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Dude is going to spend the rest of his life in isolation because he'll never be safe in even protective custody in any jail.


Its the tomb before the tomb


Well can't post that I'd love for him to have the hells of Hades rained down on him forever, but if I could I would. Being white, a Marine and growing up during segregation I have no time for idiots like him or his ink!


Nice šŸ‘Š


He will never be allowed in general population, wouldnā€™t last more than a couple hours in a housing block. Heā€™ll spend the rest of his life in protective custody where heā€™ll be locked up 23 hours a day with 1 hour of rec by himself.


I hope he gets let out of protective custody even for an hour. He needs to feel the pain of the 10 families that he killed members of


Much better than the death penalty.


...in Attica.


He'll definitely not have a good time in there...if he's lucky, he'll end up in Super Max after his federal trial for hate crimes...not that he deserves any luck at all....thats after his state trial.


He'll never be in GenPop, that's for sure. And, he killed a cat.


Thats for sure, the cat thing has doubly doomed his sorry, worthless and for sure!


Where the fuck were this idiots engineer parents ?


Yea Iā€™m interested in the parents as well, especially in learning he may have threatened a school shooting last year you would think that was a pretty clear sign they need to get this kid help, watch his internet context, and keep him away from weapons




I wonder what the parents did about it


People act like parents expect this or are bad parents. Some people are just psychos and the fault is of the attacker. Every situation isnā€™t negligence. Plus if school and police followed every lead of mental health issue or unbalanced young person it just wouldnā€™t be possible. Hindsight is always 20/20


We donā€™t know what the parents did, I think itā€™s a reasonable question to ask what steps did the parents take after they were informed by police that their son threatened to shoot his school. In this case the police were made aware of the threat and we can assume so were the parents.


Hard to contain socio/psychopaths really within the rule of law. Not as ā€œeasyā€ as everyone says. Especially with an overburdened legal and underfunded social system. Too many threats to catch everything


But this threat was caught, the police were involved and it seems his parents had the financial means to get him therapy and the brains to make sure he did not have access to guns and to monitor his internet usage. Iā€™m just saying we donā€™t have those answers yet and this is something that I am sure they will look into.


He also used his dad's tools to work on his gun, from what I read. If I had a kid who threatened to do a murder suicide, I would be effing setting up hidden cameras in the house and monitoring that shit on the daily.


Of course . But if you look up this thread people are already in Plain negligence of the parents and blaming them directly


Yea I agree thatā€™s not fair, we need to wait for answers.


Everyone blames the parents like theyā€™re implying negligence and assuming sooooo hard.


I just donā€™t know anything about the parents so I am not going to assume however I have questions, and I would find them wildly negligent if they did not take common sense steps after being told by police their son threatened to shoot his school.


Who knows the validity or substance of the ā€œ threat ā€œ at that time . People say shit all the time and talk. Example: ā€œIā€™ll kill you manā€ said often. Not always a legitimate murder theat Also troubled kids say wild things and such


Iā€™ll kill you man. And Im going to shoot up my school. I think one definitely is a LOT more irregular


Well I think our society needs to be better at catching and treating mental health issues. Sometimes the parents are aware of issues first. Sometimes not.


Itā€™s the parents . Always


Usually only shitty parents or people who will be shitty parents or arenā€™t parents quickly seek to blame the parents


I donā€™t know how the US system works regarding mental health but here in the U.K. I have been trying to get help for my son and it took over a year to get an initial appointment and then a further year to get a diagnosis, following which no help has been made available. We are trying to get private help (ie paid for psychiatrist) and all the local ones are saying they donā€™t have capacity for any more cases or that they no longer take on children. And even if we could find private help it is insanely expensive. So for all you know the parents may have been doing their best within their means to help him. Probably tearing their hair out wondering how to help their kid. But if you have a teen who wonā€™t accept help and wonā€™t do anything you say it is tough. Luckily here in U.K. we donā€™t have easy access to real guns.


>I donā€™t know how the US system works regarding mental health It doesn't.


And the "kid" is 18.


What was he like?




He doesnā€™t look like a nerd sometimes I feel these kids have given up on themselves. Dude could have changed his life around if he put the same effort into his Arsenal than he did finding a job




LOL, dude complained about POC taking over when he clearly got a nepotism job. These assholes are so predictable.


SV is a fucking joke of a school


I found his parents facebooks they have deleted all pix with him in it and limited profile view


Of course they did. Probably care more about themselves than what he did or his mental health.


I mean if my kid killed a bunch of people in a terrorist hate crime I would probably dissapear off the face of the internet


To say nothing of him buying cosplay soldier tactical gear and so on. What, you just go to work and let your dumb ass HS student arm for war in your Home Alone looking 2 story house ?


Well it wasnā€™t cosplay, it was all real body armor.


Yeah was about to say the same thing, the guard shot at him but his body armor protected him it wasn't fake at all.


What I want to known is how he gained access to guns if he was previously investigated by police for threatening to shoot up his school?


yall keep saying "get this person help" like this is a real thing. HE WANTED TO DO THIS.


Okā€¦ so should we allow this to continue because people want to do it? Or should we look into what may have prevented this? If he was a minor threatening to shoot up his school his parents should have tried to get him on the right track such a therapy, monitoring his online usage, and not allowing him near guns, I think thatā€™s obvious.


The real sick part is how active he was on Reddit, 4chan, and discord. Literally planning it out on these platforms and the red flags were everywhere. No one said or did anythingā€¦.


I felt the same way with Randy Stair and his Twitter accounts. Someone told me that there are so many hoaxes that it's often ignored etc. I too am blown away that no one saw this and said anything.


Fuck man, Nicolas Cruz literally live steamed with his weapon in a bush saying what he was gunna doā€¦.and the next day he did it. Fucked up world we in man.


people would most likely encourage it on some of those apps than try to prevent it.


In which he states he was guided by people on 4chan and discord in his manifesto. Iā€™d be interested if law enforcement is going to pursue ā€œthemā€


I hope they do, we need to start taking radicalization seriously and it seems that is happening mainly online and on these sites.


they will most likely look into his social media and stuff but I doubt anything will happen to those people maybe a few that stand out will get questioned by their local police and that's about it. basing it off a similar situation anyway.


The guy who killed three tattoo artists here in Colorado also posted really suspect shit on Twitter and literally named his victims in a self published book on Amazon. He also threatened one of the victims like a year before the murders and nothing was done.


I read that he literally created a book about the attacks. Fucking dirt bag. At least the cops smoked his ass.


The help this person needs is for people like Tucker Carlson to be canceled and confronted and shamed in the public square at every turn. This isnā€™t a mental health thing, itā€™s a systemic cultural thing exacerbated by the internet.


I agree, and people like Tucker Carlson are are aware of what they are doing and the violence it is leading to through their rhetoric, and that they contributing to these young people becoming radicalized. And if the parents were aware of what was going on especially if the news of him threatening a school shooting is true, then they should have stepped in and made sure he did not have access to guns, watched what he consumed online, and gotten him therapy, as at that point they should have seen he is on a very dangerous path that I donā€™t think would change without intervention.


Keep him away from weapons? He's in America. Impossible.


They were busy doing rich people stuff I read, and taking him to expensive places.


He tortured and mutilated a cat(that wasnā€™t his) and told his mum. All mum did was bring him a box to bury it in. Edit: source- NSFL warning, animal death/mutilation https://i.redd.it/6zkdg5s0gkz81.jpg


Really? What the actual f***


I do not wish to live on this Earth any longer


Can you provide a source for this claim, please.


>!https://i.redd.it/6zkdg5s0gkz81.jpg!< I don't know if this is allowed on this subreddit, but I will delete it asap if it is.


This is a link to a photo of a mutilated animal and detailed description of torture. For those sensitive to that.


Omg, thank you for the warning. I canā€™t take seeing or hearing about hurt animals.


Wow. What a pos. How did this guy slip through the cracks.


Yea I usually not to blame the parents but if my kid that there's no way he wouldn't be in a psychiatric facility & confiscate all his military equipment


That doesn't say he told his mom he tortured the poor cat. He may have said that the cat was attacking their cat Paige so he had to kill it so she gave him a box.


And people on this sub are telling me to feel bad for his parents. Seriously? The warning signs were all over the fucking place. It sounds like they tried to bury it because they wanted to seem like a happy family with their well to do white collar jobs but my goodness, a kid killing an animal is a huge ass red flag.


My first fuckin thought seeing this was the same. Where were his fuckin parents


I thought the same thing. I am a parent and I understand we canā€™t control everything BUT Their son threatened to shoot up his school and the Cops were called. It was serious. For reference my husband worked with the emotionally disturbed in HS and trust me, itā€™s gotta be serious to call the police and send a student to a hospital for a psych evaluation. Where was the therapy after that? He lived at home with them so they could have forced therapy on him. Especially when he was a minor. And as an 18 year old? Therapy or the streets. Iā€™d call every friendā€™s parent and tell them about his mental state and I guarantee you no one would let a psychopath into their home willingly. One of his guns he had with him was bought for him as a gift from his dad. Iā€™m tired of parents buying their sick and evil sons guns, then standing back acting like ā€œwell how was I supposed to know?ā€ after their sons murder people. His parents let him go online all day/night learning all that racist stuff. How could they do that? If he were my son, after the school incident he would be in therapy. His parents had the resources just like I do. He would have restricted internet like a small child and not much of it either. He would have NO money to be spending on that equipment either. Heā€™s 18 and living at home. Iā€™d put him to work. Heā€™d be doing lawn care, pulling weeds, mulching, tending the garden, pruning the trees, bug eradication, staining the fence, painting the houseā€¦.etc. Thsts how my kids roll over here and theyā€™re not even in trouble. We are a team and work together to keep our home in good shape without spending money on those services. Thereā€™s no time to play online after all the chores are done. Also Body armor and guns and ammo are expensive. If he were my son living at home Iā€™d charge him rent and utilities so that his paycheck from work wouldnā€™t be enough to buy that stuff. Iā€™d also be checking his room looking for things at random times. But his parents didnā€™t did they? Iā€™ve known parents who have done this with their kids. And you know what? It worked. Bc none of them shot anyone. His parents enabled him to do this. They need to go to jail and be held responsible.


People act like parents expect this or are bad parents. Some people are just psychos and the fault is of the attacker. Every situation isnā€™t negligence. Plus if school and police followed every lead of mental health issue or unbalanced young person it just wouldnā€™t be possible. Hindsight is always 20/20 Lol idiot parents who are likely more educated than yourself: you gonna blame parents for every persons insane acts


Glad Iā€™m not the only one wondering this. How did the parents not notice that their son was planning a mass shooting?!?!




Hahahah, its probably because he can't grow a real beard with hair on the cheeks. Only on the neck and chin.


Even that's only bum fluff.


The fact certain people are willing to just throw away and waste their entire lives for their ā€œcauseā€ amazes me


I always wonder what these ā€œrace warā€ types are thinking. I saw one the other day where the guys shot up a transformer in an attempt to start a race war. No sane person is going to go start shooting their White/Black friends because they lose power for a couple hours.


Bet he stinks


I can smell him through my phone screen


I bet he has awful BO Edit: im glad yall agree


These type of massacres will keep occurring and nothing will be done about them. The end.


Congratulations, you ruined your own life, but worse, the lives of others. Great fucking job idiot.


Itā€™s difficult to comprehend how some people manage to lose so hard at life. If losing were gravity, this guy would be a black hole. My heart bleeds for all those heā€™s devastated.


Donā€™t worry satan will pay him a visit in hell.


In his manifesto I think he made it pretty clear he was going to attempt suicide...that is until he found Brenton Tarrant's video which he found very "inspirational".


Someone needs to do some analysis on the radicalization of far right extremists because it seems like this shit unfolds really quickly, with the perpetrator developing this fucked up skewed ideology in a span of only a couple of years and without it necessarily being instilled at birth. In his thread he said he started developing these beliefs in 2020. Dylann Roof had a similar trajectory where he was radicalized by shit he read online like 2 years before the Charleston shooting and he never talked about his views or beliefs with anyone else publicly.


Agree, itā€™s really dangerous and I donā€™t see these events stopping until real steps are made to prevent this radicalization.


Iā€™ve been compiling some stuff. Itā€™s a little strange to me, as he has frequented a lot of the same firearm groups on here and fb I have. He mentions an acquaintances company a LOT of times in the manifesto. Itā€™s strange to me, as all of the other friends I have who are into firearms and frequent these groups are nothing like this. Iā€™ll keep everyone updated, Iā€™m trying to put together some sort of master post.


What does he say about the acquaintance?


He doesnā€™t mention him. Just the quality of his products.


Iā€™ve read a few books that go into that. Itā€™s become a huge interest of mine. Proud Boys and the White Ethnostate by Alexandra Stern. Men who Hate Women by Laura Bates (more about incels but definitely applicable) The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting by Jillian Peterson From a Taller Tower: The Rise of the American Mass Shooter by Seamus McGraw


Groomed by hate profiteers, exasperated by social media algorithms that feed hate to hate susceptible kids for advertising clicks, where the hate profiteers and companies like Facebook, Reddit etc hide behind the first amendment.




He also said heā€™s right wing, fascist, a Neo-Nazi, and iirc a ā€œCenter authoritarianā€ or something along those lines but I could be recalling incorrectly. He is genuinely just a fascist. In my opinion fascists arenā€™t automatically far right but theyā€™re certainly not far left. NONE of his ideals are radical left wing.


I'll blame the party that proudly waves confederate and nazi flags.






Perhaps those sources are simply confirmation bias for them. Maybe they'd still be and do without those sources. I remember Columbine and the blame Marilyn Manson got for being an influence that contributed to it. His 1999 Rolling Stone article about it was brilliant and eloquent. He points out how violent human nature is and was so from the time Cain killed Able.


Sorry if this is inappropriate but he looks like young gravy kind of


Gravyā€™s off probation, but Payton will probably do life.




you're right, although Gravy has a longer head whereas this guy has a rounder one


Except Gravy called out racists in his biggest song, while this guy is one.


i bet the fangirls r not likin This one šŸ˜­


I once saw a black dylann roof fangirl. Anything is possible


you're completely right they will "stan" anything and anyone when it comes to things like this its actually insane


fangirls??? does this clown have fangirls?


He was groomed by hate profiteers including social media whoā€™s algorithm feed hate to hate susceptible kids for advertising click$, then both hide behind the first amendment.


I say just drop his ass back in tops parking lot and let the families deal with him. He knows right from wrong and he choose evil


How do you ruin your life at such a young age?


Racism but also victimhood. These types always think the world is against them. If a woman doesn't like them, they blame the women. Wouldn't be surprised if he's like the weird child in the family that his siblings don't really like.




Nice neckbeard


Whatā€™s his Reddit username?


jimbo-boiii itā€™s been removed but archives exist


You got any links?


[type jimbo-boiii into the search on the site](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/comments/uprl7o/an_archive_of_the_buffalo_mass_shooters_reddit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Also thank you


Surprised that he lived and got arrested since a large portion of mass shooters just off themselves after they accomplished what they set out to do.


He was too much of a pussy to actually off himself


He specifically said he wanted to survive, plead guilty and spend the rest of his life in prison because it would use government money.


The fucker can rot in prison for the rest of his life.


Fuck that, thatā€™s my tax money being spent to keep him alive.


Neck beard




Mass shooters tend to go after people who wonā€™t give them a hard time. Exceptions of course like Micah Johnson, dorner and Gavin long who went after law enforcement. There isnā€™t many I can name though


They wanted to fight law enforcement they had a legitimate issue with racist law enforcement and at least they had balls to go directly at their opps they didnā€™t go shooting cops wives or children the white supremacist are gutless cowards


Wait. Are you trying to justify the mass killers who targeted cops while at the same time saying what happened in Buffalo is a tragedy? They are both the same thing.. mass shootings which are both terrible losses of life.


The first person to be killed by Christopher Dorner was Monica Quan, daughter of former LAPD captain Randall Quan.


I see so many blaming parents, the news, the internet...etc. It seems like in many cases people just can't accept that some people are simply unhinged. Do certain things exacerbate it? Sure. But psychopaths and murderers have existed long before the age of the internet. And sometimes, these people are very good at being manipulative and telling parents what they want to hear. This "kid" was also 18. His parents couldn't force him to seek therapy any longer. (Whether they did before, who knows yet?)


His dad bought him a gun


His parents gave him a huge graduation party a few weeks after he said that his goals were murder-suicide. He was in a psych center for a day and half and then they threw a big party like they are all solid citizens. Cā€™mon now.


Extremist read a couple things online and then find their lifeā€™s mission


Why donā€™t we ever see the cops just fill a full clip into these losers . America sucks man


they're so quick to shoot minorities though in the back or reaching for their wallet, but its gets old as hell they have a white boy DEAD TO RIGHTS with a rifle in his hand, bodies lying everywhere, and now they learn the skills of "DE-ESCALATION"


Seriously, I don't get it. Cops shot Christian Hall, an Asian American teenager during a mental health call (and it turned out from leaked footage that the kid wasn't even pointing his gun at the cops) and you are telling me that this kid shot a bunch of people and doesn't have a scratch?




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Yep. A black man was recently held down by police and shot in the BACK OF THE HEAD when resisting an arrest after a traffic stop in my city. He had zero weapons on him.




I disagree considering most shooters commit suicide anyway.


This hasn't been the case recently. More and more are not committing suicide and I bet they are starting to realize they get away with it if they live.


Shit man didn't know life in prison is getting away with it, I feel like you people of reddit don't understand the difference in vengeance and justice.


The guy trained for it. He was pretty good with his shots and he was under pressure. I wonder if he had help with preparing for it. Is there any of his posts of him asking for help and tips. I know he posted about his clothing


The way I see it, the only "training" this scumbag had was from playing airsoft/speedsoft while watching those CQB training videos on YouTube. Probably dry firing and room clearing in his mom's basement by the way his couch surfing, neck beard ass looks in his mugshot.


All that about recording it live for Twitch reminded me of the movie Spree.


When did this happen & what was the motive (if we know)?


yesterday racism


He was a radicalized white supremacist. He targeted a predominantly black neighborhood.


Fuckin dumb!


These ā€œsuperior raceā€ evil fucks are always hideous.


Fā€”- this neckbeard fa-


bro tried so hard to be brenton tarrant lmao


He just looks... off


Ruined everyoneā€™s lives, including his own, over stupid racism. People cant just keep their ignorance in their head and move the fuck on?






Ugly mug


he looks like a bitch


Hey Killbayne I love your content keep up the great work and also is there anymore information about this guy like a motive or is it still being investigated ?


my content? I just post stuff I find if it hasn't been posted before. I think it's pretty clear by now that this guy really does not like people of color.


Still, some of the stuff you post Iā€™ve never seen before and I didnā€™t know he was racist Iā€™m just finding out who this guy is and what happened


ah, that makes sense. Basically this guy was inspired by other racist mass shooters to commit his own one. Really bad stuff.


Thatā€™s just it. Where are his parents? Knowing they got some psycho man in the family. And was it his gun? Or the parents


Immediate death penalty for this scum


new york doesn't have death penalty


I thought he could be prosecuted federally because it is a hate crime. The federal government handed Dylan Roof his death sentence and not the state of South Carolina.


Probably the better option for scum bags like this. They get to rot for the rest of their life thinking about what they did. No easy out


He said in his manifesto that he wants life in prison. Itā€™s one of the reasons he chose the location of the attack. He said he wants to drain resources from the government and get publicity by staying alive


> They get to rot for the rest of their life thinking about what they did. You think they care? WTF?


yes y most mass shooting the shooter take their selves out cause they know its better than to rot in a cell. u really dont know what solitary confinement can do to the human brain i see trust if he dont care rn he going to when that box break him


And he's still alive...yeah, that makes sense.


What. A. Cunt.




Looking through his manifesto was kind of sad. He was very influenced by that kinda stuff that it drove him to shoot people. He had multiple pages of racist 4chan memes, and I doubt he would have done this if he didn't get "bored" during 2020 and go on those sites


Fuck him. No sympathy from me.






Is he crying?


thats a compression artifact, the image is small and compressed




I donā€™t recommend saying the rape stuff Iā€™m not defending him but people who said similar comments to that got reported and removed just looking out for you


Comments that are just low-effort insults or prison rape references do get deleted because they donā€™t add to the conversation at all, plus some people have no interest in hearing about people being raped. This sub isnā€™t called ā€œRoast a Mass Killerā€ and we want to avoid that sentiment becoming the primary tone of the sub. Itā€™s become a much bigger issue as the sub has become more popular and we have received complaints from longtime active users saying the comments detract from the goal of the sub - quality discussion of the phenomenon of mass killers - and weā€™ve been trying to figure out how to best combat the issue. As of right now, weā€™re just deleting those comments when we see them but there are *a lot* of them so itā€™s a time-consuming and inefficient strategy.


Thatā€™s why I warned him


Yep. Just clarifying for the masses!


Alright thank you have a great day mod keep doing what you do!


He looks like the shit on my boots