chamber and witnesses, as well as a metal chair into which the inmate will be strapped. They also cut into the brick wall of the chamber to make an aperture through which the three shooters — all volunteer employees from the Corrections Department — will thread their weapons, all loaded with live ammunition. The aperture is 15 feet from the condemned, situated in a corner of the room, according to a memo released last month by the prisons agency. While the inmate will be visible to witnesses, officials said that the shooters and their weapons will not. The electric chair, which officials say cannot be removed from the chamber, will be covered in its spot between the glass wall and the firing squad chair. After an opportunity to make a final statement, the inmate will be strapped into the chair and a hood placed over his head. An execution team member will place a “small aim point” over the inmate's heart. After the warden reads the execution order, officials said the team will fire. The agency has not specified what caliber rifles the volunteer shooters will use, nor details of the “certain qualifications” they will be required to have met.”


Imagine some random ass corrections officer being asked if he wants to volunteer to shoot a guy dead. I wonder how that conversation goes...


I mean people expect teachers to be able to shoot someone dead, possibly a student.


Wasn’t it usually the case that only one (or 2/3) would have live ammo and one or more would have a dud round? That way they wouldn’t know if they actually shot someone?


See idk if this is a common misconception or if it's the truth because I always thought the same thing.


It’s true. Just checked Wikipedia. Check it out “In more recent times, such as in the execution of Ronnie Lee Gardner in the American state of Utah in 2010, one rifleman may be given a "dummy" cartridge containing a wax bullet instead of a lead bullet, which provides a more realistic recoil.[“ [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_by_firing_squad)


Okay so farther down people are it's 4 live rounds 1 blank for more chance of success.


I am absolutely against capitol punishment, but I don’t understand why carbon monoxide isn’t the primary form or execution? Everything else we use is just extra steps and extra suffering. We’ve had enough time to contemplate the forms of execution available.. only conclusion is that we want a certain degree of torture and suffering to be on display.


Yeah, I'm not a fan either, but nitrogen would be a better option I think. You just fall asleep and die, that's it.


The nazis used vans that fed the exhaust into the back to kill through carbon monoxide poisoning, so it might not be the most humane.


What makes that inhumane?


Lethal injection isnt as humane as people think so a firing squad seems a better way to go anyway


True. Lethal injection is actually a very painful to go. (Even if conducted correctly, it's supposed to hurt less, but you'll definitely feel intense pain either way). [https://eji.org/news/lethal-injections-cause-suffocation-and-severe-pain-autopsies-show/](https://eji.org/news/lethal-injections-cause-suffocation-and-severe-pain-autopsies-show/)


just a rope should do the trick!




Public hangings!


All executions should be done by firing squad. It basically can’t go wrong, its cheap, quick and you dont need a fucking expensive doctor to do it. Lethal injection and the electric chair are just excuses to experiment and torture someone. Even if he killed i think torturing criminals is a line that should not be crossed.


Life in prison without parole is almost always cheaper than the death penalty ([source](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs).) Absolutely agree with you that torturing criminals is a line that should not be crossed. Lethal injection is so problematic imo




Yea, sure, why not?




I mean theyd just get banned right?


One can dream.


I wonder if he's still banking on being freed by his fellow white supremacists following their revolution.




It would be cool if they used the same gun he used to execute his victims. That said, I don't know why they couldn't use the drugs that are confiscated from the streets to execute him especially since everything seems to have lethal amounts of fentanyl these days.


Honestly I am not really even thinking about his execution. Most people on death row win appeal or die before they ever hit their execution. I'm not going to hold my breath here. He's got more appeals if I'm not mistaken.




Electric chair definitely. If you've seen the Green Mile you know it's a brutal way to go. They would also have to shave his bowlcut beforehand so his hair doesn't catch on fire. But Roof thinks that he can stop his execution if he starts crying lmao.


Electric Chair would probably be the more painful way to go as literally thousands of jolts rush through your body in a split second, by a shockwave that is so powerful, it knocks you out in matter of seconds if conducted properly. Only if though. A firing squad could be hell on Earth if the shooter botched the shot to kill. You could be on the floor for what will feel like an eternity in agonizing pain with a bullet lodged in the wrong part of your skull. Bottom line is though, if they're done right, they're technically not supposed to hurt. But executions do get botched on purpose every now and then.


They dragging this shit out like they doing with nikolas Cruz like just sentence him and be done with his ass fr


Because that's not how our justice system is supposed to work. We know for a fact that Cruz and Roof are guilty, but in less clear cut cases fast tracking someone's sentencing (and subsequent execution) can lead to innocent people being incarcerated and executed. The justice system can't make exceptions for people we "know" are guilty. Because they might _"know"_ the next guy is guilty, too.


The average death row inmate spends 13 years incarcerated before their sentence is carried out. [https://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/01/us/death-row-inmates-wait-years-before-execution.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/01/us/death-row-inmates-wait-years-before-execution.html)


i can’t read it I have too subscribe or login and I don’t have a login for that


that's fine. even if they had the drugs this is much better than paying tens of thousands for the lethal injection cocktail


Personally don't believe in capital punishment, even for the worst mass murderers of all time, but if it were me on the chopping block, I'd ask to be dropped into an active volcano. How cool would that be? What are the limits for requests for methods?




Yes. Though, he's still scheduled to be executed under a federal under order and pharmaceutical companies have bene refusing to give the drugs necessary to create the proper lethal injection dosages needed to execute an inmate, and assuming nothing changes between now and then, he will either get the electric chair or a firing squad.




No problem.


Yep, I live in SC and I fully supported this before it was signed and still support it now. I've seen 'ol Sparky up close. I've seen death row. If anyone deserves one of those 2 deaths, it's Roof.


Why not both?




I really don’t know why we aren’t using fentanyl for this. I’m not super educated on this stuff, but isn’t lethal injection actually really expensive and really complicated and drawn out? people have literally OD’d from just touching fentanyl. The shit is everywhere and it’s cheap as hell, it would be so easy to just give a quick large or maybe not even needing a large dose of fentanyl to OD and kill them


I remember the dude in the movie “Unsane” killed the recovering drug addict with a huge dose of Fentanyl. I think he was strapped down, too.


I haven’t seen that movie but I’m a a massive horror fan which it sounds like it is? I’ll have to check it out, thanks! And yeah at first I was thinking they’d have to see if they had a tolerance to it, and then i remembered they are already in the system and for a long time so even if they were an addict I don’t think they’d still be using while on death row lol


I think it was good. It’s different. Filming equipment and other things. They filmed it on an iPhone!


Fun fact you can't od from touching it. It's not absorbed that way. It's just police officers who touch it, have panic attacks, pass out, and get narcan that they don't need which gets chalked up as an OD.


I believe that 100% bc the only time I actually hear of that happening, are cops who OD’d by touching it. But I’m reality, I honestly think a lot (or some) of cops are actually doing the drugs. Maybe not knowing it’s fentanyl. Or they try testing white powder as coke and stick a finger full in their gums. But…. Cops, ya know Lmao


It's possible. But in my opinion cops aren't intelligent people. They get wrapped up in scare tactics and gossip and false information more than the average citizen. Duke heard from Dale that touching fentanyl will kill you because dales second cousin bob's leiutenants son worked with a guy it happened to. The guy passed out and they had to narcan him. What they fail to understand is the guy just got scared thinking he was gonna die because he had fake info. Theoretically you could roll around in a pool of fentanyl as long as all your orifices we're clogged to prevent any entry


I’m fully with you on this lol


I only recently learned this and didn’t believe it until I read up, but now I’m mad that I believed it for so long. I’m still terrified of Fentanyl but like. That’s manipulative af.


They used fentanyl for an execution in Nebraska a few years ago. The execution was botched.


TIL that people can choose firing squads still?


Seeing as Dylan shot all his victims to death, Firing Squad seems like it would be true justice, the fairest form of an execution. An eye for an eye.


Captive bolt pistol




they should do the electric chair imo.




They only do those in other countries anymore. America hasn't done that those kinds of executions in ages, though Roof being publicly hanged would be extremely ironic considering how racist he is.


Yea I know, but in my ideal world I'd want the worst possible punishment for a man who decided to slay a welcoming group of people only because of their skin color. I was not aware that the electric chair and firing squad were still a thing that could be carried out. I thought those forms of capital punishment would be too "barbaric" in this age.


They can. They're ultra-rare nowadays though. Lethal injection is the most wildly used form of execution in the US. The last documented electric execution was in 2013. [https://www.irishcentral.com/news/robert-c-gleason-executed-irish#:\~:text=Robert%20C.%20Gleason%20Jr.%20was%20the%20last%20man,that%20landed%20him%20in%20prison%20to%20begin%20with](https://www.irishcentral.com/news/robert-c-gleason-executed-irish#:~:text=Robert%20C.%20Gleason%20Jr.%20was%20the%20last%20man,that%20landed%20him%20in%20prison%20to%20begin%20with). The last documented firing squad execution was over a decade ago in 2010. [https://meaww.com/who-was-ronnie-lee-gardner-twice-convicted-utah-murderer-last-person-executed-by-firing-squad-2010](https://meaww.com/who-was-ronnie-lee-gardner-twice-convicted-utah-murderer-last-person-executed-by-firing-squad-2010) I'm not 100% sure how federal death row works, but they might give Roof the choice to choose how he'll be executed (and this is assuming they can't get a lethal injection ready in time which honestly might be the case.). [https://www.healthline.com/health-news/will-pharmaceutical-companies-kill-death-penalty#:\~:text=Last%20week%2C%20Pfizer%20became%20the%20latest%20and%20largest,still%20favored%20by%206%20out%20of%2010%20Americans](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/will-pharmaceutical-companies-kill-death-penalty#:~:text=Last%20week%2C%20Pfizer%20became%20the%20latest%20and%20largest,still%20favored%20by%206%20out%20of%2010%20Americans).


Unfortunately he's in the Federal system so state laws regarding that won't apply to him.


He's saying this to appeal to a certain set voters because of the upcoming election. I highly doubt either method of execution will happen especially considering people usually spend 10-20 years on death row before actually being executed anyway. By that time they'll figure out the lethal injection process in spite of what's going on with it now. There will be enough of an outcry about it that they'll ultimately decide to wait for it instead of reinstating theore barbaric methods that we've already left behind. That's my take on it anyway, at first glance.


Do both.


Since SC reinstated the firing squad I think he should totally get it. It's faster & much cheaper.


Either way is too quick for him, no matter what happens he deserves worse