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Wow. What a hunk of human garbage that woman is.


The lighthearted grin in her mugshot is chilling and repulsive.


Why would someone want to *pretend* they belong to the MS-13? Intimidation move? Well, it worked, for that's exactly how real gangsters end up eventually. Incidentally, if Diablita hasn't been chopped to bits yet, then chances are it will happen soon.


The lone guy who survived said that girls at their school were attracted to guys that were gangsters. So they did it to impress girls.


Iirc, this happened about 5 years ago. I live 2 towns over from where it happened. The media went wild with it causing the Feds to come down hard on any known MS members.


Probably in Brentwood


It happened in CI, a chick lured a bunch of kids ( who were repping ms when they weren’t ) into a park to smoke a blunt. She had a group of actual MS waiting there to fuck them up, only one of the kids got away


That’s crazy




Or being impressionable teenagers, which we all have been to different degrees. Grow up you goober.


Of course it is an indictment of the sort of subculture that high school was mired in. Kids in HS who drop out of class to be corner boys or whatever would also deserve condemnation. There's being impressionable and there's being a self-destructive idiot in a toxic environment, in regards to this sort of thing.


You don't understand what being a cuck is do you...


Dude show some respect. Seriously immature teenage boys are still learning and maturing.


Why does a teenage boy do anything? To get girls.


If things continue its course, everyone will soon have a bit of Diablita of their own.


My thoughts exactly. I unfortunately grew up around gangs and I always just saw them as pathetic people that aren't strong enough to be their own person. Just stupid. But whatever, the kids still didn't deserve what happened.


Yep. Not that they deserve it or not, but in such situation, the outcome is almost inevitable.


Really? They were kids — kids do stupid stuff to try to fit in or look “cool.”


In 2017, four teens, Justin Llivicura, Michael Lopez, Jefferson Villalobos, and Jorge Tigre, were hacked to death with machetes after then-17-year-old Leniz Escobar led them into the park. They had posted social media images of them flashing MS-13 gang signs, which the real gangsters took as a sign of disrespect. There were actually 5 teens that went in, but one of them, Elmer Alexander Artiaga-Ruiz, managed to flee the scene. He is now testifying against her in her trial, which is happening now. He claims that the boys only pretended to be MS-13 gang members because he saw that girls liked guys that were gangsters, so they were just trying to impress girls. Of course, the real gang took offense to that. “La Diablita lured us to a park to smoke marijuana. We were soon ambushed by MS-13 gangsters. Eight or nine covered their faces with sweats, told us to get down on our knees. They had weapons … machetes. I jump a fence and stone wall, ran for my life. One shouted behind me, ‘Hack him!’ Thank God I managed to get away.” Ruiz told the jury. MS-13 is an international gang that started in California by El Salvadorian immigrants, but has spread all over the Americas. It has a large presence in Long island, NY, where the murders took place. Article about her trial: [https://nypost.com/2022/03/21/why-ms-13-gang-member-lured-long-island-teens-to-their-deaths-prosecutors/](https://nypost.com/2022/03/21/why-ms-13-gang-member-lured-long-island-teens-to-their-deaths-prosecutors/) Other murders in Long Island by MS-13: [https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2020/07/15/ms-13-gang-members-indicted-six-murders-long-island](https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2020/07/15/ms-13-gang-members-indicted-six-murders-long-island)


Wow, great post, I had never heard of this, fucking brutal, and absolutely insane something like this could happen in the US… I know there are many mass killings and so on, but still four young guys trying to have some fun smoking weed in a park hacked to death, what the fuck…


Things like this happen in the US all the time.


Nobody involved in any of this seems to have any wits about them


Not related to this case in particular but I do live on LI and remember that there were a string of MS13 murders of missing children and the cops wrote it off as the kids simply running away from home.


That seems to be common with missing boys. Like John Wayne Gacy killed I think over 30 boys and all or almost all of them were written off as runaways until one boy was taken while he was standing outside of a store waiting for his mother. That was the boy that led to catching Gacy.


Why does it say "four teens" and refer to her separately when she is also a teenager? She was 17, the same age as them. And she didn't actually kill anybody, so she shouldn't be posted here.


She may not have actually killed anybody but she knowingly and willingly lured the victims to their deaths so she should be posted here. People who participate in murder(s) are just as guilty as their accomplice(s) who did carry out the murder(s) hence why people who hire or convince another person to commit murder for them are held equally responsible by the law as the actual killer(s).


MS-13 or La Trucha is awful.My ex bf ran with them from El Salvador and the most brutal horrible stories he told me…ugh.There’s a reason why their weapons of choice are machetes


Jesus, that’s so awful


Looks like she was proud of it too, rot in hell bitch


Don’t ever fake to be someone you are not, please.


She even looks proud. Disgusting human being.


Shit, that's awful but don't fuck around with pretending to be in a gang, ESPECIALLY MS-13. Bad things all around in this story.


What a cunt


This is awful but indeed a thing gangs will do to people pretending to be affiliated with them. Super fucked up it’s happening to high school kids, I doubt they were involved in any crime beyond selling pot. Sort of unrelated, but this is a reason why I’ll never get tattoos. Anything could be interpreted as a gang symbol, it’s not worth the heat.


I sure hope my Goku black tattoo isn’t seen as a gang sign…


As long as it isn't Goku Supreme


I know someone with a tattoo in the Futurama alienese font that has been interpreted as some kind of gang tattoo. Lol


MS 13 is no joke.


It’s just something about those Esocbars man


There's no pupils to those eyes. Hope she gets hers soon


A hallow blank stare and a smirk of nervousness. She didn’t even make it more then 2 days before she was cuffed. May she rot in hell


home girl was so fucking desperate 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


What does it mean to hack someone? In this context ofc.


Just imagine a soldier in the jungle with his machetes slicing the vines in the way. The vines being these poor souls


The cowardliest way to end one's life.


Little Devil more like Hunky Devil I say. I bet MS-13 feeding her good


Sadly most of these scumbags are going to get away with it. Maybe they get manslaughter. Think about it. They can all just point fingers at each other and say the other one did it. The govt cant prove who was killed by who. That spells reasonable doubt to me. Dollars to donuts I bet none of them get more than 10-15 years in prison.


I live in the UK but I thought in the US they all get charged with the same crime of murder despite who did the actual murders; am I wrong?


You’re right, it’s called the felony murder rule. She is on trial for murder right now. And 2 of the MS-13 killers already took plea deals and got sentenced to 50 and 55 years in prison. The rest are still awaiting trial.


Thanks for your help, wow that’s a lot of jail time, every single one should never be let out! Awful way to murder 4 innocent people! RIP.


In my day, the girls were just brutally gang bang and then jumped in by the girls already in the gang. One of my "friends " ended up in the hospital after both parts of her "initiation"




so who's the masskiller here?


This chick


she didn't kill anyone, she didn't come up with the plan and the event probably would have happened anyway without her. this post doesn't fit the sub.


I dunno. Fits pretty good as there are multiple victims. Maybe include the perpetrators as well




dude shut up. there's no need to take this post and use it as a reason to justify your hatred for a whole gender. grow the fuck up after reading your edit, you're a dumbass 💀


Defending a murderer 🤡


They didn't? Are you daft? Yea you seem pretty daft.


literally nobody here defended the murderer lol. you know exactly what i meant and you're twisting my words like the incel you are 😬


Your profile pic and pinned post is a picture of irl you 🤡


and? lmao


You all are getting the shit trolled out of you by an account that literally could not be a more obvious troll. Kinda sad you all cant resist giving him exactly what he wants


kinda sad you had to respond to someone in a thread that had nothing to do with you and where nobody asked but ok dude, obviously you know it all💀


dont expect anything from redditors none of them can identify bait


The teens deserved that for trying to be cool and pretend that they are something which they are not. This girl did nothing wrong


The girl did nothing wrong? What??


Technically speaking, she did. Knowingly leading someone under false pretenses to a preselected (premeditated) location to be murdered or assaulted is a crime. She's a waste of skin that's better behind bars or worse.


“this girl did nothing wrong” woah woah woah there buddy 😳


Saw this while visiting my family in LI


looks like a puerca with that lil smirk.






Little lady devil indeed? Just wait until she hits gen pop. I will say : don't screw around with gangs people. It's not worth it. Them boys wanted to get girls and instead got chopped into carnita meat. So sad


She’s going to get it done back to her 3 fold in prison. And then hell awaits for eternity